The Peace Keeper

By kemt2002

17.1K 1.2K 98

Kiara, a 14 year old girl, lives in a small town along side a dark forest no one, who has ever lived in the t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chaper 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Overview and questions!
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 13

646 47 4
By kemt2002

Aspen walked quietly through the forest towards the village thoughts filling his mind. Does Kiara like me? Does everyone else think I like her?

Why would they think that? Has Fawn been spreading rumors about me?

He sighed as he entered the village and some she-wolves sighed heavily so he could hear and batted their eye lashes at him as he walked past. He rolled his eyes and continued walking towards the alpha's den.

He padded up to the entrance and the guards let him in without question. He nodded as he passed quickly into the meeting room where the alpha sat looking out the window deep in thought. Aspen cleared his throat as he walked in to get the alpha's attention.

Alpha Kyzer turned and nodded when he saw Aspen. "Aspen, I didn't expect to see you today. Is something troubling you?" He asked with a puzzled but calm look.

Aspen sighed and remembered how Kiara watched Aspen and how she looked at him. Then he remembered Fawn and he shivered. "Sir, I believe that maybe Fawn spread some.. Rumors, about me liking Kiara. I wanted to know if that was true. If so I would appreciate it if you don't tell Kiara because I don't want her to get excited or anything and then be let down," he said with an innocent yet respectful look hoping Kyzer understood.

Kyzer nodded pounding what Aspen had said and then gave Aspen a sympathetic look. "I have not heard of any rumors but if I do I will be sure to not let it spread especially to not let it reach Kiara." He said calmly.

Aspen nodded his thanks and then they both stood and he bowed his head to the alpha and the alpha returned his bow and then Aspen turned and left walking out of the room down the hallway to the entrance.

His ears twitched as he heard a small yawning noise and then someone padded up beside him.

"Hey Aspen! What are you doing here?" He heard a soft voice say as he turned his head and saw Kiara looking at him as he stopped to look at her.

"Um no reason just here to discus some stuff with the alpha. So how did you sleep?" He asked as he headed towards the entrance and a guard held it open as the two walked outside and Kiara stopes a moment to get used to the light.

Kiara nodded in reply but she isn't completely believe him on the whole reason he was there.
Kiara thought about what Aspen said and how he said it. What's up with him? She wondered before he said something bringing her back to reality.

"Hey, Kiara you ok?" He asked sounding concerned. She nodded and looked at him like she was perfectly fine. She pushed the thought away and then remembered what she wanted to ask him.

"Aspen, I was wondering... Well.. I mean I'm kinda hungry and I know wolves eat animals.. And I suppose if I'm gonna be a wolf for a while I need to hunt so.. Can you teach me please?" She asked looking at him with pleading eyes. Aspen flickered his ears amused to see a wolf so determined to get his help in hunting.

"Well.. I'm not a very good hunter, but I suppose I could teach you," he said and nudged her playfully when she looking at him happily and kind of bounced around a bit.

"Thank you!" She said excitedly and bounced around him like a little pup. Yes! Now I won't be so helpless and I can get my own food! Plus I'll have the best teacher! She thought happily as Aspen motioned his tail for her to follow.

"Try and keep up Spark!" He said with a playful smirk as he turned and bolted pounding on the ground with his powerful legs towards the forest. Kiara growled playfully and bolted after him.

"No fair you had a head start!" She yelled at him as she pushed forwards to try and catch him. Suddenly he halted to a stop and she didn't have time to and ran right into him.

She smacked into him and then both fell over tumbling over and over as they fell down a small hill. Finally they hit the bottom and Kiara landed on top of Aspen as she froze shocked. She was so stunned she couldn't move as Aspen tried to get up. She felt his soft but thick black fur under her and looked into his glowing green eyes. Suddenly she came back to reality and jumped off of him a little embarrassed but used every ounce of her will to keep her fur lying flat. She learned how to do it after a few experiences.

"I-I'm sorry Aspen I couldn't stop and you were right in front of me and..," she looked at the ground embarrassed.

Aspen nudged her playfully. "Hey don't be sorry I stopped fast it wasn't your fault. Now come on you wanna learn to hunt don't you?" Aspen asked and pawed her playfully.

Kiara pawed him back. "Yes let's go!" She said excitedly. They set off at a trot so there wasn't any more rolling-down-hills situations. Kiara couldn't stop thinking about how he smelled like pine cones and the forest and how she longed to burry her face in his soft fur. She shook her head and thought how weird she thought she sounded.

"Kiara! Quick over there rabbit!" He said quietly. He pushed her over behind a bush and then crouched behind it with her peaking his head out to see the rabbit eating grass.

"Ok here is what your going to do, rush out when I say to and chase that rabbit and run as fast as you can. If you run fast enough before the rabbit even knows your coming take those sharp white teeth of yours and put them around the neck of the rabbit and bite down." He said and glanced at Kiara.

Her face looked a little concerned but she was once a human so it sounded cruel at first but it gets better after a while. Finally Kiara nodded and then they waited.

Suddenly Aspen whispered firmly "Now!" And Kiara jumped out of the bushes and raced towards the rabbit.

Unfortunately she was not quiet enough on her paws. As the rabbit ran she heard Aspen yell "Go get it!!" And she growled pushing forwards to tackle the rabbit. She saw it heading towards its hole ahead of them so before she knew what she was doing she jumped forwards and pounced on the rabbit rolling forwards with it in her mouth.

She reached out and put her jaws around it biting down and killed the rabbit. She stood up and brushed off the dirt then picked up the warm body of the rabbit. Aspen trotted over and wagged his tail pawing at her face playfully.

"That was great! You caught your first rabbit!!" He said. Kiara saw him look at the rabbit like he was hungry but he just shrugged.

"Well you gonna eat it?" He asked and she dropped it in front of him.
"We can share it," she said and looked at him as her eyes sparkled. Aspen looked at her then at the rabbit and sighed.

"I guess I don't have a choice do I," he said sarcastically and looked at her as she nodded.

"Nope. Now let's eat!" She said cheerfully. She tore off her part of the Rabbit a little disgusted at first but she tore off some fur and took a bite and suddenly she felt how hungry she really was. "This is really good!," she said between mouthfuls.

Aspen wagged his tail amused. "I'm glad you like it. Maybe next time you can try caribou." He said and Kiara nodded. "Well I guess we should head back. I think your dad wanted to show you the village today, come on." He said standing up and Kiara stood up and followed him. She sighed. Oh Aspen.. What are you hiding? She thought as they walked through the forest together.
Hey guys!! I know this is a long chapter but in sure there is nothing wrong with that for you guys XD but anyways why do you think Aspen is hiding his little fight with Fawn from Kiara? Suggestions? Good night!

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