I Knew It Was You (Kellic) (b...

By WinsorMoon

103K 4.1K 741

Sixteen years old, Kellin Bostwick starts a new life after his mom, sister, and him escapes his father. After... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37 [Final]
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2022 Announcement!
Its posted!

Chapter 10

3.4K 131 14
By WinsorMoon

I'm on a roll xD


My eyes widen. "What?" I ask. "Yeah it's rare, but possible." she says. I stand up. "Your lying right?" I say. "Did your dad strike you in the stomach at all earlier?" she asked not answering my question. "No, I fell but hid my stomach away from him that's it. Anyways, I can't be." I say. "Motherly instincts already kicking in." she says. The doctor walks in. "Hey Mrs. Bostwick. How are you feeling?" he ask. "Better, I have a question." She says. Mom please don't. "Do you guys do ultrasounds here?" she ask.

"My son thinks there's something wrong with his stomach, it could be serious. Could you make sure everything's okay?" She ask. "Sure," he smiles. He gives Mom the routine checkup. When he's done he turns to me and says, "Right this way." He starts to walk out. "Hold on," I say. "Can you please come with me?" I ask Vic in a small voice. He nods, and gets up from the chair he was sitting in. We walk out of moms room. We pass the waiting room, and I motioned to Justin I would tell him later. After we passed by I saw the guys make their way back to moms room.


"We'll run a few test no biggie. If you need it, they will give you an ultrasound." he told me. I nodded. For the next half hour the test were taken. Now we just wait. We walk back in moms room, ugh I'm scared. "Have they told you anything?" She asked. "I have to wait," I answer. I haven't told anyone why me and Vic went back there yet and in really don't want to. I need water. "I'm gonna go get water. Anyone else want something?" I ask. "Can you get me any type of soda?" Justin ask. I stand up, and nod.

He gave me a dollar, and I started to walk out. "I'll go with you." Vic says standing up, quickly catching up to me, and walking with me. "What's on your mind?" Vic ask. "Just everything that's gone on. Plus, I'm scared." I say. "Whatever happens, i'll be right here." he says. 'Will you really though?' Fuck thoughts! Sometimes I wish I didn't have them.

"I know, it's just a lot to take in in one night." I say, as we reach the soda machine. I get a water for myself, and a coke for Justin. "Princess..." Vic says as we walk into the room.
"Yes love?" I answer, taking a drink. "I love you." I smiled. "I love you too." There was a chorus of awes. "Since when did you two start saying that to each other?" Mom asked. "This weekend after what happened." knowing what I was talking about she nodded.

I give the coke to Justin, and sit back down in the chair I was in. Vic sat in the chair next to me. We hear a knock at the door, as aunt Jennifer, Jenna, and the doctor that worked with me earlier walked in. Aunt Jennifer gasp when she sees Mom and quickly rushes over to us. "I knew I should have stayed home!" she said. "I didn't want to ruin your fun." Mom says. "You wouldn't have ruined my fun." Aunt Jennifer said. "I also didn't want you to get hurt." Mom says.

I tuned out of the conversation after that. "Kellin?" The doctor walked over to me. "Yes?" I answer sheepishly. "So we've noticed something, but just to make sure everything is correct I would like you to come with me one more time. I have another doctor waiting for you her name is Dr. Harris." He says. I look at Vic, and we both stand up. "I'll be back." I say to everyone. "Where are you going? Is everything okay?" Jenna ask.

"I'll be fine. Everything's okay I've just been throwing up lately." I say. "Okay, if anythings wrong tell me." I nod, then the doctor, Vic and I went to another room.


Dr. Harris was squinting at the screen. She had put some type of gel on my stomach, which was cold, and now she's using some wand thing to look inside my stomach. She has the wand on a specific part of my stomach though. It's hardly moved since she started to really focus on the screen. "Is everything okay?" I ask.

"Wha- oh yeah. It's just I couldn't believe it. I thought we had done something wrong but here I am seeing it with my own eyes." She says. "What is it?" I ask. "Kellin you are pregnant." She tells me. My heart rate sped up, and the scared feeling in my stomach appeared. I don't understand I'm a guy!!!

"Would you like pictures of this?" She asked. "Um... yeah." I nod needing her to get out of the room. "Here, you can wipe that stuff off your stomach. I'll actually be back soon." She chuckled, handed me a cloth, and walked out. I wipe the gel off my stomach, and throw the rag in the sink.

What's going to happen to me? How is my family going to take this? How are my friends going to take this? How is my boyfriend taking this? I sit up, and swing my legs to the side Vic was on to see him staring off into space. What if he doesn't want to be with me anymore?? I don't think I'll be able to take that... I also don't want this baby to be without its father. God, it's weird saying that.

"V-vic...?" I speak breaking the silence. Vic doesn't answer me. I could feel the tears threatening to spill out of my eyes. Please don't tell me you don't want anything to do with me... He's going to isn't he? The thought of that made me tip over the edge. Tear after tear.

Vic POV:

My eyes shoot to the crying boy. "Oh no Kell." I get up, and wrap my arms around him. He cries into my chest. "It's gonna be okay, Princess." I say, then kiss his head. "Please don't leave me," he says. "We're gonna get through this together." I say. "I'm scared Vic." he sobs. "Me too, i'll be by your side the whole time." I tell him. His hold on me got tighter, and I hugged him back tightly, but not as tight. I'm scared I might break him his back already hurts. "I promise you I won't leave you. You're so important to me. I couldn't do that to you." He tells me. I wipe his tears, and tuck his hair behind his ear. "Are you sure?" The gorgeous boy ask. I wipe a tear falling down his cheek.

"Yes, Princess, why wouldn't I? I've told you, you mean so much to me. I also told you we were in this together no matter what happens. We got ourselves in this situation together, so we are going to work through it together." I place a finger underneath his chin and pull his head up slowly. "Kellin, I love you. I'm not leaving, I'm staying here. I mean it when I say that. I'm not just saying it."I tell him.

I capture Kellin's lips in a slow love filled kiss. I pull away, wrap my arms around his waist and hug him. He hugs back wrapping his arms around my neck, he also wraps his legs around my waist as if he doesn't want me to move. Which I'm totally okay with. I see Kellin calm down a bit. "It's gonna be okay." I say again. He's such a sensitive person, I love it. I love him. The boy I've been searching for all my life is right here in my arms. Now I know why I didn't hug him back just as tight.

Kellin's POV:

(A/N that certain part wouldn't have made sense if I didn't put it in Vic's POV think dream ;) )

At least I have my boyfriend to help me get through this. I hope i'll still have my family and friends too.

We hear the door open, and we pull away. "Here you go." she handed me and Vic ultrasound pictures and extras. "You can go back to your Moms room now. And get some rest, you have another person to take care of." She smiled. I hop off of the exam table. "I'm scared." I say to Vic as we walk out of the room. "It's okay, i'll be right here with you." Vic says, lacing my fingers in with his, then kissing my hand. I sigh, relaxing a bit.

When we get back to Moms room I hesitate before going in. I'm surprised to see the rest of them here. "W-when did you guys get here?" I ask. "We wanted to make sure everyone was okay including your mom." Mike said. I nod. "Hey did you find out what was wrong?" Justin asked as we walked in. I nodded, he was about to say something. I think he realized I didn't want to talk about it yet..

I walked over to Moms bed and gave her a picture. "I knew it!" she smiled. "You're not mad?" I ask. "Why would I be mad hun? Knew it would happen sometime. I know you're a little young but I know you can do it. So are you going to tell them or no?" she ask pointing to the guys. I swallow hard, and look at Vic.

"Only if you want to Princess." I smile, and chuckle lightly. "Could you tell them?" I ask in a shy small voice. Vic nods, and walks towards the group. I sit next to Mom. "So how do you feel about all this Hun?" Mom ask. "Mostly scared, I mean, a baby! There is going to be a little person coming out of me in nine months." I say. Oh my god.... There's gonna be a little person coming out of me in nine months.

"It'll be an amazing experience though. When you hold him or her in your arms it'll be love at first sight." She tells me. "Honestly, I think I already feel the love. Even though they aren't born yet, I don't know, I just know I wouldn't give them up for anything." I say smiling a bit. "That's how I felt when I was pregnant with you and Jen." she told me. "Your father couldn't ruin anything on that one. I may have cried and gotten hurt a few times, but I was happy to have the both of you." She smiled.

I heard multiple gasp from behind me. "Go on." Mom said motioning for me to walk over there. I put on my big boy underpants and walked towards the group. I hid behind Vic though. "You're telling me I'm going to be an uncle???" Mike ask excitedly. Vic laughed, "Yes Mikey."

"This is great!!! No no amazing!! I'm also proud of you big bro." Mike wiggled his eyebrows. "Shut up." Vic laughed. "Kellin?!" I hear Jenna call. "Yes?" I squeak. "Come out." she says. I walk out from behind Vic. "Yes?" I ask. "Tell me everything." she smirks. "Me too!" Justin says excitedly. I mentally face palm myself. "You kids need to get home anyways." Mom says.

"I don't-" I start, but she cuts me off. "I will be just fine go." She says. I go over to her and kiss her head. "Love you." I say. "Love you too." Jenna comes over and does the same. "I'll take you guys home." Vic says grabbing his keys off of a tray. "I'm coming back after school though." I say. "Okay, just go home and get some rest." I nod, and the three of us walk out. "Justin are you coming with us?" I ask. "Um.... I'll go with Jaime." he says. "Okay," I shake my head know what those two are already going to get into.

Aunt Jenna goes to the window ledge, and sits a bag down on it. "What's in that big bag?" Mom ask. "Clothes," she answers, "I'm gonna stay here tonight. Don't get into anything while I'm gone." She tells Justin.


"I love you Princess." Vic tells me when we reach the door. Vic just made sure no one got in the house while we were gone. "I love you too." I say. "Are you guys gonna be okay here?" he ask. "Yeah, we'll be fine." I said. "Okay," he kisses me softly. "I'll miss you though." I say. "I'll miss you too." He says. "Text me." I say as he walks out. "Always." I watch as he gets into his car, and drives off. I shut the door and lock it.

"You guys are too cute!" Jenna squeals when I get upstairs. "Shut up." I laugh. "Have you asked that one girl out yet?" I ask. "Yeah, It happened before Aunt Jennifer picked me up to go to the hospital." she told me. I nod, "Now hopefully I'll get to tease you soon." I laugh. "So how was it?" she asked. "How was what?" I ask.

"The sex!" I feel my cheeks heat up. "It was great I guess..." I trail off. "Oh come one you know it was better than great." she teases. "Fine it was amazing." I laugh. "And did you guys do it again?" she asked. "In the morning." I say. "Ooh that's one way to get you up huh?" She chuckles. "How are you feeling about the whole baby thing?" she asked. "I was shocked and scared at first, now I'm excited and scared." I chuckle. "You're not gonna give it away will you?" she asked.

"Of course not, this is MY baby not anyone else's... except Vic of course."

"Well I'm gonna go take a shower, goodnight Kell." she says. "Goodnight." I walk into mine and Justin's room. I miss him and Justin's not gonna be home for awhile. I could call Vic it's not like Aunt Jennifer is coming back.

I pick up my phone, and dial Vic's number. "Hello?" He answer. "Hey, wanna come over?" I ask. "Let me get clothes ready and i'll be there." he says. I smile, "Okay."

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