Drake VS. MGK

By bagbug

14.4K 444 51

[COMPLETED] Leah just got out of a catastrophic relationship with Aubrey aka Drake. When she leaves him to st... More



805 26 0
By bagbug


After we left the club all the boys had there hook ups for the night and Ashleigh went home with this guy she's been seeing. Me and Leah were the only two without someone. I decided to sit in the studio and write a little before going to bed. I heard Leah turn on the shower. 15 minutes later I hear her going  up the stairs. I had decided I should just go to bed. I didn't wanna keep her up. When I got upstairs Leah was sitting in the kitchen floor rocking back and forth.

"Leah are you ok?" she didn't answer. She was breathing heavy and shaking. She must be having a panic attack.

"Leah, its gonna be ok. I'm gonna take you to your room." I told her, picking her up and carrying her down the stairs. I placed her in her bed and held her in my arms trying my best to comfort her.


My night ended badly. After my shower I went upstairs to get something to drink. Once I got to the kitchen I went to the fridge to get something to drink. Out of no where I heard gun shots. It must of come from one of the guys tv's. Hearing the shots triggered me to have a panic attack. The last thing I remember was Kells putting me in bed holding me and I must of fallen to sleep.

I looked around my room and Kells was still there. He was sleeping on the comfy sack in the corner with my pink cheetah throw on him. Aww he never left my side. This was definitely not the womanizing Kells I met a year ago. I decided to get up and make the guys breakfast. I made pancakes, bacon, sausage, eggs, and toast. It didn't take long for every one to smell the food and make their way to the kitchen. Kells was the last to get to the table.

"Hey dawg, where was you at? I went by your room." Slim stated.

"I was in the basement. I fell asleep in the studio." he replied yawning.

Changing the subject Kells asked." Has anyone talked to Ash, shes suppost to be bring Casie when she comes home."

Before he could get his answer Ash walked in holding Casie.

"Daddy!" she yelled holding her arms out for him.

"Hey baby, have you ate?"

"No, are those pancakes?"she asked sitting in her dads lap.

"Yeah, Leah made them."

"Who's Leah?" she asked in between bites.

"Hi, I'm Leah, I'm aunt Ashleigh's best friend."

"Wait, what? Aunt Ash, I thought you were my bestie!?"

"Oh snap!" Dre yelled

"Yeah Ash, how can you be Casie's bestie and Leah's?" Slim laughed.

"Hold up, Ash can have more than one bestie. Aint that right?!" I said

"I sure can!" she said tickling Casie.

"I guess she told you." Casie said sticking her tongue out at Slim. "I like you Leah." she laughed.

After breakfast I cleaned up while Casie watched TV. I was downstairs checking some emails when Dub came to get me.

"We playin hide and seek up stairs. Come on." I walked  into the living room as Kells was explaining the rules.

"The couch is base. You can hide anywhere you want. The first person to get tagged or the last one found is it. Got it!?" we all noded

We were on our 3rd round when I decided to hide in the downstairs bathroom closet. I heard the handle turning and thought I had gotten caught but it was Kells.

"Move over."

"Hell no, find somewhere else."

"There ain't no where else come on." I moved over a bit up ended up having to kinda sit on his lap.

"Look about last night." I whispered.

"shh, its ok. I understand." he whispered back.

"Thank you for staying with Kells."

" You can call me Colson, I'm your friend. That's what friends do."

I could feel his eyes on me even though I couldn't see them. His face was close to mine. I could feel him breathing on me. I leaned a little closer our lips touched. What started out as a peck turned into us making out. I heard the others running out in the hall way and we broke our kiss.

"Maybe we should make a run for it." he said. I opened the closet and saw Casie in the hall. I screamed when she saw me. Kells ran ahead of me. I did the only thing I could think of, I tripped him and he fell making it easy for Casie to tag him.

"Damn for real Leah! Casie you ain't suppose to tag daddy." he laughed.

It was Kells turn to count. Everyone went to hide and someone knocked on the door.

"Man! What the fuck! Who the fuck is knocking on my door?" he laughed going for the door as I ran behind him up the stairs. "Leah I'm gonna get yo ass just wait." he said opening the door.


I opened the door and was surprised by the person on the other side.

"Yo Drake whats up?! What brings you by?" I asked

"I just came to see my girl. Is Leah here?" he asked

The fuck!? Why was he looking for Leah. Wait did he just say his girl?

"Uh yeah sure come on in."

"Hey Leah, come downstairs real quick you got a visitor."

"Fuck you Colson! I'm not falling for your shit. You just wanna tag me!" she yelled back.

"I'm for real. Just look down here." she came out of her hiding spot and looked just as shocked as I did when I opened the door. She came downstairs and kinda stood by the wall away from us.

"Um I'm gonna go." I said. I watched them from upstairs and she took him outside on the deck . Drake was her boyfriend. Thats what she had been hiding.


I took Drake out on the deck because I didn't want anyone to witness what I was about to do. Drake walked onto the deck and I closed the door. He reached out to hug me and I smacked the shit out of him.

"What the fuck Leah!?" He yelled grabbing his face.

"You got some nerve showing up here!"

"I deserved that. But I don't deserve for you to pack up and move half way across the country without you talking to me first. And to find out your fucking another rapper! So this is what your doing now being an industry girl!"

"I cannot believe you right now! How dare you talk to me like that!" I said smacking him again.

"Damn, Leah fuckin stop!" He said as he tried to control his anger.

"Oh you want me to stop after I begged you to stop fuckin all those hoes you had! I can't believe you would even show up here. How did you know where I was?!"

"I saw you last night at the club holding that mutherfuckers hand! Looking all booed up and shit! So y'all fuckin now?! Cause it wouldn't surprise me."

"So you stalking me now? I didn't answer your calls cause I told you I was done! I said all I had to say before I left California."

"So now you with him! Runnin around with him for everybody to see! Embarrassing me! You suppost to be my girl! You don't do no shit like that!" He said punching his hand in the palm of his other hand as he spoke.

"Oh I embarrassed you! What the fuck ever you embarrassed me running around fucking all those hoes and then if that wasn't enough you got one pregnant! I was your girl! I swear I was up until the very end! You fucked that up! You did that shit to your damn self!" I yelled as tears came down my face.

"We can be like that again! Just come back to me! Leave him! Be with me!"

"Oh my God! Aubrey, Colson and I aren't even together! I work for him. I'm his managers assistant."

"Then quit! Come be with me! I can't live without you!" He said grabbing my hand

"Don't fucking touch me! Don't ever fucking touch me!" I yelled as the door flung open. Colson and boys were standing in the door way with Ash standing inside with Casie.

"Yo man, you gotta go!" Colson yelled grabbing Drake.

I thought they were about to fight until Dre and Slim pulled them apart. Drake just looked at me and walked out.

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