Camp Northway (Rewriting)

By elxquencex

47.3K 823 94


The Meet Up
The Cut
His Room
Wandering Friends
Boys Hurt Too
Flirtatious Ways
Sam Porter Isn't As Innocent As We Thought
Would You Call This Cheating?
Okay, You Would Call This Cheating
Sing To Me
Sleepless Nights
The Truth

My Everything

1.3K 45 2
By elxquencex

I walk into the elevator doors and close it before they can get inside. I press the button to my floor and walk into my room. Frustrated and mad, I take off my shoes and throw them across the room. I run to my bathroom and look at myself in the mirror. My face is red and splotchy. My cheeks stained with tears. I look so ugly. So sad. So defeated.

I don't know why I am so sad. I mean, I like Sam. Of course I like him, how can I not? With his brown hair and emerald eyes... but I like Olly more. He means everything to me.

He's my everything.

But Sam made me feel different... He made me feel I was wanted.

I shake my head to clear my thoughts. I sit down against the wall with my head between my knees and cry. I don't understand my feelings.

A few minutes later I hear pounding on the door and yelling from outside.

"Elena! Elena!" a voice yells. I plug my ears. I don't want to hear it. I don't want to hear anything. But that doesn't work.

"Elena open the fucking door or I will break it down!" the voice tells again.

I wipe my face and slowly get up to walk to the door. I breathe in and breathe out. Olly must be so mad at me...

I open the door and something instantly hits me. Or should I say, someone... who wasn't Olly...


Lol sorry it's rlly short, hw sucks 😴 Thank you for the reads! Comment & vote if you'd like💖

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