The Cliché of the Dork and th...

By CandyHeartPop

270K 9.9K 4.7K

Edd Vincent, a soon to be adult, had always been a timid person afraid of disappointing his parent's and spen... More

A Dork Crushing on a Jock
A Chilly Afternoon
A Naked Dork On My Bed
Pizza and Blushes
The Morning After
Chapter 6 (currently rewriting,still readable)
Love is Sweet Like Strawberries. Chapter Seven
Telling The Friends Chapter Eight
Friends...Love? Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten It's Been A Long Day
Chapter Eleven Dreams
Chapter Twelve Morning before our Date
Chapter Thirteen My Little Eddward
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen Would We Regret It?
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
[Chapter Twenty Three]
*Lemon~Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Frank's Chapter
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six (Fixed)
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
A Cold Household
A Secret Between Us

Extra Chapter (Valentine's Day Special)

8.4K 231 187
By CandyHeartPop

This chapter takes place in the future so it doesn't spoil anything just takes place a day in the future.

5 years into the future~
Edd and Kevin are now 22 and 23

Kevin's POV:
Damnit! It's Valentine's day tomorrow and I still don't know what to give Edd. Every year he says "I don't care what you give me Kevin it's the thought that counts." I mock Edd's voice.

He may not care what I give him,but I do! He's the love of my life and I want to make sure he gets the perfect present.

I could make him a special I did that last year. Be creative Kevin!

Signing I put my head down on the kitchen table. Edd doesn't get home till 4pm, he's filling in for some teacher who's out sick at the local high school.

After 10 minutes of brainstorming theI hear the front door open. It couldn't be Edd, and It couldn't be Nazz cause she's in Japan for some fashion work thing.

"Nat how many times have I told you to knock on the damn door!Don't forget to put on the slippers!" I shout.

"Kevin chill, it's not like I'm a serial killer."He laughs walking towards me with bunny slippers on his feet,sitting across the table from me.

"How'd you get in, the door was locked!" I arch my eyebrows.

"I can get in anywhere Kevs." He winks at me.

"Your fucking creepy dude. What are you doing here? Don't you have an audition and photoshoot."

"Nope I canceled it, it's valentine's day tomorrow think of all the single people that gonna be in bars! The buttking has to get some!" He grins pretending to be squezzing a butt.

I sigh and get up to get a beer, "Don't remind me of tomorrow."

"Aw what's wrong can't find cutie a present again?" He laughs as I toss him a beer.

"It's not funny! Shit, I want him to have a perfect present.He deserves that."

"Dude Edd turned you into mushy teddy bear!!" He laughs clutching his stomach.

"Shut the fuck up man! I'm still tough!" I defend myself.

Nat's eyes light up as if he's got an idea. He starts grinning and looks at me. I don't like that look.

"Dude, Kevin I have the perfect gift!!" He shouts excitedly.

*******Time skip to 7pm*******

Edd's POV:
Oh dear I promised Kevin I'd be home at four today. I hope he's not mad. I couldn't just leave the student's alone that begged me to stay and help with their homework.

I park my car and safely run to the apartment. I unlock the door and make sure I lock it, hanging the keys beside the door.

"I'm home." I greet as I take off my shoes replacing them with my pair of bunny slippers.

I don't hear a response from Kevin which worries me. "Kevin? Are you home?" I ask standing up and look around.

"He must be out." I say out loud.

I smile and reach into my pocket taking out a small present. It's my Valentine's day present for Kevin I wrapped it in light pink wrapping paper and tried my best to draw us on it. I think I did a good job. After I calculated how each measurement should be this was the result, so it should be perfect.

Smiling to myself I hide it in a cup drawer and make my way to our bedroom.

I open the door and walked in as usual. Then the door closed and I was against the door. Before I could look up or react I had lips on mine. I struggled against whoever was kissing me, but failed as a tongue entered my mouth. A sweet liquid entered my mouth and I was forced to swallow it.

After a minute I was released a d gasped for air. "Hah... W-What's going on?...Who ar-Nat?!" I stared wide eyed at the grinning green head in front of me.

"W-What are you doing?! G-Good lord what is Kevin going to say?! Kevin! He'll be h-home any minute!" I stutter out panicking. I betrayed Kevin! How could I?! I feel my eyes begin to water, and then I'm embraced from behind.

"It's okay Edd, I already know." I hear someone whisper huskily in my ear.

"Kevin?! I didn't mean to! H-he just" I try explaining the situation.

I hear laughing from the two men, "It's okay Edd, I gave him permission to kiss you."

Permission? What's going on. My thoughts are interrupted as a hot feeling passes through my body sending shivers down my spine. I get a hot and slightly painful feeling down there. My knees get weak and before I can fall Kevin catches me.

"Happy Valentine's day." I hear Kevin whisper in my ear, and then I'm on a bed.

I start to pant as I'm laid on the bed.(yeah you'll be "laid" haha okay let me stop.)
I feel my clothes being removed and soon I'm laying naked. "K-Kevin what's going on?" I ask looking up at Kevin who's laying behind me shirtless. All he does is give me a sexy smirk.

"Hah...ah...m-my body f-feels weird. I feel hot." I pant out.

"Well you look hot too." I hear a shirt less Nat laugh.

"Don't get use to it, this is the only time you'll see him like this." I hear Kevin punch Nat.

"Ouchie! Oh come on Kev we can do this next year too! Don't be stingy with Edd!"

I cling onto Kevin's arm as I feel my penis (I can't help but laugh as I write this.) trob.
I bite my lip as I try to hold in my moans.

I glance over at Nat and see him talking to Kevin, I look up at Kevin and tigthen my grip on his arm. "K-Kevin...I need you." I blush as he stops his conversation and looks down at me.

"Holy shit, that was so fucking sexy! You see this everyday you lucky bastard!" Nat yells.

I can't keep my moan in as I feel hands wrap around my member, and begin stroking slowly. I whimper as they begin to pick up speed. Kevin's hands move my face sideways as he places our lips together in a heated kiss.

He licks my bottom lip asking for entrance which I grant him. I moan into the kiss as I open my eyes and look down at Nat who gives me a wink and spreads my legs wider. He places kisses started above my knee and ends up at my inner tigh. He licks a spot and begins sucking on the spot leaving a hickey. I whimper as his mouth lands above my member. I moan into the heated kiss with Kevin as Nat wraps his mouth around my member. (Was going to write head but then I imagined Edd's actual head with Nat's mouth around it (≧∇≦)Lol)

Kevin breaks the kiss and I gasp for air. Kevin trails kisses down my neck and sucks on my sweet spot leaving a mark.He plays with my nipples and pinches them leaving me a blushing and moaning mess. I look down at Nat who's deep throating me and wrap my legs around his hips. I moan as I feel him hum sending vibrations around my member.

I feel a warmness in my stomach and know I'm close. "I-i'm close...I-N-Nat I'm coming~" I put my hand in Nat's hair as he deep throats me and feel my release.

I pant and watch as Nat pulls away and swallows, licking his lips. "He even tastes good!" He laughs.

Kevin pulls me up and changes my postion so I'm on all fours. He smiles at me and gives me a quick kiss.

"Ahh~ W-wait!" I moan when I feel Nat's tongue at my entrance. I shiver and moan as his tongue circle's my entrance and enters. I turn my head so I can see him and grip the bedsheets at the scene.

I hear a zipper and turn around only to see and feel Kevin's hard member poking me in the face. Kevin grabs my hair and pushes it inside my mouth. I gag a little and try to fit all of him inside.I let Kevin control my movement as I stroke the part that won't fit.

I squeeze my eyes shut when I feel fingers enter my entrance. It starts with one and soon there's four fingers stretching me.

Soon I feel warm liquid run down my throat. I swallow his cum and move my head up. Licking the cum left over, off his member.

I gasp as the cold feeling of lube touches my entrance. I lay my head on Kevin's lap and reach my arms over to my cheek spreading them. I use my fingers to stretch my hole. I look at Nat and smile as I grab a hold of Kevin again licking the sides of his penis.

I moan loudly as Nat thrust deep inside of me. He thrust slowly at first and starts moving faster. I feel him pull out so only his head is in and then without warning thrust back in. "Ah-ahh..N-Nat , f-faster!"

"Shit...he's so tight!" He groans as he goes even faster and I can't control my moans. "Kevin I might have to steal him after this."

Kevin grabs a handful of my hair and bobs my head up and down as I hollow out my cheeks. "Haha no you're not this dork is all mine."

This is too much pleasure. I don't what to do anymore. I can't think straight.

"Shit I'm coming." I feel the familiar warm liquid shoot down my entrance.
"Fuck. Me too." Then I feel Kevin's seed shoot into my mouth. Swallowing I lick my lips and turn towards Nat.

I still feel weird and hot. What's happening to me I should feel tired but I still want more. "I need more. Please." I beg pushing Nat so he's laying on the bed.

I kiss Nat and he kisses back roughly biting my lip. I moan and he takes that as his chance to enter his tongue.

I grab his penis and position it to my entrance. I slid down it fast and start moving up and down. Nat moans into the kiss and moves his hands towards my member,stroking it.

I break the kiss and look back at Kevin who's erect again and stroking himself.
"K-kevin...I need you too." I say stretching my hole wider.

I see him gulp and he moves closer."You sure? I don't want to hurt you."

"Kevin I need you!" I pout. He nods his head and positions himself next to my hole.
I move so only Nat is halfway in.

I turn back to Nat and continue kissing him as I feel Kevin enter me slowly.

"Ah!...Good Lord...Mmm." This is too much pleasure.

When Kevin is in all the way Nat moves so he and Edd are in a sitting position. The room is filled with moans and skin slapping as the three men enjoy Edd's Valentine's present.

Edd moves his arms around Nat as he released inside the smaller male. He turns his head so he can kiss his boyfriend as he too releases inside.

Both older males hold onto Edd as he slides up and down on their members and soon the Edd releases onto his stomach.

Nat and Kevin slide out of Edd and Edd falls onto Kevin, falling asleep instantly.

"I think he enjoyed his present." Nat laughs staring at a sleeping Edd cuddling into Kevin.

"I think he did."

*****Time Skip****

Edd awoke to sunlight shining threw his bedroom window.

What time is it?

Edd gets up to move and flinches at the pain in his lower half. Memories of last night flood his mind and blushes as he looks to the left where his boyfriend would normally be sleeping.

Where's Kevin? "Kevin?" He called out waiting for a respond.

"Good Morning baby!" Kevin grins opening the bedroom door roses in one hand and a plate full of breakfast in the other.

"Kevin!" Edd smiles wide his cute gap showing.

"Happy Valentine's Day my cute love." Kevin smiles kissing Edd on the forehead. Edd blushes as Kevin hands Edd the bouquet of roses.

"They're beautiful Kevin! Thank You." He smiles smelling the red flowers.

"Well you deserve the best after what you've been through..." The redhead smiles sadly.

"Kevin I've told yoy hundreds of times it wasn't your fault... It was years ago you don't have to keep apologizing. I love you and I always will. Your my one true love, my pumpkin." Edd smiles and giggle at the end.

Kevin smiles and kisses the back of Edd's hand, "Yeah I'm your one and only pumpkin. I love you Edd I truly do and I can't live without you." He says giving Edd a kiss on the lips.

"Now let's eat!" Kevin grins laying on the bed placing the breakfast he made for his dork between them.

A reminder goes off in Edd's mind and he looks around for a shirt. His eyes land on Kevin and he takes his boyfriends gray T-shirt off.

"Edd?! What are you doing?"

"Sorry Kevin I have to grab something from the kitchen!" The raven haired dork shouts running to the kitchen. His boyfriend's shirt falling to his knees fitting him as a dress.

Edd opens the cup drawer taking out Kevin's gift and runs back to the bedroom where a confused shirt less Kevin is waiting.

"Happy Valentine's Day Kevin!" He shouts jumping on Kevin. Grinning like a kid.

"Thank you Baby." He chuckles his eyes landing on the wrapping paper that has a drawing labeled Kevin and Edd. So fucking cute!

"You draw so cute Edd." He compliments his now blushing boyfriend.

He smiles fondly as he takes out his presents. A picture frame with two tickets from the aquarium from their first date. Along with a necklace with a preserved flower that Kevin remembers giving Edd when he first moved to the cul-d-sac.

Kevin reached towards Edd and embraced him in a tight hug. He kissed Edd with so much passion and smiled at his partner.

"I love you Edd!."

"I love you too Kevin! Ah Kevin the breakfast!" Edd yells looking horrified at their breakfast almost falling off the bed.

Valentine's Day Extra Chapter: The End

Author's Note:

How did you like this extra chapter? Do you like the future kevedd couple?

Was that threesome a surprise?

This chapter gave away little hints towards newer updates so look forward to it!!

I love you guys and hope you're having an awesome Valentine's Day! I'm spending it alone but hey I'm happy!

GoodBye and Love you guys!!!!

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