You V.S. Mafia

By scaryberry123

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[COMPLETED] "Shoot," Joey mumbles, letting out a string of profanities under his breath. We turn around to fi... More

Chapter 1: Normal To Danger
Chapter 2: Checking In
Chapter 3: The Trip and The Kill
Chapter 4: Reaccuring Dreams
Chapter 5: When One Door Closes, Another Opens
Chapter 6: Back To Square One
Chapter 7: Choices To Be Made
Chapter 8: In Three Months
Chapter 9: The Plan
Chapter 10: Initiating The Plan
Chapter 12: Tyler
Chapter 13: Labour
Chapter 14: The Time Has Come
Chapter 15: Plan C
Chapter 16: Party Time
Chapter 17: On The Run Again
Chapter 18: In New York
Chapter 19: Uncle Tyler
Chapter 20: Making Amends
Chapter 21: A Look Into The Future

Chapter 11: Alone

338 14 0
By scaryberry123

It's been a month since the incident. I'm eight months pregnant and I'm freaking out. Nobody to hold my hand, no father for my baby, no one to care for me. I'm all alone in this big, cold hearted world. After weeks of sitting in the hotel room alone, I make the decision that I need to go to one of the many Cracker Barrel restaurants scattered around for some dinner. It's pretty much dark out now so I think it's about time I go do something with me and my baby.

I ordered some bacon, eggs and toast, and it was really yummy, except the eggs were undercooked so I couldn't eat them. So after sitting at my table for what felt like forever drinking a cup of apple juice, I pay for my food and leave. I go outside to the edge of the road at the bus stop, waiting for the bus I took to come pick me up, when I feel a tap on my shoulder. I spin around and see a man with brown hair and brown eyes staring at me. He looks overtired and smells like he should have alcohol poisoning by now.

"Why so glum sweetheart?" He asks drunkenly, his rancid beer breath forcing its way through my nostrils. I gag a little bit and start to feel sick. I try ignoring him but he turns me around to face him. I finally had enough of him.

"Nothing! I'm fine!" I shout at him. His face twists up into a crooked smile.

I start to feel scared. "That's a lie." He says and pulls me towards him.

"Hey, get off of me!" I shout. "HELP" I yell for somebody to help me and a few guys who were leaving the bar circle around us. He holds me in his arm, sending shivers down my spine. He stumbles and laughs as I try pushing him off me.

 A guy with shaggy, blonde hair with dark blue eyes took a step towards us. "Come on, man. Just leave the girl alone. She's pregnant for cryin' out loud!" 

"Or what?" The man holding me slurs. "You gonna challenge me to a surf off and then push me off my board?" He laughs at his own joke. I feel his grip release a little so I take this opportunity to try and squirm free, but I'm unsuccessful. He presses his cheek against mine and begins to breathe heavily when a larger group starts to crowd around. His breath seems to smells worse than it did before, like beer that someone put onions and cigarettes in and left it in a car for a week.

Before I know what's going on, I am thrown out of the way when shaggy haired guy starts beating up beer breath. Shaggy hair breaks beer breath's nose and blood drips on the ground. I stumble into the arms of a tall guy, but don't bother looking up at him because I'm too focused on the fight going on. Fists were flying, cop sirens sounding, half dressed girls screaming inside the bar window. 

After what feels like forever of the cops tackling beer breath to the ground, I finally look up at the guy who caught me. He has black hair and dark blue eyes, kind of reminding me of Joey. He is much taller than me so I only reach to about his chin. I look up at him every once in a while but his eyes are glued to the fight. When he eventually looks down at me, I attempt a smile but fail.  A wave of sickness flushes over me. I must have looked green because he notices my change in moods and swiftly moves me around the corner into an alley. He looked more like a shadow because he was wearing all black.

"Are you okay?" He asks softly. I must look like a wreck.

I try to speak but a wave of vomit comes ripping up my esophagus. I lean over my belly as my meal I just ate spewed up into the alley. He stares at my back awkwardly as I let it all out. After I finally stop vomiting I stand back up and quickly wiped my mouth. I try hard not to make eye contact because I'm so embarrassed. My legs feel weak and I an't help but tremble. I look up and see he is also avoiding looking at me. He stares at the sky, his neck long and his Adam's apple sticking out. I quickly look away again.

"Feeling better now?" He asks sincerely.

I stutter. "Yeah, I-I think so." 

He smiles, "If you don't mind me asking, what's your name?"  

I start to get uneasy. Should I tell him my real name? What if he's one of the bad guys? Screw it. I'll just tell him. "Liza." I say shyly, "What about you?"  A whole bunch of commotion was going on outside of the alley, but I ignore it, and so did he. 

"The name's Ty, short for Tyler."  He pointed to the ring on my finger. "So your married? Where's your husband?" 

My face falls, suddenly remembering Joey. I feel my emotions getting the better of me, and he notices this because his face falls into a sad, but confused expression. He didn't push me for an answer, which I was thankful for. We just stand there in silence, and I can't control the tears escaping my eyes.

"Great..." I sniff. "You've seen me vomit and cry!" I joke to lighten the mood.

He smiles too, clearly uncomfortable with the depressing situation and happy I changed subjects. "Trying to be tough, huh? Well why didn't you do something about that punk who was assaulting you?" More cop cars came down the street and a gun shot goes off in the street. We duck behind a dumpster.

"I think we need to get you out of here." He says, gesturing to my pregnant belly. I nod my head in agreement and we run down the alley, away from the gun shots. Three more sound off, and I hear screaming.

Tyler walks me down another alley and out onto the main road, leading me to his black car. He opens the door for me and I hesitate, looking at the grey interior. My mother always told me never to get into a car with a stranger. She is right, but right now I don't really care. He seems like a nice enough guy, and something is telling me I can trust him. I plop down onto the cold seat and buckle my belt. He crosses carefully to the drivers side and gets in as well.

"So, where should I take you?" He asks, but before I can reply, I hear more gunshots behind us, but this time aimed at us. He starts the car, saying a series of curse words before speeding away, not stopping at the stop signs. Another shot is fired, going straight through the back window and just missing my head, cracking the windshield. Tyler looks back at the people chasing us. I grip the arm rests and close my eyes, swaying with the car. The car is brought to an abrupt halt and I jolt forward, almost hitting my head of the dashboard. Luckily Tyler's arm stops me just in time.

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