Undiscovered Territory

By Kittykatlord25

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It was just an average day in Oregon. Malikai who was 15, was hanging with his little brother Ash who was 9 y... More

Chapter 1 New house means New life
Chapter 2 Different appearance and acts
Chapter 4 Unexpected scene
Chapter 5 Parent Troubles
Chapter 6 Forming a plan
Chapter 7 Weird Day

Chapter 3 Meeting interesting people

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By Kittykatlord25

Chapter 3 meeting interesting people

'Weird' Malikai thought while walking up the stairs and towards their door. As soon as the brothers went inside their room, Malikai went straight to Ash's bags particularly the bag that was holding all of the clothes.

 "Malikai?" Ash said while raising an eyebrow seeing his brother was looking in his bag for clothes, "yeah?" he replied without taking his eyes from his brother's clothes. "What are you doing?" 

"I'm trying to find a good outfit for you" Malikai explained while pulling out an anime shirt that was a boy with headphones and the world around him was fading away. He then pulled out black and blue shorts and tossed it to his brother, "Put this on" he said while going to his side of the bed and putting on his red and black nikes. 

"I'm done," Ash said while walking over to malikai who was on his bed looking at his shoes. "Bro? What's wrong? You can tell me anything." he said while lightly patting his brothers back. Malikai mumbled his answer, only to confuse Ash since he didn't hear anything.

 "Can you say that again but a little bit louder?" Ash requested. Malikai looked at his brother straight in the eye and said, "I heard what dad was thinking" Ash thought that it was really cool that his brother had the ability to hear people, unlike Malikai thought it was a curse. 

"That's really cool Malikai! Can you read my thoughts?" Ash said with excitement filling his eyes. "Ash, I don't think this is a good ide-" "Come on please please please!?" he interrupted his brother, Malikai gave a sigh in defeat while Ash was trying to think of something. "I GOT IT!! Are you ready?" Ash said while standing in front of his brother. Malikai nodded and Ash thought of something a little bit easy but has a challenge to it. 

'Malikai is the best brother I could ever ask for.' Ash thought, Malikai was surprised that his brother would think something like that. "Thanks Ash, that means a lot to me" Malikai said while getting up and grabbing his black sweater that had a background of flames and a person smiling. "What did I think bro?" Ash said with a confident smirk. 

Malikai looked at his brother and gave him a small smirk, "Malikai is the best brother I could ever ask for," he looked at his shocked brother trying to figure out how he can actually read his thoughts. "Ash, you need to promise me something" Malikai said in a low tone, which caught the little brothers interest. "I'm listening" Ash said while walking over to Malikai who was beginning to exit the bedroom. Malikai looked deadly at his brother causing him to look a tad nervous.

 "You can't tell our parents." This shocked Ash, he understood and gave a nod, and said with a salute, "I promise that I shall never tell mom and dad." Malikai smiled that his brother didn't plan on telling his parents. He then took his pocket knife and tazor, just incase something bad happens. "Let's go" he said while opening the door for the both get out the bedroom that they have been in for at least 10 minutes. When the brothers stepped out of their room, Malikai got a notification from his phone. He took out his phone and looked at the notification, which was from YouTube.

 His favorite animator 'Aleatoraye' posted a new animation, which made him smile and put his phone in his pocket. "

What did your phone want? What did it tell you?" Ash questioned, he thought that the phone had a mind of his own. "Aleatoraye posted a new animation," Malikai informed his brother. Ash really liked Aleatoraye's animations, he thinks they look super cool. "REALLY?! CAN WE WATCH IT!?" the youngest exclaimed with excitement, Malikai chuckled to see his brother really excited,

 "Maybe tonight Ash, maybe tonight" Malikai said while walking to the staircase, Ash pouted for a split second but caught up to his brother. When they walked down the stairs, the brothers see their mother looking directly at them. She sighed and put her hand on the bridge of her nose,"I thought I told you two boys to explore the neighborhood and try to at least make friends!" "Ever heard of getting ready?" Malikai spat and walked to the front door with Ash's hand in his.

 Alexa had no words and thought, 'Why is he so RUDE!?' Malikai rolled his eyes and walked right out of the door, but before they closed it they heard their mothers once again. "Be home at least 3:00" She said and closed the door. Malikai checked his phone to see the time, which read 10:25. 

"Let's go" He said while putting his phone and proceeding to walk on the sidewalk. Ash didn't quite like the neighborhood, it looked quite..sketchy. he let out a whimper, which caused Malikai to look at his brother with worry, "is everything ok Ash?" the youngest child looked up at his brother with worry written all over his face. "I don't like the neighborhood, it's scary" Ash explained while getting a bit teary eyed. Malikai hated to see his brother crying, he went down to Ash's level, 

"Ash, look at me" he said in a nice and caring way. Ash looked into his brothers blue eyes that had a purple swirl. "I will protect you with my life Ash. I promise you that" Malikai said while giving his brother a tight and reassuring hug. Ash hugged back, he then felt something drip from his face. He realized that he was crying, Malikai them wiped away his tears with his thumb and gave him a smile. "Come on, let's explore some more" Malikai said while getting up. 

Ash nodded and took his brother's hand and continued to walk down the sidewalk. In the distance Malikai saw a large grassy hill with a small group of people there. "Ash do you see that hill over there?" He asked his little brother while pointing to the hill. Ash squinted his eyes at the hill and the same thing, he saw a group of people there. 

"Yeah I see it."

 "You see people there too right?" Malikai asked. "Should we go over there and meet them?" Ash suggested. Malikai thought for a minute and decided to walk over to where the people are at. 'maybe we might get along, maybe' he thought while holding onto Ash's hand. The two brothers walked over to where the unknown people are standing on the lime grassy hill. When the brothers stepped foot on the hill that had grass blowing in the wind, with its trees were flowing and the leaves were dancing. The group of people looked in the direction where Malikai and Ash were coming from. There was 3 people that were all guys, two of them looked like they were in Malikai's age while the other one looked like he was in Ash's grade.

 One of them looked like he was 5'6" at the age of 15, with dark brown hair and golden eyes like an owl. He was wearing a grey sweatshirt with a navy blue hood and dark blue jeans that happen to match his black and white converse. 

The guy that was standing next to the dark brunette, had red ambur hair, he looked like he was slightly older and was at least a couple inches taller than Malikai. He wore a dark brown bomber jacket and dark grey pants that have a few holes and black nikes. He was wearing sunglasses so it was harder to tell what his eye color was and was carrying a wooden bat that had sharp rusty nails poking out. 

The last one was smaller than Malikai but looked taller than Ash. He had blond hair and had a little curl sticking out. The blond kid had purple piercing eyes and a red shirt with blue jeans and black shoes. "Who are you" said the one in the bomber jacket. "Funny, I was going to say the same thing" Malikai said while his eyes were turning violet again. "I won't ask twice," He said once more while getting his bat. Malikai looked at the wooden bat once more and had slight red stains 'it's probably blood' he thought. "Allen it's cool. He's one of us" the brunette said. 

Allen looked at the brunette and then towards Malikai. He lifted up his black sunglasses and revealed crimson red eyes. Ash was really surprised that everyone had different color eyes. 

"I'll answer your question. Names Malikai, and this is my little brother Ash." Malikai answered while sticking out his hand. "Cool name. I'm Allen, the dude next to me is Toby. And the little dude is Matt, my younger brother" Allen introduced then shock Malikai's hand. Ash just had to ask this question, "what do you mean 'he's one of us'?" 

Matt looked at Ash and went over to him while proceeding to stick his hand out. Ash was a little nervous, but shook his hand anyways. "What that means is that we are all different" Matt explained. Malikai looked at Matt then at Allen before saying, "so wait, you guys have a type of power?" Toby looked quite surprised but sighed in relief, Allen looked slightly angered by that topic. 

"we can't talk here" he said while looking around. "Where do you think we should go Allen?" Toby asked while walking over to a tree that had a large hole and items were inside. Ash was confused, 'we were just talking about powers, now it feels like we did something bad' he thought. Malikai furrowed his brows, knowing what his brother was thinking.

 "Don't worry Ash, we didn't do anything wrong, this is just a special thing that no one has." he tried, to calm down him down, Ash forgot that his brother can read his mind. Matt put a hand on Ash's shoulder trying to help him calm down. Toby then came back with 2 hatchets that had blood stains. "Come on we can go to my house" Toby said while walking down the hill. Allen and Matt started to follow Toby, leaving Ash and Malikai. A gush of wind blew making the eldest brothers hair flow, and making the youngest shiver.

 Toby then looked at the brothers were still on the hill and thought, 'I figured that they would follow me to my house. How can they know about my powers?' Malikai eyes widened then walked quickly to catch up to the group, Ash following his brother. "Wait up!" Malikai exclaimed as he and his brother caught up with Toby, Allen and Matt. 

"Where do you live? We can talk there." He said. Toby looked at the green haired boy then at Ash. "I don't live very far, I only live down the street. Allen lives a next door to me" Toby said while pointing his hand to a cream colored house, and next to it was a crimson red house both two story. 

"Ok, so your house is the cream colored house while Allen and Matt's house is the red one?" Malikai said with a slight confusion, trying to understand. "Yeah that's right" Allen answered. Malikai sighed in relief, then all of the boys continued to walk down the pathway. While they were walking, Malikai got a notification from his phone. He checked his phone only to see Yandere Dev post a new update for his game Yandere Simulator. 

"What does your phone want?" Ash asked while tugging his big brothers sweater. "Oh, it's nothing Ash, YouTube just wanted to tell me that Yandere Dev updated his game" Malikai said with a light smile tugging onto his lips. At that moment, Allen and Toby stopped walking. "Why did we stop?" Malikai asked, but only got silence in return. 

"What did you just say" Toby and Allen said while their backs were still facing the new brothers. Ash was getting scared so he whimpered in fear and grabbded his brother's hand. "I said, Yandere dev updated his game?" Malikai said with confusion. Both Toby and, Allen looked at each other before glomping the green haired boy into a large hug. "Wha-" 

"OH MY GOD YOU KNOW WHAT YANDERE SIMULATOR IS!!" Allen yelled while crushing Malikai to death. Toby was hyperventilating that someone else knew what the game was. "Get off me! You're crushing my bones!" Malikai yelled, he pushed Allen off of him at wiped away the invisible dirt. 

"I understand that you like the game, but that doesn't give you the right to kill me!" He said while laughing at his joke but then stopped. Allen chuckled at his joke and got up from the ground with the help of Matt. "Are we ready to get to Toby's house or are we going to just stand here all day?" Ash questioned, not understanding the situation that took place a few minutes ago. 

Toby nodded his head and everyone started to walk once again to Toby's house. As soon as the little group reached the two story cream colored house Malikai asked a question, "Hey Allen?" "Yeah?" "where are you going to put your bat?" Allen looked at his bat and held in it protectively to his chest and then looked at Toby. Toby looked at Allen then sighed, "Fine you can put it in the shed" Allen jumped then ran to the shed to place his bat.

 Malikai sweatdropped then looked at Toby, "Is he always like this?" Toby lightly chuckled than a smirk was taped to his face. "He usually acts likes this around his friends" Malikai was shocked, 'I'm their... friend?' he thought but was interrupted when Allen snapped his fingers in his face. "Are you going to stand there all day?" Allen said with a slight smirk but it disappeared. 

Malikai looked at the cream house than next to it was a crimson red house. Next to that house was a light blue house, 'wait a minute.. That's.. my house!' he thought then looked at Toby and Allen with a small smile. 

"Why are you smiling big brother?" Ash said, wondering why his brother was smiling since he hardly does. "Guess what?" Malikai said while grinning like a maniac. "What?" Toby and Allen said in tune. "Ash and I live right next to Allen! Were all live close!" he exclaimed while picking up Ash, and hugging him like it's the end of the world. 'I.. can't breath!' Ash thought, making sure Malikai heard. He then heard his brother's imaginary cries and put him down with an apologetic smile. He then turned to look at Allen, Matt, and Toby. "ready to go inside?" He asked. They all nodded at the same time and went inside the cream colored house together.


HEY! I don't know if people read this story but i really don't care.. soooooo yeah

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