Fate Smiles on My Alpha (Book...

By JosephineCastillo-Nu

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Just when he thought he had the most out of his life - a career as a doctor and alpha lupus to a strong pack... More

Fate Smiles on My Alpha
Chapter 1- New Beginnings
Chapter 2 -Fight for your Life
Chapter 3 -To Know You is to Love You
Chapter 4 - Wide Awake
Chapter 5 - Three for the Love of One
Chapter 6 - Homeward Bound
Chapter 7 - The Lake House
Chapter 8 - Missing Piece
Chapter 9 - Visitors
Chapter 11 -Meet the Folks
Chapter 12 - The Nύptíís
Chapter 13 - Wedded Bliss
Chapter 14 - Amazing Discoveries
Chapter 15 - Surprises and Contradictions
Chapter 16 - Imperiled
Chapter 17 - First Heat
Chapter 18 - Whore's Dust
Chapter 19 - A Glimpse of Red
Chapter 20 - Real and Normal
Chapter 21 - One Tough Cookie
Chapter 22 - Unexpected Progress
Chapter 23 - Precipice
Chapter 24 - Go Into the Light
Chapter 25 - Kiss and Make Up
Chapter 26 - Real Issues
Chapter 27 - Rewind
Chapter 28 - Control and Surrender
Chapter 29 - Taken
Chapter 30 - It is Done
Chapter 31 - Aftermath
Chapter 32 - Afterglow
Chapter 33 - Second Chances
Chapter 34 - Natalis

Chapter 10 - Complications

31.4K 549 41
By JosephineCastillo-Nu


Dear Readers - I know I promised to upload the "Nuptiis," however while editing the chapter I discovered the time line was totally off.  It will severely affect the flow of the story so I came up with this chapter to link up.  "Nuptiis" is the next chapter and it is my favorite chapter because I enjoyed writing it.  If you want to read the full unedited version it is uploaded in the Restricted chapters.  There is intimacy in this chapter and some minor abuse, that is why for those who are squemish, just stick to reading this version.  But if you are the curious and bold sort, jump in and read the R chapter.  Thank you for your inspiring comments and votes.



Queran busied herself preparing breakfast of Spanish omelet, French toasts and sausages for when Keegan and Tanner comes back.  “Baby, can you please open the patio doors.  Tanner is with me but he’s unconscious. I still have to check on his injury.”   Keegan said to her through the mind link.  Queran’s face heated and she did the jiggly happy dance because it was her first time to hear his thoughts.  She squealed in delight.  “Weeee, B!! I can hear your thoughts. Oh ok, yes the door. Oh gosh this is so exciting. Eeeeee.  Okay I’m coming, hang on.”

Queran rushed to the patio doors and she beamed at Keegan but her face fell when she saw him clutching Tanner on his side.  She quickly shut her eyes.  Oh shit! You’re both naked, B!  A little warning next time.”

“Sorry baby, you’re so cute when you’re happy. It’s infectious and it’s turning me on.”   Keegan kissed her on the lips as he entered and dragged Tanner towards the couch.  Tanner was down for the count. He wasn’t bleeding or anything but there was a dart, stuck on his left leg.  Keegan slowly inspected it but didn’t dare take it out unless he was sure what it was tainted with. 

“I need to take him up to the guest room and wash him up.  I think the dart is laced with wolfsbane by the looks of this purple glow around the wound.  Will you be alright here?“  Keegan asked.

“I threw down the duvet so you can lay him there.  Will he be alright B?  He looks so pale.”

“Don’t worry; his beta blood has fought it off already.  He just needs to rest.   He will be shifting every now and then.  It’s a typical effect of the nasty stuff.  I’ll be right back.”  He gave her repeated pecks on the lips finishing off with a hungered bite on her lower lip.  “I love you.  Be right back.”  “I love you back, B.”  Queran mind linked with one of her brightest smiles.

Keegan carried Tanner to one of the rooms.  Queran was wise enough to leave the door open so it was easy to maneuver him to the bed and dress his puncture wound and toweled off the soot in his face, arms and legs.  He was careful to have any contact with the dart so he can bring it to the lab for analysis.  Thank the goddess it wasn’t the Argen Dust – a powdery substance that is made from silver which when inhaled, inflicted or worst injected can lead to sudden but painful death for werewolves.  His blood ran cold.  Tanner must have been on patrol and chased a rogue up till this part of the territory.  Worry for Queran dawned on him.  Someone was out there for her.  Carter Vargas was still out there and in pursuit of what is his and he made a promise to love and protect her.  He whispered-ordered Tanner.   “Shift my friend.”   Tanner’s wolf obeyed even in its weakened stupor.

He’ll get more answers when Tanner wakes.  Meanwhile, he felt a sudden urge to hold his mate.   He ran downstairs to do just that.  He found her making the final touches to the breakfast table and hugged her close to his chest.   Queran slowly turned to snake her arms to his neck.  “Breakfast, B?”  She frowned upon seeing his face deadpan.  “Hey?  Is everything alright?  Do we need to take Tanner to the hospital?”

“No babe.  He just needs to ride it out.  He’ll pull through.  I am more worried about you.  Tanner may have been chasing a rogue wolf or wolves who have reached this part of our territory.  And I know you are still in danger.  I would die first before I allow anything or anybody to hurt you.  Promise me, you don’t go anywhere without letting me know, hmm?”  He stroked his nose to her baby smooth cheek.

Queran rolled her eyes at him.  “Yes,B! Now can we please eat?  I’m famished.”

Keegan nuzzled her neck. “So am I, but not for food, babe.”  This silent quip earned him a pinch to his side. “Behave! This mind link is just too cool for words, B.”  They both giggled.


As they were finishing off, in the midst of eating and making out; the phone rang and Keegan answered on the third ring.  “Hey, mom!  Oh hey Dad.  Speaker phone huh.“  Keegan winked at Queran and held her hand as he was talking to his parents.  Queran squeezed back but got up to clear the table.  Keegan was mesmerized at the sight of her looking all domesticated.  She was sexy barefoot in her shirt dress, in his kitchen.  He imagined her, heavy with his pup as they ease into the routine of most married couples.  The Nuptiis couldn’t come fast enough.

 “I’m still here, mom.  We’re up yes and just had breakfast.  We’re all good.  But Tanner is not.  He’s resting now after patrolling last night.  There were rogues in the territory and he was hit by a wolfsbane-laced dart.  He’s sleeping but he’s stable.  Dad, can you tell his parents he’s here with me?  Yeah, thanks.  I will tell her.  Tell Meg we’ll be right over for dinner later. We’ll tell you all about it, so mom stop with the 20 questions. Bye moooom.  See you dad!”

 It was Keegan’s turn to roll his eyes as he hung up.  “Mom, is just relentless.  They want us to come over for dinner to meet you and talk about the plans for the mating ritual.  Your mom can’t wait to see you too.”  He walked towards her in the sink and snaked one of his arms on her waist. The other hand had other plans.  He slowly caressed her thigh and found her wet mons.  He flicked the pleasure nub and was kissing her neck in the process. Queran inhaled deep at the rising onslaught of passion in his touch.  She trapped his hand with her leg.  Gawd, all this hugging is making me….

“Alpha, sorry to bother you but can you come to the west side. We found something you have to see.”  John sent through the mind link. 

“I’ll be right there.”  Keegan replied silently and pulled his moist finger and stuck it into his mouth.  Just when he was about to say something, Queran’s dainty finger silenced his lips. “Go, B.  It could be important.  I’ll check on Tanner when I’m done here.”  Keegan pecked her lips yet again.  “Thanks, I’ll be right back.  Don’t go outside, okay?”  Queran just growled.


Keegan was taking a bit longer, so Queran decided to tackle Keegan’s laundry.  She loves domesticity even in her days from the pack with her parents.  She loves playing with the kids and even spent time teaching them in the little play school while their parents toiled.  The parents felt apprehensive at first because she was indeed the alpha’s daughter.  But they yielded almost instantly because she had a way with children.  She misses her ‘papa’ and a renewed anger for Carter surfaced in her consciousness.  She remembered how he was deceivingly nice who exuded the confidence.  He was attractive yes, with his longish hair touching the top of his shoulders and grey eyes that almost always looked smoldering.  She would’ve been attracted to him but something in him always gave her the chills.  Everywhere she went, he was always there, sneaking up on her.  She remembered an instance where she went out for a run in the woods at 5 in the morning – a habit of hers to keep in shape.  She was spooked by a rabbit that crossed her path and so she stumbled.  She waited for the impact of the hard earth but fell on the muscled chest of Carter.  She was stunned to find him beneath her in an instant and in the closeness even kissed her.  He tried to deepen the kiss but she pushed him gently.  No words were spoken between them but the look of lust heavy on his eyes was evident that it scared her more.  She dusted herself and ran fast, his laughter fading in the distance.  She shook her head to clear off that disturbing thought.  She was now upstairs carrying Keegan’s ironed shirts when she heard a groan coming from where Tanner was sleeping.  She peeped into the door left slightly ajar and found him seated on the side of the bed, bent over with his head on his hands.  He was still naked from the waist up and his privates were covered with the sheets.  She cleared her throat as she knocked to make her presence known. 

“Tanner? Can I come in?”  She heard feet shuffling and a little bit of cussing that made her laugh as she waited.

“Err, yeah.  Come in, Luna.”  Queran heard him say and she rolled her eyes as she entered the room.

“You so did not just say that to annoy me, right.”  She beamed at him that left Tanner wide eyed and his mouth agape.  He took a deep breath and scented her; the realization hit him smack in the face and in the chest.  “She’s mated to him already, and she has never looked so fucking perfectly beautiful. Arghhh.”

Queran gasped in disbelief and she felt her ears and face heated.  She was surely blushing at Tanner’s words.  She silently replied.  “Yes, Tanner.  I am mated to Keegan now and err thank you for the complement.” 

“Oh fucking hell.  Not you too?  Oh right, you’re one of us now.  Awkward and embarrassing this is!! Like, ground swallow me now awkward.”   A frustrated sigh escaped from his lips and he covered himself with the duvet to hide his embarrassment.

“Are you hungry?  I cooked us some breakfast.  I can bring it over here or..”

“No.  I’ll get up.”  Tanner said in a muffled voice.  He slowly peeked from the sheets he was still clutching.  “I don’t have any clothes on though and I don’t want Keegan to flip seeing me in my birthday suit in front of you.

“Oh, yes that’s right.  Hang on let me just grab a shirt and shorts from his closet.  I’ll be right back.”  Queran scrambled out of the room and Tanner blocked his mind link and cursed over and over.  A cuss that can embarrass the dirtiest of mouths of a sailor.  “KILL ME NOW!!”


Tanner came down after swiftly changing into decent clothing.  His body felt really sore from all the running and that particular spot on his leg left him walking a bit wobbly.  He saw Queran sipping a cup and her eyes panned to meet his.  “Those eyes, goddess, those EYES!! Ha! You can’t hear my thoughts now, take that.”    He groaned in frustration as Queran raised an eyebrow at him.

“You blocked your thoughts from me.  Nice one!”  Queran teased.  She opened the domed plate and offered him breakfast.  “What do you want to drink?”

“Alcohol to drown my misery.  Because gazing at your beautiful face is driving me crazy. Shit, that rhymed.  Snap out of it Tanner.”   Tanner caught himself and answered.  “Uhm, coffee is fine or whatever you’re having I guess.”  He said as he attacked the French toasts and sausages.

Quearan watched in amusement.  “Is grumpy your middle name or what?  I’m having tea.”  She poured a cup of coffee from the percolator as she watched him eat.  “Listen Tanner, I didn’t get a chance to say thank you; for, for when you saved me that day.  I remembered it so well, how you helped soothed my fears.  I thought I almost died.  I was so scared, and..”

“I won’t let you.”  Tanner cut her words.  “I won’t let you die on me, that is. You’re welcome by the way and anybody could’ve done it for you.  No sweat.”  He continued to eat.  Her presence was making him uneasy; his frustration at its peak because it was now almost official, she’s claimed and mated. Period.   “I need to get out of here, pronto.”   He gulped down his coffee and stood up that surprised Queran.

“Tanner?  Did I do something to offend you?  It seems strange that I feel you hate me, for why I would really like to know.”  Queran asked Tanner whose back was to her.  Tanner sighed and dropped his head and shoulders in defeat.  “You’re too perfect to even hurt me.  It’s my feelings for you that annoys the hell out of me and I have got to do my damnest to fight it.  Tanner thought and he slowly faced Queran.

“You didn’t do anything, Queran.  Don’t worry about it.  I’ll see you around.  Is Keegan here?”

Then just like clockwork, Keegan appeared through the patio doors, wearing a torn pair of jeans but shirtless. He frowned at the tension he felt between the two.  “Tanner, how are you feeling?”

“Sore, alpha.  I guess I was knocked cold.  What hit me?”  He sternly replied; refusing to look at ‘her’ even though her presence is just overpowering.  Queran must have felt the awkwardness of the situation so she pecked Keegan on his cheek.  “Let me just prepare you another bath, B.”  Keegan nodded with a faint smile.

As they heard her walk away, Keegan raised an eyebrow in a silent question. “Care to explain what just happened here?”  Tanner just shrugged and slumped on the sofa. 

“I can’t be near her, Keegan.  I’m sorry. But that is not important.  I was out on patrol the entire night and there was a rogue roaming the territory.  There must have been more than one because I was chasing the other when I got struck.  Felt like wolfsbane to me, thank the goddess.  Where have you been?”

“John called me a few hours back.  There were definitely rogues because we saw tattered clothing on the west side; 2 males from the looks of it.  My gut feel says they are Carter Vargas’ minions.  You were struck by a dart laced with wolfsbane but you fought it off splendidly.  Besides the amount was just enough to disarm and weaken you, not enough to kill.  I want round-the-clock fighters until we find him, Tanner.  This bastard will stop at nothing until he finds her.  I cannot have that.  He will come for her and when he does, I will rip his heart out and feed his carcass to the meat-eating predators in the wilderness.  He will die by my hands.”  Keegan seethed as his claws and canines unsheathe, his eyes turning black.

“I will get on it and make plans with John.  CALM DOWN, Keegan, Queran is returning.” 

They both instinctively looked up at Queran making her way down the stairs.  Keegan returned from his half shifted state and extended a hand to Queran.

“I’d better get going.  I need a bath.  Congratulations by the way.  I truly wish you happiness.”  Tanner said bitterly.  Not waiting for a reply he rushed passed a baffled Queran and bowed.  “Alpha. Luna.”  Keegan stopped him.  “TANNER!  You WILL find her, your mate.  Just give it time.”  Tanner shifted back to his wolf.  He growled and ran towards the pack house.


Carter stopped dead in his tracks.  He smelt her enticing scent of lilies or a flower of some sort.  His knuckle was already healing except for the shard that he purposely left embedded in between his index and middle finger.  The bleeding was controlled.  He surveyed the ER and tried to zero in on his mate.  He was somewhat excited and in great need of a fuck, he was already getting hard.  But the nameless and yet faceless person of his mate was not what filled his thoughts with great need.  It was still Queran whom he craved with a great passion it was almost out of this world. 

“Hi there sugar!”  The sweetest voice came from his left and he adamantly turned to look.  Right in front of him was a petite blond woman who was wearing a shapeless scrub suit but hinted on a full breast.  His mouth watered.  Realization hit her and her eyes turned into the deepest shade of brown like Queran’s.  Widening like saucers, she licked her lips seductively and jumped into his arms.  “Mate.  You’re my mate.”  He reluctantly hugged her back with his hands instinctively grabbing her ass cheeks and dug his face into her cleavage.  She moaned and said.  “I’m ahh, Emma.  Emma Robbins.  You came for me- finally.”  They were both oblivious to the stares that were thrown their way.  Carter’s face lifted and smiled at her.  “So I did, come with me.”  Carter lifted her with her legs wrapped around his hips and forgetting about the reason why he came in the first place.  Emma did not protest because she was already quivering in need for her mate.  As they sat on the car, she sent a quick message to her manager that she left early from work and found her mate.  They would understand.  I can’t believe I found him and he is so hot.  Emma thought.  She had her hand palming Carter’s dick.  Carter defied the speed limit and drove towards his newly acquired cabin.  He would have the chance to question his mate since she works in the same hospital.  But for now he had to have her.  He would get his answers while fucking her hard and fast.  Her head will roll in ecstasy and before he lets her come, she would’ve sung any tune, any song like a canary.

He hastily parked his car and in lightning speed opened Emma’s door and grabbed her.  He carried her caveman style and Emma pinched his butt cheek.  He growled and spanked her.  Emma shrieked and giggled.  As soon as they reached the doors and kicked it shut.  Emma was already against the door rubbing her breast to his chest.  Her hands hungrily unfastened his belt and his zipper.  As she successfully unfolded his erection, she kneeled and her mouth instantly enfolded him.  Carter grabbed a fistful of her hair and was growling.  He then grabbed shoulders and ripped her clothes.  He stared hungrily on his mate wearing just her thongs, with no bra.  He tore the last stitch of clothing and lifted her again and ran towards his bedroom.  He laved on her breast, suckled her nipples forcefully creating a hollow on his cheeks.  He literally bit it while Emma’s head thrashed sideways and clutched on his head, lost in the erotic sensation of his wonderful mouth.  “Fuck, you feel so good you can make me come just like this.  Ahhh… Ohhh. Yes. Yes.”

“QUIET! Stop talking until I tell you to talk.”  Carter growled.   Emma gulped and bit her lips as she nodded. 

 Carter came up and rested his elbows on both sides of her face and kissed her swollen lips.  “I’m going to take you now.”  He roughly plunged into her heat.  Emma sucked in a breath. But Carter stopped.  His body shook in anger but continued to pound on her.  He was livid. He pummeled into her hungry cunt until he came first without the gentleness of awaiting her pleasure.  As soon as he emptied into her he stood up and grabbed the lampshade against the wall and hollered in disgust.  With darkened eyes, his canines erupted he turned to look at a frightened and guilty Emma.

“You fucking whore!  WHO THE FUCK WAS IT?  You are unclean and loose as an overstretched garter.”  He knelt in front of her and grabbed her hair.  Emma was now sobbing uncontrollably.  Her body shook in fear.  This was not happening to her.  This was supposed to be a happy mating.  He did not even claim me.  This is a fucking nightmare.  “I won’t ask again, WHO fucked you first bitch?”  Carter asked again and grabbed both her arms, his claw dug into her flesh that she felt blood gush from the wound.  With a shuddering breath she whispered.  “A-alpha K-K Keegan.  Keegan Lucas.  We were together for a few months.”  Carter’s breath hitched as he recognized the bastard’s name from Enrique’s report.  The very same one who stole Queran from him.  And now he was his mate’s fuck buddy.  This was surely a mother of all cluster fucks. 

 “I’m so sorry.  I didn’t know you were coming for me.  I waited. I swear I waited.  But it was taking you so long to find me.”

“SHUT THE HELL UP!  You are nothing like her.  She whose pure and more worthy than you, you whore.  You let him touch you.  You’re filthy and I hate you. “ He pulled her hair and licked the side of her face.  “But you have your uses.  You will bring him to me and I will kill him so Queran and I can be together.  You will do it or I will rip your throat and cut off your heart.  YOU HEAR ME?!!”  As he finished blowing into her he pushed her to the bed.

 Emma crawled away from her mate and grabbed the sheets.  “Is this what it is all about?  Her?   But she is his mate and I am yours.  You can’t do this to me.  You were supposed to claim me so we can be together.  Please, darling love me.”  Emma pleaded.  Carter back slapped her that she was almost sure to have a whiplash.  She kept her eyes down and cradled her bruised cheek.  Silent tears flowed, a testimony of a loss so profound her heart broke into a million pieces.  She was startled at the loud bang of the door. Her mate left the room and she didn’t even know his name.  

A/N:  The full unedited version is on the Restricted chapters. Thank you for reading and till next update.  Spare a vote and a comment.

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