
By shiningpolaris

327 47 0

- Harry Potter Fanfiction: Draco Malfoy - We all have fears. Some have of closes places, some of creatures th... More

Parchment 1: Reoccuring Dream and Lightning
Parchment 2: Train Station and Playform 9 3/4 with a Red Head
Parchment 3: End if the Rail and The Sorting Hat
Parchement 4: Slytherin House
Parchment 5: Bruised Knuckle For A Bad Reason
Parchment 6: Fathers First Letter
Parchement 7: Potions Featuring My Annoying Partner
Parchment 8: Dumbledore Can Keep Secrets?
Parchment 9: Mavis Ol-Tell
Parchment 10: Quidditch Try Outs
Parchment 11: Malfoy's Mother and an Unexpected Guest
Parchment 12: Doulde Trouble P
Parchment 13: Dragon Egg
Parchment 14: Training Him
Parchment 15: Granger Girl and the Rude Painting
Parchment 16: Hatched and Blood
Parchment 18: Sphinx Whisker?
Parchment 19: Visitor
Parchment 20: Warning
Parchment 21: "What Will Someone Like You Do."
Parchment 22: Mudblood
Parchment 23: Rencounter
Parchment 24: After Effects
Parchment 25: Draco's and Pansy's Act
Parchment 26: Evening Before Summer
Parchment 27: Rough Night
Parchment 28: 'Home'
Parchment 29: Theresa, Mason and Him
Parchement 30: Mother
Parchment 31: We Own Horses?
Parchment 32: "But It Has Mine,"
Parchment 33: Back, but Not Normal
Parchment 34: Draco Meets Jasper
Parchment 35: Grudge
Parchment 36: Gone
Parchment 37: End of Fifth Year
Parchment 38: Family with a Guest
Parchment 39: Sharing Pain
Parchment 40: Drawn In and Escape
Parchment 41: Lily
Parchment 42: Familiar Face
Parchment 43: Flint
Parchment 44: Awkward Table Conversation
Parchment 45: Catching Up
Parchment 46: Unwanted Company
Parchment 47: Bus Ride
Parchment 48: Morning Post
Quick Note

Parchment 17: Hogsmeade

2 1 0
By shiningpolaris

I wake up to find the sun coming through the open window, my mind in a mess about the whole thing last night and the dream. Draco in my room, the people, the faces, the mark and the worst, the scream...

How much I don't want that to happen, I don't want that at all. I itch the upper part of my arm, I can still feel the blade-like tip of the wand on my skin, the pain that felt like an electrocution flowing through my veins, along with the scream that brought me back to reality. Then, Draco, he was there...

Shaking my head I get off the thought of him, I have better things to think about. Hogsmeade, traveling there will be a pure joy, and I can ask Dumbledore if I can get my wand also. Defense Against Dark Arts has been a pain without a wand, I just sit on the sidelines and take notes on how other people could improve. If they aren't holding their wand right, not enough or too much force, pronunciation of the spell, and on and on, just busy work, that's what it feels like at least.

Getting up from bed the sound of Corral call draws my attention, looking over I see there's a note that is placed in between some books. Pulling out the note I see my last name in a really nice font, whoever sent me this has very nice handwriting. Opening it up I see the few simple words.

Would you like to come with some of my friends while we're at Hogsmeade today? You can bring one of your own friends along, the more the merrier!

-Hermione Granger

I find myself smiling at the kindness of this girl, she really is open to people, once they open up to her or course... I guess that's what helped us click together, even if it was just for a short walk to the Gryffindor common room.

Without a moment wait, I go to my typewriter and start my response to her.

It's very kind of you to invite me today, I will love being with your friends today, I just hope they won't be scared since I'm Slytherin... I may bring someone else, she's funny and also likes to meet new people. Her name is Mavis Ol-Tell, she's a Slytherin also, and if this change then I guess it will just be me. Thanks for the invite once again!

-Nebula Quest

P.S. could we stop to get a Butterbeer while we are there? We don't have too but it's just a small request...

Taking the response I fold it up and wrap a string around Corrals leg. Petting her feathers I whisper a small address or area for her.

"Gryffindor Common Room, Granger, a girl with fuzzy hair and brown eyes, probably is sleeping or reading.." Corral jumps off the window and swoops upwards.

A knock on my door comes and in comes Mavis, right on time too! I can ask her about today if she would like to go or not.

"Morning!" Mavis says jumping on to my bed, running her fingers down the small dragons back, I can't say lizard or he might get offended...

"Morning," I reply back to her, "would you like to come to Hogsmeade with me and some other people?" Mavis sighs and shakes her head.

"I can't, the Potions class is making me lag behind and I need to get back up with a good grade or I'm going to fail, and-and I can't let that happen," Mavis goes silent for a few seconds, "I'm sorry Neb.."

Inside I wanted to either smack her or smack myself, I can't tell right now or ever. Should have known it would come down to this...

Waving my hand in the air I give my fake reply.

"Oh, it's okay, but sometimes we have to go together," I promise her, oh so much... Mavis nods her head and skipped out of my room. Guess she is just happy with studying, that's okay if she likes it then she can go for it, and if she wants to get better than what other way is there?

Standing up I got to my 'closet', opening it up I must choose an outfit for today. I most definitely will it go or let people see me in my outfit. I hate skirts and they hate me, so it's only normal, but yet, skirts are more feminine, and I sure ain't that load.

I scan my fingers over the different types of fabrics and textures, sighing I close my eye and reach my hand in. Since I can't make up my mind...

Grabbing on to a hook I pull it back, opening my eyes I see a nice white t-shirt that fades into a dark blue almost black, grab some jeans, get the converse on, and oh, my gray beanie, can't forget that. Going over to the door I grab Andrew's black hoodie, I throw that over my shoulders and I am ready to go.

"To Hogsmeade."


Clenching my fists I feel a wave of stupidity wash over me. Hermione didn't tell me where to meet them, hanging my head low I decide to go straight to the wand shop.

No time like the present.

"What's that place called again? Oh poor memory, but I haven't been here yet either so, that just adds to my problems currently.." I slide my hands into my pockets and walk towards the shop, at least I think it's this way...

If it isn't, I will know soon enough, I'll probably get lost and end up wandering into the Hogs Head without even noticing it. I wish I knew my way around this place, rubbing my temple I try to think back when Andrew brought me here I get the books I was required to get. Where everything was, what roads or streets connected them together or changed.

"Oh, your worthless Nebula," I whisper, looking around the corner or square, or just even the street I see everything and everyone. Maybe the twins came, maybe I can ask them! But then..they are probably with Ron..? I think that's what his name is.

"Worthless? My, my miss you ain't like that at all." A voice comes from behind, I see a man with white hair and developing mustache and beard, not as long as Dumbledore's though, and he is much more organized and takes care of his hair much more too.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know you were listening.." I say embarrassed by someone hearing the rude comment to myself.

"I hear all and see all miss, and by your look, you're missing something," the man says rubbing his eyes, did he not get enough sleep? I decide to test his knowledge on these types of things, a test almost.

"What kind of thing would that be?" I ask him, he lets out a chuckle and pulls out a pipe from his back pocket.

"Well, you'll find it before you leave, but that isn't the only thing you'll find miss, now excuse me, I must leave," the man leaves me. Pulling my hands together, nice and close to my body, I rub them together trying to keep warm. Or get my converse wet, if they get wet, then my feet will freeze, and top that I wouldn't be able to walk again.

"Back to what I was originally doing.." I mumble to myself, heading, I think, straight into town or at least the square. But I barely know around here, I probably won't even find that. Sighing I find myself worthless indeed, guess I will have to get directions from someone around here instead.

"Talking to strangers, one of the worst perks about me," I kindle enough courage to step up to a woman who must be around her twenties, ruby red hair straight down past her shoulders, vivid green eyes with a kind smile, though she was shocked to receive a tap on the shoulder from me.

"Yes? May I help you?" She asks kneeling down to me, yes I am that short. Yes, it is embarrassing for someone my age to get talked down to by adults.

"Do, you know where the wand shop is?" I ask, giving a slow nod she stands back up, straight as a plank and holds her hand out to me. For an odd reason I take her hand in my own, it's a weird gut feeling, her eyes seem somewhat familiar also, though, I just can't place where.

"Come along, it's down a little further," she says to me, and we head down to the wand maker.

"Are you married?" I ask simply, she gives a light laugh at my child-like question. Though I was very curious about it, she has a ring on but it isn't one of those expensive rings that some rich wizards would get, it's simple and elegant just how it is.

"Yes, and I have a son also, he is going to Hogwarts, he's in your year too! But I just hope he doesn't cause any trouble like his father did when he went there," she sighs and looks down at me, "can you watch over him for me? Or at least keep an eye on him, since I can't anymore?" Nodding my head I give her a bright smile, making our promise be tied together for sure.

"I can! It would be a pleasure, I guess.." I say giving a small giggle, and that is one thing I don't do often. This woman, she is the definition of a mother, kind, strong, loves to laugh and make sure her kids are well under control when they are around company or just other family members.

"Here you go, at your destination," she leads me inside and I continue in running towards the counter. Getting to the counter I turn around to say thanks but she is gone, just in a matter of seconds. Guess she has other things to do...

"Why it's the girl I met on the street, I knew you were missing something, and that something I was correct by what it was," he chuckles, I shrug my shoulders and look round at all the matters, cores, and woods all around the shop.

"Did you see the woman that brought me here?" I ask, the man shakes his head and gives me a funny look, some confusion and worry in his beady eyes.

"No, I did not, you came here by yourself, at least that is what I saw.."

"But I didn't come alone! There was a mother with me, I know she was there, most definitely.." The man gives a shrug and walks back through two wooden doors.

Feeling worried and angered by this I start to tap my finger against the counter of dark wood, I know she was there, he must have been busy with something else and missed her walking past the window.

"Now, miss, you want a wand-"

"More like need of you want to be honest, one of my classes has been terrible since the beginning of the year," I reply to his first phrase, I want to see if I can find Hermione after I get my wand I just hope I find her soon.

"Ah, well, let's see," he looks back behind him and pulls out the panels of wood, there I see rows and rows of wands, all different shapes, woods, cores, and even sizes.

That's one thing Andrew didn't mention in his letter or told me in person before leaving for Hogwarts.

"Now, how about this one?" He hands me a light colored wood, I'm assuming it's Dogwood, the hilt is straight down with a pointy end, it's about nine inches long. Waving it around I shake my head, almost accidentally saying a spell that Andrew taught me, it's an easy one of course. And sneaking around was one of our hobbies as children and still is.

"No, too light," I say giving it back to him, nodding his head he goes further down the line of carved magic. His hand reaches upon a taller, longer and much thicker wand made out of, I believe Cedarwood, there are small engravings near the bottom, of a rabbit, stag and another forest creature that I can't quite make out.

"Try this, the core is unicorn hair, may do a better suit.." Taking it in my hands, once again, I wave it around in the air, this time I do say something, another simple one.

"Lumos!" The end of the wand starts to glow, but this is when the milk turns sour, or things just go downhill very fast. The tip of the wand catches on fire, the man's eyes widen and as a rabbit does jump over the counter and snatched the wand away from my grasp. The fire going out once his hands take over the wood.

"Most definitely no," sighing he continues to look around with the other wands, "normally I would have found one for the user by now, you're special I must say.."

I know that 'special' isn't in a good way...

"Would you like a request?" He asks, I'm pretty shocked by this question, why a does he mean by requests. A wand chooses its owner or the owner chooses the wand and then they bond or agree with one another. You can't have a request. He of all people should know that.


"Did you enter a placement?"


"Did your, family make one for  you?"

"No." I can feel his anger and annoyance with my honest truth start to rise. Clenching his fists together he starts to pace back and forth, trying to think clearly, which ended up in a few mumbled words I would rather not repeat.

"I've made wands for years, I should know what wand will understand and protect a young one like you, yet, all the ones that seemed reasonable with you rejected you... What in the blazes is happening here.." He pulls on his white whiskers angrily, going back into his own personal room I just sit near the window.

Looking out at all the people walking by and even chatting with people they've known for years or just met with today.

Then I decide to focus in on some, that's when something gleaming catches my attention, something long and silver. Leaning against the window I recognize the man right away, with the child at his side.

Lucius Malfoy and Draco Malfoy.

What is his father doing here?

I continue to watch, I didn't know Draco was coming to Hogsmeade, I thought I said he wasn't to Crabbe this morning or last night, oh, whenever it was. Whatever his father was talking about it went serious right away, a facial expression I know too well came into view, the lowered brows, clenched teeth, and veins coming from his forehead and neck.

Then it happens, though it's a busy street I can hear it loud and clear, remembering my own memory of that happening to me quite frequently.

The loud slap, hand upon cheek, fast and to the point. I see Draco's down cast face, along with his eyes just starting to water. Lucius' face goes back to being emotionless and talking his son like a father would but this was very, very different. Then a suddenly grab to his shoulder, and walking away, with Draco dragging behind almost, Draco wasn't on the ground, he was still on his feet, staggering to keep up with his fathers hurried stride.

What just happened, what just blooming happened. I retrace back to it, trying to understand it more. His father was here and not for the best reason either, that is left unknown due to the lack of information I don't have. Angrily slamming my hand against the glass I sit back down.

Now I know where my father gets his behaviors from.

"Miss!" I get scared by this, jumping in and out of my skin, turnip I meet the wand makers face. "I think I found one for you." His back is towards me, reaching down he pulls out something I've never seen before in my life.

"This is made out of Ironwood, the handle carved out as you can tell, each layer of wood is places out perfectly," then at the end is something that reminds me of a paint brush, "continuing up each cut out and layered," looks like a dragons tail with one huge scale going over top of one another, "then the shaft is curved, in out, in out, till the top, ever so slowly going from, at the bottom, larger to small, it is 12 3/4 long, and the core," he stops and lets out a nervous breath, that's a bad thing for sure, something isn't good in this situation.

The core is what!

"A Sphinx Whisker, now if you know what that means well, a-anyway so, try it out.." He hands me this new one, I don't know where he got it from but I just know this is the one.

Once in my hand I smile, raising it up and down, in a circle I knew this was it. Though I don't understand what he meant by the whole thing with a Sphinx Whisker, those are amazing beasts.

"N-now if you don't mind, leave," he hurries back to the room behind the counter closing everything up as quickly as he could. Pushing me out the door he slams it shut and the golden words form near the window, closed.

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