
By gjbishop

3.9K 589 66


Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty

Chapter Ten

88 19 0
By gjbishop

"Don't shout at me, I promise that I will actually read the recipe this time," Luke laughed as I entered the kitchen, eying him by the oven. I attempted to force a small laugh out of my parched throat, but this wish wasn't granted, leaving me to simply smile. Luke, however, soon took notice of my lack of energy as he raised his head, putting his cookbook down and walking over to me.

"How'd you sleep?" He questioned, tilting his head to the side slightly.

"Okay," I replied. "I hadn't even meant to take a nap."

"I would've left you longer, but Ed is unfortunately due at five," Luke paused, taking a moment to observe my features. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm just tired."

"The tear stains under your eyes tell me something different. I'm not stupid."

"It's nothing, you know what girls are like," I said, looking away from his harsh gaze.

"I know what you're like too, you keep things bottled up and they eat away at you. Please just talk to me."

I stayed silent for a few moments, hoping that he would realise I wasn't going to talk about it. I turned to leave and had made it to the door when he spoke again, "It was another dream wasn't it?"

Pausing, I turned around watched him with apprehension. "Adelaide, please come and sit down." I took a hesitant seat at the worktop bench, while Luke went to collect a glass of water. "I know you don't exactly feel comfortable going into detail about them, but I'm not going to mock you if that's what you're afraid of. I'm not going back to that, you don't deserve to be alone in all of this."

"I don't want to be a burden Luke, they're just dreams."

"Night terrors, Adelaide. The state you were in after that first one was enough to send my mind into frenzy, never mind yours and I don't even understand what goes on in them."

"They all seem to follow on from one another, as if they're part of one big story but I'm only getting sections of it." I paused. Luke moved to stand in front of me, still taller despite me being sat down on the countertop. "I'm outside some warehouse, with crates and boxes surrounding me, like a port somewhere. It's pitch black, I can't see anything, apart from when their torches flash my way, then I can get an idea of my surroundings."

"Who's torches?"

"I don't know who they are. I just know that they are trying to find me, they're shooting as well. There's this constant stream of bullets and you get accustomed to the sound. The worst bit is the person I can hear screaming my name though-"

"Do you know who it is?"

"I have no idea, he just keeps screeching 'Adelaide'. It sounds like he's in just as much pain as I am, yet I know he's moving because I can hear him getting closer. There's this really sharp throbbing in my right side, near my hip, but I think the bleeding is coming from my head because in the first nightmare I remember waking up, finding myself on the gravel floor with my head in sheer agony. In the one I had last, I was just purely listening to the voice, I feel like I know it, but all I could focus on was the fear in it. Then the gun shots started firing again."

The room then fell silent, Luke in his own bubble, seeming to trouble himself about something. I suddenly found myself feeling uncomfortable for getting upset over something so ridiculous.

"I'm sorry, it sounds so silly getting upset over this," I said, going to jump of the counter, but Luke took a swift step forward, moving to stand in between my dangling legs.

"Adelaide, this is far from silly. Like I said I saw how it affected you the first time round. These are not just your average bad dream. This has physical effects on you."

"I'm sorry, they just really mess with my head. They frustrate me to no end too, because they come in all these bits and pieces that I'm trying to put together, but it still makes no sense. It's like trying to do a jigsaw, but you've never seen the picture on the front of the box."

"Please Adelaide, don't apologise," he requested gently. "I want to listen, to try and help you. Besides, I'm sure your Father would have something to say to me if I left you to weep on your own."

My smile slowly fell, "I'd doubt that."

"He does care Adelaide, he's just stressed. It may not see like it but he is just focused on your safety. Now come on Princess, you need to get ready. Ed will be here in an hour or two."

"Princess?" I retorted with a laugh.

"Yes, princess. You seem to be treated like royalty around here," he stated, earning a light smack on his arm. I laughed, going to get of the counter top, only to be stopped once again. "What?"

"If I ask really nicely, can you do the diner tonight? I mean I would, but that cookbook really doesn't give many tips on how to avoid fires," he sighed dramatically, a child like smile lacing his face.

"I think that'd be best for the safety of both us and the rest of the people on the street, but I'll go get ready first. Don't you need to as well?" I questioned, taking notice of his attire, his usual long sleeved jumper and skinny jeans.

"I am ready," he stated simply, as if it were obvious.

"Why do you always wear long sleeved tops?" My question threw him off slightly, causing him to subconsciously pull at the end of his sleeves.

"I just like them," he murmured, moving away so that I could get down from the counter. "Is there anything that I can do to start the dinner?"

"Just chop up the veg?" I suggested as I turned to leave the room, proceeding up the stairs to get changed.

"This looks ace Kate." Ed complimented, as we took a seat at the table, his eyes scanning over the array of food below him. I sent him a polite nod, which was haunted by a silence that rested between us for a few moments before Ed spoke again, "So, Ryan what do you do for a living?"

Luke, who had been silently eating his dinner, raised his eyes to meet Eds. I began to panic slightly, though Luke remained calm and answered confidently.

"I do personal training, but I'm currently studying Sports Science at University. What about you?" His answer was precise and to the point which was surprising considering he had made it up on the spot.

"I'm studying too but I have a bit of time off currently, which is good considering I don't actually know how long you're staying for Kate?"

I was silent for a moment, both Luke and Ed giving me their full attention. Still not knowing what to say, my palms began pooling with sweat, unable to formulate a reply as swiftly as Luke had. However, Luke picked up on my uneasiness in no time, reacting quickly by tracing two letters on my thigh.

"Two months, that's what I've planned anyway," I said, relief flooding through me as Ed continued the conversation further, oblivious to my stumble. I mouthed a brief 'thank you' to Luke as he removed his hand, appearing nonchalant.

"How do you two know each other again?" Ed spoke up, directing the question to the two of us. I decided that it would be best to let Luke handle the situation.

"Her parents are friends with mine. We've known each other since we were kids."

"What was with all the arguments then? Surely you two would be inseparable by now?" I couldn't decide whether he was just curious or was trying to get at something. Luke visibly tensed and I could see his patience thinning.

"A friendship with no arguments would be a friendship with lots of secrets."

"Is it a friendship though? Because from where I'm sitting you two have grown very close, very quickly, considering you were at each other's throats a few weeks ago." Ed was stepping on very thin wire; I knew Luke would snap any minute, although I wouldn't blame him considering Ed's persistent inquisitiveness.

"Why would you care?" Luke remarked, raising his voice while he tensed his posture.

"Just curious that's all mate. I mean I've seen the way you are around her," Ed said. His words appeared innocent, but there was a tone lacing under his voice that I knew would only aggravate Luke. I should have known this would end badly, Ed would agitate Luke and it would all kick off once again.


"No, it's okay Kate." Luke said, a tone taking over his voice that reminded me of the day he gave Ed a bruise that he wouldn't forget. "I just don't think Ed's used to being treated nicely, I mean with a face like that, surly you were bullied in high school?"

"Give over," Ed scoffed. "That's just uncalled for."

"Or were you buddy buddy with the posh geezers? It was a private school you went to right? I can't imagine you settling in with common people."

"You mean people like you? Bipolar comes to mind, so I suppose I wouldn't have wasted my time on characters like your own. I have no idea why Kate chooses to. You're undoubtedly trying to win her over, and I don't think she'd be keen to know what for."

"What is your problem?"

"My problem?" Ed laughed sinisterly. "You're the one that punched me two minutes after meeting me. You hate my guts and I have no idea why."

"I don't hate you, I don't hate anyone," Luke replied in a clipped tone. "I'm just jealous of the people that don't know you."

Ed scoffed, turning abruptly to face me. "I'm surprised that you're still around Kate."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Well, why do you even waste your time on this jerk? I wouldn't put up with it, he follows you around like you're on his leash. It's embarrassing."

"And you sat here insulting the host isn't?" Luke mumbled beneath his breath, but his words were easily detectable.

"Only because I can see straight through the facade you've been trying to hide behind. I'm sure you have quite the track record of letting it slip."

"Ed, I think it would be best if you left," I requested, sighing in disappointment.

"Oh so now you want to be left alone with the bipolar prick?"

"I don't want to sit and listen to you two dig in to each other," I corrected with a sharp frown on my face. "You're both adults. Why can't you just tolerate one another?"

"You're expecting me to tolerate him?" Ed retorted, throwing a distasteful glance toward Luke as if he were vermin. "Trust me I've tried, but he's the one that needs to learn how to control himself. I'm on edge every time I'm here because the guy could lash out at any time. Not to mention the fact he doesn't let you leave the house alone. Are you blind or just plainly stupid Kate?"

"Don't disrespect her," Luke warned, rising to his feet in an intimidating stance.

Ed moved to mirror him, but my words silenced the insult I was certain he was accumulating in his throat. "Ed, leave. Now, please."

"Kate, you can't seriously be blaming me here?"

"Ed please leave. You shouldn't have started it, you knew what would aggravate Ryan," I accused, discarding the disappointment that flushed through me as I realised what had steamed from such a trivial conversation.


"Save it. Now please leave."

Ed sighed, already certain that he wouldn't be able to sway my anger toward him on to Luke. He left the room swiftly, the sound of the front door being slammed shut greeting my ears as I began collecting the plates.

Luke was quiet for a few moments, but his stare was hot on my trails, his eyes being careful to watch every one of my moments in detail. It were as if he were trying to depict my mood from my body language alone, a skill that I was certain he was gifted at considering our previous encounters.

"Adelaide, I'm so sorry, I swear I didn't do anything intentionally, he was just being a nosy little prick-"

"I'm not mad at you," I informed him with a light laugh, shaking my head. "You had every right to say what you did."

Luke's shoulders visibly relaxed, something I was happy about, though I was humoured by the fact that he thought he was going to receive a yelling from me.

"Are you okay?"

"I don't know what was with him tonight," I said quietly. "I know you two don't get along but he just kept on pushing."

"I'm not even going to pretend that I tried to hold back, but there's just something about him that gets me riled up."

"Well I doubt you'll have to worry about seeing him again."

"I'm sorry Adelaide," Luke apologised gently. "I know what it meant having him around."

"We'll have to leave him at some point anyway," I reminded solemnly. "The last thing I want is to be Kate forever."

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