You're my worst nightmare [Ca...

By hoelyshjt

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In here, your name would be Annica. You have a older brother named Jake and a younger sister named Zoey. All... More

Breaking through
Freak-Flapping Wolves
I'm sorry
Be careful
Oh no...
It is done
You're like a brother to me
It was nothing
How will survive?
A certain person
Where are you?
Sorry guys!
She's my girl. So back off
Its you!
You... You're my... Dad?!
Bonding Time
Taken away
Little or Less... Maybe even least?
ALL a dream?!
Wrong moves
The price
Over protective
From good to bad
Terrible things
You promised
~Flashback 2~
Waking up
Her past
What's this?
The End of our story
Its up!!!
Sequel anyone?
OMFG!!! 2k?!

Saving you

178 4 0
By hoelyshjt

Maggie's POV:
"Hey babe, I'll just take these out okay? Be right in a flash" I said and he nodded. I kissed his lips and he kissed mine
"Love you" He said
"Love you too" I shouted back. I went out the fence and threw the trash outside just then, someone covered my eyes and mouth and I begin to struggle but then the man put some handkerchief in my mouth and I begin to pass out.

--------TIME SKIP--------
I woke up and my hands and feet are chained. I tried to get them off but I failed.
"Help! Somebody! Anybody! Please help!" I yelled and somebody walked in the room it was...
"Ian?" I asked with my eyes wide
"I'm sorry maggie, but I need Annica. I need her and the only way to get her was to kidnap you. You're her weakness" Ian said.
"Then why didn't you kidnap Zoey?" I asked.
"Zoey? Well, Zoey is part of my plan. She knows this, infact. She planned this. She's the leader of all of this. Negan is her..."
"Daughter, atleast. My unconditional daughter" Negan said my eyes widened in shock when I saw Zoey standing next to him.
"But you came with you're uncle" I said to Zoey.
"Yeah, and my uncle is with negan. I have to get rid of Annica once and for all so that I could get carl" Zoey said.
"Ehem... Get rid of annica? I thought we were gonna make her fall for me?" Ian said.
"Oh yeah, that" Zoey said
"Anyways, we have to wait for your people to come and save you. We'll kill all of them including Glenn, once they are all dead. We will keep Carl, Annica and Judith. Then we will kill you" Negan explained.
"I-I'm pregnant... Please don't" I begged.
"Sorry, sorry. I meant, you and your baby. That good? Okay, bye" Negan said and they all walked away.
"ASSHOLES!!" I yelled. I looked down at the cold floor and cried.
Please don't come... Please don't I hoped.

Annica's POV:
We all went inside a small tunnel and searched for Maggie.
"Okay so here's the plan, Michonne and I will search that room and you guys search over there" I pointed.
"No, I won't let you go on your own" Carl said.
"Carl, I'll be fine. Now go" I commanded and we all split out. As we walked on a hallway, we heard some footsteps coming our way so we hid behind a stack of boxes and waited for them to be gone. As soon as they're gone, we walked to a hallway and saw some cells.
"Pssst!" We heard someone call us. We turned around and saw Jake all beaten up and chained.
"Jake? What the hell happened to you?" I said
"Zoey, Zoey is gonna kill you. Your group and Maggie. I tried to stop her but, look what its got me. I'm a mess." He said. I grabbed my machete and broke the lock. I broke the chains too and help him up.
"Come on, I'll take you home." I said and we walked on the hallway.
"I know where Maggie is" He said. We looked at him and we pointed straight.  We then walked over to that cell and we saw Maggie chained.
"Maggie..." I whispered. She slowly lifted her head up and teared up.
"Annica... Help me..." She said. I gave Jake to Michonne first and I broke the lock of the cell. I walked over to her and broke the chain at her feet and at her wrists. Once her hands are free, she hugged me tight.
"Thank you..." She said and pulled away.
"Where's Glenn?" She asked. I smiled and we all got up.
"I know where he is..." I said.

We ran down the hallway and saw Glenn and my Dad but I see no Carl with them. Maggie ran to Glenn's arms and I turned my Attention to my dad.
"Where's Carl?" I asked
"I thought he was with you..." He said.
"Shit..." I cursed under my breath and ran down the hallway again.
"Annica!" Everyone whisper-yelled as they all ran after me.

Suddenly a bullet ran pass infront of me as if I was being targeted. I hid behind a wall and got my gun out of its holster. I returned the fire and hit a man. As I hit him, I walked over to him and placed my foot at his cheek.
"Where's Carl?" I asked coldly.
"H-He's with Negan"
"WHERE?!" I asked
He pointed outside the field and I grabbed my machete and slashed his head. I walked outside with the others. And I saw carl on his knees and his hands are tied to his back.
"Let him go!" I shouted. Everyone's attention were on me and Negan smiled.
"Ahhh... My dearest Annica, its a pleasure to mee--" I cutted him off as I put a gun infront of his stupid face.
"Let him go..." I whispered coldly.
"Okay... Okay... On one condition..." He said.
"What condition?" I asked.
"Your family, and him... For your life" He said and my eyes widened. I turned around and saw people aiming guns at my group. I looked back at negan and he raised a brow.
"Well? Do we have a deal?" He asked.
"Let them go first... I'll let you kill me, torture me or whatever. Just. Let. Them. Go" I said
"Okay..." He said and he signalled something.
"Ah!" I heard carl winced in pain and he had a bruise on his cheek.
"CARL!" I yelled.
"Last chance..." Negan pleaded and the man pointed a gun at Carl's head. I teared up and put down my weapon.
"Annica, you don't have to do this!" Carl yelled.
"I have to save you.." I said. Then the man released Carl. I ran over to Carl and hugged him.
"Annica... Please..." He whispered.
"I want you alive" I said
"And I want you alive too. I couldn't live myself if you die" He explained. I gave him a sad smile and kissed his forehead.
"I love you..." I said and the man took Carl away from me. Another guy hit a rock on my head. It hurt like hell and I crash to the ground.
"NOOO!!" I heard my dad yell.

I spit out some blood and wiped a blood on my nose. The guy kicked me in my stomach causing me to wince in pain.
"My daughter!" I heard dad shout again. The guy pulled my hair and made me stood up. I held his hand which was at the back of my hair and he pointed a kinfe on my throat.
"Any last words?" Negan asked. I looked at them and said.
"Yes... I just want to say that... Please stay alive" I shouted.
"No!" Carl yelled as he cried.
"Please don't!" Dad cried out
"ANNICA!!" Maggie cried too.
Negan placed a gun on my head and pulled the trigger... And everything went black.

Carl's POV:
I saw her lifeless body fall to the ground and her blood all over.
"Kill them" Negan commanded. I ran over to Annica and hug her.
"I love you... Forever and Always" I said and gunshots started heading in and everything went black...

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