My Obsessive Stalker (werewol...

By jamilah1125

395K 12K 1.2K

UNEDITED/poorly written when I was younger (needs severe editing) "Becky, I'm scared! Someone's following me... More

All Rights Reserved & Other Info
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
New story!!!
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Everything's Lost!!!
Chaper 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
IMPORTANT A/N- Impacts You!
Chapter 30
A/N You Guys Voted For Option.....
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 35
Important A/N-Wattpad Glitch!
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41

Chapter 34

5.2K 192 11
By jamilah1125

Happy Late Valentine's Day!!!❤️
Sorry the chapter's late but there is an AN at the end explaining why.

(Katherine's POV)

I opened my eyes and looked around, but saw nothing.

I was in the middle of a road with trees along it but no houses.

The road was completely deserted and there was no one or car in sight.

I listened to the deathening silence around me when I heard it.


A car must be coming through here.

I stepped off the road, towards the trees and hid behind one as I watched a car coming along the road dangerously fast.

It looked as if it was going 70mph on a 20mph road.

I was confused: why would someone be driving this fast on a road where accidents could happen easily?

I mean, there was a bend coming up and you could hardly see if a car was coming around it and if there was, you would crash straight into it.

What's more is that this car was driving in the middle of the road and not to one side.

I looked towards the road and my eyes widened.

There was a large hump in the middle of it that was used to slow down cars.

The driver would have to slow down before going over the hump to stop from jolting foward in the car if the car was going too fast, or to save the suspension in the car and not damage it.

I looked towards the car and then the hump again.

At the speed the car's going at, it will fly through the air, land flipped over and skid along the road if it hits the hump.

I can't let that happen.

Just as I was about to step onto the road and try and do something, it was too late.

The car had hit the hump.

I watched, shocked , with my eyes widened in horror as the car flew through the air, doing a somersalt midair before crashing upside down on the road once more, the hood of the car skidding across the road.

I was frozen in place, unable to move as I saw someone in the car, unmoving.

There's someone in there...

My eyes seemed to widen even more when Mr Collins words echoed in my head:

'After 2 years, there was a terrible accident: she had died in a car crash.'

My body immediately came out of it's shock and I ran towards the car as I saw a small flame light.


I ran faster when I saw the flame had joined the oil from the car, making the flame become bigger.

This can't happen. She's in there!

But everything seemed to slow down, as the flame reached the car, and the world was rushing around me once again
and the wind hit my face.

I open my eyes only for wind to hit my face yet again, but this time it stopped after a second or two and I didn't feel the need to close my eyes.

I looked around and realised I was in the backyard of my house.

'Why would I be here?'

My eyebrows came together and I shivered as another gust of wind hit me.

I wrapped my arms around myself to keep myself warm as I realised it must be autumn due to the different orange and red coloured leaves on the floor.

I slowly moved forward and decided to get to my front yard, decidung that maybe I could find someone there.

I walked over to the house, only to move to the right corner of it as there was a wooden door there seperating the front and back yard.

Luckily it wasn't locked so I managed to open it without a hassle and slip through.

Once, I was through the door I started walking forwards since I was between my and Jasons' house.

It was a tight squeeze but I managed to get through and get to the front yard.

However, I immediately froze at what I saw.

There was a women in a black hoody with the hood up, walking towards the front door of my house with a baby in her hands.


Whoah, when did I start calling her that.

I mulled over the word a little before realising it didn't matter.

She is, in fact, my mother so it didn't matter if I called her that.

I took a few steps closer, trying to get a better look at what was happening although I already knew.

She slowly crouched down, the baby still in her hands.

I watched as she placed the baby girl down on the doorstep, looking over her shoulder cautiously before turning back to the innocent face.

She smiled at the baby sadly before bending her face down to kiss her forehead as the baby held her mother' mother's face, in her tiny hands.

She kissed her daughters' forehead slowly before pulling away and standing up again.

She looked down at her daughter as tears welled up in her eyes, before turning away from her, walking away.

My breath hitched as I stepped forward to try and stop her but a flash of white light binded me making me close my eyes for a few seconds.

I reopened them, only to see that I was in a living room.

Jasons' living room to be exact.

Before I knew it, thunderous footsteps came down the stairs and Mr Collins came into the room, looking furious as he held a camera in his hands.

"That b*tch!" he exclaimed, stoping in front of the living room window before pointing his camera and took picures.

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion before I cautiously moved fowards and stood behind him to see what he was taking pictures of.

A small gasp left my lips.

Mum was now near a car, with a man, and she was leaning her head on his shoulder as tears ran down his face.

Both were looking at the baby on the doorstep sadly, not taking their eyes off me.

The man, my real dad, had his arms around her waist and was whispering into her ear as she nodded slightly.

I watched them tentivley but I was bought out of my thoughts as a quiet growl came out of Mr Collins' lips.

He put down his camera, sneering at the couple outside, before turning around (almost hitting me in the process) and storming towards one of the sofa chairs in the room.

He sat down, fingers under his chin, looking deep in thought.

My eyes widened as I heard his words echo in my head when he had kidnapped me:

'She came back after 5 years, but with a baby girl in her hands and covered herself so no one would recognise her and left the baby at a doorstep. It just happened to be the neighbour of James.
During this...drop off James was home and somehow knew she was back and peeped out the window and saw everything.
He took pictures and for the rest of the day he thought over everything and realised that she had faked her death to be with someone else.'

I blinked several times, bringing me out of my daze, before looking at Mr Collins again, who had an evil smirk on his lips.

I'm missing something. I know it.

If these...dreams are like a time line of what happens than what's going to happen next?

I paced around the living, glancing at Mr Collins every few seconds, deep in thought about what would happen next.

Come on, come on, come on!

Suddenly, I froze midstep as my eyes widened.

'Obviously, James could not let her get away with this so he divised a plan, which resulted her in losing her life as well as her 'soul mates' life'

I quikly turned towards Mr Collins only to see he had a pen and paper in his hands, a smirk still plastered on his face, before the room started spinning and the wind hit my face, yet again.

"Drive faster!"

"It won't go any faster!"

My eyes shot open, only to realise I was in a car.

'What the...'

"They're gaining on us!"

My eyes immediately shot towards the passenger seat.


She was sitting in the passenger seat.

Her eyes were looking behind us every few seconds as her hand gripped the side of her seat.

Fear was clear on her face.

"Use a spell!"


He was in the drivers seat, both arms on the steering wheel as he watched the dark road in front of us, changing gears fast every few seconds.

'What's going on?'

"Don't you think I've tried! They must have put the Witcher Syrome in the car somewh-" she stopped mid sentence as her eyes widened.

"What? What is it?" Dad rushed out, glancing at her quikly before turning towards the road again.

"Robbie, didn't you say you smelt something weird coming from the car when we were about to get in?" She said, barely above a whisper.

Robbie...that was his name: my fathers' name.

Silence filled the car.

"The damn b*stard! He put it all over the car! That bloody mutt!" he screamed out loudly, causing me to jump in the back seat.

"It's okay, just calm down and keep driving. We'll be fine as long as- watch out!"

A bright light invaded my eye sight, causing me to close them.

I opened them quikly only to see I was now standing outside.

I heard a scream, causing me to turn my head to the right.

The car swerved, dodging something on the road, before rolling over onthe road repeatedly.


I rushed foward but stopped immediately when I heard a thunderous growl behind me.

A shiver ran down my spine as I heard steps coming towards me.

I stood there, staring at the upside down car in front of me, my body shaking from fear.

When I felt a presence behind me I closed my eyes tightly, refusing to open them.

Oh God, please no...

Wind suddenlt hit my back and the presence disappeared.

I opened my eyes only to see a very nacked Mr Collins in front of me.

My face twisted in disgust and I immediately looked away.

'Wait a and dad!'

My brain quikly registered that they were in the car in front of me.

Just as I was about to rush forwards one of the car doors flew open.

I heard a groan and clinking of glass before someone crawled out if the car.


The crawled outon her hands and knees, continuing to groan, before falling into a heap on the floor.

"You shouldn't have done what you did you know. We could have avoided this if you just listened to me but no... you just had to go against me and fake your death" Mr Collins said shaking his head a small smirk on his face.

A small, painful laugh left could be heard from mum as she slowly picked her had up.

Blood was trickling down the side of her head and dripped on to the road.

"I would do it a million times again if it meant getting away from you: a monster" she sneered.

The smirk immediately vanished from his face and a look of pure fury replaced it.

"It may be so but it doesn't matter now does it? I can finally get what I want" he says as a smirk slowly appears on his face again.

Mom's face twisted into one of confusion before she winced from the effort.

"What do you mean you can finally get what you want?"

His smirk widened.

"I believe your lovely daughter, Katherine, would make a wonderful mate when she grows up. Don't you think?" He says tapping his chin, as if he was deep in thought.

A look of pure anger appeared on mum's face.

"You f*cking b*stard! Don't you dare touch her you dirty mutt or else, I swear, I will-"

"Oops, your times up. Goodbye now my beautiful Lizzie" he says with a glint in his eyes.

He quikly turns around and walks away as wolves appear from the trees that surround the road.

They corner her before they all pounce at once.

"Noooooooooo!" I scream, running forward but it was too late.

The world started spinning and wind hit my face as his words echoed, yet again, in my head:

'Anyway, once she was dead and out of the way James realised something: he had a second chance.
He realised that he could have another soul mate...her name was Katherine.'

I opened my eyes, looking around frantically for mom, only to realise I was in a playground.

The playground was filled with children, who were running around or playing on the playdround equipment.

It was a bright and sunny day but the heat seemed to have no effect on the children as they continued to laugh and run about.

"Who are you? Mummy and daddy said not to talk to strangers..." I heard a small voice to my right.

There was a small girl on a swing set, who looked around 6 and was wearing a little dress with floral patterns.

However, what caught my attention immediately wasn't the girl but, in fact, the man crouching down in front of her: Mr Collins.

"Well, princess, I'm not a stranger am I? Don't you remember me? The neighbor from the house next to you? Jasons' daddy" he said with a small smile on his face, although if you looked close enough you could see that the smile was not genuine at all.

There seemed to be an evil glint in his eyes.

Definitely not surprising.

The girls face brightened once he spoke those words.

"Jason! Where is he!? He said he'd come and play with me yesturday but he never came" she pouted.

He chuckled although there was no humor behind it what so ever.

"He had an upset stomach so he wasn't able to come. He says he's sorry though."

"Oh" she says, looking down at the ground deep in thought.

Just as she was about to say something someone called out her name.

"Katherine! What are you doing over there sweetie? Come and play here for a few minutes. We'll be leaving soon."

I turned my head to the male voice.

The man had an arm wrapped around a woman's waist and he held a cold stare towards the man, but when he looked towards the girl he immediately smiled.

"Okay daddy!" she says excitidly, completely oblivious towards the staring war between her father and Mr Collins as she jumped off the swings and ran towards the slide.

The woman had a worried look on her face, looking up at her husband and than towards Mr Collins.

The man looked down at his wife, giving her a small smile and a peck on her cheek, before she reluctantly moved out of his arms and walked towards the girl: me

My adoptive father, John, looked over at my adoptive mother, Sarah, before looking back at Mr Collins with a cold stare once more.

They both stared at each other with hatred as the wind picked up and the Sun seemed to hide behind a large cloud.

"Stay away from her James. She's a child for heavans sake" John says through gritted teeth.

Mr Collins' famous smirk appeared on his face as mine twisted in disdain.

"We both know I won't stay away from her. She is mine, after all, or at least will be" he shrugs.

"Is that a threat?" John asks, although he already knew the answer, as did Mr Collins.

Mr Collins chuckles darkly before his smirk appeared once more.

"This is your last chance John so I'll go easy on you. Stay out of my way and, in return, I won't hurt you or your lovely wife."

"Over my dead body James. I won't let you take her and I certainly will not let you hurt anyone I love, including my wife. This is your last chance. Stay. Away. From. Us" he says as his hands turn to fists, before he walks away towards his family.

"Over your dead body you say. Well then, that can be arranged..." Mr Collins whispers towards himself before turning to walk away.

His words suddenly echo in my head:

'So, while James tried to get close to her while she was a child her adoptive parents tried to keep her away from him.
James then realised that they were a problem and they had to be out of the way.'

A tear slipped down my cheek and I quikly wiped it away with my hand.

I watched the scene in fronf of me smiling.

I was running around, laughing, as dad ran after me always a couple of steps behind me trying to make it look like he was having a hard time keeping up.

He finally caught me, picking me up bridal style before twirling around with me still inhis arms.

Both of us were laughing and mum was too as she watched us.

Mine and dads' laugh died down as we looked at each other, thinking the same thing, before he put me down and we ran after mum.

Her eyes widened before she started running away.

Another tear slipped out of my eye but I made no move to wipe it away.

Ww had no idea what was coming. I had no idea what was coming.

It would leave me broken for months.

The world started spinning once more and the last thing I remember seeing is dad wrapping his arms around mums' waist, before siiting down on the grass with her on his lap, and me jumping into mums' arms laughing like there was no tomorrow.

"What do you mean that they didn't die!?" a male voice yells.

My eyes shoot open and standing in front of me was, yet again, Mr Collins.

However, now there was a man in a white coat and a stethoscope around his neck.

I looked around the room to see a bed with white sheets and a hand gel attatched to the wall near the door.

The walls were, of course, white leading me to the conclusion that I was in a hospital.

"I-I'm s-sorr-sorry s-sir. Th-they d-didn't die" he says, fear crossing his features.

A growl leaves his mouth.

"How? And do not stutter" Mr Collins says, glaring at the man.

The mans adams apple bobs and an audible gulp is heard.

He takes a deep breath before continuing.

"The guy you payed didn't hit them hard enough but thank god they didn't. If the car was hit any harder Katherine mah not have lived."

A growl left Mr Collins and the doctor jumped before continuing.

"The point is they're not dead. However, they are in a coma l-like..." he faulters in his next words as fear clearly consumes him.

"Like. What?" Mr Collins says, putting emphasis into each word.

"L-like K-Katherine."

With that Mr Collins growls loudly kicking over the chair next to the bed.

He starts pacing around the room, a hand running through his hair as the doctor stands there fidgeting while watching him pace.

After what feels like hours Mr Collins finally speaks.

"This is what you'rs going to do. You're going to put poision into their IV's."

At this the doctor gulps yet again, about to protest, but the glare Mr Collins stops him.

"And then, when they're dead I want you to do everything you can to get Katherine out of that coma and well again. You understand?" he says, clenching his hands.

The doctor nods frantically as a bad of sweat falls down his forehead.


Mr Collins makes hus way towards the door, but before opening it he speaks once more.

"And Sean, any mistake and you're a dead man."

With that he walks out, slamming the door behind him.

The doctor let's out a breath, wipes his forehead with the sleeve of his white coat before moving ober to a cabinet against the wal.

I watch cautiously as he uses his shaking fingers to open it up.

My heart skips a beat at what he takes out.

Syrynges and a bottle of purple liquid that had a bunch of small letters on the back.

But what really caught my attention was the symbols on the back: an 'x', a skull and corrosive.

My breath picked up and I was now panting, my chest moving up and down.

But before I took one step to stop him I felt a pull.

'Oh no...not now!'

Soon I felt dizzy and stumbled back, raching out to steady myself against the wall.

The last thing I remember is The feeling of my eyeballs roll to the back of my head and the feeling of falling down before darkness consumes me.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!
What do you think about this whole story of how Katherine cane to where she is now?

I know this update is late and I'm really sorry. However I do have valid reasons:

1. Homework. And I mean LOTS of homework, especially since it's the holidays.

2. Revision. There will be exams in nearly every subject on what we have learnt in that half term. Basically, an hours test on what we have learnt so far in that subject.

3. The passing of my grandpa. He was very old, unwell and had amnesia so there were rare moments where he remembered anyone in his life. He had been admitted into a hospital just 2 days before he passed. He will forever remain in my heart. ❤️

4. Guests. Since he has passed, many freinds and family have been coming to my house to give their condolences. For that I am thankful.

5. Mourning. I simply did not feel like writing due to this great loss of someone important in my life, and merely wanted to mourn before writing again.

Again, I'm sorry for the late update.

Thanks for reading!




Jamilah1125 xx

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