Ice Fever [Leonard Snart/OC]

By gIitchingstar

440K 18.2K 7.5K

"It's a pity these police officers are deciding your life span. To die so young as well." Snart said loudly... More

A Typical, Ordinary, Not Life Threatening Day
Great, Now I'm A Hostage.
How In The World Did I Get Into, STAR Labs?
Who Gave The Guy With Anger Issues A Gun?
Kidnapping 101
The Texas Stand Off (+Me)
Stupidest Person In The World Trophy
Why Get A Job, When You Have Pizza?
Would you stop, ALREADY!!
A Cliff Hanger, LITERALLY.
Rest In Peace, Alexa Lynx.
And Then There Were Three....
1 Truth And 100 Lies
Everything Is Not Fine
*Insert Angry Emoji Here*
Angels Don't Come From Heaven
Flash Day
Tip #1: Use Anything ,But A Branch.
I Miss You Mommy & Daddy
A Memory
Can't Help Falling In Love
Oh The Weather Outside Is...Sunny?
Bitter Cold
Star City Just Got Brighter...
Let Me Think About It. No
Prison Break
When You Hit Someone With A Broom... :3
This Is Totally Not A Chapter...
No...Just No. *LALALALALA*
AlexaIsNotOnFire (Lol)
Can I Borrow Your Fire Extinguisher?
Introducing The New And Improved ME!
Ray Of Sunshine
Snart Of Coal
Back To The Future
Buying Nuclear Weapons Is Fun
Stars Wars 2.0
In Comes The Bad, Out Goes The New
All About That Guac bout dat Guac, No Taco.
Where Da Peeps At?
The Bachelorette
Cupid's Stupid
Night At The Opera
SuperNotSoMuch (Get it, like Supernatural...)
Bad Girl
Evil Comes Everywhere
With War There's Blood
The Price She Paid
Wizard of OZ
569 Ways To Piss Off A Mass Murderer
ABC, It's Easy As 123
Canary vs Lynx
Bit Behind Schedule
Angel With A Katana
Warning: Extreme Awesomeness Ahead
Don't Press The Red Button
Unicorns Poop Rainbows
Time Pirates Of The Caribbean
Mick Goes BOOM
A Whole New World
Colors Of The Wind
Under The Sea
Book Two!!
Beauty and The Beast
How To Hold A Body For Ransom
Stupidest Plan In The World.
End Of The Line
This Chapter Is Untitled...
Long Time No See
What Would Have Happened


4.8K 204 159
By gIitchingstar

Disclaimer: Someone dies.

Disclaimer: Ignore the previous disclaimer

Disclaimer: Don't ignore the ignore the previous disclaimer.

Disclaimer: Disclaimer


"You hungry?" I asked Leo. He rolled his eyes and sat in his seat. "YOO, Jax. my homie." I said awkwardly. Jax stopped, turned around, stared for a full minute and then continued driving. "I'm in the mood for guac and chips? Anyone else?" I asked.

"Can I tranquilize her, please?" Mick asked Leo.

"Be my guest." Leo replied. Suddenly the plane stopped and we crashed to the bottom of the ground, very suddenly.

"WOAH!" I yelled unbuckling my seat belt (thingy...)

"We have encountered some turbulence." Jax said in a flight attendant voice. I sighed and walked outside to look at the damage.

"It's not that bad, Jax you fix it up, Snart and Mick will help you while I go and get some guac." I said pointing at the nearby Mexican fast food restaurant. What? I crave stuff.... I looked down at my watch that Gideon had given me. It was all futuristic and it had a video calling service. I pressed the phone button and dialed Ray, who picked up on the third ring.

"Hello?" Ray screamed.

"Ray?" I said while waiting in line at the restaurant, everyone was looking at me oddly because I was talking to my watch. The women behind me moved back a couple of steps, figures.

"BAD TIME TO CALL, IN KENDRA. I MEAN NOT IN--WELL TECHNICALLY I'M INSIDE HER, BUT I'M NOT CHEATING ON YOU, I'M IN HER BLOODSTREAM." Ray yelled. I heard a loud thump and some laser sounds and I looked around me. Yep, everyone thought I was crazy.

"I'll call back later Ray, do you want some Guac?" I asked looking at the menu.

"What?" Ray asked.

"I'm at a Mexican restaurant." I said.

"WAIT WHAT?" Ray asked.

"Oh yeah, I went on the little ship thing with Jax, Le--Snart and Mick, we stole an emerald. Now I'm at a Mexican restaurant and I need to know if you want anything." I explained. It was silent for a while and then the line went dead. I assumed that was a no.

"Would you like anything Ms?" The cashier asked.

"Yes, Guac and Chips." I said.

"That will be 1.45." The cashier said.

"Large." I replied.

"Yes, 1.45 please." The cashier asked. I reached into my pocket and pulled out a 20.

"Here." I said handing her the 20. She gasped and stared at me with wide eyes. "Keep the change." I responded grabbing my food and walking out. Suddenly a little text alert went on my watch, it was from Gideon. I clicked on it,

                             ALERT: Mr. Hunter and Ms. Lance have left the ship to seek out Vandal Savage.

P.S The smoothie machine broke.

I groaned loudly and looked at the ship. Leo, Mick and Jax were arguing on how to fix the ship, we would never get there in time. It was then I realized I had magical powers... I clicked on the Gideon app and Gideon's face appeared.

"How can I help you?" Gideon asked.

"Give me the address of where Vandal Savage is." I said. I have entered the location into the jump ships GPS, would you like me to enter it into your watch?" Gideon asked.

"Yes, and how's the weather?" I said looking up into the sky.

"Clear, with a small chance of drizzling." Gideon replied.

"Peachy." I said, remembering what Leo always says. I took a deep breath, closed my eyes and willed myself up into the air. When I opened my eyes I was still sitting on the bench. "How in the world do--" I was cut off mid sentence because I was launched into the air. Again, a slab of ice was under my feet and my hands were controlling me, I could feel the slight energy drain from my body from being up here. I looked at my watch at the directions and sped off.

"Oh yeah, Gideon, alert Snart, Mick and Jax that I'm already at the location." I said.

"They have been alerted." Gideon responded.


"You have an incoming video call from the jump ship, accept or decline?"Gideon asked.

"Decline." I responded.

"One new message from the jump ship." Gideon said as I landed softly on the ground. It was a huge tall building and a bunch of people dressed expensively were entering, there was some sort of Gala going on.

"Read it." I said looking down at my clothes, they wouldn't work.

"WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU, from Mr. Snart and BURN BABY BURN, from Mr. Rory and  HELP MEEE, from Mr. Jefferson." Gideon said.

"Reply back, smiley face emoji." I said. "Also, can you do anything about my clothes?" I asked.

"I can give you a tranquilizer." Gideon said.

"That works too..." I smiled.

-10 minutes later-

I was wearing a beautiful black slim dress (shown at bottom), it had a pretty slit on the side and happened to come with a silver head piece. Psshhh, I wonder where all this came from. I dragged the women's limp body behind the building and searched her purse. It had an entrance ticket, ID card, a gun and a note. I put everything into my (her) purse but the note which I opened and read.

Dear Mrs. Jones,

I invite you to my wonderful Gala today. I hope you enjoy the after party, and please tell Mrs. King "I'm here for the after party." I hope you enjoy the ceremony.

~Vandal Savage

I will certainly enjoy the "after party" they keep talking about. I wrapped my hair into a tight bun, a couple strands of hair falling out in front of my face. I was so ready. I walked in gracefully and handed the security guard and invite  to the bodyguard upfront. He nodded and let me in. It was a beautiful party.

For a crazy freaking psycho path.

I reached into my purse and noticed I was still wearing the bracelet I had put on at Savage's house. I touched it and felt the cold metallic gold. Suddenly it started glowing bright white. When things start randomly glowing on your hand you tend to want to take it off, that's exactly what I tried to do. I rushed into a janitors closet when no one was looking and struggled to get it off, but it seemed to tighten on my hand. Suddenly it dragged my hand to the floor where I couldn't move and a red light on the bracelet started beeping. The door slammed open and standing there was Vandal Savage himself.

"So glad you could join the party, Sasha." Vandal Savage said pressing a red button which released the bracelet on my arm. His guards picked me up and dragged me into the red glowing eerie room. There was a body in the center, it was Carter. I gasped loudly and everyone dressed in these red hoods looked at me with a curious stare.

"My worshipers, this is my kin. The next to join me in my line of POWER. But this is not her, that is her!" Vandal said as a group of men pushed in a glass box where someone who looked identical to me lay. She was dressed in beautiful Egyptian robes and her face looked young and healthy. "This is what she will become, because my friends. THIS IS TIME--" I kicked Vandal Savage and disarmed the guards. When I stood up around 50 so people aimed their guns at me. "No need, you will tell me the future, and what I become one way or another. Let's finish the ceremony." Vandal said, his guards grabbing me roughly and chaining me to the wall. And yes, they had freaking chains on their walls.

"Sir! Your guests have arrived." A man said with an evil smile. The doors were bust opened, Rip and Sara were dragged into the room and forced to go on their knees.

"Glad you made it." I said sarcastically tugging on my chains.

"Alexa?" Sara said questioningly.

"Alexa?" Vandal said staring at me with a quizzical glance. "Your name is Alexa in the future, how odd, you changed your name, Alexa, how suitable." Vandal said with an evil smirk. Vandal took a knife and cut Carters throat open while I was forced to watch. The blood went into a cup and Vandal took a small sip of it.

"That is disgusting."

" That's perverse." Rip agreed.

"I have learned that although I am the only one to have the gift of immortality, I can share my longevity with others." Vandal said handing the cup to two of his followers. They drank it and a purple smoke lifted into their eyes and they sighed deeply.

"And you, my daughter, will share that longevity." Vandal said turning toward me.

"Oh hell no." I said my stomach grumbled loudly, I KNEW I SHOULD HAVE EATEN THAT GUAC.

"This will help you remember your past lives, your past life." Vandal said taking another step toward me. I struggled in my chains and started kicking everyone away. "Unchain her, bring her to the alter." Vandal said. They grabbed me roughly and threw me toward the alter where they removed Carters body and pinned me down. Vandal took a knife and slit the base of my hand, allowing 13 drops of blood to soak into the cup. He then took a little slice of his own blood and mixed it in. A huge puff of black smoke emerged and he smiled.


"Drink, remember, my daughter." Vandal said bringing the drink closer to my mouth.

"GET AWAYYY" I yelled.

"You will be worshiped look around you! EVERYONE in here is willing to risk their lives for me, they place their lives down. YOU will be a goddess in their eyes. They know nothing of that." Vandal said jutting his head toward them. There was a loud boom outside and Rip smiled.

"We have the general gist." He said. Leo, Mick and Jax rushed in.

"Party? Without me?" Mick asked.

"Well, consider this our invitation!" Leo yelled. He blasted everyone with his cold gun and stopped when he saw me pinned down on the alter.

"The drink, make her drink!" Vandal yelled to them. I struggled as the cups touched my lips and the black substance wet my lips, but I refused to open it. Vandal punched me in the gut and I opened my mouth in pain. The substance went in and he forced me to swallow while the two guards were killed by the cold gun and heat gun. I felt the slimy substance run down my throat and a searing white flash. Vandal tried to say a couple of words to finish the process while I started losing consciousness, but he was interrupted when Rip tackled him to the floor. I feel like I was knocked unconscious too much, but I had this light airy feeling. When I opened my eyes I was in this old Egyptian room and there I was, or there Sasha was? How was Sasha here if she was on Earth 2? How was Sasha alive?

"Are you sure you wouldn't like to--"

"LEAVE!" Sasha yelled to the servant who bowed and scurried away. I walked closer and tapped Sasha on the shoulder, my hand went right through her. I guess this was more of a dream. A beautiful women walked into the room, her white gowns draping on the floor and she walked over to Sasha.

"Hello my beautiful." She said stroking Sasha's hair.

"Mother." Sasha replied sitting on the bed.

"I heard you wouldn't like to be the next High Priestess." She said quietly.

"Priestess Chay-Ara died only a couple months ago, there bodies haven't even been found. It was very luck that father even saved the few items. I'm so glad he survived the meteor attack." I said.

"Yes, glad." The women said, a look of guilt crossing her face.

"What do you think?" Sasha asked the women.

"Be strong." The women responded without another word. A servant rushed in and bowed down.

"Queen Alexia, your people are waiting for you." The women stood up and walked away. I opened my mouth in shock, Queen Alexia? Sasha was all alone when finally it clicked in my mind.

I was Sasha.

A/N: Ha! Plot twist award goes to CRAZYLIZZY22.

This is the dress that Alexa wore.

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