Chapter 5

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                         I follow Nathan to the kitchen to help with dinner preparations.  "So that was interesting." Nathan comments, smirking, clearly intrigued. 

                         I shrug. "Kinetic energy, can make pretty much anything a small bomb."

                        "So was it like your father or mother?" he asks, looking at me. 

                        "My father. My mother could sap energy if she touched someone, or if they had a gift, imitate it for awhile after touching them." I add. I don't know why I'm telling him all this. 

                       "Cards huh?" he ask smirking. 

                       "My father, he used cards, they were easy to carry and throw. He could charge anything, but cards were easiest, especially more convenient." I explain.

                       "So you kept up the tradition?" he asks, eyeing me.

                       I smile. "Yes. Essentially this is all I have left of them. My mother's swords, my father's daggers, staff, and cards. This jacket was his too as well." I finish, looking slightly embarrassed. 

                       "It suits you, I'm sure they would be proud." he replies gently. I blush, and my heart is hammering in my chest. 

                        "Thank you." i tell him. 

                        Later we take all the food on deck, and the party begins. "To our newest member." Morgan toasts, and everyone raises their drinks. I smile and feel my face heat up. 

                         A couple hours later, most of the crew is drunk, and singing. They all seem to be having fun. I glance around, notice Nathan isn't there, and go off to find him. I find him at the bow, by himself. "Whatcha doin' all by yourself?" I ask, as I plop down next to him. 

                        "Nothin' drinking a bit." he says, taking a swig of beer. We dangle our feet over the side as we sit. 

                      "I was raised by bandits." he starts. "Never knew who my parents were, falsely accused of certain things, and always on the run." I watch his face, my eyes meeting his gaze. His gaze is searching, as if I hold some answer to an unspoken question. I don't know what he sees, but he continues. "Captain saved me twice, and been on his ship ever since." he finishes, still looking at me. I smile. 

                     "I'm sorry about you never knowing your parents." i smile at him gently. He nods, then pokes me in the forehead. 

                     "Well so now ya know yer not the only former thief on board ya dink." he adds.

                    "You're the dink." I mumble, blushing. Why the fuck did he poke me? And why does it send flutters throughout my body when he touches me....

                    He laughs, and I love the sound. "Trained by the heads of the thieves guild.. You prolly could give me a run fer my money, especially if ya whip out those cards again." he teases.

                    I smile "I'd leave the cards out, and I still might be able to beat you." I scoff, rolling my eyes at him. I shove him gently, liking our sarcastic, and teasing banter. I don't know what it is about him... He's sarcastic, yet kind. Kinda a hardass, but sometimes gentle. He pisses me off and irritates me, but I find myself wanting to be next to him....Shit. 

                   "Whatcha thinking about over there tomboy?"he asks, bringing me back from my thoughts.

                   I smile. "Hmmm, 'bout how I think I'm gonna like being a pirate." I say, because I can't tell him the truth. "I was always on the run by myself, and it's a nice change." I add.

                   "Yea I know what ya mean." he says smiling at me. He leans over and kisses my forehead. 

                   "What the fuck princess?" I ask trying to hide my blush. 

                   "Dunno." he's blushing too. 

                   "You're drunk aren't ya?" I tease, hoping he doesn't figure out I liked it. 

                   "Hmm maybe."he replies sheepishly. 

                   "Well I"ll let it go this time princess." I tease, and shove him playfully. He smiles and it reaches his eyes. 

                  "Well I gotta get up early, so I'm gonna turn in." he says, standing. He offers me a hand. I take it, and stand with him. 

                  "Me too." I say and follow him back to our room. I put my stuff away, and get on the bed. I feel bad, that he sleeps on the floor.. "Hey Nathan?" 

                  "Yea?" he looks at me curiously, eyebrow raised.

                   "It prolly gets uncomfortable sleeping on the floor like that, and I was thinking maybe I could sleep on one half up here and you the other....ya know, share." i trail off, kinda embarrassed.

                   He smiles at me, and blushes a little. "Alright. Only if you're sure." he winks. 

                   "Y-yeah I'm sure." I smile and scoot over. Nathan crawls up and lays down on his side. I roll over, laying on my side too, facing the wall. "G'night princess." I tease him one last time for the night. 

                  He laughs. "G'night tomboy." he replies. I drift off to the sound of him breathing quietly next to me...    

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