Arachnid: Noir


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Family moving to Jump City. Home to the heroes known as the Teen Titans. Life seems to be one big roller coas... Еще

A Setting Stage
The New Life
Spider Strickened
Welcome to the Masquarade
A Goblin's Day at the Fair
Father and Son
Kicking Bad Guy Butt
Playing Hearts Like Instruments (Ambience)
The Teen Titans vs The Arachnid Vs The Goblin.
Bad Becomes Worse(and the worst hasn't even started yet)
Whole Health, Broken Hearts
The New Goblin
Goblin's Whereabouts
Arachnid and the X-Masters
The Return of Terra
A Smooth Criminal
Ghost Train
Osborn Apparatus
Jigsaw Solved!
Playing With Fish
The Order of Chaos
The Wrath of Raven
Lonely Road.


59 4 8

Jay snuck around backroads and alleys to avoid the frightened public. He 

had reached his police station through his back  door and walked in. The place was in complete shambles. He peaked out the blind windows quietly and saw police bodies out in the street s and in his own parking lot.  The Oscorp building overshadowed his three-story police station. People where rioting and the police had been overtaken. The only bulk he had, by now  went completely beserk on him. Hugo had destroyed an entire complex and murdered thousands of innocent women and children. Family members of the Goblin gang members.

    Jay shook his head at Hugo's act of revolt and violence.

Then he heard a sound. He turned his head and crouched.  Jay peaked his head behind the desk. There he saw Jonas  Harrow walk in the room.  Scruff all over his face, and skin pure pale. He almost looked Albino.  He had a shotgun in his hand. A pump gage. He turned his head like a drunkard and lumbered back into the dark hallway from which he came. 

Jay seized the chance to take him down.  Jonas turned around at the sound of Jay's footsteps, but Jay already crashed his own body into Jonas's back. 

Dropping the shotgun. Jonas through Jay off. Being fueled by Chlorax, it wasn't that hard. Jonas grabbed Jay by the back and tried to through him through the hallway wall. Jay was slammed against the wall. Jay struggled but Jonas punched him and let him sink on the wall. 

    Jay saw Jonas about to kick him. But in a quick flash, Jay jumped for jonas's shotgun. Jay swung it around like a bat and it knocked across Jonas's leg. Jonas screamed in pain. Jay finished the business by swinging the butt of the shotgun around Jonas's head.

Jay rushed up the staris to get on the roof. But that was only in the unstable faith that Jonas was the only one in the building. He looked at his watch. He had been up all night. 3:30.


Stephen looked around for Osborn. He had flown out this humungous hole his glider made, but he wasn't here. Stephen saw puffs of green fog in the city streets. The Chlorax was leaking in the street, causing tensions of violent nature. People were stealing, killing, and destroying.

   It was coming from Oscorp!  The factory needed to be destroyed. Stephen needed to find someone who could take care of that. He jumped and swung across the street and landed at the police Station. 

He would leave a message.

Then Jay walked through the door. Stephen was about to explain how he was going to need his help whe he remembered one small detail...

His mask was in shreds.

   Jay stopped i nthe doorway! Eyes widening. Oh this isn't good. 

But Jay felt surpirse for a split second....then felt like splitting Stephen's head  in two!

"Stephen!" Jay yelled at the top of his lungs.

"Dad, I know what you msut be thinking, but this is not the time to start up!" Stephen started begging.

"You're in for alot more than just me!" Jay felt like assualting his son. "you could be facing courts! Jail for life! Does that sound like fun?"

"Dad, I need you to calm down."

"Oh, calm down! You lied to me all this time. Cheated, vadnalized this city! and you want me to calm DOWN?!" Jay swung his fist at Stephen but Stephen ducked and grabbed his arm.

"And how do you do that?!" Jay asked.

"Dad, it's a long story. I knwo you probably more furious at me then you ever have been, but this is not the time. Jump City's riding on this. I need you to do something." 


Hugo and his brigade had charged through the city, mowing down civillians who tried attacking them. Working as a team, his units moved down onto their HQ. Jay's police station. Not bothering to even unlock the door, he felt and urge to smash the door down. He did exactly that and when he walked in he saw a trail of blood leading up to the stairs....

   Hugo growled as he ran up the staircase, following it.


"Are you sure it's there?" Jay asked.

"The stuff is highly flammable. All you do is drop a match and mission accomplished.

And I studied what Goblin put up on his rootftop. It's no bigger than a water heater. However it has the equivilant to an Intercontinental Ballistic Missle. Disable it....that thing could take out the entire city."

  Then the door to the roof burst open. Jonas came through. Stephen grabbed Jay's hand and swung off towards the Oscorp building.

  "Brace yourself." Stephen said. As Jay did, they crashed through  a window.

 "You know what to do." Stephen began to run out the window.

    "Wait! Where the heck are you going?" Jay asked.

"To stop Osborn." And before Jay could stop him Stephen jumped out the window.

   Stephen swung around the edges of the Oscorp building. He couldn't hear or see Goblin anywhere. Then he turned around.


Stephen was picked up by Goblin on his glider.  He kicked back anslammed his fists into Goblin's metal helmet and blinded his vision with webbing. Osbourn roared and clawed as Arachnid climbed over Goblin and tried to throw him off the glider.  But Osborn's feet were connected to the glider put foot holds. Osborn shot the glider skyward. His large hand grabbed Stephen and picked him up by his head. Stephen swung around and Goblin grabbed him by his chest and began clubbering Stephen. Goblin's claws tore at Stephen's chest vest and Stephen did what the could to hold him at bay.


Jay Was on the roof of the Oscorp building. He saw Goblin's bomb.  Stephen was right, it was no bigger than a water heater. But this thing has a high blast radius. Jay went to work on it. He saw multiple panels, but no timer.

  "Must be remote control." He concluded. He walked around the bomb till he got to a panel that was larger than the rest.  He raised his shotgun and used the butt of the gun to knock off the panel. 

    He saw about a dozen wires hooked up to different glowing panels.  

And they were all red........


Stephen had grabbed Goblin's arms and tried to wrestle them away from his chest. All he needed to do was wait. 

 Goblin knocked away Stephen's arms.  It was all too easy. Before Stephen knew it, he was choking. Goblin's hand wrapped around his neck. Goblin reached for his belt.

   " To die in the name of cause....." Goblin smiled.  "Is to live forever."

 Stephen's eyes followed Goblin's hand come back from his waist. He saw the small detonator. The control detonator.


Jay was looking at the wires. He wasn't a technician. He had no idea what to clip. He was also a cautious man. He wasn't going to take the gamble.

   He still had no clue what to do.


Stephen couldn't keep it a secret anymore.

    "Dad!!!!!! Stop it now!" Stephen Screamed as loud as he could.

Goblin's head jerked and he saw Jay standing right next to the bomb. He wasted no time. He needed to do it before Jay disarmed his insurance.

   He dropped Stephen and started punching in the arming code.


Jay heard his son's scream. He looekd up and saw Stephen hanging from Goblin's glider.

"Dad! Destroy it now!" He Yelled.

Jay wasted not time. It was a long shot but he had no choice but to shoot for it. He raised his shotgun and fired at the panel.  

   The panel exploded with sparks and electricity flying everywhere. Jay felt the sting of the sparks land on the exposed skin of his hands. But there was no large burning blast. It had worked. He had destroyed the remote signal. The Bomb was disarmed.

       And Goblin was furious. He roared and picked Stephen from his Glider and flung him off.

    Stephen shot a web and swang around towards Goblin.

"I'll kill you, you miserable thorn."  Goblin yelled as two turrets  came out each side fo his glider.


Jay got up at the sound of the fire, shotgun in hand. He saw Goblin charging right towards Stephen.

  "Not without me." he raised his shotgun and fired it.


Goblin heard an explsion form under him and his glider shook. Stephen swung around and dug his feet right into Goblin. He sent them flying into the Oscorp's labratory as Goblin's glide crashed into the side fo the building.

    Goblin was in no mood for playing around anymore. As Stephen got up he saw Osborn run up to him and plant his fist right into Stephen's chin. STephen felt a shockwave ripple through his head and felt his skull split up down the middle. 

Stephen crashed into the wall. He was nearly dead. Goblin walked over and unsheathed a knife.

   "You stupid, incompetant, little bug." Goblin taunted. "Well, you've lasted this far."

    Stephen opened his eyes. He saw quardruples.  His head swayed from side to side and he wasn't even doing it himself. He did see what the place was.

  The Oscorp labratory. He had been here before. Doing research on the spiders. 

He reemmbered that day he talked to that scientist.

He also remembered that weird moment when he felt liek he was communicating with the spider.

   "But I'm through with you. but it's not goign to be enough for me to kill you." Goblin got right up in his face. "I'm gonna make ash of your demolished world after you're dead. All your freinds, any remainding family...." Goblin snapped his fingers.

   Stephen stopped his head and looked towards the spider casings. Millions of the poisonous Arthropods crawling all over each other, violently eating each other.  

   He had no other option...if this was even possible, but how blind hope was...

 "And Raven.....after I'm trhough with her, there'll be leftovers.." Goblin grinned as he grabbed Stephen's cheeks so he faced him.

     He pulled out a knife but Stephen closed his eyes. He closed them real hard. Mustering every oucne of strength he had, he could feel the connection. It screamed in his brain. It hurt to hard but he would not stop. 

    Must've been at a frequency because Goblin seemed disturbed. 

"Augh, what is that?" Goblin said irraitably.

    Stephen yelled as he gave one last effort to turn his head and saw it working.

The glass shattered. The spiders broke through their glass casings. 

   As they crawled all over the place, Goblin jumped up . Millions of Arachnids swarmed the labratory. They crawled all over Goblin. Millions of them biting at the almsot inpenetrable flesh. 

    Goblin tried to flicked them all off bu they're were too many. And sTepehn wasn't the only one arachniphobic.

     Goblin screamed and yelled at the top of his lungs, stepping all over the spiders, but pretty soon he fell. Spider continued to bite away and eat at him. 

    And soon they were all over his face and had even started to swarm his mouth. 

Goblin convulsed and wrangled, squirming. As the arthropods began eating him away. 

   He made on last attempt to get up but in blind fear ran out the hole he made when Stephen sent him crashing through the labratory.

     He fell down 50 stories.


He lay dead on the highway. Such was the end of the Goblin.


Stephen couldn't keep control anymore. He was near death anyway. He let go of  his influence over the spiders.

    The Arthropods soon came swarming towards him. He felt cold and his vision went black.

    A few seconds later he found himself outside the labratory.  He looked up and saw a black shadow disappear before he could react. With only the words. "It's almsot morning. Hold on." Just barely a whisper.

    He knew it was Raven. She came back to save him. For some reason he guess he knew he had too. 

          However he had more rpessing matters at hand. He crawled off before others arrived.  He took the elevator to the top floor.


Jay stood on top the building. He saw the sun rise. The night of terror was finally over. He saw the streets painted with blood and people cowering in the alley ways. 

   He still had to blow the entire Oscorp complex to stop the Chlorax from leaking, but he wasn't going to do that.  The building would be condemned and tore down. Probably rebuilt by other buisnessmen who'd buy out Oscorp. It hardly mattered now. Chlorax had already leaked through the entire city. the damage was done. Goblin had pretty much won.

    Goblin had his night of entertainment.

   He heard the ding of the elevator. Stephen crawled out. He was hurt.

"Stephen! you ok?" Jay asked.

   "Yeah, I'll get to a hospital. But you need to destroy this place. You ned to stop the Chlorax-" Stephen said.

           "It's too late. It's already leaked. Lie down." Jay said.

Stephen sat down. "Goblin's dead."

       "I know." Jay replied. "How'd you kill him?"

Stephen groaned "Long story. But I had figured soemthing before. On occasion I've been i na situation where the Goblin's sued Chlorax agaisnt me as a weapon. I would get dizzy spells but other than that it wouldn't last too long. Like at the Carnival. Whenever i was hit, I wouldn't transform like Osbourn. I figured since I wasn't effect, I must've had some sort of resistance. an immunity agaisnt the Chlorax."  Stephen looekd up "Dad, the spider venom is the antidote. It's what resistances the Chlorax. Goblin before was inpenetrable, nothign could hurt him, but....I had released an army of spiders on the guy dad and the effects of Chlorax had worn off. He was vulnerable. The spiders had eaten him alive before he fell over the edge. Goblin had used the chlorax as his strength as I had used the spider venom as mine."

     "Paramedics will be here to pick you up.  But when you get better. You've got a story to tell."

   Stephen smiled and held his aching head. "A long story."

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