I Knew It Was You (Kellic) (b...

By WinsorMoon

104K 4.1K 776

Sixteen years old, Kellin Bostwick starts a new life after his mom, sister, and him escapes his father. After... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37 [Final]
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2022 Announcement!
Its posted!

Chapter 6

3.9K 161 27
By WinsorMoon

{That Night}

Me, and the guy were running. I know we weren't running from anything because we were laughing and it's peaceful. I look down at the ground to see sand. I look around more to notice we're on a beach. "This is such a beautiful place." I sigh once we stop running. "I thought maybe it would be a great thing if I could treat you to a childhood place of mine."

{Next Day}

Vic had texted me and told me he would pick me up around four.

"Well, spending time with you guys until about four, then I have something to attend to." I say. "Like..?" Mom raised an eyebrow. "A date..." I trail off.

"My baby boy is growing up so much!" she cooed and hugged me. "Oh my god Mom." I laughed. "Oh my god! we have to get you ready!" she grabbed my hand and pulled me up out of my seat. Then she pulled me up stairs. What is with everyone and pulling me places?

"Justin." Mom opened up his door. Geez Mom. "Kellin has a date, and do you see what he's wearing?!" she ask. "You're right, Kellin that's not gonna cut it. Give me a color." he tells me. "Black." I say. He goes into his closet and finds a black V-neck. Here we go with the dressing up. Luckily I've already taken my shower, and all that jazz.


"When were you such the fashion expert?" Mom ask Justin. "I don't know it's always been my thing." he tells her. I'm wearing the black V-neck, with light blue skinny jeans, and original converse. "He should be getting here anytime now." Justin said. "One more thing, close your eyes and mouth." I do so and he sprays me with something that smells really good. "Okay hold out your first finger." he tells me. After doing so he sprays it, and tells me to put it behind my ears so I do. "Okay now everything is perfect." We all hear the doorbell ring. I say i'll get it before anyone else does.

I run and get the door to reveal Vic standing there. "Hey." he smiles. "Hai." I smile back. "Ready?" he ask. "Yeah just let me get my phone, and wallet." I say. He nods, and I turn around but turn back. "You can come in." I chuckle. He walks in shutting the door behind him. "Be right back." I run upstairs and get my stuff. I hear talking downstairs.

Please don't let that be my mom!! Please! I get down the steps quickly to find exactly what I wasn't hoping for. Mom is talking to Vic... Vic smiles once he sees me. "Okay, now I'm ready." I say. "Nice meeting you Mrs. Bostwick." he says politely. "You too." Mom says sweetly.

Vic and I both walk out. "What did she say to you?" I ask. "Nothing really, she just wanted to meet the boy her son was going out with." He tells me. I sigh, relived she didn't say anything embarrassing. We reach his car, and he opens the passenger door for me. "You look gorgeous by the way." he compliments once I'm in the car. "Thank you." I smile. He shuts the door, and walks around to the driver side and gets in.


The day has been amazing. Vic has been pampering me, he won't let me pay for anything. Vic took me to a cupcake shop, we walked through the park, and we went to see a movie. It was that one movie The Forest, oh my god I jumped to much. I love scary movies but they still scare the shit out of me. By the end of the movie the armrest was up and I was cuddled into Vic's side blocking my face.

The movie also pissed me off though. What kind of ending was that? Anyways, Vic told me we had one more place to go. So many places. We walk into what seems like an overpaying restaurant. It looked gorgeous in here but me and Vic were underdressed. I don't mind, and i guess neither does he.

We're immediately taken to a table. It was a table for two in a corner. The table was covered with gorgeous white materiel, had a rose in the middle of it, with silverware wrapped up, next to a menu.

"You're too sweet Vic. This is amazing." I tell him when we sit down. "I wanted to make sure you had a good first date." he smiled. "Good? This is so much better than good. This has got to be the best date ever." I say. This is the only date I've had ever... It's still the best. "Really? that's good. Thats really what I was aiming for." he chuckled. "Well you did an amazing job." I smile.


Vic and I are laughing at a crazy childhood story. Mike would feel so embarrassed if he were here. I wiped my eye to keep a tear from falling. That's how hard I was laughing. I could feel eyes on me, so I looked up to meet Vic's eyes. Our eyes locking, and he just stared. "What?" I ask. "Nothing... it's just... I never would have expected you to be so great on the first date." He tells me. So there might be more???? "I mean, no one I've dated has ever been this great. You're sweet and you're funny, so cute." he tells me. I smile.

All of the sudden there is a piece of cake placed in front of me with a strawberry on top of it. I take a bit out of the amazing piece of cake. Oh my god this is amazing! "Vic this is so good! you have to try some." I say. I took a piece of cake off with a fork. I put my hand under the fork to catch pieces of fallen cake. Then I fed it to him. He hummed then said, "Mm, this is good." After I've finished, we leave. Of course him being the gentle man he is, when we make it outside to the car he opens the door for me. I thank him, and get in. Once he's in, we drive off.

"So Kellin." Vic says breaking the silence. "Yes?" I answer still looking at the road ahead. "I forgot to mention this to you last night, but my god do you have a beautiful voice." he tells me. "When did you hear my voice?" I ask. "Yesterday," he replies, "I was on the second floor, and I swear I heard an Angel singing. That's when I saw you, your eyes were closed, and I couldn't help, but listen until the song was over. I had planned to talk to you that night but the guys sped up my plan by dragging me up the stairs." he chuckled.

"Really? and my voice isn't really good..." I trail off. "Yes really, and what are you kidding me? Your voice is gorgeous. I don't think I've heard someone sing so beautifully before." He tells me. I look down, smile, and bite my lip as my cheeks heat up. "You're too sweet." I say. "Only speaking the truth Kells." I smile at the cute little nickname.

I get home around nine. Vic gets out opens, the door for me, and walks me to my porch. "Thank you again for giving me the best day ever." I smile. "I wanted to make sure you had a good time." he smiled back. I turn to walk up the steps. Putting my right foot on the first step, I stop as I hear him speak.

"Wait I have a question." He tells me. I take my foot off the step, and turn to face him. "Why do you think that you can't sing? Or you're not amazing? Or that you're gorgeous?" he ask. "It's just... my dad used to bring me down a lot at home. I only had one friend, and I was called weird all the time at my old school." I say. "Why?" he ask. "Because of how quiet I am." I shrug, "Then I would get home and be put down so much. My dad would call me a piece of shit... he's called me a number of things." I tell him.

"Don't believe him okay? Even though we've only hung out twice, and I've taken you on one date, I can honestly tell you are an amazing person. I can tell that you're not only beautiful on the outside," he pauses and grabs both of my hands, "but on the inside too; and I'm not just saying that, I'm telling you what I honestly think about you." He tells me.

"But all the things..." I trail off, and look down at my feet. Vic let go of my hands, wrapped his arms around my waist, and pulled me into an embrace. My arms folded, firmly on his chest. "Don't worry about what he said. Don't let him get you down. You're perfect." he says to me. "No ones perfect." I look up at him through thick eyelashes. I want to put my arms around his neck...
"Well in my eyes you are." I smile, and look down. Okay I'm just going to do it. Finally finding the courage to, I move my arms so they are around his neck.

I look up at him, his eyes catch mine like they did at the restaurant. His chocolate eyes piercing into my ice like blue ones. (A/N that's what color they are for right now) He starts to lean his head in towards mine. I lean closer to him as my eyes shut. My heart rate starts to speed up, and the butterflies in my stomach were starting to flutter. Now his lips were so close. I could feel his breath on my lips. He finally closed the gap, I could feel his lips on mine. They were so soft, and his taste is sweet. Our lips start to move slowly in sync.

I can feel my heart swell, how perfect this moment is. I love the feeling of him holding me like this as we kiss. We pull away for air, eyes still closed, we rest our head against our foreheads. "What are you doing to me?" he whispers. I don't think that was meant to be said out loud so I keep my mouth shut not saying anything. I move my head and have it rest on his shoulder.

"Ugh, I don't wanna go." I groan. "I know, but for now you have to." For now? which means there may be a time where I won't have to? We stand there hugging for a bit more before actually pulling away. "Goodnight Kellin." he smiles. I smiled back, and tell him goodnight. I open the door, and say bye one more time before shutting the door.

I put my fingers up to my lips and I just feel them. He actually kissed me... best first date ever. I get excited and jump up and down. I feel my phone vibrate in my back pocket so I grab it. It was a text from Vic. Ugh I fucking miss him. I walk upstairs, and walk into my room to find Justin in bed on his phone. "Oh god you're smiling like an idiot. Tell me everything!" he says.


Updateeeeeeeeeeeeeee ahh I like
How this book is going so far. So far no deleted parts of chapters!! Ahh this makes me happy hehe

Love you my darlings <3

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