My Obsessive Stalker (werewol...

By jamilah1125

398K 12.1K 1.2K

UNEDITED/poorly written when I was younger (needs severe editing) "Becky, I'm scared! Someone's following me... More

All Rights Reserved & Other Info
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
New story!!!
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Everything's Lost!!!
Chaper 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
IMPORTANT A/N- Impacts You!
Chapter 30
A/N You Guys Voted For Option.....
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Important A/N-Wattpad Glitch!
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41

Chapter 33

5.8K 200 4
By jamilah1125

(Katherine's POV)

My eyes shoot open and I gasp for air into the mask that seems to be around my mouth and nose.

My body moves frantically in the sheets everywhere and my heart beat is rapid.

What's happening!?

My eyes seem to be rolling in my sockets as I hear voices around me.

Suddenly, I feel a painful prick in my arm and feel my body relaxing.

My heart beat slows, my eyes stop rolling, my body stops moving frantically in the sheets and my eyes close as the darkness surrounds me.
My eye lids shoot open as I look around.

I seem to be in a cafe that has only a few customers in it and looked very cosy.

There were booths near the windows and tables, with table cloths on them, were against one side of the wall.

The counter, where the cash register was, seemed to stretch all the way around the corner and had stools on the opposite side of the cash register for other customers to sit.

My eyebrows cam together in confusion.

'Why would I be here?'

I was bought out of my thoughts as I heard the bell ring and saw someone walking in.

A gasp left my mouth as I saw the beautiful women smile at the women at the cash register and order her food.

I slowly walked up to her, my steps hesitant.

It was her: Jason's mom; the women in those pictures where I was kept; the women who faked her own death to get away from...him; the women who left that baby girl at the doorstep.

I reached out to tap her shoulder but realised that no one could see me.

After all, these...dreams have happened to me a couple of times before and no one could see me then so they won't be able to see me now either.

I was, yet again, bought out of my thoughts when I heard the bell ring again.

I turned to see who it was, only to have another gasp leave my mouth.

It was him. Mr Collins. Jason's father.

However, now he looked much younger and looked to be in his early to mid 20's.

I watched as he slowly approached the counter where Jason's mom was.

He approached her and I continued to watch as a smirk appeared on his face.

'What is he up to?'

My question is soon answered as he taps her shoulder causing her to turn around to face him with her drink in her hand.

Her eyes widen significantly, her mouth gaping, as Mr Collins continued to smirk and ran a hand through his hair, an evil glint in his eyes.

Jason's mom recovers and she slightly bows her head before picking it up saying, "Alpha."

As she was about to pass by him to exit the cafe he grabs her upper arm causing her to jerk back violently so she was once more in front of him.

"Where do you think you're going mate?" he whispers sinisterly in her ear.

She gasps, moving her face away from him and steps back angrily.

"I am not your mate. My mate is still out there and I belong to him and only him. You can not have me Alpha and there is nothing that will make me come crawling to you. The only reason you want me is because you can't find your mate. But, just because you can't, it does not mean you can go around taking other peoples mates or forcing others to be yours" she says furiously as she storms away from him and out of cafe.

I turn to face Mr Collins to see anger flash in his eyes and a scowl on his face, but it quickly disappears and a smirk reappears.

"Just wait and watch. Soon you'll be mine, whether it's by your free will or not" he murmurs before walking out of the cafe as well.

I am left standing there in shock and confusion as everything plays in my head again.

'What is with this 'mate' and 'Alpha' thing?'

I thought about what just happened and then realisation hit me.

'One day, a beautiful women came to town. She was absolutely stunning an was kind-hearted as well as generous. Luck seemed to be on James' side as he had finally found her: his soul mate.
He asked her out but she refused saying she wasn't interested and that although she believed in soul mates, that she wasn't his.'

I felt a pull suddenly and I looked around me.

The cafe was whirring around me as I stood still.

'What's happening?' I thought as I closed my eyes as wind hit my face.

I reopened my eyes a minute later as the wind had stopped and found myself in a living room.

'What the...?'

I looked around and found the living room very familiar. As if I had been there multiple times before.

I was bought out of my thoughts by voices upstairs.

I listened carefully but couldn't make out any of the voices but only that it was a mans and a women who sounded agitated.

I slowly turned and walked towards the stairs and looked up at them.

The voices became clearer but I still wasn't able to make the words out.

I bit my lip and took hesitant steps upstairs until I stopped at a door where the voices came from.

"Let me say this again: you will be my mate whether you like it or not. If you don't there will be consequences witch" I hear a familiar males voice.

My eyebrows come together in confusion and I slowly open the door to see who it is.

Mr Collins was standing in front of Jasons' mom looking absolutely livid.

"What consequences?" she asks in a low voice, anger radiating off of her.

"I wonder, how are your parents in their beach house. I mean aren't you worried that they're unprotected and there powers do not work anymore due to the incident with the rogues. I mean, it would be very easy for someone to break into their house and kidnap them wouldn't it?" Mr Collins asks feigning innocence.

I gasped and watched as fear flash in her eyes.

He had her parents.

"What did you do!" She screamed.

"Nothing!" he growled, "at least not yet. I wonder, does it hurt if you are chained up for days without food or water with no sunlight while being kept in a little cage with hardly any room to move?" he asks tapping his chin as if he was in deep thought.

She shook her head sadly as tears welled up in her eyes, all anger vanishing.

"What do you want?" she says, barely above a whisper.

"You know what I want," he states.

She once again looked angry as she stood in front of him, hands clenched into fists.

"Or I could simply use my powers to make you tell me where they are and then kill you."

'Wait a second...powers?"

Mr Collins laughs hysterically, clutching his stomach although there was no humour in his laughter.

"You can't. And you want to know why? Firstly, I happen to have the Witcher Serum in my blood, meaning that any witch powers won't work on me. Secondly, I'm Alpha. therefore my pack is linked to me and will know if I die. I've already ordered my guards to kill your parents if they happen to feel me dying. And finally, due to the second reason, you won't risk it: to try and harm or even kill me."

He smirks at her, knowing he had won.

I watched as more fire was added to her flame and how sadness was mixed in with the emotion.

She looks down at the ground, almost in shame, before looking up to stare into his eyes while uttering the words that will change her life.

"I'll do it. I'll be your mate" she says in distaste.

Realisation hit me:

'However, after some...persuading, she agreed to go out with him...'

He continues to smirk and speak but I hear no words coming from his mouth.

'What the...'

Before I knew it, the room started spinning again, everything becoming blurry once more, as I stood still and closed my eyes as wind hit my face.

I opened my eyes and realised that I was yet again in the same living room, but it had some changes done.

There were now flowers on tables and looked much cleaner.

There seemed to also be photos put up around the place.

I slowly walker toward a frame on the table and picked it up.

It was a picture of her and Mr Collins.

They were both smiling and appeared to be happy but once you looked closer you could see the evil glint in his eyes while hers held sadness and anger.

I gritted my teeth as I remembered how he threatened and blackmailed her with her parents.

I was soon bought out of my thoughts as I heard the front door.

"Now, do you remember what I told you?"

"Yes, we've over this a million times! Just shut up already!"

A growl followed.

"Don't disrespect me. Are you forgetting I have your parents."

I slowly put the frame down and turn to watch her and Mr Collins come into the room.

"Yea, I remember perfectly" she says through gritted teeth as she sits on the sofa that I'm standing in front of.

Mr Collins walks to stand in front of her so I take a few steps to the side.

He smirks.

"Good. Don't forget. Now, shall we go over the plan one more time Lizzie?"

' that's her name.'

She remains silent and just stares at him with a cold expression.

He seems to understand she won't reply so he continues anyway.

"We will leave at 6:oo and head to the restaurant. We will have dinner and then we will go for a walk and I will take you to the clearing. I will then propose and you will act happy, act all gushy and teary or whatever and kiss me."

At this she scowls in disgust but he continues.

"Remember, everyone will be there so make sure you make it all believable...or else."

"Why are you proposing in the first place? We've only been 'together' for 7 months!" She says exasperated as she does air quote gestures around the word 'together'.

"Because, I said so. Plus, the sooner we do, the sooner I can be Alpha" he shrugs.

She merely huffs and glares at him.

He then walks out of the room leaving her on the sofa.

I watch as he leaves and then turn to Lizzie.

A single tear falls from her eye and she hastily wipes it away before standing up, hands clenched.

"I'm sorry my mate, wherever you are. I hope you understand that I have to do this and that I have no choice. Forgive me" she whispers, her eyes closed, as sadness seeps through her words.

I watch her, my own tears welling up in my eyes.

She quickly opens her eyes, all emotion vanishing from them, and walks out of the room.

I stare at the wall as I think everything over.

'...they had gotten married after a year.'

I stare at the place where she was standing until I felt the wind on my face again.

(Warning: Mature Content)

I opened my eyes and my ears immediately filled with the sound of screams.

My eyes widen in alarm.

I was now at the top of the stairs in front of a white door, where all the screams came from.

I hesitantly moved forwards and  stretch out a shaking hand to hold the door nob.

I closed my eyes willing myself to open the door and reluctantly turned the handle.

I pushed the door open but gasped as my eyes widened in horror at the scene in front of me.

Lizzie was huddles against a wall on the floor while Mr Collins had a smirk on his face and was stalking towards her.

Tears were streaming down her face as she screamed.

"Stop! Stop right now or I swear I will use my powers to kill you!" she screamed at the top of her lungs.

He merely chuckled darkly before staring at her.

"You an I both know you can't. Or you can say goodbye to mummy and daddy."

Her body shook as sobs racked her body.

He again started stalking towards her and when he reached her he gripped her arm roughly, standing her up from the floor, and pushed her against the wall.

She began struggling and tried to thrash about but it seemed he was too strong.

He gripped both her upper harms tightly and pulled her forwards towards his body before slamming her body hard against the wall.

Her screams stopped and all you could hear was her whimpering and his ragged breathing.

Her eyes started rolling in her sockets as she lifted a  hand to her head.

He quickly picked her up and through her on the bed before climbing on top of her.

When I realised what he was about to do, I rushed forwards to stop him and pull him off her but everything started spinning around again and the wind, once again, hit my face.

The wind stopped and I opened my eyes.

I looked around the familiar white walls with hand gel hanging from them.

The smell of medicine filled my nose as I realised I was in a hospital standing, yet again, in front of a door.

I took a deep breath before opening the door and stepped inside.

I turned towards the bed to see Lizzie in a hospital gown, sitting up on the bed, with a little bundle in her arms.

"Hello sweetie. It's me, mummy. I promise that I will love and protect you. I promise I will protect you from him, Jason," she whispers before kissing her sons forehead.

Jason. It's Jason.

I quickly turned towards the door as I heard it open.

"Would you look at that. My lovely wife holding my son, the next Alpha of my pack."

"What do you want James?" she asks, still looking at her son with love.

"Why? Can I not come to check on my wife and son?" he says with a smirk.

Lizzie looks up, a sneer on her face.

"I may be your wife legally but I will never consider you to be my husband, especially my mate."

He simply shrugs before slowly walking towards them.

"Stay away from him" she says through gritted teeth.

"Can I not hold my own son?"

His smirk widens as she glares at him with hate evident in her eyes.

"He may be your son but I will never let you hold him. I will never let him be held by a monster."

His smirk drops and a growl escapes his lips.

Anger flashes through his eyes and his eyes turn pitch black.

'What the f*ck!?'

Another growl follows before he turns around, storming towards the door, and slamming it behind him.

Jason moves in his mothers' arms.

"Sh, it's okay baby. No one is going to hurt you. I won't let them" she whispers as she rocks him in her arms.

I sigh as I think over Mr Collins next words when he had kidnapped me:

'She later fell pregnant and gave birth to a son and names him Jason.'

The room starts whirling around, yet again, and the wind hits my face making me close my eyes.

I reopened my eyes as the wind stopped.

"But why do we have to hold hands and why do I have to close my eyes mummy?" a 2 year old Jason said.

I'm amazed how he can speak so fluently at this age.

I am currently standing in a bedroom that has a small bed pushed against the wall with one of those railings on the side where you can pull it down and up.

Toys are also strewn across the floor and filled in a small basket in the corner.

This must be Jason's room.

I watch as Jason stares up at his mother with innocent, wide eyes as curiosity is evident in them.

He is standing in the middle of the room while Lizzie is standing in front of him with a small smile on her face.

She slowly crouches down and is now sitting on her calf muscles, holding her sons' tiny hands in hers.

"You have to hold my hands and close your eyes because mummy's going to do a little spell" she replies with sadness in her eyes.

'A spell?'

And then it hit me.

'If you don't there will be consequences witch.'

'Or I could simply use my powers to make you tell me where they are and then kill you.'

'She's a witch! I thought Mr Collins was calling her a witch figuratively. But this like the third time she has said the word power.'

I'm bought out of my thoughts as I hear an excited squeal.

"Yay! I love it when you do spells mummy!" he exclaims excitedly before a frown appear on his face before he speaks again, "why are you doing a spell? You only use your powers for emergencies or if you need to use them."

His eyebrows come together in confusion as he makes an adorable pout.

Lizzie chuckles at her son before kissing his cheek.

"I can never get anything past you" she says as she looks at him with adoration.

He grins cheekily at his mother before she continues speaking.

"But, to answer your question, I'm doing a spell because it's a very important spell. It's a spell to protect you from anything bad" she says with sadness, yet again, in her eyes.

Jason seemed to become more confused.

"But why do you need to do a spell to protect me?" he asks.

"It's so when I'm not there, you'll always be protected."

"But you'll always be there, won't you mummy? You won't leave me, right?" he asks as a frown appears on his face.

She quickly pulls him into a hug and he wraps his arms around her neck as she whispers to him.

"I'll never leave you baby, don't worry" she says as she pulls away from her son, love clear in her eyes for her son.

"And if I'm not there, just remember I'll always be watching over you no matter what. Remember that I'll always be in here" she says as he points to his heart.

He laughs before jumping into her arms again.

"I love you mummy!"

"I love you too baby, always remember that" she says with a chuckle at his enthusiasm.

"Now, I think it's time for that spell don't you think?.

"Yes!" he exclaims as he pulls away clapping his hands.

"Okay then. I need you to close your eyes and hold my hands okay? Can you do that for me?"

He bods eagerly before obliging to his mothers instructs.

She holds his hands tightly as she stares at him with sadness before whispering words under her breath.

Wind comes into the room followed by some leaves as the window opens and closes.

A shrill laugh escapes Jason's mouth as he feels the wind against his face, his eyes still closed.

The wind slowly dies down as Lizzie stops muttering under her breath and looks at her sin with a small smile as he opens his eyes, a wide smile on his face.

"Now, I think it's time for bed. Why din't you go into the closet and pick out your favourite pyjamas?"

He nods and kisses his mother on the cheek before running into, what I assume, the closet.

Lizzie sighs deeply, tears welling up in her eyes as she gets up from her position.

"I love you Jason. I'm sorry but I can't take you with me. I'd be putting you in danger. I just hope you remember that I'll always watch over you no matter what" she whispers as she closes her eyes, willing the tears to go away.

The wind once again hit my face as the room started spinning.
Another chapter!

How was it?
What do you think about these events?

There will be more coming up in the next chapter!

I'm really sorry this chapter is late but since the holidays are coming up I have a lot of exams to revise for.

Hence, why I have given you the longest chapter in this book!

It would have been longer but its been a long time sicnr I have updates so I really wanted to put something out there for you guys.

I hope to put the next chapter out quicker than his one since it will (hopefully) be during the holidays!

With that being said I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!




Jamilah1125 xx

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