Fem!Romano X Prince!Male!Read...

By TheInventorOfTime

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Ever wanted to be a prince? Love Hetalia? Favorite character Romano? Read this story!! Random events, love! ... More

The Beginning/Meeting
Meeting parents
Are you worthy?
Um, Maybe?, Maybe not.....
I just wanna go home.....
Can you forgive me?
We have to tell him
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
My first ever Author's note
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 17

520 13 3
By TheInventorOfTime

A/n: Okay, so some of the logic from past chapters are going to change, so like yeah..... Enjoy?

That look of horror stunned me.


I knew what was happening, the only thing I couldn't figure out was why and who?

I lowered my voice to where only we can hear.

"Please, I need an answer. Trust me." I pleaded. She slowly looked down and nodded her head slightly.

"Yes, a billion times yes!" (I bet you knew that was coming....) I smiled and slowly slipped the ring onto her finger. I stood and wrapped my arms around her waist. He response was her arms snaking around my neck as she leaned into me. I let our lips touch and let her worries disappear.

(You all are going to hate this..... just watch) I removed one arm around her waist and set it on the railing. I knew I was going to regret this.

With a swift push I propelled us off of the the balcony. Five stories down was the ground waiting for the impact.

Lovina, pulled away to realize what was going on. "This is where your trust for me comes into play. I need you to close your eyes." She nodded and obeyed closing her eyes. I shifted her to where she was facing the ground. I hopes this works or else the guilt will eat me alive.

As we neared the ground I could feel something pulling at my skin. With no pain we stopped falling.

I let out an airy laugh as we glided through the air. I whispered in Lovina's ear. "You can open your eyes now." I felt her squirm slightly as she did so.

"What? Why aren't we falling?" I didn't answer her and instead landed in a lush green park with a statue of an angel. She slowly wobbled and turned towards me. My wings were dragging slightly on the grass as I walked towards her. She started at me, a look of awe present in her eyes.

"Like what you see?" She scoffed. "This is not the time to be making jokes. You almost got shot!'

I chuckled softly and swept her into my arms. "But we're okay." My face turned grim. "Did you see what he looked like?" She nodded slightly. "Some what. He was somewhat tall. Light brown hair and blue eyes. Lightly tanned." She seemed to go off on his description when I gasped. "Jett." "Who?" I sighed and looked at her before pressing my lips to her forehead. "He's my older adopted brother...." She pulled away from me. "Why is he trying to shoot you then?"

"That's what I want to figure out. We need to get you home where you'll be safe." "No, I'm going with you!" I shook my head. "You have to be-" "I don't care about my health right now! You idiot! I want to be with you even if it means getting myself hurt!" I stood there in shock. No one has ever wanted to be with me or protect me. I looked down at her and gave her an apologetic smile. "I'll agree to let you come with me." She huffed and hugged me.

I scooped her up in my arms bridal style and she squeaked gripping onto my neck. "Hold on." I teased and she frowned at me. I pushed off the ground and into the air.

I was going home.

~Mini Timeskip~

I landed back on solid land causing Lovina to stir awake.

"We're here." I whispered to her making her open her eyes. I sat her down on the grass letting her wake up further.

I looked up at the unnaturally blue sky before moving towards the castle-ish thing I used to call home. If I was correct, this would no longer be my home. My family, no longer my family.

"(Your Name)?!" I turned and narrowed my eyes. There stood the Queen and the King. My former parents.

"How are you still alive?" I helped Lovina up as she stared at them. "What do they mean?" She asked as she clung to me slightly.

"I'm alive." Was my only answer and I wrapped my wings protectively around her.

"We see now. You've gained your wings, and they're golden." The King sneered.

I glared at the two. "Why was Jett trying to kill me?" I asked my voice unwavering.

"He was supposed to kill you before you could gain your wings so he could be king. He's more fit to be one anyway." I scoffed, something you would think I would never do. "Just because he was more fit doesn't mean it was his right. Adopted or not. Unless you're telling me that he is my biological older brother."

The world seemed to slow around me. As the Queen's eyes narrowed at me. "So it's true. How did you keep him from me?"

"He volunteered once he understood the world. He kept to the streets, growing up there he learned everything that you yearned to know. He grew up far better than you did. In fact, we didn't even want you. But as soon as we had you, we couldn't switch you for him. He was set on keeping to the streets until you came around the age for the throne. You were also so cute that we couldn't bare the thought of giving you up yet." I growled at them. They did this to me.

But I couldn't stay mad because I saw Eve land. Her guilty face made me feel that she was called to be told the plan.

Eve flew up to get to higher ground. I grabbed Lovina and did the same. Soon I was higher than Eve. "I'm so so sorry." I mumbled to Lovina. She looked at me with narrow eyes. "What are you about to do?" I gulped and slowly let her go, letting her plummet towards the ground. Her screams were swallowed up by the wind. I closed my eyes for a moment and looked down to see Eve catch her and fly away with her.

I looked down to my parents who seemed to have a look of disgust on their face from Eve's betrayal.

"What have you done to our daughter!" The King called up in a stern voice that seemed pained at the loss of another family member. "You can't ruin the relationship of siblings." I called back as I lowered myself closer to the ground. They scoffed. "You'll die and there is nothing you will be able to do about it."

I gulped, they were right, I would never be able to save myself. I felt a tear roll down my face.

I'm sorry Lovina.

I then heard lightning. It was a clear day, so why? Then it stuck me. I felt power surging through me. Power and lightning.


I watched from a very far distance as lightning struck him. My screams were no longer audible and I could cry no more tears. I tried so hard not to worry about him. I had to trust in him. He would be okay.

He'll win this war.

I could feel Eve land. She let me stand yet I almost fell over due to my fear getting the best of me.

"Hurry, in here." She called standing next to a door. It looked metal and very much guarded. I quickly walked in her direction.

Once I reached her she opened the metal door and pushed me inside alongside herself. It was warm in here.

"Lovina?" A voice I recognized rang out. "Papa?" My voice was weak as I strained my eyes to see him. It was awfully dark in here. I saw a glimpse of his bright eyes and immediately ran to him hugging him tightly. He did the same. "Ah mi little tomate, you are safe." I could hear the sadness in his voice.

"(Your Name) is still out there!" I started to panic.

"He'll be fine." I heard Eve say. "Come sit." She lit a torch and made a fire. I got a good look around. It was made out as metal, as for what metal, I couldn't tell. As I look around even more I can see Feliciana and Ludwig cuddled together in the corner asleep.

"Come." Eve said again. I walked over and sat next to Papa who was already sitting down next to the fire which was providing extra warmth.

"I must tell you about wings." I gave her a questioning look, as did my father.

"Wings are very interesting if I do say so myself. There are three types of wings and certain ways to gain them. White wings can only be obtained by doing a good deed. The deed has to be something big. Such as saving someone. Black wings are very common. You can get them by doing something bad, such as killing, kidnapping, or possibly raping someone. Then there is the rarest type of wings. The golden wings. They protect their owners if the need arises. They are only obtained by saving someone you love but putting yourself at risk." I had to interrupt. "But when we started to fly, I was facing the ground." She sighed and looked directly at me. "The only reason he would have gained his wings is if he didn't gain them in time, he would have switched positions so you would have landed on him, saving you in the process."

I couldn't believe it. He was going to sacrifice himself to save me.

"Lovina, get some sleep." Papa placed his hand on my shoulder. I nodded. "But only if you go to sleep too." He laughed and nodded. "Of course." I laid down on an old mattress. Papa and Eve did so on different matresses as well.

I could feel my eyes start to droop.


I heard a tapping noise. I slowly opened my eyes and looked around the dimly lit room. I rose, no one else seemed to be affected by the noise. I went to the door. Unlcocking the seemingly locked door I pushed it open.

In a blur of red I was pushed back towards the wall. I felt hands wrap around my waist and move me.

As the 'body' hit the wall I heard a grunt. The light seemed to brighten as the body entered the room allowing me to see gold and (Hair Color).

Something nuzzled into my neck with a hum.

"(Your Name)?" My voice betrayed me as I spoken his name.

This has to be a dream.

"Yes Lovina?" His voice was soft yet somewhat rough.

Since this was a dream I might as well make the most of it.

I turned to him. The light shining on him highlighted the wounds on him. There were some gashes on his face yet his eyes were still their lively colour. I gently grasped the sides of his face and kissed his lips. "I thought that I'd never see you again." I squeaked as his grip on me tightened.

"I'm here, don't worry. You need to get some sleep."

"So do you."

He didn't say anything. He picked me up and laid me down on the matress before laying next to me. He pulled me close and kissed my temple. I gently lulled myself to sleep, he did so as well.


As I opened my eyes I smiled remembering the nice dream I had. I sat up and yawned stretching in the process.

I felt an arm wrap around me and yanked me back down.

I turned to see (Your Name) lying there his eyes half open. His cuts were more visable, so we're all of the bullet scraps that littered his body.

"Good morning." He whispered and gently kissed me.

I came to the conclusion that last night was no dream, that was real.

He stood up and went to search the shelves that stood on the other side of the door for I believed were bandages.

"Help." I heard him whimper. I rolled my eyes and stood going and grabbing a roll. His eyes seemed to widen before giving me a sheepish smile.

He took off his shirt after absorbing his wings so he could better access the damage.

He looked pretty bad. There were scratches and bruises, cuts and bullet gaze marks. All in all, he looked awful.

He made me help bandage him up. The bandages looked fairly new so I guessed that they would hold up pretty well.

After all of the that the others seemed to wake up.

They were all so happy to see him and Eve would not stop apologizing for what she put him through even though it really wasn't her fault.

"So what happened to Jett?" I asked quietly and all gazes were sent at me.

"He was handled with." I gave (Your Name) a questioning look. "My friend Onyx would have taken care of him. He just hates guns in his resteraunt."

"So did you win? Or can you tell us what happened?" Papa asked which made him nod but frown.

"I won. I had used lightning against them. Something only those with golden wings could have done. Angry with me, the King and Queen brought out there army. From then it was a war between mother nature and metal bullets."

His answer was short but Papa seemed to get the point.

(Your Name) yawned and smiled at everyone. "I think it's time for us to go home."

Papa protested. "You belong here with your sister." "No. I belong with you. I have no business here. Besides, Eve will make the perfect Queen. She has been ready for quite some time." Eve gave an embarrassed smile. "Go, I'll take care of everything here."

We all left the shelter.

"Eve, please send the three home on an airplane." Eve nodded to (Your Name)'s request and led the three to a car.

He walked over to me taking my hands and peering into my eyes. "As for you. We will be finishing that date." He leaned down and pulled me into a very passionate kiss.

"Are you ready?" "Ready as I'll ever be." With that we took to the sky. Back to the place where we both belong. Home.

A/n: There you go you guys. The next/last chapter. I'm sorry that I had to end it but.... Every story has an ending. (Unless you guys have me ideas for a sequel *winks*) But I hope you've enjoyed this story as much as I loved writing it. Thank you for reading!!

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