Back to School (PJO ff)

By AlyceSeafire

182K 4.5K 2.5K

The Big Three are arguing ... AGAIN.Their sisters are finally fed up with all the fighting. Turned them into... More

Meeting and Brothers
Seriously? School?
Teachers, Classmates and Children
Demigods! to Goode!
Day with Annabeth
Studies and Assignments
Pizza with the Stolls
Sick Days
Camping Demigod Style
Camping Part II
Capture the Flag
Teachers or Students
Not to Understand the Female Race
The Drama King Returns
The Gang
The Kings of the school
New Best Friend
Deep Trouble
Father and Son Accident
Unusually Different
Little Duo in the Supermarket
Holiday Fun
Christmas Surprises
Demigod Test
Test of Demigodishness
Field Trip
New Story


3.6K 100 34
By AlyceSeafire

Hey everyone. So this is the last chapter. Thank you to all my readers :D

Chapter 30: Revelations

            The next few days seemed normal. That was until one day Allison suddenly disappeared. The gods watched her closely in case an attack was to happen soon. But they didn’t think it would happen so soon.

            “Hey guys” Poseidon said “Have you seen Ally?”

            “No” Annabeth said “she might be sick.”

            “I don’t think so I manage to talk to her yesterday and she sounded fine”

            “Well she’s here somewhere” Nico said “Or she skipped class. Who knows?”

            “Don’t worry, she’ll turn up”

            “Yeah” Poseidon said uncertain. “Bye guys, I have to look for my brothers.”

            Poseidon went to the open area, where he found a familiar blonde haired girl.

            “Aly?” Poseidon asked as he caught up with her. She looked like she had gone on a train wreck. Her clothes were slightly tattered and dirty, and she looked like she was running away from someone…or something. “What happened?”

            “No time to talk,” she said panting “Something is coming for me. I have to get out of here. I need something. I left it in my locker.”

            “What’s coming?”

            “You won’t believe me if it tell you” she said then sprinted into the hall. Poseidon then went after her. He saw what she was talking about. Two snake ladies on their way into the school halls. Allison was fast, but Poseidon was able to catch her.

            He grabbed her by the arm stopping her. “Have you ever seen something that you think came out of a storybook or fairytales? Folklore? Mythology perhaps?”

            “I don’t have time for this, Mark” she said wrenching her arm off his grip. She opened her locker in a rush it was about to come off its hinges. She dug through papers and books.

            “I know your father” Allison glared at Poseidon in such ferocity he cringed in sight. Her eyes had again turned a bright shade of gold.

            “I told you! He left me and mom when I was born!” she practically growled at the god of seas. But a barking sound got her out of her line of thought to the situation in hand. She found what she was looking for. A golden harmonica glistened in her hand. The Greek letters shone brightly.

            Poseidon then remembered why the figures were so familiar. Apollo

            “I have to go.” She said about to rush off.

            “Well I’m coming with you”

            “You don’t understand…” but before she could finish. A pair of Empousai slithered their way  towards them.

            “Where are you demigod?” one hissed loudly. The two found them and “Itsss time for lunch…”

They launched towards the pair. Allison screamed, as Poseidon raised his arms for protection.

            But nothing came their way. Poseidon looks up and was shocked to see the sight. A wall of water much like a fountain was blocking the pair of Empousai from them.

            “What the…”

            “There’s no time.” Poseidon said holding on to Allison’s shoulders. “I know a place where you’d be safe. A special place for kids like you. But I need you to trust me on this.”

            Poseidon looked into her eyes, searching for his friend, the one that had trusted him enough to drag into the woods with unknown strangers. The one who had befriended him in the span of six months, he searched for the demigod inside of her.

            “Alright.” she said. “But you have some serious explaining to do.”

            “Yes, come on. I don’t know how long that will hold them off.”

            The pair ran into the halls near the front door, where the spotted Zeus and Hades coming out of class from the adjacent door. The two gods looked at Poseidon worriedly.

            “We need to go.”

            “What?” Zeus asked “Why? What happened? And why does Allison look like she rolled in a pig sty?”

            Allison rolled her eyes. “Thanks so much for the compliment. It’s nice to see you too.”

            “Empousai” Poseidon said ignoring the two. Hades was suddenly alert. “There were two, more are probably coming.”

            “How did you manage to keep them at bay?” Hades asked “are you sure there are only two?”

            “Godly powers are coming back” Poseidon said “And so far there are two. But they always travel in groups, so more might be coming”

            “What is going on!!” Allison demanded “What are you talking about? Don’t tell me there are more of those scale-y ladies”

            Hades looked at her like he just noticed her there. “I agree we have to go.”

            “We have to….” But hissing suddenly stopped them.

            “Where are you demigod? You and your little friendssss are misssssing lunch?”

            Allison shuddered from beside Poseidon but when the Empousai found them. She froze.

            “Snakes…” she muttered. And sprint away dragging Poseidon with her. The two other gods had no choice but to follow. They headed into the forest, where hopefully they’ll be safer.

            They ran deep into the forest. Hissing followed them deeper into the forest.

            “You can’t run forever, godling”

            “They always call me that” Allison muttered as they hid into the side of the trees. “Anyone have any ideas”

            “Don, didn’t you say that our powers are coming back” Hades asked


            “Which means maybe I can…”

            “Shadow travel” Zeus said “Brilliant, it could work. Also I think we actually went the wrong way.”

            “But first where is Allison.” Poseidon was suddenly aware that the person beside him disappeared

            “How many times can you lose a demigod?”

            “A lot apparently” Zeus said “Come on lets go”

            They found her on top of a tree.

            “Hey” Poseidon called up

            “How’s it hanging?”

            “I think you’re the one hanging” Zeus pointed out

            “Well seeing as neither of you was going to explain anything I figured. Why not wait for the monsters to go away. They will get lost somewhere. Happens all the time”

            “Just come down.” Hades prompted “We will explain when we get there. I found a way to get there. But you need to come down”

            “Where exactly are we going?”

            “A special place.” Hades said

            “What? Crazy, Stupid or ADHD?”

            “Special” Poseidon said then pondered for a moment “And ADHD, come on promise you’ll understand when we get there.”

            “Pinky swear?” she said smirking.

            “Pinky swear?” Zeus mouthed at Poseidon.

            Poseidon rolled his eyes. “Sure whatever”

            “Awesome, so I get cut off your pinky if you’re lying”

            “What?” Hades asked that was a very…unusual custom he thought curiously  and stepped back when Allison was suddenly in front of him.

            “Alright. I’m down.” She said dusting off lint from her pants “Now how the heck are we getting to this special place you’re talking about?”

            Hades smirked and whistled a loud taxi cab whistle. A hell hound came bouncing towards them. Allison shrieked at the large doglike creature and started to climb back up the tree.

            Then as soon as she had gotten accustomed back to her branch, the hellhound stopped right in front of Hades. His tail wagging like a happy puppy…only larger.

            “What is that?”

            “A hellhound” Hades replied. “It is a creature from the Underworld”

            “Underworld…” Allison pondered “that’s from Greek Mythology right?”

            “Yes” Poseidon answered “We’ll explain more when we get to camp. Can you come down now?”

            “I don’t know. Is that thing tamed?”

            “Around Hades (Hay-dz) it is” Zeus said. Then she reluctantly climbed back down from the tree.

            “Alright” she said jumping down to the ground.

            “Okay” Hades said rubbing the hellhound behind the ear. “You three need to ride on her back”

            Allison stepped back from them. “W-what?!?!?!”

            “We’re going to Shadow Travel” Hades said simply

            “But…why do we need to…”

            “We have to go” Hades said and gives Poseidon and Zeus a look. That made Allison step back more.  The two gods grabbed the demigod by the arms and carried her practically kicking and screaming to the hellhound. only when they placed her on the beast’s back did they release her.

            “Why?” she said looking at Poseidon “Why would you betray me like that”

            Poseidon rolled his eyes “it’s the fastest way to get there. Come on it won’t be that bad.”

            “Yeah its going be like rollercoasters” Zeus said riding behind Poseidon.

            “Can I back out?” Allison asked

            “Nope” the three gods said simultaneously

            “Well I had to try” she muttered then closed her eyes shut. “Let’s just get this over with.”
            “Hold on tight” Hades said then muttered the location into the creature’s ear.

            “What about you?”

            Hades smirked “I have my own way” then he disappeared in the shadows.

            “What! Wher” but she was cut off as they had shadow traveled as well.

            They had shadow traveled just a few miles away from half blood hill.  But Hades was nowhere in sight.

            “Where did Hades go?” Zeus asked as he jumped off the hellhound. Then a few seconds later Hades popped out beside him…. Well more like stumbled out of the shadows. Zeus had to catch him before he faceplanted on the floor.

            “Are you okay?” Poseidon asked suddenly

            “Uh…wrong destination.”

            “Where’d you go?”

            “I think I bumped into The Great Wall of China”

            Poseidon laughed “What makes you think that?”

            “Well, it was long…and big. And there were people talking to be in Chinese. So I think I made an accidental trip to china.” Hades said “That was exhausting. Now I feel guilty for pushing Nico a bit too far.”

            “Nico?” Allison asked “What does he have to do with this?”

            “Explain later, we’re almost…” a loud roar interrupted them. They turned to the sound and from a distance a familiar large man like figure was running towards them.

            “Is that a Bull man?”

            “Yes, we need to get out of here”

            They started to run towards HalfBlood Hill. They reached the base but the Minotaur was just a few meter’s from them. They won’t be able to make it in time.

            “GO!” Hades said “Zeus and I will handle it”

            “Zeus?” Allison asked “As in the…”

            “Yes. We need to go!” Poseidon said grabbing her. The two gods looked at the coming beast with determination. If their kids could handle such beast as a mortal. They could too.

            “What’s going on!” Allison demanded “Are you telling me that Mike, is Zeus?”

            “Yes” Poseidon said pulling her up the hill.

            “If he’s Zeus, then you’re…”

            “Poseidon” Poseidon affirmed “God of Seas”

            They looked back. Zeus was holding a spear with a bluish hue at the tip. And Hades was holding a sword, as black as night. They were fending off the Minotaur. But strangely enough, the gods couldn’t get through its armor. Why it’s wearing armor, no one knew.

            “You need to get through the border” Poseidon said “I have to help my brothers”

            And suddenly there was a sword in Poseidon’s hand.

            “Where did that come from?”

            Poseidon smiled. “Me. GO!” then he pushed her towards the border and he charged into battle with his brothers.

            The gods fought the Minotaur. But it seemed to be healing itself …and fast.

            “Why won’t it die!” Hades grumbled as he swiped his sword at it’s leg. Black blood like substance seeped through the wound but it was suddenly sealed shut.

            “That’s not possible!”

            “But how are we supposed to kill. The damn beast” Zeus said. The Minotaur suddenly swiped its hand. And Zeus’ spear went flying the other direction. Zeus stumbled as it was about to charge toward him.

            But right before it manage to cause any damage. A golden arrow was implanted on its forehead. It roared and three gods looked up. Allison was holding a golden bow in her hand, another golden arrow notched on the string.

            The second arrow was released, right into the bull’s eye. It roared in pain. Then it dissolved into gold dust, leaving behind a large Minotaur sized armor, and a pair of tighty whiteys

            Allison looked like she was in shock as the three gods reached her. Her bow disappeared and in her hand was her harmonica.

            “It was glowing…then I…then it…”  she looked like she was as confused as ever. Zeus smiled


            “God or not, you’re just lucky I don’t hold grudges”


            “Come on” Hades said “Before any other monster finds us.”

            And with that. They entered Camp.

            As soon as the four entered camp, they had went to Chiron. And almost immediately, Allison was claimed. A golden bow glowed above her head. They had left her with Chiron…in Chiron’s insistence.

            In the middle of the cabins sat a young girl with brown hair. At first you would think it was a demigod. But the gods knew better. They approached their sister.

            “How’s it going, sis?”

            She smiled “The usual stuff, I don’t know how you three managed to handle all that stuff for all these years”

            “It all comes around in time” Zeus said “So are we good? Back to normal?”

            Hestia laughed “so quick to get to the point.”

            But the three gods just looked at her with a face. Patiently waiting for her answer.

            “Yes, it’s done. You could go home.”

            The three gods embraced their young looking sister. Who laughed along with them.

            “So? Did you three have fun as mortals?”

            The three looked at each other “It was fine”

            “But I don’t want to do it again” Hades said


            “What are you guys still doing here?” Hestia asked jokingly “I thought you’d be exited to go back?”

            “What is it wrong to want to hang out with our older sister?” Zeus asked making a face that made all of them laugh.

            “Go home” Hestia said “I’m sure your people miss you”

            “Alright” Hades said and hugging his sister. “But I’m seeing you next week.”

            Hestia laughed “Yeah of course” and with a snap of his hand Hades was gone

            Zeus too said his goodbyes and disappeared with a flash of lightning. Hestia looked expectantly at Poseidon.

            “You aren’t going home?” Hestia asked “I’m sure Amphrite and Triton miss you”

            “I was gone for almost a year” Poseidon said “I’m sure they could last a few hours. I have to say goodbye to someone before I go”

            Hestia smiled “You made a good friend, Donny. I’m sure she won’t forget all that you’ve done for her”

            “I hope so”

            Allison sat near the cliff overlooking Long Island Sound.

            “Why aren’t you at the Camp Fire?” Poseidon said from behind, slightly startling her.

            “I thought you left already”

            “Without saying goodbye?” Poseidon said feigning hurt  “You know me better than that”

            She laughed. “Well you’re a god. I thought you might have a stuff to do.”

            “Well I just wanted to say goodbye” Poseidon said “You were the first real friend I ever had. Being a god, my subjects look at me more like their leader, not even my companions or advisers would look at me as a friend. And for that, I must thank you. I never really had a friend that didn’t want to be my friend because I’m a major god, or be kind to me out of fear”

            “Your welcome” Allison said smiling “Well if it helps, you’re my first friend that didn’t turn out to be a monster or was a major jerk”

            “Well that must be a first”

            They shared a friendly hug. “Thank you”

            “Of course, Lord Poseidon” Allison said smiling at him as they let go of the hug. “I mean it’s fine, how often can I say that my best friend was a god?”

            Poseidon laughed “Well not often that’s for sure”

            “Go” Allison said “I’m sure people at Atlantis are waiting for your arrival.”

            “I can’t thank you enough” Poseidon said “for everything.”

            “I should be thanking you. You brought me here” she pointed out “I finally don’t feel that much of an outsider.”

            They shared one last laugh. “Go”

            Poseidon smiled at her before running towards the cliff. He jumped into Long Island Sound. She watched as he reached the water. He gave one last wave before swimming away. Something glowed beside her. A small dagger like knife sat beside her. It had a celestial bronze blade, and a green hilt. She turned it in her hand. On the hilt was an inscription.

            Stay Safe with thanks Mark. She held the knife. Looking at the horizon, knowing her new best friend will be watching out for her.

HOPE YOU ENJOYED IT!!! There is a epilogue on the way :D


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