Undiscovered Territory

By Kittykatlord25

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It was just an average day in Oregon. Malikai who was 15, was hanging with his little brother Ash who was 9 y... More

Chapter 1 New house means New life
Chapter 2 Different appearance and acts
Chapter 3 Meeting interesting people
Chapter 4 Unexpected scene
Chapter 5 Parent Troubles
Chapter 7 Weird Day

Chapter 6 Forming a plan

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By Kittykatlord25

Chapter 6 Forming a plan

As the new Malikai looked at Allen with a insane smiled stitched on his face. Alexa was no longer at the house, for she had left trying to not get involved. George was apparently the only one to not know what was happening. "What's happening?" He asked the little group. Toby looked up at the man. 

"Malikai has a demon inside of him. He's being possessed right now." he explained. Malikai gave out a dark chuckle. "not just any demon Toby. A Fallen Angel~" he said in a sing-song voice, "I can get out of this body and show you my form!" His eyes showed no hints of sanity left inside the grenettes figure. Allen then wiped out his phone which showed him the time. 4:25 it read, he then texted Matt.

Allen: It's happening again get the stuff

Matt: Wait what's happening?

Allen: It's him. He's taken over Malikai. Now hurry up!

After Allen sent the last text to Matt he looked up to see orange eyes up in his face. He then pushed the greenette who just laughed as he fell. "Ah, ah ah~ I can't feel anything but, your friend can." 

"WHY CAN'T YOU LEAVE ME AND MY FRIENDS ALONE!?" Allen yelled, the demon was silent he got up and then bursted out in a fit of laughter. "Aww. What's wrong Allen? Don't want me doing THIS!?" He bended his finger in the other direction causing it to give out a loud snap. Ash was crying while George was trying to comfort his son.

 "COME ON ALLEN! WHAT'S THE MATTER!? DON'T YOU WANT TO PLA-" Before he can finish his sentence he hissed in pain and fell to the ground. Behind him stood matt with a bottle that looked like it was used for liquor. Malikai or should we say The fallen Angel looking furious. 

Matt showed no sign of hesitation to pour the rest of the liquid that was in the bottle, onto the Fallen Angel. Malikai then howled in pain and his body started to sizzle. "HA HA HAHA! You were lucky this time Allen, don't worry though. The party just started" Malikai said while the orange hues was replaced with the blue oceans that had purple pedals. 

He then fell to the ground, Ash leaping out of his father's hands ran to his unconscious brother. The time was 5:00, George realizing that he can no longer have a happy family. 'We moved here to start fresh' he thought 'but it only got more complicated.' He looked to where his son's were.

 One of them crying and the other unconscious. 'If any of my sons get hurt so help me God. You will fear my wrath' George got up and went over to where Malikai was. One of his finger's bent the other way and a burn marks all over his jacket some marks on his neck. Everyone grabbed Malikai and putted him in the kitchen for them to see how badly the marks were.

In the corner where shadows are being painted, no one can see stood the the Fallen Angel. "Little Malikai, you have a big future ahead don't you?" He said and laughed. Since he was a Fallen Angel no one can hear him or see him, but all of that is going to change. Since Ash was closest to the corner he turned his head only to see the Fallen angel. The young boy observed the Angel except he didn't look like one. He had black hair and bent crimson demon horns. He had orange eyes, the same ones that were on Malikai. He wore a black peacoat with a black shirt, pants, and boots. He also had black demon wings but they were tucked in and he looked like he was 13. 

"Are... Are you.. The Fallen Angel that possessed... My brother?" Ash said in a whisper making sure nobody heard him. The Angel was shocked that the youngest could see him. "You can see me?" he asked with a shocked expression.

 Ash simply nodded, "How?"

 "I'm not sure" was all he said. "Malikai who are you talking?" Matt asked his friend making him turn around. "uh no one, I was just talking to myself." He lied through his teeth. The angel slightly chuckled, "Nice lie kid." he said while spreading his wings. "Uh Matt?" 

"Hm? What is it Ash?" "Can I ask you a question?" It was a bit silent besides Allen and George talking and fixing Malikai's wounds. "Yeah what is it?"

 "umm what's your power? I'm sorry if I never asked" Ash said sheepishly while looking at the floor than at his magenta eye friend. "Oh, well" Matt began, he cleared his throat

 "I can turn into a polar bear" he whispered. Ash's eyes widened, "really? That's actually pretty cool. Well I should go check on Malikai." He said while walking over to his brother. Ash then stood right in front of his brother who was being dabbed with cold water. 

His eyes started to get watery, 'why did he have to do that?' he thought. The angel was then right next to Ash. "It was funny." he laughed while hovering in the air. Ash curled his hands into a ball while letting a single tear fall from his pale face. 'but WHY?! WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?!' He thought once more. The angel sighed before landing next to him. "It's my job to this. And to be honest I kinda like it! I like the part where everyone is in pain" He said with a creepy smile. Ash shuddered and cried, "why?" he spoke. "Why did it have to be Malikai. Why?" he choked on a sob before falling to the ground.

It was dark. Malikai looked around to observe his surroundings, but realizing that nothing was there. He looked in front of him only to see the demon from before. "What do you want?" He spat. The demon looked into Malikai's furious eyes. "your unconscious idiot." Orange eyes were filled with irritation. "I possessed you, broke your finger, blah blah blah. Got sprayed with holy water which in this case burned your skin causing your brother to-" The demon immediately got cut off by Malikai, 

"YOU PUT YOUR FILTHY HANDS ON MY BROTHER I SWEAR TO GOD!" The demon laughed and popped out his wings making a cracking sound, assuming he was stretching. "God can't help you" he flew into the air. "you never answered my question," Malikai began. The demon stopped laughing and became interested on what he had to say "Hmm?" This definitely got his attention. "Earlier today when I tried summoning a flame, I asked you a question.." The demon got really interested so he started to hover at least 10 inches away from Malikai. "Yes? Go on." "I said what are you but you never answered me." The demon made a sigh before summoning a flame blanket. 

"If you REALLY want to know, i'm a fallen angel, well I was an angel but you know the whole story. Did something wrong blah blah got kicked out blah blah blah got sent to hell yada yada yada got an offering to make people like you suffer. It was a lot better than the cage." The demon explained while yawning. 

"So you were an Angel, but since you got kicked out you're now a demon right?" Malikai asked making sure what he just heard was right. "DING DING DING! WE HAVE A WINNER!" The demon or fallen angel said sarcastically. "Can I ask you a question?" Malikai asked, "You just did but go ahead" "Do you know someone by the name of Allen?" The demon put his hand on chin thinking. "Can you describe him? There's a lot of Allen's in this world" He said while looking at fixing his hair which was slightly messy from hovering in the air. 

"Could you draw him? It makes it easier for me" He suggested while a Sketchbook and a pencil appear out of nowhere and into the demon's hand. Malikai nodded and soon the sketchbook and pencil that were in the demon's hands disappeared and reappeared but into Malikai's hands instead. Malikai opened the book and decided to start drawing Allen. A few moments later Malikai announced that he was done. The demon snapped his fingers and the book showed the drawing of Allen. He looked really impressed. 

"Do you know him?" He asked once more. "Ohhh, Yeah I know Allen. known him since he was 13. Such a sad little boy" The demon cackled. "What do you mean sad little boy? What did you do to him?" Malikai kept asking questions and questions but, the demon just ignored him. 

"Do you know what's happening right now?" he said. Malikai got confused. "What do you mean?" 

"In reality. Do you know what's happening right now?" 

"No. I don't know" The demon groaned summoning another cloud except it was lighter. "Here" was all he said before disappearing. Malikai looked where the demon was standing or rather sitting and then glanced to where the cloud was hovering. He walked to where the cloud was and took a glance.

 It showed himself breathing slowly with burn marks on his neck and on his jacket. His father and Allen doing there best to make the marks despair. Malikai felt like he had a knife stabbed in his heart. It showed Ash crying uncontrollably while he was holding his unconscious hand. Malikai then fell to the ground and started to cry.

 "Ash, i'm sorry. I'm so sorry." He sobbed while gripping his head, tears falling from his head like a waterfall. The demon appeared and stood in front of the greenette. He then said 

"Wake up" 


Yo... Another chapter and stuff like that.... yup

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