Girls Gotta Spy

By IReadBooksLikeCrazy

66K 1.5K 631

The gallaghers go to blackthorn the coc doesn't exsist. The chameleon name is famous.... What could go wrong... More

Girls Gotta Spy
Say hello boys
Proper Introductions Gone South
What we've got
Invasion of privacy
Authors Note Please Read
Found You
Hard to get
Around Town
Confusing thoughts
Dark hallways
Dreams and Changes of heart
Feelings spilled, but nothing's said.
I'm alive |A/N|

why are we here?

1.2K 19 0
By IReadBooksLikeCrazy

Cammie POV

My mind is spinning and I can't think straight when I wake up the next morning. Even so I get dressed and head out to get breakfast with the girls. None of them notice that I don't say a word, and its better that way.

I'm not ready to tell them about what happened yesterday, I'm not sure when I will be. I feel like if I tell them the moment will no longer be mine, mine and Zachs'. I hope Zach didn't tell his friends, while my gut tells me he didn't I don't know for sure. If he did i'm screwed cause Bex will not be happy I didn't tell her. When we get to the lunchroom we head to our usual spot with the boys, me ending up purposefully beside Zach.

When we sit down the conversation starts, but Zach's face looks as if hes at war with himself, hes not sure weather or not he should do o say something.

Aparently he decides for it because while he hesitates for a fraction of a second, he glides his  fingers softly through mine as he joins our hands under the table. I take a deep breath and close my eyes at the contact but quickly compose myself. We don't say anything to anyone and the don't notice, we just sit shoulders touching hands fit together like pieces of a puzzle.

part of me knows this will all turn out badly, a bigger part of really doesnt care. As spys we are trained to never make an unessesary risk, but the things is; all the best ones do.

Having a family is an unssisary risk and my dad had me and mom, he was one of the best so was mom; she still is.

Maybe Zach is my unessisary risk. He will either make me or break me, maybe he will do both.

A/N everything youve read so far was a presaved draft I wrote two + years ago so sorry if the writing change messes you up a bit.

Conversation goes on All around me but all I can focus on Is the heat of his hand in mine, the pressure of his fingers that are intertwined with my own.
I can barley even manage to eat and end up just pushing the food around on my plate.
My skin burns where it connects with his, a fire threatening to erupt beneath the surface.
It's too much, and I never want it to stop.

I thought what I was feeling before was getting in the way, but this is just plain blinding.
How was I ever supposed to get anything done?

His finger starts gently tracing circles in my palm, sending tingles up my arm.

Who needs to be productive anyway?

"Right Cam?" A voice stirrs me from my thoughts

"Hmmm?" I hum, coming out of my daze.

"Did you hear a word I just said?" Macy asks, fawning offense
"Sorry, lost in thought I guess." I shrug.
When I feel Zach squeeze my hand under the table, I suddenly feel grounded to reality; like he's holding me here.

"We were talking about how none of is really know why we're here." Macy goes onto explain "like, why us? Why now? Why here?"
I have to admit, those are good questions. Ones I should've asked myself a long time ago; should have been asking from the start.

If its one thing I know for sure, Joe Solomon has a reason for everything he does. I can't imagine bringing us all the way out here only serves the purpose of co-existing and teaching each other a lesson. If that were the case then this wouldn't have been the first exchange between gallager and blackthorne.
Why did they bring us all here?

"So we should do some snooping around, right Cam?" Macy asks, mischeveous smile and a flint in here eye to accompany her half thought out idea.

"Normally I'd be all for some snooping, but we're in uncharted waters. We can't just jump in without checking for sharks." I try to reason. But I can't help the urge to jump.
What is my beloved God father up to this time?
"I hate when you get all metaphorical." She pouts "I was just looking to have a little fun, no offense to you guys but the excitement of being here has kinda worn off."

"Non-taken, but if it makes things any better, we've been swimming these waters since middle school." Nick grins at Macy, but she just rolls her eyes.

"I don't think blackthorne is the 'waters' she was talking about." Bex pipes in "I mean it's not like she's have any trouble finding her way around."

I nod "I'm talking about the whole situation, we just confirmed we don't really know much about it. Do any of you even know where we would start looking for answers to theese questions?"
Maybe I seem to stern. But I've regretted diving in head first before, and we're supposed to learn from our mistakes.

"Good point" I hear Zachs voice for the first time today. I can't help but turn my head to look at him fully.
He surprises me by doing the same.
His eyes barring into my own with an intense gaze.
"Where do you suggest we start then Gallager girl?"

"Here, now, no sneaking. All we can do is observe. We've been trained our whole lives to notice everything about a room, person, or street. But we've also been trained to observe situations. We need to start conning up with plausible reasons they would have to bring up together and then work to prove or disprove them." I respond.
It's the safest and logical route. Of we rush into anything now we'll just end up in a pile of trouble.
Zach nods and turns away from me.

Right away everyone else starts comming up with plausible reasons for us to be here.
And I know I should be too, but I jave this sinking feeling in my gut that it wont turn out good for us.
And sadly my gut is usually right about things like this.
So instead I choose to focus on Zachs hand in mine.

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