Yes, My Lord.

By PandoraButler

14.2K 373 228

Black Butler, Demon Ciel x Sebastian More

Yes, My Lord.
Yes, My Lord. III
Yes, My Lord. IV
Yes, My Lord. V
Yes, My Lord. VI.I
Yes, My Lord. VI.II
Yes, My Butler.
Yes, My Butler. II
Yes, My Butler. III
Yes, My Butler. IV

Yes, My Lord. II

2K 52 36
By PandoraButler

Sebastian was on top of Ciel, pinning him to the bed. The earl struggled underneath the butler's inhuman strength.

"Sebastian! Stop this at once! What are you doing?!" Ciel attempted to reprimand his butler, alas it wasn't possible.

"Weren't you the one that said to 'stop being a butler and start being a lover'?" The words were spoken coldly. Ciel blushed at the memory and turned his head away from the gaze of the butler.

"I did say that, didn't I?" Ciel muttered under his breath.

Sebastian took his hand and ran a finger down the side of Ciel's face. The thin fabric of the glove wasn't enough to keep Ciel from feeling the coldness of the hand inside. The earl shivered in response. Was he cold? Or was it pleasurable? He couldn't tell...

The butler grabbed his master's chin and brought it close to his face. They were now so close that their noses were almost touching. Sebastian's eyes flickered with the demonic glow.

"You might have made it impossible for me to take your soul...but make no mistake, I am going to consume you," Sebastian licked his lips and gazed lustfully at his young master.

"S-Sebastian?...What do you mean by that?!"

"I'm going to make it so you can't possibly do anything without me, I'm going to invade your thoughts, your mind, your heart, your body," Sebastian's demon glare shined brightly in the darkness of the room. "You're mine, Young Master." The young earl felt more like the servant in that moment...

"Sebastian....SEBASTIAN!" Ciel slapped the butler and he awoke from his weird daze.

"What was that?" Sebastian thought.

"It's about time you responded to me," Ciel huffed in frustration. "You've been standing there staring off into space for the past 10 minutes. What has gotten into you?! You haven't been acting yourself since..." Ciel looked around the room, trying to avoid eye contact hoping he wouldn't have to continue the statement. It was embarrassing after all.

"Whatever do you mean?" Sebastian asked. He wasn't going to admit to not being himself, however, the internal dilemma he was having started to show itself more. He was certain the earl was starting to notice.

Ciel frowned. His butler was being absolutely intolerable. Why couldn't he just be open to Ciel? Well, he never had been. What did the young earl know about Sebastian at all? Although they now have an eternity to figure it out, it wasn't bringing them any closer then before.

"When you decide you'll tell me what is going on, I'll be here waiting," Ciel pointed to the door, suggesting that his butler leave.

Sebastian nodded and left. He had no where else to go, so the butler went to his room.

"What has gotten into me?" Sebastian thought. He put his head in his hands and sat on his bed. "I keep having such weird day dreams. It's so uncharacteristic."

"Oh come now Bassy, you know what you really want, don't you?" A voice spoke and Sebastian looked around the room. No one was there but the speech still continued.

"Your a demon Bassy, a demon. It's starting to show, you know? You don't want to 'play butler'."

"Don't tell me I'm starting to imagine that idiot..." Sebastian thought.

"You don't care about the little brat, what you really cared about was his soul...but the soul is gone now. So why don't you come and play with me instead?~ Will isn't being very fun. Besides, I've always enjoyed you more.~~"

Sebastian was starting to get angry, (like he wasn't annoyed enough already). Grell wasn't even in the room and he was getting on his nerves.

"What would you know?" the butler replied, in his internal conversation.

"Well, I do know, that you are a demon. I know oh so well how much of a bad boy you are.~ Ciel doesn't. Such a shame...Why do you think your imagining my voice instead of his at this time?"

Sebastian was now furious. He got up from his bed and slammed his fist into the nearby wardrobe. The impact made the wooden furniture crumble to nothing but shattered splinters. The room became dark from his demonic aura of frustration.

"Oh?~ Bassy, your demon is showing!~ Way to prove my point," the voice mocked.

"WOULD YOU JUST SHUT UP?!" Sebastian yelled at the air. His sudden outburst shocked even himself. The butler put his back against the wall that the wardrobe had been up against previously and slid to the floor.

"How am I supposed to 'shut up' when you are the one imagining my voice to begin with?" he was right, Sebastian couldn't argue with that statement.

Footsteps came closer to the butler's room. Sebastian heard them, somewhere in his brain, but it didn't register that they were actually coming towards him. He was in a daze again, trying desperately to make sense of everything.

"Demons aren't supposed to feel anything, so why do I feel everything for him?"

"S-Sebastian?!" Ciel said opening the door. "I heard a loud noi-" the earl was cut off at the sight of the room. Sebastian was sitting on the remains of the wardrobe and his demonic figure was still filling the room. His glowing eyes stared at Ciel but still didn't realize his actual presence in the room.


The eyes glared at Ciel. "What?" The low voice asked. This was the closest Ciel had every seen of Sebastian's demon form it amazed the earl how calm he was. Is it because he was a demon himself now? Or was it because he trusted Sebastian so much that he knew the butler would never harm him?

"What's wrong with you?"

"What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you? Falling in love with a demon is quite strange. Don't you think?"

"It wouldn't matter to me if you were a buffalo! I fell in love with you didn't I?! I'd probably fall in love with you no matter what! Call it destiny or fate if you want but you feel the same don't you?"

The demon was silent. He couldn't answer that honestly. He didn't know himself. What is 'love' anyway? It's a series of attractions and feelings that humans concoct for themselves to rationalize their mating. That is what it seemed like to the butler. Perhaps, maybe that wasn't the case at all...

"How do you know if it is 'love'? What if I'm still just attracted to the remnants of your soul? Why are you so trusting of me? Don't you have the slightest bit of doubt at all?" The demon was greatly confused, at the earl, at himself, nothing at all was making sense.

Ciel struggled to walk in the shadowy darkness but the glowing red eyes helped him immensely. When he had finally found the body of his butler he knelt down to where Sebastian was lying and wrapped his arms around the taller male's head, pulling him into a hug.

"But even then, you're just loving me in your own weird way, right?" Ciel said softly.

Sebastian didn't know how to respond to those words. The butler wrapped his arms around the young earl and returned the hug. The shadowy atmosphere disappeared and he was back to his normal self.

"Ah, I suppose you are right, Young Master."

"Of course I'm right," Ciel pulled away from the hug and stared Sebastian in the face. "Now, we should tell each other our problems in the future, yes?"

Sebastian smiled. How did he end up with such an amazing young master? Even though he technically wasn't a butler anymore, old habits die hard...

"Yes, My Lord."

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