Forced to become Mrs Styles (...

Da molly180697

7.4M 181K 63.2K

Harry Styles fan fiction. When Emma was forced into an arranged marriage by her grandmother all she wanted... Altro

Chapter one.
Chapter two
Chapter three.
Chapter four.
Chapter six.
Chapter seven.
Chapter eight.
Chapter nine.
Chapter ten.
Chapter eleven.
Chapter twelve.
Chapter thirteen.
Chapter fourteen.
Chapter fifteen.
Chapter sixteen.
Chapter seventeen.
Chapter eighteen.
Chapter nineteen.
Chapter twenty.
Chapter twenty one.
Chapter twenty two.
Chapter twenty Three.
Chapter twenty four.
Chapter twenty five.
Chapter twenty six.
Chapter twenty seven.
Chapter twenty eight.
Chapter twenty nine.
Chapter thirty.
Chaprer thirty one.
Chapter thirty two.
Chapter thirty three.
Chapter thirty four.
Chapter thirty five.
Chapter thirty six.
Chapter thirty seven.
Chapter thirty eight.
Chapter thirty nine.
Chapter forty.
Chapter forty one.
Chapter forty two.
Chapter forty three.
Chapter forty four.
Chapter forty five.
Chapter forty six.
Chapter forty seven.
Chapter forty eight.
Chapter forty nine.
Chapter fifty.
Chapter fifty one.
Chapter fifty two.
Chapter fifty three.
Chapter Fifty four.
Chapter fifty five.
Chapter fifty six.
Chapter fifty seven.
Chapter fifty eight.
Chapter fifty nine.
Chapter sixty.
Chapter sixty one.
Chapter sixty two.
Chapter sixty three.
Chapter sixty four
Chapter sixty five.
Chapter sixty six.
Chapter sixty seven.
Chapter sixty eight.
Chapter sixty nine.
Chapter seventy
Chapter seventy one.
Chapter seventy two.
Chapter seventy three.
Chapter seventy four.
Chapter seventy five.
Chapter seventy six.
Chapter Seventy seven.
Chapter seventy eight.
Chapter seventy nine.
Chapter eighty.
Chapter eighty one.
Chapter eighty two.
Chapter eighty three.
Chapter eighty four.
Chapter eighty five.
Chapter eighty six.
AN - New book description "always alone" please read
Explaing the ending :)
New story.

Chapter five.

157K 3.8K 3.1K
Da molly180697

Chapter five.



The loud sound of a reversing lorry awakes me, groaning I look at my phone noticing its 10:30 am so I might as well just get up.

Last nights drive home with Harry was rather different to any pervious time we’ve spent together, he seemed quite friendly and flirtatious. However I’m just putting that down to some kind of joke of his, we hate each remember.

I still haven’t spoken to Dad since I walked out of grandma’s house two days ago.

Having just awoken I’m in desperate need of my morning coffee so make my way down stairs and into the kitchen.

It seems dad’s already in the kitchen, great.

 “Morning sweetheart, I’ve made you pancakes sit down” he says with a smile tapping the kitchen counter motioning for me to sit on a bar stool.

Does he seriously think making me pancakes will solve this? Not a chance!

I take a seat anyway because I’m hungry and truth be told I love pancakes so there wasn’t much of a chance in me turning them down, that’s probably why dad cooked them. This doesn’t mean I’ve forgiven him, something this huge and life changing can’t be forgiven so quickly.

Throughout breakfast we manage to hold small conversations of nothing more than general small talk.

“Maybe we should talk about what happened on your birthday” Dad suggests suddenly taking the conversation away from the light topics we’d previously being discussing.

I place my knife and fork on top of my plate and carry them over the sink before turning on my heel and going back upstairs to my bedroom, I do this without uttering a single word as I’m not ready to talk about it or argue. I can’t deal with any more drama right now, I really need a break from it all.

I sit on my bed and turn my music up as loud as possible while scrolling through tumblr on my laptop.

I’m not sure how long this carries on for, you know what its like getting lost within the world of tumblr. It gives me chance to forget about everything that is going on in my life and get lost in a made up one full of boyband members covered in tattoos.

After a while I’m snapped out of my imaginations by the sound of my phone ringing.

Its Harry.

I debate whether or not to answer as I’m not sure if its something of importance or just Harry being his typical annoying self.

Before I’ve fully come to a decision I find myself answering his call.

  “Wow didn’t think you‘d pick up” Harry laughs.

“I can still hang up you know” I tell him.

“Look my friend is having a party, well not a party really a gathering there’s not many people going just me and three friends. So well I was wondering if you wanted to come, you can bring Amy as well. It’s just well I guess homes not much fun right now and I kind of feel responsible for it’’ he stutters in places sounding a little nervous.

I don’t reply straight away I just sit there silently thinking over my options.

“So….?” Harry asks again.

“Umm well you’re right it is pretty shit at home and it is your fault. I guess a party might not be too bad. Yeah I’ll come” I shrug not fully realising he can’t see my laidback expression.  

“GREAT, ummm I mean ok. Get there for 8 o’clock, I’ll text you the address” Harry mumbles after his initial overly excited tone.

“Ok then, bye” I laugh lightly before ending the call.  

It will hopefully be a good night I can just drink and talk with Amy most of the time, without actually having to interact with Harry or his friends. I expect his friends will be just as stuck up as Harry but hopefully they’ll be slightly more tolerable.

Part of me wonders if I’d find Harry just as unbearable if I wasn’t supposed to marry him, I don’t think I could ever like him or get on with him particularly but I’m guessing our circumstances add extra annoyance to the situation.

I should probably call Amy and see if she can actually come tonight, if not I suppose I’ll just have to cancel on Harry.

 “Hey” Amy answered almost immediately her loud cheery voice filling my ears.

“Hiya, sorry about abandoning you like that yesterday” I apologise.  

“Oh no don’t worry, I don’t blame you I’d leave too if it was with Harry” Amy giggles.  

“What?” I ask a little confused by what she just said.

 “Well I mean come one Em you’ve seen him right? He’s like sex on leg” she gushed.

“Umm no he’s not” I laugh, I actually feel a little uncomfortable with this… like yeah he is attractive but well I wasn’t expecting Amy to say that and I also don’t want to admit that Harry’s good looking.

“Yeah he is and you know it! If I was you I’d be pleased to be marrying him he’s so hot, and you’d get to sleep with him. Imagine sex with him tough” she continued her voice wavering off as she sighs blissfully.

“Err he’s my fiancé not yours” I tease in a sassy tone.

“No I’m kidding his personality ruins any attractiveness he has, I most certainly don’t want to sleep with him” I inform her before she gets any ideas about Harry and I actually being together.

“Ok, ok I believe you” she said in a sing song voice, maybe I’m not that convincing.

“Any ways the reason I called you is because Harry has invited us to a small party at his friend’s house as a sort of apology for me being in this mess and so I can get out of the house and away from my dad” I finally getting to the point of this entire phone call, hopefully she’ll stop discussing Harry’s apparent attractiveness now.

“Ok maybe he’s friends are as hot as him and I can have one” Amy laughs, I’m not sure if she’s joking or not right now.

“Yeah it’s not like you have to marry one of them after all” I joke. 

“I’ll get a taxi to yours later then shall I?” Amy asks.

“Yeah it’s at 8 so get to mine at like 7:30” I tell her as I stand from my bed and begin walking towards the bathroom.

“Ok then, I’ll see you later” Amy says her voice still its usual happy excited tone before she ends the call.

As I enter the bathroom I check the time on my phone, noticing I have just under two hours to get ready, I should probably hurry up then.

I shower, wash my hair and dry my hair before pulling it up in to a messy bun so I can apply fake tan all over my body.

Once my tan is dry I begin curling my hair in to big loose curls that look effortless but actually take a great deal of time and effort.

Spraying my hair with hairspray to set in place I then continue on to my makeup, I decide to go I little bolder on my makeup tonight by making my eyes smokey and applying deep red lipstick along with all my usual makeup.

Once I’ve finished my makeup I head over to my closet and attempt to find something that will look nice but not too dressy.

Which is difficult because most of my stuff is either really casual or really dressy, no in-between.

Eventually I settle on a black skater dress with lace detailing, it isn’t too over the top but also doesn’t look too plain.

I slip my dress on and add some black heels, not too high though because heels aren’t my best friend even when I’m sober never mind once I’ve got alcohol in my system.

I put all my essentials in my clutch bag and check the time it’s 7:20 so I have about 10 minutes before Amy gets here.

That’s just enough time to do my usual tequila shots, I need the boost so I’m nervous. I hate meeting new people and the fact they were going to be posh, well that’s what I’m assuming anyways, means they’re probably going to be really intimidating.

A few minutes later I head down stairs to wait for the taxi, dad seems to be out so I write him a quick note explaining where I’m going and tell him not to wait up for me, I leave the note on the kitchen counter knowing he’ll see it when he makes his cup of coffee, which is quite often as he’s even more addicted to it than me.

Once the taxi arrives I lock up the house and climb in next to Amy.

I politely tell the driver the address that Harry has texted me, apparently the party was at Zany’s house whoever he is.  

The drive there takes about forty five minutes, most of which is spent with Amy and I gossiping and speculating about the night ahead.

 The house is not what I was expecting at all, I thought it would be huge like my grandmother’s house but instead it was a small council house.

Maybe I’m wrong maybe his friends aren’t like Harry, which of course is a massive bonus, tonight might not be as bad as I’d initially thought.

I knock on the door but whilst waiting I allow all my thoughts to catch up with me, I begin wondering if perhaps this was a joke or Harry’s, maybe there is no party? Maybe this is just some random person’s house?

I really hope that isn’t the case.

The door opens and a guy with a perfectly styled quiff covered in tattoos stands in front of us

 “Emma and Amy?” he asks, his voice a deep accent I haven’t quite worked out yet.  

“Yeah that’s us” I smile shyly.   

“Hi, I’m Zayn come on in” he says with a wide grin, he steps aside allowing us in to his house.

 He seems to be like Harry in his appearance, attractive covered in tattoos and the way he dressed but his personality seems the opposite, well so far it seems that way.

Zayn leads us through to a smoke filled room with a couple of chairs and sofas, Harry sits in the middle of the largest sofa holding an alcohol filled cup in his hand.

Beside him sat another two boys one with blonde hair the other with brown.

The blond boy stood up “Hi I’m Niall” he said passing me a red cup filled with alcohol, he spoke in a cute Irish accent.

Just like Zayn and Harry these two boys are covered in tattoos with the odd piercing here and there.

 “Hi I’m Emma, this is Amy” I smiled pointing towards Amy who shyly waved at Niall.

 “Hi there beautiful” he winked passing Amy a red cup who’s cheeks instantly deepened to the same shade.

Wow these boys are such flirts.

The brown haired boy moves up a little tapping the newly created space between him and Harry, indicating for me to sit beside them.

“I’m Louis” he says as I take my seat.

“Hi I’m Emma” I respond politely before sipping my drink.

“Oh I know” he laughs pulling me into a hug, he’s certainly friendly, not that I mind though.

“OI Lou hands off my fiancé” Harry teases, speaking for the first time since I’ve arrived.

“Where’s the ring? Don’t you want to marry me” Harry pouts pretending to be upset.

“Shut up yeah, no marriage talk tonight’’ I say giving Harry a slight nudge before downing the remainder of my drink and pouring myself another, much stronger one.  

A few hours later it was safe to say we were all drunk, Amy and Niall seemed to have really hit it off they had barely left each other’s side all night and were currently sucking each other’s faces off.

That left me, Harry, Louis and Zayn to amuse ourselves, we’d been playing drinking games like ‘never have I ever’ and it seemed they were all quite experienced, they also seemed shocked by what I’ve done.

“What? Why are you so shocked?” I asked laughing a little as I sipped my drink.

“Well you look real innocent” Zayn says his eyes raking over my body.

“But as we now know you’re not” Louis giggled giving my shoulder a slight shove.

“Where are your tattoos then?” Louis asks.

“That’s a secret” I laugh winking at him.

“Harry will have to tell us then won’t he” Zayn teases.

Harry hasn’t really been saying much but right now he’s smirking at me.

Moments later my phone buzzes.

Oh I’ll find out, bet your body is real sexy ;)

Harry xo

I just shook my head laughing at him.

After a while I go into the kitchen to get another bottle out, hearing someone come up behind me I turn around to see Zayn smiling down at me.

“You look beautiful tonight” he whispered leaning up-close.

“Ummm thanks I guess” I mumble trying to step past him but Zayn reaches out and grabs my arm pulling me back towards him.

Before I’m able to register what’s happening Zayn’s lips are forcefully pressed against as my body is crushed between Zayn and the kitchen counter. I try to push Zayn off me but I’m clearly not strong enough.

Suddenly Zayn is pushed off me causing him to fall to the floor.

 “Shit man what you playing at?” he groans as he rolls over.

Harry is stood there with his fists still clenched “Stay the fuck away from her, I’m warning you” he shouts before punching him in the face again.

This time Zayn hits back

“Harry! Stop!’’ I screamed at him grabbing his arm.

I can’t quite believe this is happening it seems like some melodramatic TV episode, very unrealistic.

“Just leave it, it’s not worth it. I’m fine honest” I sigh tugging at his arm once again.

“No you’re not, I’m taking you home” Harry snaps turning on his heel and leading me out of Zayn’s house, he ignores everyone trying to stop him.

Once we are outside he stops and turns to face me.

“Did he hurt you?” Harry asks all his anger seems to have gone and has being replaced with concern.

“No I told you I’m fine” I assure him.

“Good well he won’t bother you again” He says as he holds the car door open for me.

 “What? No you can’t drive you’ve been drinking” I protest.

“No I haven’t I had like two beers at the beginning of the night I’m sober now, someone had to be” he says with a lopsided smile.

“Honestly?” I ask again, I’m not letting him drive me home drunk, that’d be far too dangerous.

Harry assures me he isn’t drunk and eventually convinces me to get into the car so he can drive me home.

 “Thanks for bringing me home and for you know with Zayn” I mumble as we pull up outside my house.

“its ok, got to look after my fiancé haven’t I” Harry jokes.

“I still hate you though” I insist in a childish manner. Honestly I don’t fully hate Harry, he just doesn’t need to know that.

“Oh I know, hate you too babe” Harry winks and I’d like to think he doesn’t completely hate me either.


Authors note ---- Thank you all so much for reading, I love you.

What did you think?

Please can I get 3 votes and 2 comments on this chapter.

Thanks again, Love Molly xxx

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