Gaara X Reader [Long Time, No...

By glutenenjoyer

81.4K 1.9K 654

First story so it might be terrible, then again, it may not be. Anyways, just a story that I have wanted to w... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Um... (Not an update, sorry)
Chapter 7 (lemon...hey, that rhymes!)
Chapter 8
Wait, what?!

Chapter 6...

6.2K 199 267
By glutenenjoyer

AHH! I am finally posting a new chapter!! This may be more of a shorter chapter but this is when this gets real. ~3~
Hope you enjoy!
Oh yeah, the end may or may not have a huge cliffhanger. ^~^

{Huge time skip 7 years later
                                       19 years old}

Since I moved to the Leaf I ended up living in the Hidden Mist and Hidden Stone. Now, back at the Hidden Leaf (so confusing), I made my way up to Lady Tsunade's office. I haven't even been here for a day and I'm already being assigned a mission? They must be low on ninjas... Soon enough, I made my way into her office for the first time in years. It felt...good to be back. I made my way up to her desk.
"Yes, Tsunade-sama."
"This may be a lot for you considering you are just moving back but there is a message that needs to be sent to the Kazekage. I kept this specific mission open just for your arrival and we need the message delivered as soon as possible."
Kazekage, huh..? That means I will have to go back to the Hidden Sand... This is just for a mission, nothing more... I can't go looking for him...
"Oh, I'm sorry, Tsunade-sama. I will take the mission."
She handed me a scroll which I assumed to have the message within it.
"I'll be off," I said monotonously.
The whole way there, I couldn't stop thinking about Gaara and his dad... If his dad is still the Kazekage, I will have to make this visit as fast as possible.

{Time Skip To The Sand!!}

I stood, admiring the huge Kazekage Tower with my H/L (hair length) H/C hair flowing in the wind. Well, there is no turning back now.
I stood in front of the Kazekage's office wondering if I will regret taking on this mission. I never wanted to have another encounter with Rasa... But it has been many years. I just have to hope that he is no longer Kage of the sand.
I stood in front of the Kazekage's desk who had their chair turned away from the door, looking out of the window.
"I am here on a mission from the Leaf to deliver a message to the Kazekage."
His chair slowly turned around...

"..." I was at a loss of words. It.... It was truly him...
There was an awkward tension in the air. I couldn't move if I tried. Gaara finally broke the silence.
His beautiful red hair... His pale skin... Nothing had changed... But that mark on his forehead... '愛'
"Gaa-" He had trapped me within sand. Only my eyes showed through the thick blanket of sand.
Those words...
*flash back*
"Why..." He started, "WHY ARENT YOU RUNNING?" He yelled with more hurt in his voice than anger.
*end of flashback*
"WHY DID YOU LEAVE ME ALONE FOR ALL OF THESE YEARS?!" This time it was completely hurt in his voice. "I had no friends... I lived to kill... I HAD NO ONE TO SAVE ME FROM DARKNESS...until I met Naruto..." The very last part he said as a whisper so I had no way of hearing him. At this point he had tears streaming down his cheeks.
"I' sorry..." I began.
"I didn't want to leave... It was not my choice. I tried to run away to tell you but failed every time... I had no way to tell you..." The next words were the ones I never thought of speaking, "I had no way to tell you how much I loved you..."
Silence. But, the tension had loosened up. The next thing I knew was that Gaara had released me from the sand prison and held me protectively in his strong arms. "G-Gaara..." I was choking on my own tears trying to piece together what was happening. "I... Love you too... Y/N." He kissed me... Fireworks were going off in my head as I slowly, but surely, began to kiss back. But, of course, Kankuro had to walk in at the wrong time... "Man, get a room!" "Fine, Kankuro..." Gaara simply stated.
"Y/N, can I talk to you privately?"
"S-sure, Gaara..."
He walked me out of his office and into what I assumed to be his room. I walked inside as he shut the door behind him without me noticing. Me, being the oblivious person I was, had legitimately thought he wanted to talk about something. I was far from right. He pushed me up against the wall and started hungrily kissing me. I kissed back, turning this into a heated make-out session. Gaara slowly moved his lips down to my neck, quickly finding my soft spot. "Ga-ara..."
"Y/N..." He pulled away. "There is no way possible to express how I feel for you, Y/N. So, please just let me express my love as best as I possibly can..."


"Please do, Gaara..."

GAAAHHH!!! IM GONNA WRITE A LEMON. OH NO. OH NO. SOMEONE, GO GET THE HOLY WATER READY!!! But, I think it will turn out well and if you don't like reading that stuff, then just skip the next chapter. And hey!! I'm posting at 9:30 instead of 10:30!! Woo!! Okay I'll go now. ^3^

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