You Know I'm Such a Fool for...

Von dinhadb

3.8M 39.4K 3.2K

Vicky is a 17 year old girl who has a dedicated mom, a best friend she loves, Leah, and an ‘almost’ boyfriend... Mehr

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 23

98.8K 942 90
Von dinhadb

Hi, people.

I didn’t ask anyone to edit this chapter. I hate bothering people with this, but if my English is too bad, just say it, ok? Just keep in mind that English isn’t my first language and sometimes I can write... unusual things. Lol.

So, CheyeneeDesiree and asalpietra were right. ;)

And finally the chapter where they admit their love. So cheesy…

Chapter 23


After Adrian left to get us drinks, Julie came to sit beside me. She was smirking. What was all that smirking about? I saw her smirking at Adrian as well.

“Hey,” she greeted me.

“Hi,” I replied.

“So, you and Adrian, huh? How long have you two been together?” Julie asked.

“Not long,” I responded simply. Well, to be honest, we were together for 2 weeks, but it seems like ages have passed since his birthday, when he asked me to be his girlfriend. I can’t even imagine my life without him anymore.

I realized that she would keep asking those stupid questions if I didn’t do anything, so I got up.

“I’m going to find Adrian,” I said politely.

“Where are you going?” Luke asked from across the table.

“I’m going to find Adrian,” I repeated.

“I’m coming with you,” he told me.

I raised an eyebrow. “Do I have a bodyguard now?”

“You’re funny, Vicky,” he laughed while we walked towards the bar.

It didn’t take long to find Adrian and for a second a smiled formed on my lips, but then I saw who was with him. The girl he made out with just after he kissed me.

“This can’t be good,” Luke stated shaking his head beside me.

The slut had her hand on Adrian’s chest and it was too painful to look. My breath was getting faster as the jealous consumed me. Adrian finally saw me and looked as pained as me.

He clearly wasn’t enjoying this. It was all over his face. I couldn’t hear what they were talking about, but she didn’t seem much pleased. Hopefully he was saying no to her invitations.

I wasn’t going to let that stupid girl upset me again. Adrian was my man and I was going to show her that.

I walked towards them trying to look as confident as I could and took one of the sodas from Adrian’s hand. When the girl saw me, she took his hand off Adrian and stepped back.

I took the opportunity to wrap my free hand around his waist and look up at him, silent asking for him to kiss me.

As if he could read my mind, he gave me a lingering peck on my lips.

“Hey, boyfriend, won’t you introduce me to your friend?” I asked in a bitchy tone I have never used before.

Luke looked amused and Adrian was a little shocked, I could tell, but he answered anyway.

“Vicky, this is Anne from college. Anne, this is Vicky, my girlfriend,” Adrian introduced us. Well, he didn’t say she’s a friend. That’s good, I guess.

“Now Anne, please excuse us,” Adrian said and started to walk away from her. Since I still had my arm wrapped around his waist I had no other option but to follow him, and I couldn’t be happier about it.

“Oh, man. I thought I would get to see a woman’s fight,” Luke said when we stopped, far enough from that girl. That reminds me.

“Hey, Adrian, when did you get me a bodyguard?”  I joked and they both laughed.

“He was just watching you for me,” Adrian explained with a puppy face.

He’s so overprotective. Thank god it doesn’t bother me.

“I’m out of here,” Luke said and headed back to their friends. As soon as Luke walked away, Adrian hugged me.

“I’m so sorry, V. I didn’t know she was here,” he whispered in my ear.

“It’s alright, Adrian. I saw how uncomfortable you were.”

“You were pretty amazing back there, you know?”

“I have to defend what is mine.” I smirked at him.

“And I’m yours?”

“Yeah, you’re mine,” I confirmed smiling and he blinked a couple of times.

“Would you please repeat that when we’re alone in my room?” Oh, I get it. It turns him on!

“Sure, handsome.” I winked at him.

Adrian took the glass from my hand and put both drinks in an empty table behind him. Then he kissed me. We were close to each other, but when his lips found mine, there was no space between our bodies. His hands were suddenly on my waist and my fingers were running through his hair. Just then the band started to play. We reluctantly stepped apart.

“Let’s get closer,” Adrian suggested and held my hand while we walked through the crowd. When we were close enough, we stopped.

“Who are your friends?” I asked.

“Brandon, the bass player, but you already know him”, he said angrily. Yeah, right. Brandon was the one who tried to hit on me when they were playing football. “And the one with the nice voice is Carl but you’ve already seen him too,” Adrian added. Yeah, I have seen him a couple of times, but I didn’t know his name.

“They’re good, Adrian.”

“Yes, they are. We always come when they play,” he replied. I just nodded.

Adrian wrapped his arms around my waist from behind so we both could watch the show. I put my hands on his and intertwined our fingers. We stayed like that for a while; Adrian would occasionally kiss my neck or rest his chin on my shoulder for a few moments. I’ve never feel so complete in my entire life. Sometimes was hard to even listen to what they were playing because the only thing I could think of was Adrian.

When the song changed, he turned me so that I was facing him. “Let’s dance, V.”

I wrapped my arms around his neck and soon we were moving together. His blue eyes looking down at me were making my knees melt. When he smiled at me and rested his forehead against mine, my heart started racing in my chest. I felt like I’ve won the lottery.

“You’re so beautiful, V,” he said caressing my cheek with his thumb, his forehead still on mine.

“Thank you,” I replied quietly and kissed him. It was a gentle, innocent kiss, but still left me breathless.


“Uh?” He was grinning.

“Why was Julie smirking like a mad woman?” I had to ask…

“Uh, you noticed?”

“Yeah, I did.”

“Um, it’s that she knew about us. I mean, she knew we had feelings for each other since that day you two met,” he explained.

“And how’s that possible?”

Adrian grinned. “Apparently, we were the only ones who didn’t know. Even Luke said something about it.”

“Oh man,” I can’t believe they were talking about my love life!

We listened to the band a little more and after a few minutes they made a break and everyone went to talk to them. It was awkward to talk to Brandon and I could tell Adrian wasn’t happy either, but it wasn’t that bad. I mean, he didn’t even say anything to me.

At the end of the night I wasn’t nervous around his friends anymore and we actually were getting along pretty well, they were really funny.

When I got home, he kissed me and then we got out of the car and I reluctantly got into the house. It was late, so my mom was already sleeping. I just changed and went to bed, falling asleep almost instantly.

I woke up with my phone ringing. Leah.

“Hello.” I was still half asleep.

“Hey, Vicky, can you come over? I need to talk to you,” Leah asked.

“Can I sleep one more hour?”

“No,” she answered and I groaned.


“Vicky, get your lazy ass out of that bed. Adrian’s making breakfast and you can eat with us, but you have to come now!” As soon as I heard Adrian’s name I was fully awake.

“Ok, I’m coming,” I replied, this time happily. Well, at least I’ll have breakfast with him.

“Ok, bye.” She hung up and I got up and went to take a quick shower.

My mom was drinking coffee when I got downstairs.

“Morning Mom.”

“Good morning, honey”

“Mom, I’m coming over to Leah’s house, ok?”

“Sure. Say hi to Leah and Adrian for me,” she asked and I nodded, heading to the front door.

A minute later I was ringing Leah’s bell. Well, Adrian’s bell as well and it was him who answered the door. He was grinning from ear to ear when pulled me in, closing the door behind us.

“Good morning V.”

“Morning, boyfriend”. I smiled at him just before he crashed his lips to mine. Gosh, I’ll never get tired of this. His tongue entered my mouth and started massaging mine while his hands moved down from my waist to cup my ass. I ran my fingers through his head trying to bring him closer to me. My whole body was tingling, but we were in the living room and we couldn’t risk being caught, so I pulled away.

“I’m sorry, Adrian, but shouldn’t we find Leah?” I asked still having trouble to breathe.

“Yeah,” he replied and gave me on last peck before we headed to the kitchen.

Leah was sitting on the table waiting for us, but when she saw me she got up to hug me. I hugged her back and we all sat to eat.

“So Leah, what’s up?” I asked remembering she told me she wanted to talk to me.

She looked at Adrian obviously trying to tell me to wait until he’s not around. Then she raised an eyebrow and smirked, like she was planning something.

“Guess what?” She asked sounding amused.

“I don’t know, what?”

“Adrian’s in love!” She responded grinning.

I stopped breathing and my eyes widened. Adrian’s in love? Oh my god! This means he loves me?

I looked at him and he had his fork hanging in the air and his mouth opened in shock, but he quickly put the fork back on his plate.

“Leah!” He complained as red as a tomato. Oh he looked so cute embarrassed like that!

At this point I was breathing again, but my heart was still beating fast in my chest. I can’t believe it. He loves me, he loves me!

I looked him in the eyes and he blushed even more, so I smiled to calm him down. All I wanted to do was tell him how feel, but I hardly could say ‘I love you too’ with Leah sitting beside us.

Leah was laughing her ass off and hasn’t noticed anything that just happened. “You two should have seen your faces.”

“Leah, please,” Adrian asked sounding defeated.

“Oh come on, Adrian. I needed to tell someone, that’s the new of this century!” She joked and turned to talk to me. “He has a girlfriend and said he’s deeply in love with her, but he’s afraid to tell her he loves her.”

“Really?” I asked him smiling. His face got redder, if that was even possible.

“So tell me about your girlfriend, Adrian,” I continued, amused with the situation. He was going to kill me when we were alone, but I couldn’t miss the opportunity.

His color was coming back to normal when he spoke with a small smile. “She’s wonderful. She’s smart, funny, kind and beautiful. I know we’re not together for a long time, but I can’t imagine my life without her anymore.”

I wanted to cry. I wanted to say something like that to him too, but I couldn’t. It was the first time I wished that Leah wasn’t around. Damn! I love him so much, I wanted to jump into his arms and hold him, but I just smiled at him.

“I want to meet her!” Leah pouted.

“You will sis, be patient,” Adrian replied and kissed the back of her hand. He’s so sweet.

Adrian got up and started to put the plates on the dishwasher. Leah and I got up as well, but I needed to be alone with him.

“Let’s go to my room,” Leah said and turned to leave, not waiting for me.

“Adrian,” I called him and he turned and realized we were alone. He seemed embarrassed again, so I walked to where he was standing.

“I’m sorry, V. You don’t have to say anything. I shouldn’t have told…” He was saying looking at the floor, but I put a finger on his lips to make him stop talking.

“I love you too.”

That made him look up at me with widened eyes. “You do?”

“Yeah, I do.” I smiled at him and he hugged me. When he let me go he cupped my cheeks with his hands and kissed me hard. I kissed him back eagerly, still not believing how happy I was. The kiss ended but Adrian didn’t pull away. He wrapped his arms around my waist and whispered in my ear “I love you V.”.

Hearing him saying the words made me shiver. It was so much better than when Leah said he’s in love.

We stood there in the kitchen smiling like idiots to each other for a few moments, but I really had to talk to Leah.

“I’m sorry, Adrian, but I have to go,” I said.

“Ok, but can you come to my room before you leave?” He asked.

“I’ll try,” I promised him and smiled one more time and headed to Leah’s room.

I didn’t bother knocking, I practically lived there. She was sitting on the floor and I sat beside her.

“Why took you so long?” She asked.

“I was teasing Adrian about her girlfriend.”

“Yeah, he’s so different, Vicky. I never thought I would see him like that. This girl must be something else,” she said and I couldn’t help but smile. No one ever imagined that Adrian could fall in love. I knew he liked me and all but I thought it would take a long time for him to fall for me, but I guess I was wrong and I’m thankful for that.

“So talk,” I told Leah.

“Oh, yeah.” Leah said and blushed. “I had sex with Max,” she confessed.

“You did?” It was all I said. I was a little shocked. I don’t know why though. I knew Max has been sleeping in her room, but I never really thought about Leah having sex. Maybe it’s because I don’t have sex with Adrian when we sleep at the same room, but I must confess it’s getting harder and harder no to do anything, so it’s probably like this for them both too.

“Yeah, I know. I never thought I would be the first of us to have sex,” she said almost in a whisper. Yeah, she was always shy, so I get what she means.

“Tell me how it was. Was it good? Did it hurt?” I was curious. Everybody says it hurts, but I never really talked to anyone about it.

“Well, we were in my room and he finally said he loves me. I said I feel the same and I was so happy that when we started to kiss I couldn’t stop and you know… At first it hurts, a lot, but then the pain fades and it’s totally worth it.

“Wow,” I said but inside, I was wondering. Adrian has probably slept with dozens of girls, much more experienced than me. How the hell is he going to enjoy being with me?

“The only problem is that it’s almost impossible to control myself around him now.” We both laughed at Leah’s comment.

“I’m so happy for you, Leah. You deserve it. And I’m happy for Max too. He’s also my friend, after all.” I smiled at her.

“Thank you,” she responded.

“You’re having dinner with us, Vicky. Adrian’s gonna pick our parents at the airport soon and I’m cooking,” she explained.

“Ok, but I have to go home and do my homework first. I’ll come back later.”

“I’ll call you later,” she told me and I got up.

She didn’t move and I was grateful for that, because that way I could head to Adrian’s room without being caught.


A/N: What did you think? Too many mistakes?

And what about Leah and her big mouth? Lol.

Please, please comment and vote!

Thanks, guys.



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