The Doctor and The Alpha

By Peace_Love_Passion

389K 12.4K 680

Meet innocent Grace, a 19 year old genius who is now a doctor with the help of Mason, her mate. She is human... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-three
Chapter Thirty-four
Chapter Thirty-five

Chapter Twenty

8.8K 279 14
By Peace_Love_Passion

Mason's point of view

Grace slept most of the night, I did too but it is my instinct to wake up to make sure she is alright. I have done it ever since I was around the age of ten when we would have sleep overs. I have known this girl since I was three, basically since she was born. I have always been protective of her, even before I knew what mates were and before I was able to know who my mate was. By the sixth grade I promised myself even if she was not my mate I would keep her close to me.

The day I turned sixteen I knew she was mine, and I was overjoyed. Actually lust was overpowering my mind, they had to restrain  me for a couple of days. All I wanted to do was ram my dick so far into her and make her scream my name, and for everyone to know that she was mine. She was only 13. Of course she got her suspensions about me disappearing, but they told her I went on a mini vacation. I never wanted anything so bad, I just wanted her in my bed, and me blowing her mind with amazing sex. I wanted everyone to know that she was mine, and no one else could have her. I wanted to be the one who satisfied all of her needs and wants. I wanted to be the one who puts a smile on her face, and to wake her up every morning with her in my arms, with a kiss. I wanted a lot and I still want more. After they restrained me I was furious and wanted everyone dead who kept me from her, but my dad came and knocked sense into me. Literally. He explained with punches and kicks on why I needed to keep it a secret until she was older. She was Thirteen at the time, but I didn't really care.

"Mason, I'm mad at you." she says with her eyes still closed. I stayed quiet wanting her to tell me exactly why.

"You hurt me, destroyed my trust, broke a promise," she said to me. I tensed at her words because they were true and it hurts me to know I hurt her. I should have known Nikki was up to no good.

"You know it is already hard for me to trust people, and you broke that. Apparently you don't trust me because I can barely give my friends hugs without you freaking out on me. I'm not a slut. I don't see how this doesn't apply to you. I get jealous when girls flirt with you. I always thought you would leave me all by myself for someone else." Her voice got quieter the more she talked, I never knew she got jealous, she would always laugh at the girls who would try to flirt with me. I guess she is right, if I tell her not to do something, but I turn around and do it, I shouldn't be a hypocrite.


"Really after what I just told you, you just say 'okay' alright then. Just get out. I don't need you here, you are such a hypocrite. You weren't suppose to hurt me, but you did, physically and emotionally, look where we are! It is because of you. I don't want to see you for a while. Just get out."

I stayed there shock at her outburst, the 'okay' was supposed to come out as a surrender not as anything else.

"Honey I think you should leave," my mom came in to tell me, of course she would listen in on our conversation. I got up slowly from behind Grace, I tried to hide my anger by giving her a kiss on her tear stained face, but once I saw she was sad and crying, I wasn't mad, just broken. I went to the door, but only to turn around and say,

"I didn't mean it in that way, I was trying to surrender to you and tell you I was wrong, but you know I'm not good with words. I understand that you need space, but I will need you, and I will see you one way or the other. I love you." And with that I left, it hurt to leave, it hurt even more to hear her break into a sob when the door closed. I wanted so bad to turn back around and comfort her but I need to learn to give her space.

I went back to my house in Oklahoma and drowned myself in work. The security I needed for Grace was set up and will start tonight, they stay for two days and will switch at 11:30 at night. Tonight's Thursday night, and I got to go to the club to get it ready for Friday night.

I own some random stuff, but it's only because I brought it from some people who were not werewolf. And I needed a club for when I have large meetings with people and big ceremonies and stuff.

She is getting her own private room that is not in the ICU, the doctors said she will be out by Saturday morning. My mom mind linked me.

Okay how is she doing? I ask her hopping she isn't feeling to bad.

She is good, she is just really sad and stressed out about everything

I cut the link because if I keep listening I won't be able to give her space.

I need to apologize, when she gets home on Saturday there will be roses and flowers for her on her front porch, I need to contact Ms. Lily so I can get some for her. I'll send Grace's team over there to help her too. I don't want to give her too much because then she will think I am trying to buy her forgiveness, but I am not.

I'll set up a candlelight picnic in her backyard. I know she loves picnics because her friends and her have picnics everyday at lunch time on the weekdays at her old high school. Grace is teaching and helping there, she is also taking classes there on her days off, the girl is busy. She works Monday, Wednesday, Friday's, then on Tuesday and Thursday she goes to the school from 9-5 to teach and help the former Academy kids, and then she takes online classes and uses the computer lab to do her online work.

Their picnics aren't normal as they get five or so blankets, place them together and lay on them all while they eat and once they are finished they lay on top of each other and talk or whatever comes to mind. They are so close to each other, she looks at them as family, because her real family besides a few aren't there for her.

Dammit why is this girl always on my mind. I get up from my desk and drive towards the club, to make sure it's ready for the wave of people tomorrow night. I have cameras everywhere even in the private rooms, I need to know what goes on and if I need the information later I have it.

My job as an Alpha is to protect my pack and that is what I do, I may have a big one but I love them all, they are my family, but Grace will always come first. I don't want to turn like my dad and abandon my love and our children, and come home mad and want to hit something, and the thing that gets punch is either the child or the mate, maybe both. I refuse to do that, honestly I don't think I can do it because, me hurting Grace emotionally is hard for me to take in now.

I walk up the four flights of stair to my office and lay across the couch, for a businessman I sure have a lot of free time. I called my friend, a psychologist, to set up a date and time to come over. I stare at the ceiling hoping, I can apologize properly to my love because I can't really live without her, even if it is a couple of weeks.

Sleep eventually comes and I am awakened to the noise of someone coming into my office, my mom.

"Get up! She didn't break up with you, she just wants space. Stop acting like she wants a divorce or something. She loves you and is willing to commit to everything she just needs time to process everything. Once everyone knows you and her are together the world is going to want to know everything and she knows this. The girl is trying to build onto her faith more too, and all of this is making her feel like she is slowly slipping. Ser un niño grande (Be a big boy)."

"Mom, okay I get it, que no es fácil para ella (it is not easy for her). I just want her in my arms." My mom comes towards me to comfort me, on the couch.

"I understand that you are in love with her, pero ella está siendo golpeado con un camión lleno de sentimientos (she is getting hit with a truck full of feelings), plus more since that girl kissed you."

I tense to the mentioning of her, I grab my phone and call her dad.

"Alpha Schroeder, you need to teach your daughter how not to get in between two mates, my mate is now in the hospital, because of her. It is her duty as in next in line to be more responsible and mature. I will revoke and cease the pack if I must in case of another slip up. She doesn't seem fit to lead."

"I do apologize, she has been talked to and sent away for a while to learn how to act."

"Thank you," I was about to hang up before,

"How is she, is she fine, what happened?" Grace has this way with people. Her innocence and struggles allows her to be optimistic about many subjects. When she talks to others she always leaves them in love with her because of her words of encouragement and smile.

"She is fine, upset, but needs time to herself."

"I am really sorry Mason."

"I know, bye" I hung up, before he could keep apologizing. 'Sorry' won't get her out the hospital now, or make her stop not wanting me around. 

My grandmother is from Spain, but my mom was born in the United States, so I am white but mixed with Spanish, because my dad is white. My mom wanted me to learn the language so she taught me, now I am fluent, though I only use it with her and sometimes with my friends or Grace, because she learned some and likes to practice.


The past few days have been tough but I have found ways to ask for forgiveness. Today is Saturday and I had one of the floral companies in the pack to deliver some flowers to her house and to plant some for her.

I see Sarah's car pull up to the house, her whole lawn is full with flowers, and the flowers we did plant are not seen due to the invasion of flowers on top of that. There is a pathway for her wheelchair. She loves flowers and it is what I'll give her, I stand on the front porch waiting for her to get out but she seems to just stare at the scene.

When she does get out, she is all smiles and looks beautiful even with her nasal cannula for oxygen. Her medication drains her so she she is tired along with the rest of her body, they give her oxygen because she breathes shallowly and it doesn't supply enough oxygen to her extremities like it is supposed to. There is nothing wrong with her lungs, she is just too tired and weak to even breathe.

James helped her out of the car, I clenched my jaw, I should know not to get jealous by now but it's hard to break a habit suddenly.

When she gets out she smiles at me and it warms my heart and makes it swell in love. I have no problem showing my love for her. James stops the wheelchair in front of me, locks it, and bows out of respect and leaves to sit in the car with Sarah. She tries to get up but I help her up.

She stands and kisses me, on my lips. I usually initiate those, and she gives me kisses on my cheek. But she kissed me, and it's still going. I grab her hips for support, and because I love them.

We move our lips together, with her's a little off but she soon finds the rhythm. I break away before I start to want more. I hold our foreheads together, and she smiles.

"I love you" I told her. She smiled and held me close to her.

"I still need space. That doesn't mean I don't want you, I need time to think."

"Of course." I told her understanding her request.

I sit her back down and wheel her into her house.

"Crap nuggets,"

"What?" I asked her hurriedly, wanting to know what was her need to say that.

"My room is upstairs, I'm used to coming to your house after this type of stuff." I sigh realizing it is going to be harder to walk away than what I initially thought.

"Sleep in the guest bedroom," I suggest

"I just might, you can leave now, send Sarah and James in please." She told me, so casually.

Ouch. That really hurt me. I wasn't facing her face when she said that, so maybe it was hard for her too to say goodbye.

"See you later Grace, I love you." I told her hoping she wouldn't let me leave.

"Okie dokie, see you later, leave the door open for them please." She said sweetly, she didn't even say 'I love you' back.

I walked out, mad, not at her but at myself for being such a jerk. I walk up to the car, and see Sarah and James kissing. I knock harshly on the window, scaring them both, then once they caught the anger that was shown clearly on my face Sarah started to shake, and James got serious. I have killed, and will kill people and wolves and they know that. But I care about them too much to do that. James was the first to get out the car. He bowed and showed his neck in submission.

"Alpha, what is it that you need?"

"Grace wants both you and Sarah with her. Update me on her: feelings, what she eats, how long she sleeps. Whatever I ask tell me!" I bark out to him.

"Yes, Alpha."

"I'm not mad at you James, just mad at myself." I told him before walking away and getting on my Motorcycle and speeding off.

I reached my house in the city over and mind linked the guards.

Are you there? I ask sternly

Yes Sir, we have been here since thursday night 11:31pm. He said with a monotone voice.

Just what I need, someone serious about their job. I needed Grace to be safe at all times. When they signed up to becoming the bodyguards of her they gave consent of allowing me, and the surgeons, to place a monitor into their system, so when their heart stops an alarm goes off. This is important because if someone dies, that means Grace is in trouble. You can also see if they are sick, and whether or not they are tired or anything.

Knock Knock

"Who is it?" I yell/growl

"James," He said without a care in the world.

"Come in," I told him, not minding him. He is my best friend.

Once he came in he just stood there looking at me waiting for me to make a move, a comment, anything. But then I gave in I broke down, I cried.

James walked over to me and stood by me as I cried, it was silent comfort. It hurt her, I put her in the hospital. I betrayed her. I messed up, and she won't let me see her, or be around her. That fucking hurts. I stopped crying, I can and will make her forgive me before the two weeks are over, starting with a simple phone call.

Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ri-

Grace: Mason, the point of me not wanting to see you is, I don't want to talk to you either.

She said in a tired voice, it sounded like she has been crying.

Me: I know but I know what I did was wrong, and-

Grace: I don't need your apologies right now

Me: I know, just wanted to tell you someone is coming over to our house to help me with my anger and stuff.

Grace: Good, now bye Mason, Good night

She really is trying to avoid me, I'll call everyday though. It may get annoying, but I need her to know, I am really sorry and that I won't give up.

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