Nothing, Nothing at all...

By C4t1l1n4

64K 2K 1.7K

A Dark x reader fanfic. I will write it as if you are a girl, but the character is kinda tomboyish, so you ca... More

A couple of things to know...


2.8K 108 56
By C4t1l1n4

Dark fumed, running over to where you and Wilford just were. "Oh, I'm gonna kill that son of a b*tch, I'm gonna murder his soul." He looks at Mark and Anti, even though deep down inside, he knows he can't do any of that, no matter how much he wants to. "I'm gonna go and try to find her, I got a pretty good idea of where she is. Go wake the sleeping princess over there." He says, motioning to the guest room where Jack was sound asleep. "And catch him up on what's going on." With that he walks out the door, leaving no room for arguments.

"Not my fault you stole from Wilford." Anti grumbled. "If I told you once, I've told you a thousand times, you don't do that. So it's your fault that he came for her. You got all cocky and sh*t and was like, 'oh it'll be fine, don't worry about it, I'll just put it back and he won't even notice it's gone...' And here we are..." Anti rambled as he headed to go wake Jack up, more to himself than to Mark. "Why is my other half an idiot..." Mark complained to himself, his face in his hands.

On the other hand, at Wilford's place, it was discovered that Dark did return the little brown book, although, Wilford didn't let you go. He needed you for other purposes he claimed, and personally, you didn't want to know what that meant. You surveyed your surroundings, a desk, a chair, a bed, a mirror, a lamp that was on the desk, and a over head light. Not preferable, but at least your not in a cold, barren prison cell. You finally got Wilford to let go of your hand, that he had been holding for the past like, 20 minutes. You wiped your hands on your shirt and your mouth of your sleeves when he wasn't looking. Just because you don't necessarily like him, doesn't mean you should be rude. Then there was the fact that you were scared of him, and didn't want to see what he would do if he saw that.

You were still standing next to him, and he turned to look at you. "I'm sure you have probably tried calling Dark by now." He says, when truthfully, you hadn't though of that. "But there's really no point. You have no idea where you are, so really shouldn't waste your energy. It would be helpful for other things." He looks into your eyes and smiles kindly. "Plus, Dark should know where you are, he stole the book from here, so he should just be able to teleport in, get you then leave. But he's not. Why not?" He stops there, letting you think about what he said. You realize what he said was true. "So why isn't he here now, to save you... Maybe he doesn't love you... Maybe he just wants you for your power, maybe he doesn't care about you... He was the one who left you all alone..."

You tried to tell yourself that he was lying, that he was trying to persuade you to believe false things. But deep down inside, something lit. A spark of truth, a spark of hope. Maybe he was right... You tried to ignore it, dampen it, and put it out, but your powers didn't indicate that he was deceiving you. You didn't know what to do, so you just stood there looking into his eyes, not even moving as he wrapped his arm around you. "He doesn't appreciate you like I do..."

He drew his gaze from yours, and kissed the top of your head. You didn't budge as he did so. Then he left, to let your think over what he had said. With one last look at you, He shut the door, and left you alone. You watched him go, and started at the door even after it had been shut. You tore your gaze away and shook your head, as if to clear you mind. Sitting on the bed, you think. You felt a tingling in your hands and looked at them. Your finger nails, looked painted. On your left hand, they were bright pink and sparkly, while your on your right hand, they were dark black and shiny.

You gazed at them in wonder, and decided to ask Wilford about it. You wandered around curiously, wondering what else was around here. You kinda got lost at one point in time but found your way back and decided to stay put. He would come to you eventually, right? I mean, he had to come give you food at some point. After a couple of minutes, Wilford came into your little room. "I heard you had a little adventure, wandering around here." He said. You showed him your nails. "I'll uh, be right back.." He stuttered, walking out of the room to what you assume was to go get the little brown book.

You heard a knock on the door, and waited for someone to come in. But nobody came. Instead, a flat brown box was slid into view, about the size a of large laptop. Walk over to it curiously, pick it up, and set it down on the desk. A man looking similar to Mark pops out, causing you to fall down. He looks at you from on top of the desk, and you survey his looks. Blue hair, a blue shirt with a G on it and blue jeans and a pair of black converse. I mean, why not? A lot of blue. "Um... ok?" This G on his shirt lit up and he looked at you. "Hello." "Umm, could you get off the table? Like, before you break it?" He jumps off the table on to the floor in front of you. He holds out his hand to help you up and you grab it. He pulls you up, and into a stiff hug. You stand there, squashed uncomfortably.

He looks at you, almost curious, but your not sure if he can have emotions. Something flashes in his eyes, and he adjusts himself, loosening his grip. He hugs you softer, less stiff and it feels almost human. You hug him back, and the two of you just stand there.  "Umm, thank you..." You say kind of bashfully when he finally releases you from your grasp. He stares at you with that weird look again and his eyes flash again as well. "What is that?" You ask. "What is what?" He asks, looking around, as if you are talking about an object in the room. "No, what does it mean when your eyes flash like that?" You ask, drawing his attention back to you.

"When my eyes flash, it means I am retaining new information."He informed you. "If I had hugged Wilford, he would of yelled at me and shoved me off of him, but you just stood there. It was new information I had to add." "People are different." You say. "Yes. That was a conclusion I had come to.  Also, you said thank you. Wilford never said that to me before." "No surprise." You mumble. "So you were with Wilford before?" You question. He nods. "Then why are you here now?" Primary function is to answer any questions asked, secondary function is to destroy mankind." "Excuse me?" You asked, wanting to make sure you heard right. "Secondary function is to destroy mankind."  "We might have to change that..."

You continue bugging Google, and find that Wilford sent him here to keep an eye on you. Well, anyone who might try and help you escape. You also found that he can be programmed to have emotions, but Wilford never bothered with any of those. Because of that, and the fact that you were bored, you decided to give him some. After a while, you had filled him with all the emotions you could think of, and tried to teach him how to be a human as possible. You were trying to override most things that Wilford had taught him, especially that destroying mankind part. He had left at one point, and came back with food, which he watched you eat. Apparently, Wilford had never let Google watch him eat, but that wasn't vey surprising.

Eventually, you got tired and laid down in the bed to go to sleep. You watch Google turn off the light, then drag the chair from the desk over to the side of the bed, so he could better protect you and add sleeping to his info about humans. You rolled your eyes and got comfy, ignoring the fact that he was starting at you, and would probably stare at you the whole time you slept. You closed your eyes and snuggled deeper into the covers. Then you fell into a deep sleep, remembering nothing, nothing at all.

Hey, hey, hey! Here you go, another chapter! Are you proud of me? No... Ok. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this one. Have fun! XD

All in all, Buh-Bye!

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