Leave It All Behind

By thatspecialteen

199K 5K 723

"You can't run, I'll catch you. You can't hide, I'll find you. So why don't you just give up, Sophia darling... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight

Chapter Fifteen

5.9K 129 36
By thatspecialteen


As I ran, not knowing where I was going, I thought about the days that led up to me ending up here. In this messed up place, where I arrived as a slave and ended up as a bride to be!


"Hurry, Sophia! We'll be late for school!" My friend Charlotte shouted hastily, trying to make me walk faster than a snail would, as she put it.

I hate school. I'm 17, In year 11. Yes, I repeated a year because I failed maths and history. It sucks, having to stay at school for longer than I would've had to if I'd just scraped a C.

It's GCSE year and I still have no idea what I want to do for a job. But I still have plenty of time, right? Nope, not really.

"Sophia! Hurry up!" Charlotte called again, more urgently.

Always in such a hurry... who else would care if they're late for school? Exactly. Only Charlotte, who is somehow my best friend. She's quite popular, as well as being goody two shoes, and I'm just... average.

I began to run to catch up so she wouldn't be too mad with me, but suddenly stopped in my tracks and shivered.

Someone was watching me. I knew it.

Usually, I'd put it down to me being my stupidly paranoid self, but I'd had this shivery sensation on and off since January. It was now May. Five months, so I'm a little more freaked Thani usually would be.

One time, I was in my room listening Black Veil Brides through my headphones and I suddenly had a sense that someone was watching me.

I'd taken my headphones off and looked around my room. No one was there. But what did I expect? A serial killer to be in the corner? Haha, unlikely.

Didn't stop me from looking out the window either, just to be sure. But no one was outside.

"Is anybody there?" I'd shouted, as if I expected a response. Because a murder was sure to be like 'yeah, I'm in the kitchen making a sandwich. Would you like one?'

Strange... but I know someone was watching me... but I just shrugged and put my headphones back on.

I live in a bungalow with my adorable younger sister and my loving mother and father. Except stress about exams, my life was pretty much perfect. I had everything I'd ever want. Family, friends and I did well in school.

Generally. Except me, maths and history somehow ended up as enemies.

But something was going to happen soon, and I knew it. I couldn't place what or whether it would be good or bad, but something big was going to happen, I was sure of it. Mainly because of a certain letter I received unexpectedly from someone with the initials 'CL'.

Another time I was walking though the woods and I felt it again. The sense of being watched.

I loved these woods, I walked through them everyday. I found comfort in being among nature with no distraction from the modern world, just me, nature, and my thoughts.

In an instant, the comfort of the woodland vanished, replaced with an uneasy sense of dread that had settled within my stomach.

I'd looked around, but saw nobody. Nothing but the trees, and the gentle rustle of their leaves being blown about by the wind. All calm, like usual. But I'd never been able to shake the feeling of eyes on me.

Then I'd seen a shadow flit from one tree to another, so fast that if I'd blinked I would have missed it.

"Who's there?" I'd called. Like in a clichéd horror movie, except this was not a movie. It was very, very real.

No one responded, my voice answered with an eery silence.

I ran.

Soon enough, I was out of the trees and onto the empty streets of my town, to my relief. I usually hated the bright lights in the streets, but at this moment I found them comforting, like a warm blanket of safety.

The sense of being watched had vanished almost instantly as I left the woodland behind. Walking rapidly home, I watched my back all the time. It was probably Kate... or Charlotte... but what if it wasn't? A rapist maybe? A kidnapper? A serial killer?

Brain, shut up! Not helpful!

"Sophia are you okay?" Charlotte's voice said, bringing me back to the present.

"Yeah. I was just thinking about some stuff" I said shakily.

"I could see that!" She huffed. "Anyway, walk faster or we'll be late! Come on, or I'll call you Sophia the snail for the rest of your life!" She joked with a smile.

I didn't feel like school anymore, not after those fear inducing memories. I was a hard worker and got good grades in most subjects, so I should be fine if I skipped one day...

Everyone except Charlotte and Kate, my two best friends, hates me. I never understood why, I'm not pretty or anything. I'm not rich. I'm just normal, like most of the population. I don't even attract guys yet they envy me.

"Actually Charlotte, I don't feel too well. I'm going to take the day off, my mum and dad will be working so they won't know. Cover for me? Thanks" I said, before I began walking home. Charlotte shouted "sure!" after me and walked quickly towards school.

But I regretted not going with her instantly. The sense of being watched returned as I headed home, away from Charlotte. I shivered and walked faster. And it wasn't a shiver from the temperature. It's May.

When I arrived home (I have my own front door key) I went straight to my room, threw my bag on the floor and sprawled on my bed, exhausted.

Crinkle. Crinkle. What was that? I got off my bed and looked where I'd been sat.

A sheet of neatly folded paper was on my bed, creased from where I'd be sat on it.

I picked it up hesitantly and opened it. It read:

I'm watching you Sophia. I have been since January. You're felt it right? We have a connection. You'll soon be mine. Signed, CL

I stared at the paper, shocked. Wha... what is this? Is this a joke? I put the letter in the bin shoved all thoughts of it to the back if my mind.

"I think I'll go shopping to take my mind off it... We need milk and butter anyway. A walk will clear my head" I said to myself, trying to calm down. The local shop was only a ten minute walk away, it'll clear my head.

After I'd done the shopping, I began to walk home. It was then I realised I'd never checked the time, how stupid of me!

I looked at my watch, and it read 3.44.

Crap! My parents get home at around 3.50! How will I make it? School finished at 3.00! They'll know I didn't go if I'm not home... I'll have to take the alleyways. The sense of being watched returned, as if shadowing my decision, warning me not to follow through with it.

How I wished I'd listen to my mum that morning. Stay where there are lots of people and it's well lit.

I didn't realise how good that advice was, or how many it had saved me before.

Now it's too late.


Someone grabbed my wrist. I'd be running quite fast and absentmindedly, so it jolted my arm hard, nearly dislocating it.

"We were told to leave you be, but I can't let you out of my sight. You're still mine, sister or not, until you're one of us again"


"So it was you? All this time? You wrote that note? You stalked me." I turned around and glared a him but he just laughed.

"You only just connected the two? Are you stupid? After receiving my note saying I've been watching you and that I'd soon make you mine, which I did, you didn't work it out? Come on darling"

I just glared again. I'm not stupid. He's just a dick. I hate vampires.

"What did you call me?" He said, his tone threatening.

Crap. Be honest or lie? Who am I fooling he can read my mind right as I'm thinking this!

"I'm sorry Master..." I'm not sorry at all. What's the opposite of sorry? I'm not sure but that's what I am.

"You're not great at hiding you're thoughts. I'll have to punish you later, slave. As I said, you're still my little human"

I hate this guy. He's made my life living hell. He took me away from everything I love. I wish I'd never met him. Scratch that, I wish I wasn't related to him, even if it was distantly, never mind siblings!

His expression changed. It looked almost... sad? Disappointed? Regretful? I wasn't sure. He quickly looked at his feet, shadowing his expression.

"I'll leave you alone to think until later. Do whatever, just don't run away" he said, before he left without looking back once.

I've never seen him act like this. Never. He's usually so confident, so cocky. But now...

Why did he look so sad? Was it my thoughts?

Even after all he's done to me -wait... he's actually not been that cruel to me at all except the whole branding incident- I feel kind of bad for him. He's been here all alone for so long... but I hate him for kidnapping me.

I'll go explore a bit to distract me.

I went down the grand staircase and opened a door at random, and found myself looking into the library.

I shuddered at the bad memories I have of this room and touched the mark on my stomach, before quickly shutting the door. I still can't believe he burnt his initials into my skin...

There were so many doors leading off the entrance hall, I wasn't sure where to go.

The front door was on my left, and I was tempted to make a run for it. But to my surprise, I didn't.

Instead, I walked towards the door Chase had walked through and opened it, not knowing why I'd chosen to follow him.

It led into a room that a giant could have lived in comfortably, and at the end of the long room was five thrones.

I was debating whether to leave or get a closer look, but curiosity got the better of me.

It took me at least half a minute to make my way to the thrones, but I didn't care.

When I finally got there, I walked over to the throne on the very right. Inscribed on it was 'Prince Tyson Lynall, first son of Elian and Sky Lynall'

I moved down one and read the inscription on the next throne 'Prince Chase Lynall, second son of Elian and Sky Lynall'

And the next one 'Prince Flynn Lynall, third son of Elian and Sky Lynall'

Then I read the fourth inscription 'Prince Tristan Lynall, fourth son of Elian Lynall and Cienna Pennell'

Wait... So Tristan had a different mother to the rest of his brothers? Strange. Elian didn't seem like a bad guy, or the type that would sleep around...

Then I moved to the fifth throne. I was nervous to read that one, fearing what it might say. I knew there were only four brothers...

As I began to read, my fears were confirmed.'Princess Kira Sophia-Ann Lynall, first daughter and fifth child of Elian and Sky Lynall'

I traced words with my finger tips, not quite processing.

I quickly left the room, but couldn't stop thinking about the thrones as I walked.

I opened a door on the left of the staircase, which lead to another corridor.
I sighed. It would take forever to explore and I might get lost on my own...

"Need a guide?" A voice asked from behind me.

I jumped away from the voice, startled. It was Chase.

"M-Master! You scared me!" He smiled.

"I can see that! But I'm Tyson. Anyway... like me to show you around Sophia?" He asked, holding out his hand.

I looked at the colour of his eyes, and sure enough, light green eyes stared back at me.

"You sure now?" He asked, then laughed.

"Yes, and please show me around" I replied, taking his hand with my own.

He led me down the hallway and pointed out bathrooms, smaller libraries and storage rooms, all the while telling me about his life here.

We then walked back and went through the door on the right of he staircase. This one led into a kitchen.

"Um... Tyson, why do you have a kitchen if you... you know, drink blood?" I thought he'd be angry, but instead he smiled. He seemed different, no sign of the sadistic Tyson anywhere.

"Chase made this room for you. He's been making your food while you were here. He got Flynn's slave Taylor to deliver your food, because he thought you hated him. Plus, he was embarrassed about going soft for you. Don't tell him I said that" he finished, with a wink.

"He made this kitchen usable... For me?"

"Yes, he... well he... It doesn't matter. Let's go upstairs" I just nodded, not wanting to press the subject in case the old Tyson made an appearance.

As we walked back out into the hallway, I noticed Chase stood at the top of the stairs, looking down at us.

"Mind if I take over the tour, K- I mean, Sophia?" He asked politely.

"Sure, I guess" I responded, looking at Tyson for confirmation that it was okay for him to do so.

He nodded. "Go for it, little brother!"

"I'm younger by two minutes!" Chase shouted back playfully  as he took my hand and led me down a corridor.

I could hear Tyson laughing behind us as we walked away.

Wow, I thought those two didn't get on. I mean, Chase did throw Tyson out of the window so...

Chase continued the tour, showing me some things Tyson had already showed me, but also some new things.

He showed me a huge old fashioned lounge and several bedrooms on the second floor. These bedroom were for the brothers and their important guests to use only, I was informed.

On the third floor, the floor I first woke up on, were hundreds of bedrooms. Chase didn't show me them all, there were just too many. These were for the slaves and guests they didn't value in any way.

Suddenly he grabbed my arm and pulled me into one of the bedrooms before facing me, his hands on my shoulders.

His eyes glowed red. "I'm so sorry, I just can't hold back any longer"

He picked me up bridal style and carried me to the bed. I didn't resist or try to move even as he placed me down and moved nearer, his fangs snapping out.

Why don't I feel the urge to resist?

Chase climbed onto the bed and placed his knees either side of me. He leant his head into the crook of my neck and gently placed his mouth over my jugular vein. I don't know why but I like Chase there... I feel protected. Though I know I shouldn't, I should feel the opposite.

I wrapped my arms around his body, pulling him firmly against me.

My heart thumped. Surely I haven't fallen for him...

"I love you" he said before he gently bit into my neck.

What?! He loves me?
So... another chapter done! I think you realised that Sophia going into the alleyways ties into chapter one, where Chase kidnaps her xD this is probably the longest chapter I've ever written so far 😄

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