Chapter 10

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 * Quick note before we get started.. just felt the need to warn/ let ya know there is mature content aka smut in this chapter... in case anyone doesn't want to read that.. anyway.. carrying on then.. *

                      The next morning, I untangle myself from Nate. "I'm gonna go shower, I'll meet you in the kitchen." I tell him, giving him a quick peck on the lips before I go. 

                       I place my clothes on the sink, and head towards the shower stalls. I was my hair, finding myself smiling. Thinking of what and interesting turn my life has taken, but so grateful for the new family I have found among the Sirus pirates. 

                        "So cheerful in the shower, my pearl." Alan comments. 

                        I shriek, grabbing the towel and wrapping it around myself quickly. "What are you doing in here?!" I scream at him, feeling my face heat up profusely. 

                        He smiles. "Simply admiring the beautiful flower of the Sirus." he smirks. 

                        What a weirdo. Ugh. "Get out!!" I yell, still clutching my towel to me. 

                        "Tsk, now why would I do that?" he smiles mischievously. 

                       "Because it's rude, and perverted to watch women in the shower!" I scream. My clothes are on the other side of the room, along with any form of weapon. I'd have to pass Alan. Shit. 

                       Alan looks me up and down, grinning, seeing the clothes are on his side of the room. He holds up a gun. "Why don't you take that towel off." he looks me up and down again. 

                      "I'd rather you just shoot me thanks." I reply snarkily. He frowns, but doesn't shoot. I scream, and start running. Alan fumbles with the gun, dropping it. It goes off, and shoots something on the the wall, shattering it. I finally reach my clothes, and dig around for a knife. I hear feet pounding. I sigh in relief, the boys are coming. 

                     The door bursts open, Russell running in. "Are you alright?" Russell looks at me, and turns bright red. 

                    "What the fuck is going on?" Nathan grunts, pushing his way through. He looks, sees me gripping a knife, and Alan and Russell looking away. His face looks murderous when he sees Alan. 

                    "I-i didn't see anything!! She screamed so I came to see if she was okay!" Russell stammers, clearly flustered. 

                     Nathan's gaze softens. "Thanks for checking on her to help her Russ." Nathan thanks our friend. Russell nods quickly leaves the room. Nathan glares at Alan. "Peeking on my girl in the shower, you sick fuck?" Nathan growls, whipping out his sickle and chain. 

                    "I-i didn't see anythin' bandanna!!" Alan screams. A knock sounds on the door, Captain peeks in. 

                  "Alan, why don't you come with me?" Nathan glares at captain. "Nathan, calm down, let me take care of Alan, you make sure Arabella is okay." he adds, nodding to me. 

                 Nathan nods. We wait for Alan to leave the room. He turns to me. "You okay?" he asks quietly, walking towards me. 

                 "Y-yes. Sorry about that. He surprised me, and my knives were on the opposite side of the room he cornered me on." I trail off.. 

                Nathan stops in front of me. "Shh. It's okay. How about you give me that knife tomboy?" he smiles at me gently. 

                I nod and hand it to him. "The fucker points a gun at me, telling me to drop my towel, told him I'd rather he shoot me." I finish, and I can feel myself shaking. Dammit. 

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