KNB Scenarios [EDITING]

By Hiiimeeee

838K 17.9K 8K

KNB Scenarios x Reader © Fujimaki Tadatoshi Started: May 23, 2015 Ended: May 03, 2020 Thank you, everyone... More

He Catches You Staring
You Lost The Gift He Gave You
You Got Jealous/Mad
He Got Jealous
You Two Had A Fight + Himuro
Where Do Babies Come From
You Were Sick
Notice me senpai~!
Senpai Noticed Me!
Aomine x Reader
He Caught You Singing
Kise x Reader
Concert Tickets
When You Wake Up And He's Beside You
Kise x Reader
Knock Knock!!!
Akashi x Reader
You're On Your Period
Random ._.
You Saw Them Kissing Someone
They Saw Someone Trying To Kiss You
They Saw You Fangirling
They Noticed Your Stain
New Look
You Caught Them Cheating On You
He Wants You Back
They Made You Breakfast (Seirin)
You Had Amnesia
He Saw Your Weakness
You Saw His Weakness
You Told Them You're Pregnant
He Wants You Back pt.2
You Like Them But They Like Someone Else
They Realized They Like You
They Try To Kiss You But Fails
You Accidentally Kissed
You Sneezed
You Saw Their Baby Pictures
You Play Basketball Together + Takao
A Kiss In The Rain
Happy Valentines Day!
You Told Them You Want To Break Up
There Was Suddenly A Power Outage
You Watch Horror Movies Together
Sleepover With Them
They Mistook You For Someone Else
He Caught You Dancing
They Help You Exercise (at the Gym)
They Help You Exercise pt. 2
You're Giving Birth
You Kissed
They Forgot Your Birthday
They Suddenly Got Mad
They Tutored You
You Went To The Beach
You Accidentally Told Them "I Love You"
He 'Waved' At You
Random Fluff(?)
Yandere Version
You Feel Down
Reader Yandere Version
You Snapped At Them
You Snapped At Them pt.2

They Make You Feel Better

5.8K 125 14
By Hiiimeeee


The bell rang which indicates that it's time for lunch. Having no appetite at all you decided to stay in the classroom. You told your friends and you messaged Kuroko saying you won't be joining them for lunch because you have something else to do. After you hit send you rest your head on the table as you closed your eyes.

You've been stressed and depressed lately because of the upcoming exams, then there's this problem at home that really distract you from studying and you sometimes go home late, upcoming job interview, there's also this problem within yourself that you just can't seem to fix. (A/n: I'll just generalize some things because we all have different problems and i hope everyone would feel better after reading this update <3)

You let out a heavy sigh and continued closing your eyes. "(First name)-san." - Kuroko called out and you knew it's him because of his voice. You sat up quickly from surprise it made your head spun. "Ow." - you said holding your head.

"I'm sorry for surprising you." - he said as he took a seat and sat next to you.

"Why are you here Tetsu? I thought you're out for lunch with your friends." - you said turning at him as you gained your sight.

"Are you okay?" - he asked looking directly into your eyes. Kuroko had always this skill of him where he can read what you're thinking so you can't lie at him. "I felt like something was wrong because I know you would never miss out lunch. So I quickly went to your room and saw you lying your head on the table." - he said looking worriedly at you.

So you told him how you felt and you almost cried in tears but you luckily avoided it because your classmates and friends might bombard you with questions.

He gently pats your back and he hugged you tightly which just makes you want to break down so bad. "I know things are hard for you (First name)-san, but I just want you to know that I will always be here for you. So don't hesitate to tell me okay? But I won't push you if there's some you don't want to talk about, I understand that. I know what you worry now will soon be okay, maybe tomorrow, next week, someday (First name)-san. It will be okay." - he said hugging you tightly.

"Thanks, Tetsu. I needed that." - you said then let go of the embrace. He suddenly took something in his bag and gave you a sandwich. "I know you're hungry, and food makes everything feel better right?" - he said as you nodded and took the sandwich.


Kise invited you to watch his photoshoot, however the photos will be released next month so no one should see it except for the staffs. Feeling apologetic, Kise took you to his dressing room as you wait for them. You didn't even saw what his clothes were because they wouldn't let you. So you decided to lie on the couch and look through your phone.

After a few minutes scrolling through your phone, you got bored and just closed your eyes. Then everything just came crashing down, your mind worked endlessly with everything you have been stressing about, school, upcoming job interview, misunderstanding at home, Kise's fangirls, and yourself.

Kise has made your relationship public and so a lot of his fans were mad at you that they sometimes would threaten you. He got mad that he told asked his fans not to do that anymore because he loves you and if they hurt you it's like they're hurting him.

After that, fans stopped threatening you but some would still hate you, so you can't do anything about it. It's just that some of his fans were starting to monitor your moves as well, like they're waiting for you to make a mistake and would turn everything from you. You felt like you couldn't breathe.

"(First name)-cchi?"

"Hey, (First name)-cchi. Wake up." - Kise said softly. You didn't noticed you fell asleep from overthinking. You slowly sat up as Kise sat beside you.

"Are you okayssu?" - He asked worriedly looking directly in your eyes.

"Yes, I'm fine Ryōta. What about you? Is the shoot over?" - you said trying to smile but it didn't reached your eyes. He sighed.

"What's wrong (First name)-cchi? You know you can always tell me everything-ssu." - he said as gentle as he could to make you tell him. So you did, knowing Kise it would bother him too if you just try to ignore it.

"I'll talk to them." - he said but you know it would make things worst. "It's fine Ryōta. I can handle it. You know they might turn their backs at you if you talk to them again about me right?" - you said

He sighed heavily, "I'm sorry (First name)-cchi. But, if there's something else I could do I will to help you. Just remember, I'll always be here okay? Even if your boyfriend is always busy because he's too handsome I can always make time for my girl." - he said winking and you chuckled at him.

"Thanks Ryōta." - you said and he kissed your lips gently.


"Ugh. I can't do this anymore." - you said as you put down your textbook and rest your head on the table. You've been studying for an hour now and nothing seems to get on your brain, you can't understand a thing.

At times like this, Midorima is always with you at the library studying but he also have to practice basketball. So he can't help you right now.

You closed your eyes wishing and praying to all the gods out there for Midorima to be here. You just feel hopeless with all the things in mind right now, exams and problems at home that distracts you from studying.

"Why aren't you studying (First name)?" - you heard Midorima's voice and you sure as hell it was your imagination.

"I just can't understand a damn thing from this book okay? Just let me.. rest." - you said feeling more stressed and depressed that your talking to an imaginary Midorima you created in your mind.

"Ah!" - you squealed when something cold was pressed gently on your cheeks.

"Are you fully awake now?" - he said and you're staring right back at Midorima. You pinches his cheek to make sure it was real. "What the hell are you doing (First Name)?" - he said a bit annoyed as he sat beside you. You rubbed your cheek from the cold drink.

"Why are you here Shin-chan? I thought you were practicing?" - you asked ignoring his question because you don't know what the hell are you doing.

"I got off early since I know a certain someone who'll be stressing out right now and wishing for my presence because that person can't study well nodayo." - he said pushing up his glasses.

"Oh please, I can do everything without you." - you said trying to sound convincing but you're very thankful right now. He just snorted in response.

He went through your notes and textbooks and said, "What's been troubling you lately (First name)?"

"What do you mean?" - you asked confused.

"You don't usually look... lost. Like how you are right now. Something wrong? Nodayo." - he asked as he looked directly into your eyes and he knows if you're lying or not. "And oha asa said something about someone close to me is having a problem, that I need to buy that person something that they like." - he added and you don't know what to feel anymore. Glad that he knows you have a problem or that he knows because of his silly daily horoscopes?

You just sighed and told him everything.

"I see. You can always ask me for help (First name) if there are certain lessons you don't understand nodayo." - he said as he pushed up his glasses and he suddenly blushed, "A-and you k-know that I-I-I'll always b-be h-here for y-y-you. I-if something i-is bothering y-you, j-just tell m-me. N-nodayo." - he said stuttering.

"Aww thank you Shin-chan! You're the best boyfriend ever!" - you said as you hugged him while you both blushed.


You went to the rooftop and thankfully Aomine isn't around so he must have been at the gym practicing. You walked towards your usual spot and just lie there as you let out a heavy sigh.

Things have been hard lately that you don't know what to do anymore. So much things to do, yet none of it was done yet. There's also this problem at home which doesn't help much because it just distracts you at school.

You stared at the clouds and appreciating and silently thanking it for covering up the sun for now. You closed your eyes and rest your right hand on your forehead.

"Oi. Why are you on my spot?" - Aomine said and you sat upright surprised by his presence.

"What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be practicing?" - you said eyeing him suspiciously.

"I already did, but I remember you didn't kiss me before I practice so I stopped and went on looking for you." - he said trying to sound convincing but you knew it wasn't because of that, but it's true you forgot to kiss him. You just stared at him waiting for his real purpose.

He sighed, "Are you okay?" - he said looking at you worriedly.

You were taken aback, "W-what do you mean?" - you asked stuttering.

"I noticed you're a bit down this whole day, something happened? Something bothering you?" - he said as he sat next to you. Your mind was too occupied that you didn't notice him looking out for you but you feel thankful.

You told him how you feel and he just sat there listening on everything as he gently caress your back.

"You know what would make you feel better?" - he said and you looked at him expectantly. "You look at Mai-chan's magazine." - he said smirking and you smack his head.

"I told you to throw those things! You still have them?!" - you said feeling pissed off at him.

"Just kidding babe, I'm just trying to make you feel better and that way is much better." - he said and you wanted to hit him again but he caught your hand. "Careful on the face babe, this is how you fell for me anyway." - he said grinning.

"AHO!" - you yelled.

"Jokes aside, I just want you to know that I'll always be here for you and don't hesitate to tell me what makes you sad and I'll deal with it my way. So, see ya later tonight babe? My house? *winks* Wear your best clothes, you know the ones that easily removed." - he said smirking.

"Oh yes, I'll come over later. To check if you still have those magazines!" - you yelled and his face suddenly changed. "Oh crap! I'm late for practice. Laters, babe!" - he said as he ran off.


Class has dismissed and you were one of the students on cleaning duty so you stayed behind as you cleaned and arranged the seats. After half an hour, your classmates went on because they still have clubs to attend to while you just don't feel like going so you stayed behind.

You arranged some chairs together so you can lie on it as you closed your eyes resting your right hand over your head. Things you didn't like keeps on happening lately such as the upcoming exams next week, problems at home, an upcoming job interview which distracts you and makes you space out most of the time.

You just sighed, "That's heavy. Are you okay (First name)-chin?" - Murasakibara asked which made you fall from your bed of chairs. "Oops. Sorry for surprising you." - he said as he went for you checking if you have any scratches.

"I'm fine Sushi-kun. It's not that high of a fall." - you said a bit embarrassed. "Why are you here by the way? Aren't you supposed to be on practice?" - you asked.

"Some of your club members asked me if I was with you." - he said and made a face palm at yourself. "I'm sorry, I just didn't feel like attending." - you said and he looked at you worriedly so you told him everything.

"There there." - Murasakibara said as he pats your back. "You know what would make you feel better?" - he said smiling. "What?" - you asked.

He took something out of his pocket and gave it to you, "Sweets. It can make you feel calm and relaxed. Here have some." - he said and you took one and ate it.

"Thanks Sushi-kun~" - you said smiling and he suddenly hugged you. "I hope you would always smile because you look pretty when you do. I don't want you to feel sad again, if there's something I can do just to make you smile tell me (First name)-chin. It makes me sad when you're feeling down." - he said as he buried his head on your shoulder which pretty much didn't helped with his big stature.

"Of course, here have some sweets too so you won't feel sad." - you said and he took one and ate it too. "Thanks (First name)-chin. I'll just tell your members you feel sick so you went home." - he said and you nodded.


You're currently waiting for Akashi to finish as you lie on the couch in his office. He had lots of work to do that you're amazed by how he can manage everything. While here you are, stuck on everything. You're stressed about school/job applications, and problems at home or just life itself. Some things just don't go your way and you just get annoyed with it. Sometimes you run away from your problems that later on becomes big deals.

You grunted as you moved a bit to a comfortable side. "There's just so much things at once. Ugh." - you complained at no one as you just thought of your problems.

The door opens and you hear the sound of footsteps towards you. "My, my you look distraught (First name). What's troubling you?" - Akashi said as he pulled a chair towards him and sat across you.

"Just some stuffs." - you said as you let out a sigh. "How are you able to organize everything? You're so good at everything too." - you said.

"I'm not always good at everything (First name), I sometimes make mistakes which happens rarely but I would always think of alternative ways to solve it." - he said as he fixed his eyes on you. "Tell me, what's been bothering you lately?" - he asked.

You sighed and told him everything.

"Ah, job interviews you know I can do something about that right? Or you can always work for me. As for exams, you can always come for me and we can study together." - he said as your rolled your eyes at him.

"Thanks for the offer Sei, but no thanks. I really want this work and don't you dare do something I don't know." - you said glaring at him. "Yes, I won't." - he said while you just sighed.

"(First name), even if you plan things not everything goes according to it. There would be some compromises to be made. Even if you feel sad when somethings goes to shit, think of some ways to solve it. You're lucky you have me because I can make anything possible." - he said grinning.

"Sei." - you called out, "Anyways, just remember I'll always be here for you. I can make you feel better and I have a lots of ways in mind." - he said grinning at himself.

"Uhh.. thanks." - you said confused on what to feel.

❀ ❀ ❀ ❀


I feel encouraged to update again hihi so here it is.

Sorry if some parts were short hehe andddd i think i might gone out of character with some of em sooooo yeah haha i apologize for that

SOrry if it wasn;t the make u feel better u were thinking hueheueuheh ;)

I hope you like it and i really hope this update would make you feel better than before. <3

Bear with the typos and grammars~ Just tell me and I'll correct it bc i feel my head spinning while making this lol so there might be some hihi thanks!



I won't update for Haikyuu! today, i still don't know whose character i'll update with lol (so yeah if u ever get to stumble upon my haikyuu book, kindly read the important notice bc i need yer help)

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