Hisoka Daughter(Hunter x Hunt...

By DekeshaTab101

56.5K 1.6K 1K

He is looking. They are looking. We are looking. For our happiness, our love, our smile, our Strawberry... More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 5.
Chapter. 6
Chapter. 7
Chapter. 8
Not A Chapter.
Chapter 9.

Chapter 4.

5.6K 166 124
By DekeshaTab101

Zero pov

I woke up peacefully. But felt something warm all around me. I opened my eyes groggily and look around me. The wolves surrounded me and was sleeping. I smiled and patted their heads. "Your up master." I turned my head and saw the black wolf sitting. I smiled brightly and nodded my head.

But I had a confused face on. "What's wrong master? What's troubling you." He asked. "I don't know your guy's name. I kinda feel bad for not asking." I said looking down. He just laugh. "We wolves are very patient. So you could've asked us any time." I smiled and nodded my head.

"So what do I call you guys? I can't call, you by your color. It's going to sound weird." I said thinking but I came up with nothing. I sighed and look at the black wolf. He had his eye close and was breathing in and out calmly and slowly.

"Should I just give up? It's kinda hard finding a name for you guys." He chuckled and opened his eyes looking at me. "Try using the color of our fur. It help our last Master." He said. I look down and fiddle with my fingers before looking at him again.

"If you don't mind me asking, what happened to your last Master?" I asked and he look hesitant, before answering. "He . . . Died, looking for someone." I hung my head low, ashamed that I asked that question.

"But do not worry, Milady. You can ask us anything, even if ti sounds weird, or uncomfortable." He said ghostly smiling at me. I gave him a big goofy smile but it dropped a little. "Milady?" I asked confused.

He just chuckled. "Hm, if I'm going to name you by your fur color . . . You'r name can be Midnight! Your fur is dark as the still night, and the leader making you . . . I ran out of ideas." I said sighing at the end.

He started laughing. "That is a fine name , Milady. What will the others be named?" He asked tilting his head a little. I thought about that it a little. "The white wolf could be Snow, gray wolf is Shadow, the yellow wolf will be, Sunlight . . ." I stopped and had to think for a very very long time.

"I'm pooped." I said pouting. Midnight stood up and walked over to me. "Do not fret, Milady. You have a life time to find names for the others. So take your time." He said rubbing his head on me. I just chuckled.

I saw daddy, and mommy wake up, while, Chrollo was opening his eyes, and started stretching. I smiled brightly at them. "Morning!" I said standing up and hugging mommy and daddy. I look at Chrollo, and he looked at me. He gave me a faint smile, and that made my day.

I ran up to him and hug him, well tried too. I was still short since I was still five. I let go of him, and went to go play outside. "I'll be outside!" I said before running out with Midnight following me. I was happy. I ran past all of the busted up buildings and past the gate, and into the wilderness.

I love exploring, in the woods. There we're many different species that some should be extinct already. I kept running and running in the woods with Midnight following me, looking everywhere at my surroundings. I slowed down, and came to a stop.

"Midnight! Isn't beautiful?!" I exclaim, pointing to a field where it had a cliff, and a water pouring out of it. The sun reflected, of the waterfall making a rainbow. At the bottom of the waterfall as a humungous lake that went on for miles. There we're different kinds of flowers surrounding the lake and some bushes and trees to make the scene more beautiful.

I heard Midnight chuckle besides me. "Yes, Milady. It is quite beautiful." He said sitting down. I too sat down besides him, smiling like there was no tomorrow. "Spring, and Thunder." I said out of the blue. Midnight looked at me confused. I look at him and smiled.

"I've completed the names for the wolves. Spring, is the wolf with some blue fur, in the mix of brown. While Thunder, is the one with brown fur. He looks like he snaps all the time, so why not Thunder." I said answering his unasked question.

He just smiled and look back at the beautiful scene in front of us. Well that was till I heard a growl. I look at Midnight while he just look at me. "That was you." We both said in sync. Both of our stomach's growled, demanding food. I just smiled it off.

"Well, my tummy is hungry. What about your's?" I ask standing up. He too stand up. "Yes, my tummy is also hungry." He said. I smiled, and tried to hop onto his back. Which was an epic fail. I fell on my rear. Midnight just chuckled, and laid down, from me to get on his back.

I happily got on, and hold onto his black silky fur. He started running, and the nice cool wind blew across my face. We we're going so fast, that everything around us looked like a blur. But it was beautiful at the same time.

Before Midnight could go inside the gates, I tapped his head telling him to stop. He look at me confused. "Can we go into town, and see what kinds of food they got?" I asked him. He thought about it before answering. "But you don't have money." He said. I smiled, and pulled something out of my pocket.

"You mean this right here?" I said giggling. He sighed, and turned around and ran towards town. When we got there, we got many stars from many people. I just smiled at them, and I heard some 'awws'. 'OH just forgot to tell you, it's a city not a town.' Midnight said through telepathy. 'Same thing.' I said to him.

I look everywhere and took in the sight and smell, like always. Just then, me and Midnight was walking with the rest of the wolves. "How'd you find us?" I said outloud. "We just followed your scent, Milady." Snow said bowing her head while walking. The rest did the same.

"I presume you all now know your names?" Midnight said to the wolves. "Yes." Everyone said. "What?! How!" I said shocked that they knew. I also got some weird glances, from everyone. "We can communicate through telepathy." Sunlight said, looking at everyone, warly. "Oh." I said and continue looking everywhere.

"So, anyone hungry?" I ask them all. Everyone barked happily. I just chuckled. "Okay! Onwards to the meat store!" I said pointing into a random direction. The wolves started running to the meat store with me still on Midnight's back.

I paid for A LOT, of meat and gave them to the wolves, after I separated them so they we're equal. In the corner of my eye I saw a puppy, walking towards us. He had it's head down. I smiled, and went to the puppy, picking it up.

"Are you lost boy? Here." I said handing him a piece of meat to his face. The puppy ate it. I smiled. "Coco! Coco where are you boy?!" I heard a boy said. I look up and smiled. "Is this him!" I shouted at him.

The boy whipped his head towards me and smiled, and had a look of relief across his face. He ran towards me, and took the puppy out of my hands and hugging the puppy close to him. "Thank you so much for finding him!" He said. I smiled. "Bark!" I turn my head towards, Shadow. 'Yes?' I ask him through telepathy.

'We forgot what you we're going to eat!' He screamed. 'Don't worry, we'll go to a restaurant.' Snow said. "We'll, it was nice meeting you! But I have to go." I said to the boy, before getting on Midnights back, while he was still laying down.

I look back to the boy and he had wide eyes. "T-there your's!" He said surprised. I smiled. "Yes. But before I go, what's your name?" I ask confused. 'Took you awhile.' Thunder said through telepathy. "I'm June! What is your name?" He ask.

"Call me Zero." I said and tapped, Midnights head telling him and the rest to go. We zoomed, past the boy in the process and was looking for a good restaurant. When we did find a restaurant, the inside of it, was packed so we sat outside. I sat down a chair, and called a waiter.

The man came over to my table, with a confuse look on his face. "Um aren't you a little too young to be ordering meals? Especially without a grown up vision?" He asked. I smiled at him. "Can I have pancakes, with orange juice, scrambled eggs, and some bacon?" I ask dodging the question.

He sighed. "I'm sorry but, I'll need to call your parents." He said about to walk away when a man came up to him. "Sorry about that she runs off, from time to time." He said.

I take a good look at the guy. He was a bit short, but to me he was tall. He had hazel eyes, untrimed facial hair, turban like cap on his head with some hair locks sticking out. He had a plain white baggy pants with a white long sleeves shirt. Ontop of that was a slip on head cloth that looked like a tank top and stretches down to his waist, and hangs off his waist, and down to his knees without covering the sides of his legs. Around his waist was a cloth with a black belt-like band. He than had a normal dark blue/grey scarf wrapped around his neck and long skinny black crew boots.

"Oh I'm sorry sir. I didn't know she was with you." The waiter said bowing his head. 'Is the guy royal?' I thought. 'Maybe. Just watch, and see what happens.' Shadow said.

"And I will have, pancakes, and a cup of coffee." The man said sitting at my table. The waiter than left, leaving me with this man. "So kid, where's your parents?" The guy said looking at me straight in the eyes. I smiled to him.

"Your a stranger mister. Meaning I can't talk to you." I said. He smiled. "Smart kid. Well I'm Ging. Ging Freecess." He said. I nodded my head. "Well Im not a stranger now am I?" Ging ask. I nodded my head no. "But daddy doesn't know you, making me, still not able to talk to you." I said and giggled.

He sighed. "Your too smart, for a young age." He said, leaning back into his chair. "Zero." I said. He looked at me. "What?"

"Zero. It's my name."

"Who would name you Zero?"

"My daddy, and mommy of course."

"But it has no meaning, well it's just zero."

"Well I like my name."

"What about last name?"


"What? You don't have one?"

"No . . . I do have one . . ."

"Than what's the big deal?"

I puff my cheeks and look at him. "Tartarus." By now Ging had wide eyes. He closed his eyes for a brief moment, than opened his eyes and was about to say something when the waiter came with our food. I smiled happily, and started digging in while he was drinking his coffee.

I stopped eating and look up. I started looking around and my wolves caught on looking. While Ging was clueless. "Hey, what's wrong?" He ask. I swallowed my food and look at him. "I think daddy and mommy are looking for me, with the rest." I said.

"Hmm, I see. So, please tell me before you go. Which parent, is a Tartarus?" He ask. "Um, mommy I think. Why do you ask?" I ask, while still looking around. He just smiled. "Just wondering." I chuckled. "Okay than, well I'll-" I was cut off by someone yelling out my name.

"Strawberry! Where are you!" Ging laughed and look at me. "Your in big trouble." He said. I just stick my tongue out at him. "If you travel, I want you to meet my boy. His name is Gon, and a great kid. He lives at Whale Island, and if you do meet him, tell him I said hi." Ging said standing up from his seat.

I smiled at him. "You got your self a deal, banana peal!" I said and was about to run towards the voices, but I couldn't. I was in gulf to a hug. I couldn't see anything but the persons hair. It was a silky black, that was slit back. "Chrollo? What are you doing here?" I ask clueless.

We pulled from the hug and he look at me, hands on shoulders. "I'm here looking for you. We were so scared when we couldn't find you." He said picking me up, and put me on his hip. I take a look at Ging, and he had wide eyes. I mouth him, 'Run!' He did but not before grabbing his plate of pancakes, and leaving some money on the table.

'Really?' I thought. Chrollo started walking away from the food on the table and I started panicking. I didn't finish my food! Especially my bacon! I look at my wolves and whistle to them. They look at me and nodded their heads. Thunder, Shadow, and Midnight help Spring, and Snow get the food wrapped, and put on their backs.

I smiled at them and whistle again, for them to follow. I saw the waiter coming to my table, and I mentally slap myself. 'Shadow, try and grab some money out of Chrollos pocket without getting caught.' I said. He nodded his head and went up to Chrollos side and putting his snot part, into the pocket and was able to grab some money. He ran to the table and put the money on the table, than ran back here.I tried to pet his head but I couldn't. I sighed in defeat and relaxed into Chrollos hold.

I'm definitely in trouble when we get back.

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