Fate Smiles on My Alpha (Book...

By JosephineCastillo-Nu

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Just when he thought he had the most out of his life - a career as a doctor and alpha lupus to a strong pack... More

Fate Smiles on My Alpha
Chapter 1- New Beginnings
Chapter 2 -Fight for your Life
Chapter 3 -To Know You is to Love You
Chapter 4 - Wide Awake
Chapter 5 - Three for the Love of One
Chapter 6 - Homeward Bound
Chapter 7 - The Lake House
Chapter 8 - Missing Piece
Chapter 9 - Visitors
Chapter 10 - Complications
Chapter 11 -Meet the Folks
Chapter 13 - Wedded Bliss
Chapter 14 - Amazing Discoveries
Chapter 15 - Surprises and Contradictions
Chapter 16 - Imperiled
Chapter 17 - First Heat
Chapter 18 - Whore's Dust
Chapter 19 - A Glimpse of Red
Chapter 20 - Real and Normal
Chapter 21 - One Tough Cookie
Chapter 22 - Unexpected Progress
Chapter 23 - Precipice
Chapter 24 - Go Into the Light
Chapter 25 - Kiss and Make Up
Chapter 26 - Real Issues
Chapter 27 - Rewind
Chapter 28 - Control and Surrender
Chapter 29 - Taken
Chapter 30 - It is Done
Chapter 31 - Aftermath
Chapter 32 - Afterglow
Chapter 33 - Second Chances
Chapter 34 - Natalis

Chapter 12 - The Nύptíís

29.6K 676 52
By JosephineCastillo-Nu

This is the much awaited mating ritual.  If you want for maximum efffect, can play the video when they have their run.  The title is Sacred Lake.  Happy Reading.



For 3 days, Emma locked herself up in her room.  Her bruises healed but not her battered heart.  Another night fall had come, lying on her side in fetal position facing the bedroom window; she despaired.  She ignored her mother’s plea to eat or even go to work but what she felt right now was likened to a candle melting and the embers slowly dying.  The light from the wick would be snuffed out and darkness looms.  She shut her eyes as it pricked from the tears that were again threatening to fall.  She clutched her heart and whimpered.  A loud thud had her opening her eyes and seeing the silhouette of her mate sitting by the windowsill.  Her breath caught and her heart beat even faster, out of fear mixed with longing.  But she didn’t move a muscle.  She wiped her tears and snot with the sleeve of her shirt and whispered.   “Wh-what are you doing here?  Have I not been hurt enough by you?  Just kill me already because this..this mess I am in is getting me there fast enough.” 

Carter walked towards her bed and caressed her cheek.  “Is that a way to greet your mate, hmm?”  He leaned forward to kiss her cheek and inhaled her scent.  Emma’s treacherous body responded, her wolf whined in delight.  “Shh, I need you.  Let me make it better.”  He kissed her hungry lips and Emma kissed him with every morsel of emotion she possessed.  In minutes, she was beneath him naked and impaled by his possession.  He was gentle this time and she could only hope.  They need not be here to harm anybody.  They can just leave and be together.  Carter’s thrusts hastened in need and want.  Emma’s moans fuelled his resolve.   He was going to change tactics and win her over to set his plans in motion.  They both grunted as they reached their peak, his name lovingly rolled from her lips. He laid his head between her breasts and heard her sob.  He looked up to see her biting her lip as she suppressed the onslaught of more tears.  He wished the circumstances were different but his desire for Queran ran so deep it is eating at him, consuming him.  He stayed buried inside her and grabbed her as he lay on his back taking her with him.  He stroked her bare back and escaped back into his thoughts.

“I never even knew your name.”  Emma whispered to his chest.  “How can I not even know your name, you’re my mate!”  She gritted her teeth and faced him.  “We can get away from here.  Go somewhere I don’t care.  I can go rogue and be with you. Just, just take me with you. Please.”

In a flash, she was again pinned beneath him.  He growled and his canines partially erupted.  “I am NOT a rogue!  I’m an alpha!   And I am not LEAVING until I have her, you hear!  I am your mate and you will do as I tell you to do.” 

No, no! I knew this was all too good to be true.  She helplessly nodded and Carter loosened his hold.  She abruptly turned her back against him and shielded herself with the duvet.  She was torn between doing the right thing and tell Keegan of her perils or just leave this place and forget about this misfortune.    Either way, it will just be a matter of time before she dies from rejection.  She felt him move and he spooned her, but she was too exhausted to feel elated.  Her eyes grew heavy and she was almost dozing off when the last thing he uttered was. “Carter.  My name is Carter.”


Queran was too restless to sleep.  She was already up at 5 am.  Not even being tucked warmly in Keegan’s bed engulfed in his loving embrace has done anything to soothe her warped nerves for the upcoming ceremony.  She gazed at Keegan, sleeping soundly beside her and smiled at his profile.  Long lashes curtained his eyelids, lips made for kissing, a pointed nose and powerful jaw.  She just drank him in and silently thanked the Luna Dea for bringing him into her life.  She took a deep clearing breath and silently slid out of the bed.  She walked into the closet to grab a pair of shorts and tank top then proceeded to change in the en suite bathroom.  She decided to go for a run.  She didn’t have the heart to wake Keegan up.  For the past few days, she convinced him to get back to his patients at the hospital.  He worked for long hours on end.  They both decided not to again be intimate because she wanted the mating ritual to be special for them.  Keegan is naturally a sensual being but he agreed to a few make out sessions just to keep the connection between them.  They were going to take off for a week and do like any newly married human couples do.  Go for their honeymoon.  They decided on a week at a log cabin in Canyon woods, south of Arcadia.

With one last look at Keegan, she ran downstairs and grabbed her hoodie.  After doing her warm up stretches, she slid out of the patio doors and immediately the fresh scent of nature assailed her senses, the cool wind of the early dawn blew a strand of her hair from her ponytail.  She surveyed the area and started to jog along the path that will lead to the pack house.  Keegan showed her the path some days ago during one of their walks.  She wanted to see to the arrangements for when they will have the mating ritual.  The lake was a long stretch that extended up till the back section of the territory.  A variety of nature sounds soothed her; the splash of colors on the horizon as morning broke was a welcoming caress to a new day.  Today was when her life will irreversibly change.  She and Keegan will begin their lives together.  She was groomed to be a Luna.  Her father had taught her everything she needed to know and what she was expected to do.  Not even when she doubted if she was going to shift or not, he knew and was assenting to the fact that she was destined to find her mate and gift him with renewed strength and power which will only be revealed after the Nύptíís.  This was the reward after the punishment her ancestors had suffered for their folly.  Her mother was the best thing that ever happened to his father.  She was his one true mate even though she was human.  She possessed the gift of telepathy almost like communicating through the mind link.  She wondered what those gifts would be.  In her distraction, she reached the clearing and was now enthralled in the spectacular view of the Sacred Lake.   All packs in the vicinity of Arcadia, had to have a special portion of The Stagno (meaning lake in Latin.)  It is a revered place where the Luna Dea would sometimes make an appearance.

A makeshift bamboo chuppah canopy arch was erected on the middle of a grassy knoll near the edge of the lake; a carpet bed of flower petals leading to it.  The arch was draped in white and red woven fabrics adorned by floral arrangements on the corners.  They will be surrounded by members of the pack as they officially welcome her as Luna.  The ceremony will have to be concluded by midnight.  She smiled at the attention to detail by her mother and soon to be mother in law.  Bamboo was used for the arch as a symbol of strength and longevity.  White fabric for purity of the love they share and red for their passionate nature.  Everything seems to be in order.  She thought.  Now she can go back to Keegan at the lake house.  As she slowly turned towards the path where she came from, she heard footfalls that crunched from the dry leaves.  Her hackles rose and she was getting ready to shift.  She was now on defensive stance as she searched frantically for the intruder.  No one but deafening silence followed. She shook her head to clear her thoughts.  Maybe one of the fighters doing their rounds.  But something felt off somehow.  Ahh, must be the fact that I’m nervous gets me all jumpy.  Better head back to my B.

She slowly trotted back to the house.  The heat of the early morning sun warmed her back.  Halfway through her jog, she felt it again; like she was being watched or even followed.  She sped up and as she was nearly coming out of the dirt path, she made a mistake of looking up and there in one of the heavy branch of tree, she saw what she thought was the apparition of the most reviled person in this world.  She ran even faster and when she looked back, he was gone.  As soon as she faced front, she continued to run but failed to notice the heavy and muscled body that hit her with a loud thud sending her crashing to the damp earth.  The fall stole the breath from her lungs and when she was about to scream, hungry lips crashed into her own.


Keegan worked the 18 hours of the previous day.  Everything was handled well by Dan Heeley in his absence.  But his mate, being the true Luna that she is, insisted that it was better for him to look after his patients.  He couldn’t say no to her.   His hand stretched and reached for Queran but was startled awake when he saw and felt the cool rumpled sheets and no Queran.  He quickly got out of the bed and rushed to the bathroom in search of her.  For some reason his blood ran cold and fear clawed at his heart.   He grabbed his torn jeans and scoped the lake house.  Not being able to find her, he stopped and opened his mind link.  “Baby, baby where the hell are you?”   He waited.  The seconds felt like minutes, the minutes felt like hours and the hours felt like a fucking eternity.  WHERE THE HELL IS SHE?  He caught the whiff of her scent out the back.  He came out the patio doors and trailed towards the path.  Like an experienced tracker, he sniffed and smelled her sweat mixed with her fear.  He immediately shifted and followed her trail.  Out the clearing, he was relieved to see her running back but she was not facing front like she was being chased.  An unknown scent hit him and when he looked back at Queran he wasted no time; in mid shift, he tackled her.  A squeak escaped from her shaking lips which he abruptly silenced them with his own.  “You’re safe baby, I got you..I got you.”


“You’re safe baby, I got you..I got you.”  Keegan eased her fears.  As she was deep in her thought as she went for her run, she forgot to open her mind link.  Now, it frantically opened and she welcomed the weight of her mate who was now kissing her as she was locked in his embrace. 

“Oh thank the goddess, you found me.”  She replied.

“Where the hell have you been, Queran?  You had me all worried.  Don’t you EVER, EVER do that again, you hear?  I think I aged out of worry.  Oh goddess, baby I can’t lose you again.”  He dug his face to her neck just breathing her in.  He was naturally fearless.  He’s an alpha.  But only one thing could shake him, it’s the thought of losing her.  And that could be the end of his existence.  He cannot and will not be able to live through that.

“I- I’m sorry, B.  I didn’t think to wake you because you were so tired from work and I couldn’t sleep and I had to check out the lake and mhff….”  Keegan silenced her rambling with another kiss.  He bit her hard on the lip to punish her for worrying him.  She gasped and took this chance to enter.  He sucked, he laved, and he bit her for every rapid beat of his troubled heart.  He sucked the metallic taste of her blood from her lips and he lapped on it, proof of life.  She was here and she was alive.

“Baby, we agreed you wouldn’t go anywhere alone.  Carter is still out there.  If anything would’ve happened to you, I can’t…”  Queran silenced him with a finger to his lips.

“Shh, I am so very sorry.  I promise it will never happen again.  Let’s go home.”  She pecked him on the lips and smiled, mouthing another sorry.

How can Keegan resist those beautiful round eyes?  He slow kissed her before getting up.  Queran froze at the feel of his erection against her tummy.  He was naked? 

“Uhm B, did you just shift?  How come you’re naked?”

Keegan just laughed and carried her caveman style as he ran the short distance back to the house.  She squealed in shock and pinched his bare butt cheeks.  He reciprocated with a real heavy smack on her derriere.  They both laughed all the way home but were oblivious to the blood dripping from the severed body of a wild rabbit; crushed by the hands of an angry Carter as he watched the loving exchange of that bastard and his chosen mate.


After breaking their fast, Keegan packed a duffel and left for the pack house where he was expected to get ready for tonight.  He didn’t leave until his mother and Meg and some fighters surrounded the lake house.  Queran was going to stay there to be primed for tonight.  He was excited and in wild anticipation he made sure to give her some lovin’ after this morning’s debacle.   He does not want to go there.  Just the mere thought of her in danger had shaken him.  They shared a bath together and just constantly touched and kissed.  He agreed not to go further with her.  More to come later, the beauty of delayed gratification.  Right now, he had to step into the alpha’s shoes and meet with his beta, his father, the rest of the elders, and the fighters.  He could sense the looming danger and he was not going to take any chances.  He was rounding the corner of the pack house out back when he caught sight of a hunched Emma.  The hospital administrator informed him that she has not been coming to work for nearly a week.  Her body was shaking as she was crying inconsolably as she faced the lake.  He wanted to ignore her.  But Emma was still a pack member and he vowed to care and protect them.  He slowly approached her, took pity but didn’t dare touch her.  “Emma! Is something wrong?”  He asked.  Emma stilled and slowly straightened her back from her kneeling position.  She wiped away her tears but did not look at the voice that belonged to someone she used to deeply care for.  “Everything is wrong. My life is a mess and there is nothing I can do about it.”

“Emma, I.”  Keegan was lost for words.  What would he say?  Should he apologize for not being with her? Hell no.  She was not his mate and now he is happier. 

“You what, Keegan?”  Emma turned to face him with her blood shot eyes and emaciated cheeks.

“I care for you like any alpha would care for his pack.  You and I may have had some good times together, but you deserve to be happy when you find your own mate.”

“Huh, my mate? I don’t have a god damn mate.  So save your pity.”  With this, she got up and quickly shifted and ran away.

Keegan shook his head and proceeded to the study where they all converged for the meeting.  He silently prayed for Emma to find happiness.


Dusk came.  The fading light of day sprayed through the floor to ceiling window of Keegan’s room.  It now felt like several hours had passed.  Queran was now standing in front of the triple panel full length mirror in oak wood.  She was wearing an ivory, one shoulder chiton in tulle.  No underwear was needed since she will be shifting at midnight for the run.  A large, floral brooch pin in teal, fastened the adjoining cloth at the right shoulder.  A glimpse of her mark peeked from the top of her bodice.  The fabric bunched at her waist and flowed, shaping her legs and bare ass.  Her long, dark blonde locks were curled at the edges in a side swept updo and accentuated with a large fuschia Cymbidium Orchid at the base; Baby’s breath spread out across her crown.  Make up was kept to a minimum – mascara and pale salmon lip gloss.  Just thinking about Keegan brought the natural blush to her cheeks.  Taking deep, slow breaths she suppressed the tears of longing for her father who would have been happy to give her away.  She opened her eyes as she felt the tender touch of her mother, smiling at her through the mirror.  Words need not be spoken. 

“ I wished for Papa to be here mom.”

“I know, my baby.  I wished for it too.  I am so happy for you. Keegan will take good care of you.”

The door slowly opened and a beaming Caitlin came forth.  “It’s time, my dear.”  She stood there in absolute delight.  She clasped her hands to her mouth, quashing the threat of happy tears.  “You look absolutely stunning, Queran.”

Queran mouthed a thank you to Caitlin’s reflection in the mirror.

“Relax, man.  She’ll be here.”  An amused Tanner quipped at a pacing Keegan.  He was wearing a dress shirt in teal and beige linen pants. 

“I know she will. But what happened this morning shook me so bad.  I can’t lose her man. Not then, not now and definitely not ever.” He perished the thought and just concentrated on the future ahead.  Night fall came so quickly but more to his advantage.  Hours from now, Queran will be completely his to have, to hold, respect, to love and to protect.

The sound of footfalls came into the living room where they were lounging in wait.  Elijah smirked at Keegan before he said.  “She’s here.”

Upon hearing this, Keegan closed his eyes and uttered a prayer of thanks to the goddess.


Tiki torches were lit everywhere.  He took his place near the arch as he surveyed the faces of all the members of his pack; men, women and children both young and old were in attendance to meet and welcome their true Luna.  He smiled and teased the little girl and boy with their very special roles at the ceremony.  The oldest of the pack, Eugene who was beta to his grandfather, will be officiating the ceremony.  Soon, the whispers died and the calming opening strings to Enya’s Only Time in Violin filled the silence.  Keegan’s heart swelled at the site of the silhouette of his beloved at the edge of the rose petal carpet.  Barefoot in her flowing dress, standing so breathtakingly beautiful in all angles, Queran looked like an Aphrodite goddess floating on air.  Her every step screamed confidence and pureness of heart.  He felt his eyes prick, he didn’t blink.  He savored every single moment of time.  He reached her and flashed her megawatt smile at him.  “You look stunning.  So Beautiful.”  He held her hand and kissed her temple lingeringly.   “So do you, B.  And you are all mine.”  She teased.

They walked towards the arc where Eugene waited.

“Dearly beloved members of the Crimson Hollow pack, we are gathered here today to witness the blessed union of our alpha, Keegan Lucas to Queran Mosely of the Shadow Creek pack.  It is my honor and duty to join them as one.”  He motioned for the little girl holding the band of unity; a strip of laced cloth to signify their bonding.   He wound the lace around the conjoined left hands of Keegan and Queran.  The couple never waned from each other’s gaze.  They were smiling slow secret smiles, while Queran blushed all the way through.  Keegan squeezed her hand tight.  He was near bursting; his heart could not contain the happiness.  He half heard Eugene say that it was time to say their vows aloud.  Keegan cleared his throat.

“My beloved Queran, fate has blessed me with the most wonderful gift, the gift of you in my life, to have and to hold.  I promise to love you unconditionally, respect you always and protect you in all ways possible.  Et vos faciatis dilectam animam meam in saecula saeculorum (You are my life, my love for all eternity.)

“My beloved Alpha Keegan, fate has blessed me with the most wonderful gift, the gift of you in my life, to have and to hold.  I promise to love you unconditionally, respect you always and be by your side in all ways possible.  Et vos faciatis dilectam animam meam in saecula saeculorum (You are my life, my love for all eternity.)

Elijah stepped up with a goblet of wine from their vineyard.  He held it against Keegan’s lips as he drank.  Turning to Queran, he lifted her chin up and he brought his lips down to hers as she opened up to him and accepted the drink flowing from his mouth.  They just shared the fruit of their pack members’ toil.

“Delicious.”  Keegan teased, earning him another blush from his beautiful bride.

Time stood still, they savored their vows binding them to a lifetime of love.  Howls immediately erupted after the vows; as every single one shifted except for Meg and the pups.  They howled at the moon in silent thanks to the Luna Dea and it may have even reached the further territories.  The alpha couple stood in awe as they witnessed the emanating respect and regard for their new Luna.  Keegan brought his lips to merge with Queran’s, sealing the promise they both have just made.

Then in the rarest of events, their attention was now directed at the splash of water slowly resembling a solid form of a woman.  The Luna Dea has graced them with her presence, and she was not alone.  Mikel stood beside her and they slowly walked towards the newly bonded couple.  Queran was now crying in earnest at the sight of his father‘s presence.  She couldn’t touch him as he was enveloped in a glowing light as he came forth.  “Papa.”

“My daughter, my precious daughter.  You have made me so proud.  And alpha Keegan, an honor to meet you.”

“No sir, the honor is all mine.” Keegan said proudly as he embraced his sobbing mate.  Then they slowly turned to honor the presence of the goddess.  Placing her hands on top of the conjoined hands of the couple.  She uttered her own blessing.

“Alpha et Luna, Benedicam unionem stare sempiterna saecula. (I bless this union, to stand firm through all eternity.)

More howls erupted as Keegan and Queran raised their right hands toward the moon.  The goddess and Mikel turned into mists and disappeared.  They stood misty eyed in the middle of the canopy arc.  Meg came forward to take the ring from Queran as they prepared to shift.  As soon as she exited, the little boy drew the curtains to enclose them.  In the confines of the tent, Keegan loosened the band of unity without taking his eyes off Queran.  He could hear the mutual rapid beating of their hearts.  He caressed her right arm up until he got a hold of the brooch pin, he unclipped it and the fabric fell in a heap at her feet revealing her perfection to him.  His breath hitched at the sight.  Methodically, he slowly unbuttoned his shirt and unfastened the draw string of his linen pants.  They stood in their naked glory, a silhouette to the witnesses.  Keegan stroked her cheek and mouthed “I love you.”  Queran mirrored his action and in an instant, Keegan boomed his ordered.


And in seconds, they both shifted.  Queran transformed into her pure white and Keegan transformed into a white wolf instead of his usual black.  He was now a true Alpha Lupus Alba.

“How?”  A surprised Keegan asked.

“B, you’re magnificent.  Don’t be shocked but this is one of your many gifts.  When my father died, I became the alpha of the Shadow Creek pack.  We are a rare breed of enforcers of peace.  Since I am bonded to you, my father’s gifts are now handed to you.  You will know all these in time, my love.”

“Oh baby, you just made me the happiest.  I love you now and always.”

“And I you.”

“Run with me?”

“I would love to.”


Soft gasps and ohhs and ahhs broke out from the lips of the pack, as they emerged from the arc.  Their alpha was now the same color of fur as their Luna.  The couple howled signaling the close of the ceremony and for The Nύptíís to commence.   The crowd howled with them as they took off for their first run as bonded mates.  They left the party that was now in full swing.  But they had their own private party to get to.

They ran far south of the stretch of The Sacred Lake.  As Keegan and Queran reached the perfect spot that was illuminated by the moon, he stopped and faced his beautiful and enchanting mate.  He playfully bit her jugular and felt the rapid beating of her heart.  Queran whined to his caresses. They nibbled each other’s coats.  Keegan walked towards her tail and licked her genitalia.  Her arousal assailed his consciousness; he flicked his tongue to tease and to seduce.  Queran’s whining became more pronounced and Keegan jumped in jubilation.  He nuzzled her neck with playful nipping. 

“B, please.  Take me.  Take me now.” Queran pleaded.

Keegan poised at her back, rising up on his hind legs and mounted her from behind. His front paws clutching on her back.  Keegan’s swelling penis teased her opening; her hormones drove him wild with need.  

“Baby, say it!  Say it Now!”

“I am yours Keegan, for all eternity my love.”

With this, Keegan entered her as she moaned through the mind link.

“Ah B.  Goddess you feel so good.  Don’t stop.”

“Oh baby, you’re so tight. And you are all mine.”  Keegan pounded into her repeatedly.  He felt her walls tighten around his organ and he twisted and slowly started to spurt his seed to her womb.  He dismounted and twisted.  They were to stay in a coital lock for a bit longer to ensure that his sperm is deposited fully into her.

“You feel so good baby. So fucking perfect.  Thank you.”

“Yeah, that was amazing too, B.  Thank you.”

They stayed locked for about 15 minutes.  Keegan slowly released and lay beside an exhausted Queran lying on her stomach with her eyes now closed. 

“Shift, baby.” 

And they did so simultaneously.  Keegan spooned her and kissed her along her spine.

“Are you happy, baby?”  Keegan cooed and bit her ear and tongued it.

“Very happy, B.”  Queran moved to face him as they kissed.  One so deep and soulful, a kiss that they can only share for all eternity.  Keegan hovered over her and embraced her fully and most passionately. 

There, underneath the bright full moon, lying in the bed of the green earth and cool night; their heated flesh enflamed by the promise of forever. 

A/N: I hope you are not offended by the primal mating.  Thank you for reading and let me tell you that I wrote this the entire day today (Sunday).  I didn't stop until I felt satisfied, so I hope you liked it.  Please Vote and Comment.

PS.  To those who love Tanner, I made my decision and it will all be revealed slowly.  I won't leave him wanting. 

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