The Vampire's Requiem [malexm...

By rotXinXpieces

769K 42.8K 15.1K

Newell C. Drakon is on the run. From bloodthirsty terrorists to soulsucking oni, Newell hardly has a chance t... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three

Chapter Twenty-Three

21.1K 1.2K 414
By rotXinXpieces

Chapter Twenty-Three (Newell)


Michigan was one of the worst places to be in winter. It'd only been a couple days since we left the wolf pack behind and there was already a foot of snow on the ground. White fluffy snow that fell so heavily that we were forced to stop at a rest area. I tugged the lapels of my jacket closer to me, my breath coming out in clouds as I sipped at warm blood in a thermos. I kept an eye on Starling, who was thoroughly enjoying the snow.

I'd lent him some of my clothes, save for a jacket as my jackets were too small for him, so he wore one of Hunter's. It hung on Starling's tiny form in a way that was nearly comical-- if I didn't know what it felt like to be laughed at for wearing larger clothes.

Starling laughed and screamed excitedly, kicking up the snow and spinning around in it. He had long since finished the hot chocolate we'd bought in one of the vending machines and I soon realized chocolate was a big mistake if it made him this hyper.

I looked up to see that Hunter was still in the rest area, searching the maps for an easier route to Vladimir's home town. We would've already been there by now if the snow storm hadn't of struck so suddenly and we hadn't run into two more groups looking for quick cash and figured turning me in would be a good idea. Thankfully, Xed had taken them out and eaten them, much to my relief. I was waiting for him to snap, but he didn't wait much longer and ate all four the men who'd attacked us.

Xed currently sat in the back seat, fast asleep using my bag as his pillow and one of Hunter's blankets draped over him. He was exhausted from staying up so often and it annoyed me that he did this. He made sure to stay awake while I slept, as if he were afraid someone would catch me in my sleep.

Which was perfectly logical considering lately, people were snatching me up left and right. But he still needed his sleep and right now, we were safe.

Because we were the only idiots driving in the middle of nowhere, stuck at a rest area during a snow storm in Michigan in late November.

I sighed wearily, taking another gulp of blood and turning to see that Starling was trying to open one of the frozen trash cans. I scowled, pushing off the side of the car.

"Starling, stay over here!" I ordered. Starling whined, but obeyed as he trudged through the snow toward me. He dramatically flopped forward on his face in the snow at my feet, giggling and rolling onto his back. I glared down at him pointedly, then looked up as Hunter came out of the building, hugging his jacket tight against him, the winter wind whipping his dark hair around. He pulled his goggles down to keep the snow from getting in his eyes as he approached us and Starling got to his feet to greet Hunter with a toothy smile that made Hunter grimace.

"Are we on the right route?" I asked. Hunter frowned, looking around.

"Well, we were. I don't remember ever getting off 475, but we're at 223 right now. We need to head East, you said, right?" He asked. I nodded, looking toward the highway where only a few suicidal drivers chugged along the dangerous roads. The wind stung my cheeks and nipped at my nose icily, so I looked away, reaching back to pull my hood up against the wind.

"We're close," I said, "He lives out in the boonies between Adrian and Blissfield. So if you hit Adrian, we've gone too far." Hunter noddd, then paused to sneeze and groan.

"Goddamn, this weather. I miss the bayous."

"You miss mosquitos, gators, and merpeople?"

"At least mosquitos, gators, and merpeople didn't turn my nose purple."

"Your nose isn't purple."

"How do you know? You're squinting too much."

"I'm not blind, fool. Quit messing around. Is the car ready to go?" I asked and Hunter nodded. I turned to Starling, who had grabbed handfuls of snow in his palms and was eating it. I scowled, smacking it out of his hands and making his lower lip quiver in the beginnings of tears, but I held a finger up at him sternly.

"Don't you cry. Don't eat snow either. You don't know just how filthy that stuff is." I scolded. Starling whined.

"Don't, don't, don't." He complained, disliking the word. I rolled my eyes and opened the door to the backseat, then paused to see that Xed still hadn't woken up. I raised an eyebrow, surprised at that before I touched his shoulder. He jerked up so fast that I leapt away from him and almost slammed the door shut to put something between us, but he instantly recognized me there and rubbed at his eye sleepily, frowning.

He sat up and let us into the car, but I made Starling sit between us. I didn't want to sit next to Xed and it was difficult to pinpoint why exactly.

Maybe I lusted for him like the dream where we kissed intensely.

Or maybe it was fear from the nightmare where he bit my tongue off and ripped my innards out.

I was leaning towards the latter. I knew Xed wouldn't do such a thing to me, but it was still difficult to push the image of him leaning over me, chewing my tongue, out of my head. It made me shudder to think about. I leaned back against the seat, shutting the door as Hunter started the car and slowly made his way out of the rest area.

At least now there was something to distract me, however. And that was teaching Starling how to speak.

"Say it again. If you miss a letter, you have to start over." I told Starling, who pouted as he looked down at the flash cards we'd picked up for him on our way through the last town. Flash cards with the alphabet on them, each one with a picture of something that started with the letter. It certainly wasn't the way I had been taught, as I'd been given four different teachers, excluding my piano teacher, all of whom were incredibly strict and reported any failures to my parents, for which I was punished severely.

But I wasn't my parents and I never would be. Not to mention, we were currently struggling with money and this was all we could afford. It made me feel surprisingly guilty. I wanted Starling to have a proper education, not a back seat lesson from a merman, a vampire, and a hunter.

Surely Vladimir would be able to teach Starling better, Alexander too. Alexander was a professor at a college. He'd be more than happy to have Starling as a student, as Starling learned rather quickly. He wasn't stupid. He was just starting at a later time than most.

Starling recited his alphabet slowly, pausing to wrinkle his nose in distaste at certain letters. He missed the letter K and was forced to start over. The next time through, he forgot S, then R, then U, before he finally managed to make it all the way through. I made him repeat it a few more times before he had it memorized.

I let him take a break and gave him a juice box and a 99 cent honey bun from the last gas station stop.

"We should probably stop at a hotel," I said at last, making Hunter groan and I rolled my eyes, "I realize you enjoy the company of your car, but we need real beds and Xed needs to be in water at least once more on this trip. Having legs hurts his back. The town you hit just before Vladimir's manor should have at least a Motel 8 or something, so stop there."

"How much money do you think we have?" Hunter complained.

"Enough," I answered sternly, "And if you don't, I can get it for you." And by that, I meant lure someone in with tears, drain them, feed them to Xed, then take their money and Hunter obviously didn't approve of the idea because he didn't argue anymore. We continued to drive through the thick blanket of snow that kept assaulting the car. We swerved a couple times, but Hunter must be used to driving in Michigan weather because he righted himself again and we moved on. It took longer than half an hour to reach the small town near Vladimir's. It was a tiny town, so small that we could hold our breath going through it, but much to our relief, there was a hotel and it offered an indoor pool.

Hunter parked closest to the door before we all walked inside with Xed carrying luggage. The woman behind the counter gave us an odd look as Hunter approached, plastering on a flirty grin that easily distracted the woman from us.

"Oooh!" Starling cooed, making me snap my head to glare him, but he was already wandering over to a large flat screen television that was giving the latest news report. I followed to stand behind Starling as the anchor man appeared on the screen.

"I'm here on the side of route 75, just between Michigan and Ohio, Jane, and this is some scary news. Just yesterday at noon, law enforcers received a 911 call from a frightened mother reporting that her cousin was going on a homicidal rampage, killing twelve people and injuring five. However, when police arrived, the suspect had already fled. The suspect's name was Drake Salvatore. We're receiving reports that Drake has also taken his lover with him into hiding. Police are urging citizens to be on the look out and do not approach these men. They are reported to be armed and dangerous. If you should see these men, please call the following number..."

My eyes widened as two pictures of Drake and Vini came up on the screen. Starling made a sound of awe and reached up to try and touch the screen, but to no avail. Hunter and Xed came up behind me to stare at the screen.

"I knew I should've killed them when I had the chance." Hunter said under his breath. I narrowed my eyes.

"Well. It's not our problem anymore, if they should live or die. We got what we needed out of them." I responded calmly, then turned and grabbed Starling's hand, leading him along as Hunter led the way to the room and Xed took up the rear. We could only afford a two bedroom room and I could already tell there was going to be difficulties with it.

"I am not sharing a bed with someone who wants to eat me." Hunter stated as he dropped his bag onto one of the beds while Xed shut the door behind us. Starling looked excited to see the beds and ran over, jumping on the opposite bed. I frowned, glancing at Hunter pointedly.

"Why don't you just sleep with the woman at the check out desk?" I asked. Hunter seemed to seriously consider the idea, a smirk sweeping across his face. He looked down at his bag, riffling through it for a while before he zipped it shut and nodded.

"I think I might just do that. Which means you two lovebirds can share a bed." Hunter said to Xed and I before brushing past us. I watched him leave the room before I sighed, frustrated. I came over and sat on the bed, glancing at Xed, who stood nearby obediently, watching Starling jump up and down on the bed. I would rather he not do that, but I was too concerned about sharing a bed with Xed to care about Starling's misbehavings.

This was nothing new, I'd shared beds and boxes with Xed before. I've had to share blankets and clothes with him, but ever since those dreams, it's been difficult to look at Xed the same way. I was either seeing him trying to kiss me and touch me, or seeing him rip me to pieces and I honestly couldn't tell which one was worse.

Maybe for him, it would be the first one.

For me, it seemed to be both. There'd be no way the first one could happen and while I kept telling myself the second one was also impossible, it still made me shiver to think about.

Xed waving his hand at me drew me out of my thoughts as I looked up, seeing him gesture for me to follow him. I frowned, sliding off the bed.

"Starling, come on." I ordered. We couldn't leave him behind, it was far too dangerous. Starling whined, but hopped off the bed anyway and came over to take my hand. Xed led us out of the room in silence, not showing a single emotion as we made our way down the stairs to the indoor pool that was currently closed, but of course, it didn't matter what they used to bar it, we managed to get inside and I made Starling sit down with his flashcards while Xed stripped his clothes off and jumped in the pool.

I took my jacket off from the heat of the pool room and sat down on the edge of the pool, dipping my feet into the water as I watched Xed writhe under the water during his change. He swam to the surface, his head popping out. He wiped the water from his face and swam close, but when I twitched, he stopped. He lowered himself into the water up to his collarbone, studying me suspiciously.

"Why are you acting differently with me?" He asked. I frowned.

"I don't know what you're talking about. You're the one who's acting odd." I responded, trying to keep the defensive tone out of my voice. Xed wasn't amused by it, though, his eyes darkening.

"I am not. Since we rescued you from that pit, you barely look at me or speak directly to me. You will not sit beside me and you looked very disappointed to share a bed with me. Have I done something to disgust you?" He asked. No, I thought slowly. Not really. Not quite. It'd been my disgusting fantasizes, and nightmares. I still wasn't sure which one kept me at bay the most and now I was starting to mingle to two together.

Goddess, the last thing I needed was masochism added to my list of mental illnesses.

"No," I told Xed sternly, "It's nothing. I'm dealing with it on my own and I don't need you sticking your nose into where it doesn't belong." Xed's eyes flickered as he swam closer and I went to move back, but he caught me by the legs and pulled me forward so I almost fell into the water. I dug my nails in between the tiles to keep from sleeping as Xed looked at me intently, eyes searching my face.

"It involves me. It is my business. Why are you afraid of me?" He demanded. I blinked, looking at him suspiciously.

"Why do you think I'm afraid?" I asked. Xed frowned, then let go of my legs so I could scoot back on the tiles. He put a good few feet between us, his tail swishing under the water. His eyes were averted for a while before he sighed, looking back at me.

"Back in the pit, when we first found you, when you woke up, you looked at me like I had done something awful, something that scared you, then you went into your hunger frenzy." He explained, making me feel like I had just swallowed a cube of ice.

Because I had dreamt again how Xed had bitten my tongue out and ripped my innards out while I was still alive, still squirming. As if that wasn't bad enough, the words everyone else spat at me came out of his mouth and while I had grown accustomed to it coming from others, I wasn't used to it coming from Xed. It felt... worse, hearing it come from him than from the others.

No one could ever want you.

As if I didn't already know that. I had hardened myself for years, decades. I'd already heard it spat at me by my father, by my so-called friend, by my people. It was like the same song on the radio, over and over again, and it had lost meaning.

But when Xed said it. It was like the same time, but sung by a different person and it stung. And I hated myself for letting it sting. Xed was just another minion, it shouldn't hurt so much when he said it, but it did. Why? Why was Xed so special?

"Newell, say something." Xed's voice cut through my thoughts and I stiffened, seeing that he'd gotten closer. I didn't want to talk about this, especially with Xed. He'd already wedged himself way too deep into my head and there was no way I was going to allow him to get closer. Any closer and he would completely destroy me. Worse even was that I might even let him.

"This discussion ends now." I stated, getting to my feet. Xed's eyes flared and he shot through the water faster than I could think. He caught my ankle and pulled it right out from under me. I gasped and slipped, slamming into the tiles painfully before he tore me back and pulled me into the water.

I heard Starling's surprised cry before the water swallowed my head for a split second before Xed's strong, muscular arms went around me and heaved me up. I coughed and choked, sputtering water and peering past my wet hair to see Starling leaning on the edge of the water, looking afraid to get in, but desperate to get to me, his little hand reaching out. I managed to get over the shock of having Xed attack me and anger burst through me so powerfully that I shouted.

"Get off me! How dare you! Get your hands off me right now!" I barked, digging my nails into Xed's arms, but he ignored it and tightened his grip.

"Stop ignoring me," Xed said firmly and calmly, "Stop running away from me. I want to know what happened, Newell. If it is something I did, tell me so that I can apologize."

"It's not something you did, all right! Now let go of me, or I swear to god, I'll bleed you to death! And I won't even drink it!" I shouted, breathing hard. Xed still hadn't let go of me and I was getting frustrated, I tried to bite at his arms, but he'd dunk me under the water, then lift me back out. I coughed and gasped for breath, reaching up to wipe angrily at my face.

"Stop doing that!"

"Then talk to me," Xed said in a tone that wasn't pleading or begging, but sincerely asking, "I want to know why you do not want to be around me. If you hate me, tell me, so that I can leave." I froze at that.

Leave? I didn't want him to leave. Goddess, there wasn't a morning that I woke up, expecting to see that Xed had abandoned me and I would be on my own. And even though I never said it aloud, the thought of waking up and finding that Xed had left me was painful.

But I didn't want to tell Xed about the dream where we kissed. How humiliating! So, before I could stop myself, I blurted:

"You killed me in a dream, now let go!"

As soon as I finished, Xed released me and I went under the water. I gasped, water filling my mouth and nose. I coughed and Xed quickly caught me again, lifting me up and setting me against the edge of the pool. I coughed and choked for air, crawling onto the tiles, breathing hard. I felt Xed's eyes on me and I fought hard to keep the embarrassment from turning my face pink. I felt Xed touch my leg and I instantly recoiled from him as anger replaced my humiliation. I shot to my feet, trying not to slip on the wet tiles as I whirled on him angrily.

"Are you happy now, you ingrate?! Never touch me again! I can't swim well and you know that! Ugh! You make me sick! You can sleep somewhere else tonight because you're not allowed in the room!" I snarled, clenching my fist, then storming to Starling, who had hopped to his feet. I grabbed his hand, making him yelp in shock as I dragged him out of the pool room, leaving Xed alone in the pool.

"Oww," Starling whimpered, his hand squirming in my grip, "Prettyyy!" I twitched and roughly let go of his hand, turning to face him.

"My name is Newell! If you can't say it, then don't say anything at all!" I barked. Starling sniffled at that and I frowned as he whimpered and started to cry. I tried to stay angry. I was so angry I could just about hit him and that thought in itself instantly cooled me down. I'd happily admit to being a monster and being cruel, but I would never hurt a child like that. I took a deep breath, running a hand through my hair before looking at Starling, who sniffed and wiped at his eyes.

"Stop crying," I grunted, making Starling sniff and look at me weepily, "I didn't mean to yell at you. I'm angry at Xed." Starling looked at me questioningly, but I said nothing to him as I continued down the hallway and he hurried to keep up with me. I expected him to keep his distance after being yelled at me, but instead, he took my hand and walked closer to me.

I cast him an odd stare, but he didn't seem to mind. He held my hand with one hand, the other rubbing at his eyes to stop the tears. I sighed, but said nothing as we arrived at the room and I used the keycard to get in.

Starling and I took a bath before I got him dressed in one of Hunter's shirts and got him into bed after he spent another hour jumping on it. He finally went to sleep and I turned on the news, hoping to hear more about the situation with the wolf pack, but it would seem they had no new information, which meant Drake and Vini were still somewhere else. I wanted to see a list of names of the people killed, but something in my gut told me that maybe I didn't want to know.

I finally shut the television on and crawled into bed under the covers, relieved to sleep in an actual bed for once. And yet, despite the comfort and the fact that I was sleepy didn't help me sleep at all. I remained awake until around midnight when I heard the door crack open. I expected it to be Hunter with his keycard, but I recognized Xed's shadow as he crept into the room and shut it behind him.

A spark of anger went off in me and I wanted to tell him to go away as I ordered, but I didn't want to risk waking Starling after it took so long to get him to go to sleep. Instead, I laid there stiffly as Xed came to the bed I was sleeping in. I heard him taking off his shoes before he got in bed beside me.

I scooted away from him until I felt his hand on my shoulder. I went rigid, feeling his warm hand on my shoulder, practically engulfing it. His hands were so big-- and I was so small. My stomach clenched at that and I just pulled the blanket over my shoulder to brush his hand away. I could feel his eyes on me for a while longer before he gave up and rolled away from me, but stayed on the bed.

I wanted to stay awake to make sure Xed wouldn't do anything stupid, but my body seemed to relax the longer I laid there and before I knew it, I was asleep and dreaming again.

I dreamt that I was sitting in a dark tent. It was heavily designed with pentagrams and other items of witchcraft. Incense was lit nearby and on the table was a deck of tarot cards on top of a soft purple cloth with a gold pentagram. I frowned. I had never had a tarot reading before. My father wasn't very fond of witches and their craft.

And suddenly a card shot out from the deck and hit me in the face. I scowled, watching the card fall to the table. I hesitated, staring down at the card. An intricately designed card of a skeleton holding a scythe, his head held high as he was dressed in a black cloak.

The Death card.

"Death," A distorted voice said from nowhere, making me jump and look around, "Open your arms and accept the change. Do not fight it." Another card flew out from the deck and hit me in the face again, sending another bolt of anger through me until the card flipped over and landed on the death card.

"The Magician, " The voice purred, "You can take the change and you can make something great out of it, but only if you accept it. You have the ability to do it. It's whether or not you want to. " I cocked my head at that, confused, before another card hit me in the face.

I was not enjoying this dream.

"King of Swords," The voice continued, as the air around me seemed to grow colder, making me frown, "You are strong and you are loyal and you are authoritive. However, people mistake you for being cold and impersonal, maybe even cruel. The choice you make will dictate whether or not people continue to see you in this light or not."

"Excuse me," I said suddenly, irritated now, "I don't understand what this has to do with anything. I make life threatening choices all the time--"

"This one is different," The voice insisted, then paused with a low chuckle that finally indicated the gender as female, "Very different. Now let me finish. It's rude to interrupt."

"Well, pardon me." I muttered sarcastically.

"Knight of Swords," The voice went on as if I hadn't spoken, "He rides quick with this change. It will come suddenly and you won't have time to sit there and think. You must move swiftly as he does on his steed."


"This isn't a time to joke," The voice insisted, "This change could threaten not only your life, but the life of someone you love."

"I don't love anyone." I deadpanned.

"Keep telling yourself that, sweetie." The voice replied. I scowled.

"Who are you?" I demanded.

"You'll meet me soon enough," The voice answered, "Keep an eye out for my symbols."

"Your symbols." I echoed, then paused as a strong, cold wind blew in and knocked all the cards off the table, making me frown. I looked up, but I was no longer in the tent anymore. I was sitting at a small cafe table with a single candle lit. Beautiful porcelain plates were set out along with a tall glass of blood and glittery silverware. I frowned, confused until I felt a pair of hands cover my eyes.

"Guess who?" A voice asked in my ear. Fear shot up my spine like an ice cold bullet as I held my breath and the lips touched my ear, a pair of fangs grazing my jugular as the lips moved down. I felt the hands slide off my face and hold me around the throat, not hard enough to strangle me, but enough to make a point.

"You've gotten smaller," He murmured, lifting a hand away from my throat to stroke my hair, "And your face looks so much like your mother's... when she was your age, of course." I didn't flinch, because I was used to hearing him say this kind of thing, trying to provoke me. I remained as stoic as possible with his fingers still running through my hair, nails scraping my scalp every so often. The fingers of his other hand ghosted my throat down to my collarbone before he sank his fingernails into my skin. I ground my teeth together, baring my fangs.

"And to make matters worse, you're gay, aren't you?" He whispered, his lips brushing my ear and giving me goosebumps. I growled low in my throat, clenching my fists on either side of my seat. I refused to take his bait, but it was getting harder and harder. After having not heard his voice since his death, it was easier for it to annoy me.

"That's right," He mused, "I know all about your merman... Xed. I hired him, you know. He was a good boy. Strong, powerful, obedient. He'd make a perfect husband for a perfect woman, but you're neither a woman nor a girl. Then again, look at how small and cute you are, just like your mother." He pinched my cheeks and I hissed, shooting to my feet and whirling around to attack him, but instead of my father standing there, it was Xed. I froze, staring up at him, taken off guard by his incredible height as he looked down at me, mismatched eyes glinting in the candlelight that flickered timidly in his presence.

"Xed." I said at last, having found my voice. Xed said nothing, just reached down, grabbed my face, and placed his lips over mine. I grabbed at the table behind me as Xed kissed me roughly, making me pant for air between slurps of wet tongues. Xed slid his hands down my shoulders and I was confused by the fact that I could feel his bare skin against mine. I peeked out the corner of my eye, seeing my naked shoulders.

My eyes widened and I managed to pull away from Xed, looking down to see that I was naked. A sharp gasp left my lips and I went to grab something, anything to cover myself, but the table was gone now. Everything was. We were in a dark, empty room and Xed could see every part of my naked body. Heat crept into my cheeks as the humiliation worsened by the second, the longer Xed stared at me.

"Go away." I ordered when my voice returned, one hand lowering to cover myself while I wrapped my other arm around my chest, not that there was anything to cover there really, but it was still my body and I didn't want Xed to see it.

"Why?" Xed asked. I stared at him.

"Are you stupid or blind? Go away." I commanded. Xed only leaned in closer and when he got on his knees in front of me and he was eye level with me, my humiliation was choking. I dropped my eyes and glared at the floor, waiting for him to leave, but he only remained on his knees and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me tight against his chest. I gritted my teeth, remaining rigid in his arms.

I wish this dream would end.

No, it wasn't a dream.

It was a nightmare.

This whole thing was a nightmare.

"You're so small and cute." Xed breathed against my ear. I twitched and tried to push him away, but his arms were like steel around me. Panic swelled up in my chest as I gritted my teeth before hissing at him, trying to rip free of his arms.

"So small and vulnerable," Xed murmured, his arm going up and down my back, tracing my spine and giving me chills, "I'm so sick for wanting to touch you like this... But I don't care." His hands lowered down just below my buttocks and this time, the rage sparked harshly and I sank my fangs into his throat. He gasped and let go of me. I released him and he fell back, hand clasped over his throat, his eyes staring at me in disbelief. I spat at him, hoping my anger and the dimness of the room concealed the red heat of embarrassment in my cheeks.

"Don't touch me, you disgusting pervert! How dare you say those things to me! I hate it! I hate it when people tell me that! I am not small! I am not cute! And I am most certainly not vulnerable! If you come near me again, I'll rip your throat out and bathe in your blood!" I snarled, baring my fangs at him. He still appeared stunned before his eyes darkened and he glared.

"You're such a tease," He accused, making me blink and glare at him in anger, "This is your fault. If you weren't naked and practically throwing yourself at me. When we kissed, you had no problem with that. You were the one who kissed me first."


"Yes, you," Xed snapped, making me jump at his sudden sharp tone, "You were drunk granted, but you kissed me first. You're the one that started all of this. You're the one that grabbed me and shoved your tongue in my mouth, so if anyone's a pervert, it's you. You're the one who tried to make me fuck you, to make me disgusting just like you. This is your fault." I stiffened, trying to find words to argue with, but none came to mind. He was talking about New York City, when I had gotten drunk and kissed him and he used his spell to wipe my memory.

That's why he wiped my memory. To make me forget so he wouldn't be forced to do something like this.

"You didn't actually think I loved you, did you," Xed spat, sending a sharp pain through my chest as I stared at him, watching him get up and glare down at me, "You're the one who was asking for it, you harlot. You're the one who was humping me like a little dog. I was only responding to it. You're nothing, but a cheap lay. You're everyone's last resort. After all, who'd willingly have sex with someone like you?"

I clenched my teeth hard behind pursed lips, fighting down the rage and pain that threatened to boil over. I would not let him see it surface. Instead, I crooked my finger to him. He frowned and knelt down, leaning closer as I flicked my tongue over my lips. I urged him closer, but he didn't need to be much closer before I sank my fangs down into his throat. He gasped and grabbed onto me, but I refused to let go.

He reached up and I felt his hands go around my throat, but I still didn't let go. He forced me away at least, but I tore a chunk of his throat away and swallowed it, despite not being a huge fan of flesh itself. Xed shouted in pain and swung his hand around, backhanding me so hard, I hit the floor and passed out, only to wake up from my nightmare, shooting up in bed.

I gasped out loud, shoving the blankets away from me that felt like Xed's strong arms. No, maybe that was a mistake because Xed was up and trying to hold me back in bed, but that only increased my panic further as I hissed at him and scrambled out of bed. I yelped as I tripped over the blankets and hit the floor.

I groaned in pain, pushing myself up onto my hands and knees as Xed leaned over and turned on the light, staring down at me in surprise. I blinked a few times, then whipped around to stare up at Xed, who stared back at me, before I gritted my teeth.

"I thought I told you I wanted you to sleep somewhere else." I growled. Xed frowned, but said nothing. In fact, he surprised me as he rolled back over and went back to bed. I "tsked" and got up, heading to the restroom to splash my face. I came back to the room, but I didn't want to go back to sleep. Instead, I went to the window to look outside at the snow that had slowed to a gentle fall of snowflakes dotting the nightsky.

I looked over to where Hunter's car was parked and my eyes widened.

His car was gone.

Where the hell could he...

Oh, you have got to be kidding me.

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