It Needs to Be you(Lesbian St...

Від AliciaBloMieLudick

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Chapter 1 - Welcome to the new age
Chapter 2 -Dear John
Chapter 3 - Some lies should be told
Chapter 4 - Did that just happen?
Chapter 5 - Make it stop
Chapter 6- Only the bad girls like the taste of tar
Chapter 7 - Neon colors to welcome you to reality
Chapter 8 - Some we will win some we will lose
Chapter 9 - I keep dreading this day
Chapter 10 - We are beautiful
Chapter 11 - Kiss and tell

Chapter 12 - Love

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Від AliciaBloMieLudick


Authors Message

Hey guys this is the last chapter
I hope you all like it.
THis story means alot to me and was about alot
of things that were happening to me

I hope you like the next one aswell**

Lasey P.O.V

In all my twenty years of life I would have never pegged myself as being dangerous. Loyal trustworthy Lasey that’s all. I guess you get to a point in your life where you just want to take risks and see how far you can push the limits.

Without having to think about it I know this time i might have gone a bit far.

"Ma'am you have the right to remain silent anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.."

Yep just a little too far

"Get off of me you jerks!"Brittany says struggling out of the police officers grip.

I hope Emily gets here fast. And I mean very very fast.

Emily P.O.V

"Oh you are cooking for me but I have to do most of the cooking? I see how it works."Kye says kissing my cheeks

Oh this wonderful cute boy.How he does things I thought was too cheesy for guys too do. I haven't ever been the girly girl hence my mother always accusing me of being gay, but with him i can't help but blush and giggle and be that weirdly mushy girl.

"Nah you look too good in that apron."I say kissing his cheek

Beep Beep

I hear my phone ring and quickly answer seeing this unknown number.

"Hello?"I say hearing someone talking in the background

"Em hey I am in a bit of a situation ." Lasey says

"What’s wrong?"I ask hoping it is nothing to serious

"Brittany and I got arrested." She says just above a whisper

Within a second I was gathering my bag and Kyes keys for his car.Not thinking about anything else than helping my best friend.

"Okay i will be there now are you okay?"i ask her seeing Kye look at me worriedly

"Yeah kinda I just want to go home."She says sounding sad

"I'll see you now." I say quickly hanging up the phone

"Who was that babe?"Kye asks

"Lasey...she got arrested."I say not believing the words coming out of my mouth.

He looks at me shocked and turns off the stove taking his keys from my hand

"Come on lets go." He says taking my hand and walking us out his apartment.

Once we are finally in his car i start to think of the worst things wondering how the hell she got arrested. She wouldn't do anything to get arrested and I instantly knew that it had something to do with Brittany.

"I should call Sam. She would want to know what happened. She would meet us at the police station "I say seeing him frown at me

"Why you looking at me like that?"I ask seeing him hand me his phone

"Just call Zoey. She will freak if she knows you didn’t tell her about this.”He says sweetly

“What if Lase is mad that I told her ex. It’s so strange. Okay let me just call her.”

I knew I should tell her. I was just avoiding it because Lase will be mad. Truth is Zoey is the only one who can really get to Lasey. I have given up trying to convince Lasey to take her back. She has been hanging around Brittany for the past month but I still see all the text messages from Zoey.

Every now and then Lasey tells me that she and Zoey went out for a drive or she slept over at Zoeys place. When I asked any other question of the intimate kind she would shut down and not really want to talk about it anymore. So I stopped asking and everytime I saw her I tried to kepp her mind off of both of the girls. I ade her smile and basically that meant me acting like a fool. Still I wish she would just tell me what is going inside her heart. She doesn’t have to tell me but she should really just tell Zoey. Zoey is the one who is really hurting during all of this.

I can’t imagine what it must feel like having to see the girl you love with another girl to know she might be intimate with somebody else. Somebody that you are not. Maybe even be more intimate with them.

Come to think of it maybe this wasn’t a good idea calling Zoey.

“Don’t back out babe call her.”Kye says smiling at me

What a mind reader. I nod and dial her number thinking or wishing she wouldn’t pick up but ofcourse she answers on the first ring

“Hey Em.”She says sounding cheerful

“Hey Zoe what you doing?”I ask

“Well Rachel and Sam took me out to dinner we are just chilling you guys want to join?”She asks

Good thing I didn’t call Sam first because either way Zoey would have found out.

 “SO I have to tell you something.”I say trying to find a good way of saying it.

Either the end result is going to sound like ‘Oh your ex girlfriend and her new lover are in jail and I called you for help’ which made me feel super.

“Yeah?WHats up?”She asks being a little more serious now

“Lasey got arrested. Me and Kye are on our way now you don’t have to come I just wanted you to know. I’m sure it’s n big deal but apparently Lasey and Brittany got arrested.”I say hearing some scrabbling going on

“Um..I’m on my way Em please tell her I will be there now.”She says hanging up the phone

“What did she say?”Kye asks

“She is coming.”

Zoey P.O.V

“Why doesn’t this piece of shit car want to go any faster!”I yell hitting the steering wheel in frustration

Sam looks at me conserned and Rachel quickly turns to me and asks me if I am okay.

“I’ll be okay when I find out what the hell is going on. Right now I have only the worst to assume.”I say stopping the car in front of the police station.

“Sam can you park the car I really need to go see if she is okay.”I say jumping out of my car as Sam nods taking over for me.

Rushing into the police station I get this weird pain in my gut. I knew that this has something to do with Brittany. I knew she was trouble but I didn’t say anything to Lase. I couldn’t very well say anything about Brittany without her thinking I was controlling.

Maybe I should have been a bit more controlling than none of this would have happened. I should never have agreed to being fcking friends with benefits.

I spot Emily and Kye sitting in the lobby and run to them as Emily stands and gives me a hug.

“Where is she?”I ask

“She is in the holding cell they won’t let me see her.”Em says

“Did you find out anything else that I should know?”I ask her as she nods

“They were drunk. I guess they were arrested for drunken intoxication and disturbing the peace. “Emily says

I nod walking up to the front desk.

“Hi my friend is in one of the holding cells ,Lasey Lane .”I say to the woman .She looks at me bored chewing gum and goes back to playing solitaire.

“Excuse me?”

“Hello I am talking to you.”I say getting irritated

“So what.”She says smiling

“So what? MY friend is in the holding cell scared out of her mind and I want to see her. Now.”I say glaring at her

“You dykes always think you can get away with anything. Sorry but she has to stay the weekend. Hopefully they will teach her a thing or two in there about being with a woman.”The woman says smirking at me

AT that point I stromed through the door and walked to this god awful woman grabbing her by her collar. I heard Emily and Kye yelling at me to let go before they arrest me. I didn’t care. No one will talk about Lasey like that ever.

“Now I am going to ask you one more time. Let me go see Lasey Lane.”I say glaring at her as she stares at me terrified.

“Let go of me you fag!”She yells and I drop her to the ground

“Fine .”She says opening the door behind her.

I look inside and see a few holding cells. Walking inside I quickly spot Lasey curled up in the corner crying with Brittany next to her.

“Lase?”I say standing at the cell watching her look up and meet my gaze.

When our eyes meet I feel my eyes water as my beautiful prinsess Lasey is covered in dirt. Her dress dirty and her shoes broken.

“Zoe.”She says tears streaming down her eyes.

“What did you do Lase.”I ask her seeing her shake her head ashamed.

“It wasn’t her it was me.”Britanny says looking bewilderd

I turn to her glaring at me. The girl that did this to the sweetest softest most caring person in the world. How I despised her. I couldn’t stop this feeling.

“Lasey I’m going to get you out of here okay I promise.”I say to Lasey and nod for Brittany to come closer.

I walk to the side of the cell and Britanny stands infront of me.

I grab her arm “When I get you out of here you better stay away from Lasey. If you ever cross her path I will tear you apart. DO you understand me Brittany?”I spit watching her stare at the ground a frown on her face but she nods looking at me a disappointed look on her face.

I will get Lasey out of here.

After about two hours of talking to the guard and the sheriff I decided to ask for bail. Telling them that I would pay any amount of money to get them out of there. Making the argument that they were two women and would never be able to stay here for the whole weekend.

I got them bail. I stiff 4000 dollars. I guess that was including the assault on the police woman.

Lasey P.O.V

I see Zoey finally walk back towards us and Emily follows. The guard opens up and all I know is me jumping into Zoeys arms and her carrying me out of this freaking bad dream.

“Thank you..”I whisper to her once we are in her car

Touching my hand she nods and starts driving. This must have been the moment for me. That moment when I looked at her and anything else that happened in the past didn’t matter. How she was suddenly my hero again, me wiser than before still foolishly smitten with her.

It felt like pins and needles all over my body, the feeling of being washes from all my doubts. Looking at her didn’t cause a strange ache in my heart anymore. Looking at her made me smile and feel warmth.

“Here we go.”Zoey says stopping the car in front of the coffee shop.

For a moment I got a bit nervous thinking that she might be dropping me off here hoping to never see me again but then I see her look behind me towards Brittany. Gosh Brittany I totally forgot about her.

“Actually me and Lase..”

“No I think you should go Brittany.”I say to her surprisingly earning a grateful smile from Zoey

Brittany got out of the car staring at me like I had betrayed her. It didn’t matter being with her felt good it really did but mostly because I felt like I was somebody else. I always felt far away from my problems whilst being with her. Perhaps now that I have decided to embrace my destiny running away didn’t seem necessary anymore. Though I will always be grateful for Brittany being that person for me. I would thank her but now was nor the time nor the place.

“How do you feel?”Zoey asks resting her hand on my leg

“I can show you better than I can tell you.”I joke seeing her smile again a lovingly smile

We drive in silence for a while as the night turns dark. I keep turning to watch Zoey as the night light shines of her face. She looks so calm and beautiful. A beauty most woman dream to possess.

“Do you want some coffee?”She asks me

“Not really. Come here.”I say as she walks my way and sits next to me

“I just wanted to say thank you again for what you did today. I have to say I was a little surprised to see you there. After the past month I mean.”I say as she stares at my lips pulling me in with her eyes.

“I love you Lase.”She says leaning closer to me

“You know for the first time this year I feel home again.” I whisper to her feeling my heart race as she touch my hand and smiling at me in the way I would never see again. I suppose that is what happens when you are so completely in love, sometimes it’s hard and tricky but with Zoey mostly it’s like tasting heaven and drowning in insanity.

I think I could definitely live with that.

The Next day

“Okay so since me and Kye so horribly failed our relationship quiz you guys need to suffer with us because appently our relationship in doomed. Or so says seventeen magazine.”Emily says rolling her eyes cuddling up to Kye

“I’ll pass.”Zoey says shaking her head

“Aww come on you don’t think I know you? I so know you . Look I’m Zoey super cool and totally mysterious also girls fall all over me but that’s just how I roll.”I mock her seeing her hold her hand over her heart closing her eyes dramatically

“Oh yeah you think you’re funny hey well then I’m Lasey the secretly beautiful girl with the uncanny ability to make me want to tear her clothes off and f..”

“Wow okay we get it Zoe.” Emily says interrupting Zoey making her just laugh and whisper in my ear the rest of it.

“No come on guys look it’s easy. Not really but here is the first question: What is your partners favourite singer or band?”She asks me

Lucky I remember the total paramour fantic Zoey is and remembering how we would always make love to their songs. Also another great memory.

“Easy that is paramour.”

“Now why would you think that they were my favourite?”Zoey asks smiling tenderly at me

“Wait I’m confused .You do remember all of those poster and you always played then had all their CDs..”I say seeing her grin and her eyes sparkling like she just remembered something.

She turns to Emily and Kye

“When my Mom got sick I didn’t listen to music. At all. It was something that me and my mother shared, the love of music. So I hated enjoying music without her being able to do the same .I remember it was a Wednesday. I kissed Lasey at school  totally freaked of course. When I got to my car I turned the radio on and paramour was playing. I think I sat there for what felt like hours and after the song finished I remember driving to the closest record store and buying all of there CDs. It was a big day for me. And I guess for us because that day I started feeling things I never thought I would. So yes paramour is my favourite band baby. They are my favourite band because of that moment. “

I didn’t know what to say. Honestly right now I feel like I could just stare at her and wonder where she got this beautiful gentle soul from and how I was lucky to have her. Emily and Kye soon left and Zoey and I took a trip that day. We didn’t know where we would go or when we would stop driving but thinking back on it now it was the moment where I realized that Zoey was going to be my future.

Staying in some crappy hotel and talking for hours on end. I have never felt such a strong power between us before. It’s like we were reborn and so much better than before.


About a year later on my birthday she asked me to marry her. She took me to the woods where we were all those summers before where she had asked me to prom and asked me to be her girlfriend. I suppose I could say that it was our place. I cried and she held we worried that I might say no. I remember shaking my head whispering to her “No Silly I’m crying because I love you so much and I’m so happy right now.” She looked at me again the way she does when she wants to say something without really saying it.

When we finally graduated from University we married in that very same spot with all of our friends and family with white roses showered everywhere. The second happiest day of my life. I can’t really describe the feeling. That day Zoey sang a song for me. She cried and kissed me whispering those sweet nothings into my ear all day long like “babe you’re cheeks are so cute…babe you’re lips are so cute..babe you’re eyes look so pretty.” Those nerdy things she does

Emily and I started our own magazine all dedicated to gays, lesbian,transgenders or really everything we thought needed a voice. If not a voice the just somewhere to escape to and feel at home. Of course as you could imagine her mother wasn’t very thrilled to hear of her gay magazine. Still didn’t stop Emily from sending her copies every month though.

Oh and Emily got married a few years after me and Zoey with her plastic surgeon husband Mark. Leaving our little baby boy with two great godparents. He is turning one now and maybe the next one will be here soon.

Thinking that I am 29 now is scary. I still feel like I am in high school afraid to look at the popular kids. It seems unreal to me that I am married to the best wife in the world sorry I mean the best neurosurgeon in Washington. She will never let me forget that part. Still as vain as ever.

The most important part of all of this to me is still being able to tuck my beautiful kids in and grab a glass of wine with my wife sitting at the fireplace and listening to paramour playing softly in the background .Loving her more each day.

 Authors note

I hope you all enjoyed my book It had to be you
and It needs to be you.

Please remember to vote if you love this story
and these characters

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