Playing for Keeps (a PIL fanf...

By jinxedby_105

8.7K 415 573

Always on the run, and frequently alone, Arabella doesn't really have a place to call home. With her parents... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
A/N: I needs some Pirates!!
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Ending note

Chapter 23

174 10 27
By jinxedby_105

                                   ( Captain Morgan's POV ) 

                        We had reached the annual pirate games, and I couldn't believe how much had changed since we were last here. Our crew had been smaller then, and though it was lively, it was much livelier now, with our new additions. Our family had significantly grown since then, and changed for the better. If I know one thing, it's the guard I worked so carefully to put in place, is crumbling. I had always told myself that I would never open my heart again, after losing my first love, the princess I had loved so long ago. It was even worse after losing my brother, the real Morgan, and pirate king. It was after his death that i put the wall up, and also when I promised to take the role as Pirate King, basically, taking his identity. 

                        I look over at Cecilia, as she contemplates what to participate in. Her beautiful blue eyes narrowing as she reads the choices. She would never believe me if I told her I was serious about her. Hell, I don't blame her either. I always flirt, and I know what everyone thinks of me anyway. I know they see me as a womanizing drunk. Who can blame them? That's how I've lived my life since taking over for my brother. I lived it one day at a time, living in the moment, not daring to open up my heart again. It was easier to just enjoy a woman's company for one night, then move on. 

                        Besides not wanting to open my heart again, it's not an easy thing to be with the pirate king. It could end up a burden. She would be wanted even more by the navy, and a big target for rival pirates. No, no woman deserves that type of life. I'd never really planned on falling for someone again, but somehow, Cecilia managed to get past my walls, when I wasn't looking. The beautiful and kind blonde, with her intelligence, and sometimes fiery attitude, was one hell of a woman. She was just as brave as she was kind, and not afraid to speak her mind, or put a man in his place...I was done for the second she hit me, after trying to touch her, after she explicitly told me no funny business. 

                     "Don't they have anything besides the fighting, weaponry, and sports stuff?" Cecilia mutters as she flips through the pages again, and I can't help smiling at her, totally absorbed in what she's reading. 

                     "I'm sure they do... I'll go along with whatever you pick." I answer, not even bothering to flip through the choices myself. I truly didn't care, and would go along with whatever she wanted. 

                     She glances over at me, a slight blush creeping across her cheeks as she finally notices I've been watching her. "Well are you going to just stand there staring, or help me pick something?" she huffs, returning her attention back to the pages once more, and I can't help but laugh at her. 

                     She hears me, giving me a glare before rolling her eyes at me. "Honestly Morgan, do you take anything seriously?" she asks, exasperated, and before I can answer, something seems to have finally captured her interest. "Yes! A dance contest. Let's do it Morgan!" She exclaims excitedly, her beautiful blue eyes sparkling. 

                     I chuckle, drawing her closer. "Well if you insist Cecilia." I whisper, meeting her gaze. 

                     She pulls back, slapping me on the arm, with a SMACK. "Bish! You know I was talking about the dance contest, not that." she exclaims, her face crimson, and I can't help but chuckle at her reaction. I know I shouldn't tease her like that, especially if I want her to take me seriously, but I just can't help it sometimes.

                    "Alright, well lets head over there." Cecilia says, taking the arm I offer her reluctantly, as we head towards our event. As I look over at her, it's amazing to realize, that though I know I haven't known her long, I care deeply for this woman, and want to know everything about her. 

                    Whether or not I should burden her with my feelings is something I've been struggling with these past couple days. If she even accepts them, it would be a burden, and the navy would forever be after her. She would have no chance at a normal life with me, if she ever decided that she wanted one. Not to mention after I told her the truth about my past, would she still stick around then? Or would she be mad and feel betrayed? Hell it's something I haven't even told the crew, and I shudder to think how they would react. 

                  "Ready Morgan?" she asks, bringing me back from my thoughts, as we reach the arena. 

                  "As I'll ever be, Cecilia." I answer simply, taking her hand in mine, as I wrap an arm around her waist, pulling her close, as she lays one hand on my shoulder, the dance beginning. She's a lovely dancer, and we glide around the arena effortlessly, as I occasionally dip, or turn her. She's very graceful, making up for my occasional clumsiness as we dance. Her beautiful blonde hair occasionally falling forward, giving me the opportunity to touch her face, as I put it back behind her ear.

                     And though I know better, the hand I have around her waist seems to take on a mind of it's own, as it slips lower and lower, close to her ass. Just like when we were dancing at the wedding a few days ago, she glares at me, as she quickly reaches back, guiding my hand back up around her waist, where it was supposed to be. "Honestly Morgan. Don't you take anything seriously? Or any woman for that matter." she lectures me, with fire in her eyes. She's beautiful, even when she's scolding me.

                     I look at the amazing women before me, and just go for it. "Yes, actually, you." I tell her, and her eyes widen in shock, like she can't believe I just said that. We keep dancing still, and she doesn't answer me until after I spin her, shock still in her eyes as she looks at me, baffled. 

                    "I...How can I believe that Morgan? How do I know you mean it? That it's not just another game, or I'm not just some other conquest for you Morgan." She asks me, a serious expression on her face, as her blue eyes search my grey ones, looking for an answer.

                     "You're different Cecilia. You've managed to make your way into my closed off heart, and much as I've tried to keep it closed off, you somehow managed to open it again." I answer quietly. meeting her gaze, hoping she knows I mean it. 

                     She shakes her head. "I just don't know Morgan...I want to believe you, but I don't know."

                     I look at her sadly, but not blaming her, knowing I haven't exactly given her a reason to believe me. It will take more than words. "I'll prove it to you Cecilia. Give me time to prove it to you." I tell her, pleading, as I meet her gaze.

                     She looks back at me, and I go for it, while we're still dancing, I lean down and kiss her, my lips meeting hers in a gentle kiss. She kisses me back softly, a gentle sweet kiss, and I pull away to look at her. She has a slight pink tint on her face, and I feel my own face heat up as well.

                     The dance finishes, and thanks to Cecilia's gracefulness, we win the event. We walk through the crowds quietly, as I wait for her answer. "Alright." she answers quietly, meeting my gaze. "Alright, but you have to quit drinking." She says, giving me a sly smile. 

                     "Oi, are you trying to kill me woman?" I tease her, clutching a hand to my chest in exaggeration. 

                      "I'm serious Morgan. No more drinking." She says, shaking her head, as half of her mouth quirks up, a smile pulling at her lips.

                       "Yea I know." I mutter, though I'll do it, I'm not exactly thrilled with the idea. 

                       "Morgan! Morgan! I didn't know you were in town." A little brunette exclaims as she runs up to me, excitedly. She looks familiar, though I can't quite place her...

                        "Uh hey..." I say uncertainly, raising an eyebrow at her. I can feel Cecilia glaring daggers at me,  as she stands next to me. 

                         "You don't remember me do you? The hell!" the brunette screams at me, clearly pissed, before she smacks me right in the face, before turning around and running off. 

                          "Well... alrighty then." I say, turning back to Cecilia, who's glaring at me. "I admit, I didn't remember, and it was a long time ago." I tell her, and she shakes her head. 

                           "This is why it's so hard to believe you." she says, still shaking her head. 

                             "Cecilia, I'll prove myself, just give me time. Actually, here. let me start by telling you my past, something I haven't even told the rest of the crew." I add, looking at her, as I offer her my hand. 

                              She takes my hand reluctantly, as i lead her to a quiet spot on the island, near the beach. I take a seat, and motion for her to do so as well. 

                                She sits down, facing me, meeting my gaze as she waits patiently for me to start. I take a deep breath, before I begin. "I had a brother, though I told you all that, I didn't tell you the whole story. He was my twin, identical, and not many could tell us apart. My brother was the true Pirate King, and I was the two sword fencer." I  say, and her eyes widen in shock, but she doesn't interrupt me, so I continue. "I lived my life on land, fighting, and I was even engaged at one point, to a princess. Her father didn't approve of me, and though we were going to elope, I lost her. I thought I would never love again. Not long after, my brother needed help, so i traveled with him. He was ill, and we were fighting on skull island, when he died. On his death bed he made me promise to take over for him, and become the pirate king. No one ever knew, that I switched identities, and everyone believed that the two sword fencer just vanished." I finish, looking at her. 

                             She stares at me for a few minutes, before answering. "I'm so sorry Morgan. It's a good thing you're doing, keeping your promise. You're a good brother. Thank you for telling me, and your secret is safe with me. Though I think you should tell the crew eventually." She says, giving me a kind smile. 

                             I smile back at her, as i get up, offering her a hand up, which she takes. Helping her up, we head back towards the ship hand in hand, much to my surprise. Yes, Cecilia is one hell of a woman indeed. I always thought I would never love again, and kept my walls very tightly in place. But this beautiful blonde pirate, has somehow managed to get me to take down my walls, and open my heart again. I'm so screwed. 

A/N: And that's the pirate king! I hope he's not too out of character... I wanted to bring out his softer side for you Cecilia, while still hopefully seeming like Morgan... So I hope I did okay on that >_<. I was trying to incorporate his past to like, possibly explain why he is the way he is, like he was hiding behind the women and booze... anyway... I hope it's okay...>_< *throws chocolate chip cookies, then ducks behind computer* lol anyway, up next is Eduardo and Penelope! Which I'll have up tomorrow night. Thanks for reading! 

- Jinx

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