
بواسطة justalittlebitcrazy_

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*** story is no longer active. It is reimagined in another book of mine called wildflower *** Emma was 15 yea... المزيد

Chap. 2
Some Questions for you:)
Im terribly sorry.
Im terribly sorry Part2
Final Resolution
Dont Hate Me
Republishing Daddy?
Chap.14 PART 1
Life Update


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بواسطة justalittlebitcrazy_

QOTC: What do you think about Zayn's new song?
AOTC: Don't get me wrong- he's an amazing singer and a great writer- I just don't see anything special about the song. It sounds like everything else that's on the radio really. Like the weeknd, etc. I won't buy it. Only because I wouldn't listen to it fairly often. Why would I buy it if I'm only gonna listen to it like two or three times? I can just go to Spotify then. [THIS ISNT HATE THIS IS A PERSONAL OPINION. IF I SEE ANYTHING SAYING IM BEING RUDE AND A BITCH I WILL REPORT AND BLOCK YOU. THIS IS A PERSONAL OPINION GET OVER YOURSELF]

Too much sass too much ass(that's me)

Harry's POV

"We will be back, baby. But until then, we're gonna leave you with Lauren."

She shook her head, tears forming in her eyes. "No, Dada. Me no like her."

A small laugh left my mouth,"You haven't even met her yet. You'll love her, I promise."

"No weave me. Pwease."

"We promise we'll be back, bug. Just a little while," Louis tried to convince her.

"Pomis," She asked, the small, mispronounced word lisping from her lips.

"Promise," He reassured her placing a quick, small kiss to her pouting lips.

She whispered a soft "Tay" as I placed her on my hips, bringing her to the babysitter we had hired for these next few months.

Lauren's smile never ceased to fall as we introduced the two. Emmy -of course- was shy at first. Hiding her head in my shoulder, refusing to speak. Lauren coo'ed at Emmy's bashfulness, laughing softly. I watched her intently. There was something about her dark green eyes that were so alluring. Her light brown hair fell around her face as she talked to Emmy, trying to befriend the small child.

"Harry? Harry."

"Hmm?" I shook my head lightly, snapping out of my small daydream.

"It's time to go," Liam reminded me, motioning to put Emmy down and follow them out the door.

"Nuh-uh," Emmy refused to let go of my neck as I attempted to put her down. Key word, attempted. "Dada, no go." Quickly, I shushed her lovingly trying to calm her down.

"Baby, we promised we'd be back, didn't we? You'll have such a fun time with Lauren. Maybe when we get back we can have cuddles. Yeah?"

She listened to me attentively, her grip slowly loosening from my neck.

"Huh," I questioned her, pushing a stray piece of hair from her face.

She nodded sadly, letting go of me as we kissed her goodbye, leaving her in the hands of someone she never had met before. Tears welled in her eyes but she pushed them away. She knows we will come back.

Emmy's POV
I whimpered loosely as the door closed. The room felt cold and empty now. I stared at the door for what felt like hours then.


I turned my body, looking over my shoulder to Lauren. She stood wearily, hesitant about what to say.
"Hmph," I huffed out, turning my back to her again, staring at the large door that daddies had just walked out of. I tried not to cry. I just wanted them to come back.

"Why don't we turn on the telly and watch some cartoons, would you like that, bubs?"

Did I want to do that? I don't know. All I know is that they said they would be back and I wondered when that would be. They would come back before bedtime, right? I didn't know this place very well. I just remember Papa packing for me and getting on a big machine that took us in the air.
How could they leave me in a strange place with a stranger?

I felt Lauren sit next to me. My eyes turned to her and it made more tears well up.

"It's okay, Em. Don't cry. They'll be back before you know it. You can pick what we do. You can choose whatever you like."

Whatever I like?

"C-can we cowor? Wanna draw dem pwetty piwtuwe."
I remember how happy Daddy was the last time I colored. I gave it to him and he hung it right in the middle of the big box with food in it.

"Yeah! That sounds like so much fun. C'mon, I'm sure we can find some paper and colors some where," Lauren smiled happily at me, holding my hand as she brought me into a smaller room that had most of the bags daddies packed.

I grabbed Beary off the sofa as we walked past, holding him tight.

"Does your bear have a name?"

I nodded as she stopped in front of a cabinet, starting to dig through it.

"Beawy," I said softly, standing on my tippy toes, attempting to see what she was doing on the counter.

"Really? That's a lovely name," She smiled softly, sending a small wave to Beary.

"Hi, Beary! I'm Lauren!"

I giggled softly, taking Beary's hand in mine and allowing him to wave back at her. Beary likes her. Maybe that means I should too.

My toes started hurting a little from standing on them as I watched her gather supplies. Right now she had paper, markers, and crayons.

"What do you think, Emmy? Look good enough to start coloring?"

I nodded, but pointed at the markers.

"Da says not s'pose use mawkes 'less say so."

"Oh. Is that so? Well, I'm sure they wouldn't mind if we used them this one time since I'm watching. Do you think that would be okay with Da?"

Hesitantly, I nodded, following her once again as she led us in front on the telly. A big sofa was in front of the screen and she took one of the pillows off, setting it on the floor in front of the short table. I sighed softly as she put markers, paper, and other coloring things on the table.
I wish daddy was here to color with me. He always drew silly pictures.

"There! Now you can sit and color!" Lauren had a big smile on her face, patting the pillow next to her as she sat on the floor. "Come on, Emmy. Now you can color your daddies a beautiful picture," Lauren spoke happily, grabbing a piece of paper for me.

"Tay," I whispered softly. I placed Beary next to me, sitting on the squishy pillow on the floor. She sent me an encouraging nod, grabbing a marker and a paper of her own.

"What are you gonna draw them?"

Why was she asking? I didn't want to tell her. It wasn't for her. It was for daddies. I want them to come home.
I shrugged, moving to sit on my legs. My feet bent under me, the pillow a soft support instead of the floor.

Lauren frowned, whispering a small okay.

Is she upset with me? I wasn't trying to make her mad. I just want them to come home. Maybe I should tell her so she won't be mad...

"I dwaw us. Me, beawy, Papa, Daddy, Da, an' DaDa," I told her what I was drawing so she wouldn't be upset with me.

"Wow, they are going to love it, Emmy! It's gonna be the best picture!"

I smiled softly, starting to draw. I first drew the people, then the sky. Papa once showed me how to put a smile on the sun. I should add that so he can see that I remembered! He will be so happy!

Lauren continued to draw with her pencil, looking up at me every few minutes with a smile.
She is nice. I think I like her.

"Done," I lisped out, sliding over to her on my knees.

She took the picture that I gave to her, studying every detail.

"Emmy, this is so good! Like a real artist. Your daddies will be so proud of you! I bet they'll frame it!"

I giggled, sitting next to her, looking at her picture.

"Yous done," I asked her, trying to look at what she had drawn.

She laughed lightly, shaking her head. "Not yet. It's a surprise! I'm almost done though. Then I'll show you, okay?"

I nodded, grabbing Beary's paw and holding him tightly.

It seemed like forever until she said she was finished, adding the final touch.

"Ready to see it?"

I nodded quickly, my eyes wide.

She lifted up the paper, resting it in my hands.

I gasped,"Wow!" It was a picture of Beary and it looked exactly like him.
"Beawy, wook! Is you," I squealed, admiring the picture. This was the best picture I've ever seen.
Lauren laughed at my excitement, watching as I took in every detail.

After we looked at the pictures and put them up somewhere so they couldn't get damaged, Lauren turned on a movie.

"Punzel! Wuv 'his movee! Me an' Dada watch Tangleds lot!"

I giggled as she pulled a blanket over me, hiding my face.
"Hmm. I wonder where, Emmy is? I know I just saw her!"

"Hewe, unda hewe! Is dark!" She pulled the blanket off my face, gasping as I came into view. "I knew you were here somewhere!"

With another laugh, she spoke gently,"I'll be right back, okay? Don't move, snuggle bug."
I nodded, watching as she left.

It was a few minutes before she came back, but that was okay since I had the movie to watch and Beary here to protect me. Beary said he would do anything for me.

When she came back, I whined as she picked me up.

"No, no! Down!"
I cried suddenly, being scared. I didn't want her to drop me. She wasn't as strong as them.

"Hey, shh shh shh. Everything's alright, bubs. I'm not gonna hurt you. You're okay. No one is gonna hurt you."

I hiccuped slightly, relaxing as she bounced me up and down, rubbing soothing circles in my back. The motion was tender, calming me down. My breaths slowly became even. As my eyes began to get heavy, I rested against her shoulder, becoming sleepy.
She lifted a freshly made bottle to my lips, continuing the motions.
I sucked on the bottle slowly, drinking the warm milk. The slight hint of vanilla was my favorite part. It always made me sleepy.

As I got near the end of the bottle, I rubbed at my eyes, pulling away and letting out a deep yawn.
My head shook as she lifted the bottle again, trying to get me to finish.
I whined, turning my head the opposite way.


She coo'ed, rocking me again.

"Go to sleep, babe. It's okay."

My body listened to her, relaxing against her shoulder and falling asleep.

*2 hours later-10pm*

I woke up to being tousled, the whispers of multiple people echoing around the mostly quite room. Instead of Lauren's small arms, I was now in strong ones. A warm hand was placed on my back, gently rubbing. I was too tired to open my eyes. I just wanted to go back to sleep.

As I drifted in and out, I heard a door shut, lights one by one turning off.
I heard a few good nights shoot around the small hotel apartment, doors closing after.

"Da?" My eyes slowly opened, looking to see who was holding me.
Liam coo'ed as I snuggled into him, tightly holding on to his torso.

"M'miss you."

"I missed you too, bubs. Go back to sleep, okay? Da is gonna change you and then we will go to bed."

I nodded, allowing my eyes to close and sleep to take over again.

Lauren was really nice and I hope I can see her again. Maybe daddies don't have to leave next time and me and her can just play.


Ending sucked but it has been such a hectic several months. I am severely sorry for the delay. It has been crazy.

All the love,
Marie xx

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