Chapter 12

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                               Me and Nathan make our way carefully through the market, gathering groceries. I can't help but feel uneasy, constantly glancing around for the navy. Nathan sighs. "Normal people don't keep glancing around so much tomboy." he says softly. 

                             "I'm sorry, I just can't help but be a little paranoid. Feels like we're surrounded or somethin'." I admit, shivering. 

                           He smiles, pulling me against him, and lightly pressing his lips to my forehead. I feel myself start to relax at his touch. "Thanks Nate." I whisper. He smiles and shrugs, keeping an arm around my waist, as he continues to lead me through the market. 

                          We finally get everything, and start heading back to the Sirus, to drop groceries, when we hear a familiar, yet annoying voice. "My pearl! It must be fate to run into you here!" Alan exclaims upon seeing me. 

                         I roll my eyes at the captain of the Rika. "I'm not your pearl, and your prolly followin' us." I scoff, and Nathan glares at Alan. 

                       Alan frowns."I'm not following! We are connected by the strings of fate." he whines, trying to take my hand in his. 

                      Nathan slaps his hand away, and glares. "Don't touch her. I still haven't forgotten the last incident Alan." he growls, making Alan cringe. 

                     "I told you I didn't see anythin' bandanna!" Alan shrieks, drawing attention of the people nearby. 

                    "Shut up! Do you want to draw the navy to us?" I hiss, glaring at Alan. 

                    His eyes widen."The navy?" he asks, a little too loudly.

                    Nathan rolls his eyes, and I sigh. "Shut it, you idiot! Ugh come on." I grumble, grabbing both their hands, dragging them towards the port. 

                   "Why are we taking him with?" Nathan huffs, at me, scowling. 

                   "It's easier than trying to ditch him. Knowing him, he'll attract the navy, the last thing we need." I explain, sighing in relief when we finally reach the Sirus. 

                  "Valid point tomboy." Nathan chuckles, ruffling my hair. I smile, and we carry the groceries in to the kitchen, Captain Alan trailing behind us as we put the food away.  "So now what do we do with him?" Nathan asks, gesturing to Captain Alan. 

                  I look at Alan, and shrug."I don't know...How about you go find yer crew? Be careful though, this is the navy capital." I tell him, and his eyes widen in surprise. 

                "N-navy capital?" Alan stammers, looking slightly panicked. 

                I roll my eyes."Yes this is Moldor, didn't you know that you idiot?" I ask exasperated. Being around Captain Alan for long periods of time is exhausting...

              "He didn't know because he was just blindly following us. Idiot." Nathan says, narrowing his eyes at Alan. 

              Alan randomly starts smiling."Take me to Morgan." He announces suddenly. What the hell? I glance at Nate, unsure what to do.

               Nathan sighs. "Might as well take him with. Otherwise he won't shut up, then the navy will be on us in seconds." he shrugs. 

              "Alright. We're meeting Morgan and the crew at a bar in town. Don't cause trouble and get us arrested dipshit." I lecture Alan, glaring at him. 

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