The Dead World I Live In

By BlackRose54

62.6K 1.2K 204

1: Ava Barns believes she is the last human left alive in a world full of zombies. She knows the cure, but ho... More

The Dead World I Live In (Prologue)
The Dead World I Live In (Chapter 1)
The Dead World I Live In (Chapter 2)
The Dead World I Live In (Chapter 3)
The Dead World I Live In (Chapter 4)
The Dead World I Live In (Chapter 5)
The Dead World I Live In (Chapter 6)
The Dead World I Live In (Chapter 7)
The Dead World I Live In (Chapter 8)
The Dead World I Live In (Chapter 9)
The Dead World I Live In (Chapter 10)
Authors SOS
The Dead I Live With (Prologue)
The Dead I Live With (Chapter 1)
The Dead I Live With (Chapter 2)
The Dead I Live With (Chapter 3)
The Dead I Live With (Chapter 4)
The Dead I Live With (Chapter 5)
The Dead I Live With (Chapter 6)
The Dead I Live With (Chapter 7)
The Dead I Live With (Chapter 8)
The Dead I Live With (Chapter 9)
The Dead I Live With (Chase's Chapter 1)
The Dead I Live With (Chapter 10)
The Dead I Live With (Chase's Chapter 2)
The Dead I Live With (Chapter 11)
The Dead I Live With (Chapter 12)
The Dead I Live With (Chapter 13)
The Dead I Live With (Chapter 14)
The Dead I Live With (Chapter 15)
The Dead I Live With (Chapter 16)
The Dead I Live With (Chapter 17)
The Dead I Live With (Chapter 18)
The Dead I Live With (Chapter 19)
The Dead I Live With (Chapter 20)
The Dead I Live With (Chapter 21)
The Dead I Give Life To (Chapter 1)
The Dead I Give Life To (Chapter 2)
The Dead I Give Life To (Chapter 3)
The Dead I Give Life To (Chapter 4)
The Dead I Give Life To (Chapter 5)
The Dead I Give Life To (Chapter 6)
The Dead I Give Life To (Chapter 7)
The Dead I Give Life To (Chapter 8)
The Dead I Give Life To (Chapter 9)
The Dead I Give Life To (Chapter 10)
The Dead I Give Life To (Chapter 11)
The Dead I Give Life To (Chapter 12)

The Dead I Give Life To (Prologue)

1K 24 5
By BlackRose54


Red blood shot eyes stared at me, hunger, blood lust and an inhumane animalistic streak in its dead DNA. A low growl starting deep in the pit of its empty stomach and travelling all the way across the room to me rung in my ears, and we squared each other up.

It must have known it was going to die.

Honestly, it was him or me, and I for one was not going to take this lying down.

The street was fairly empty. I didn’t have enough strength to pick up an overturned car and throw it, so I’d have to opt for something lighter.

A flickering street light caught my eye, and I slowly took a few steps towards it. Anything too sudden, any hasty movements, would make it lunge for me.

I tried to keep my breathing under control and quiet, although I could feel my heart rate accelerating when I stared into the face of my enemy: Or my family.

It would have to be now or never, as it was already dragging itself closer towards me. I kicked the base of the street lamp, and it collapsed under the power of my kick. It fell, and I caught it in my hands.

It charged, growling as it came closer to me.

In one swift fluid motion, I swung the street light like a baseball bat, hitting the beast in the head. An ear splitting crack echoed through the empty street, and bile rose in my throat.

Something bumped into my foot.

Swallowing the scream I was desperate to unleash, I looked down, to see its head at my feet. Its eyes were bulging out of its sockets, and the few teeth it had left were blood stained. I threw the street light to one side and it landed on the pavement with a clank.

“I’M HERE! WHERE IS IT?! I’LL KILL IT!” Kain suddenly yells, running towards me with an axe in his hands. “ARRRRGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!!!” He charged towards me, and then stopped when he realised there was nothing for him to kill.

“Little bit too late Kain” I inform him dryly, bending down to pick the head up “Here, catch!” I tossed the head at him, and he dropped the axe in shock and caught it.

He pulled a disgusted face. “How very cute” Grossed out, he tossed the head into a bush, and walked towards me. “So, you okay? The baby’s okay too?”

“I-“ Before I could finish, Chase comes running in from the opposite direction to Kain, holding a chain saw over his head.

“AAAARRRRRRGGGGHHHH- Hang on a minute, where’s it gone?”He asks, lowering the chainsaw. I contemplate throwing him the dead body, but that might be going a tad too far.

“Seriously guys? If I would have waited for you I’d be the one with my head in the bush... Momma bear took care of the big scary zombie okay?” I mocked, and they both glared at me.

“Save the sarcasm. Either way that’s the third one that’s got in this month; they really must be starting to run out of food wherever they’re wondering in from” Chase concluded, and I nodded along.

They hadn’t wondered in; they’d been let in.

Word had got out about my pregnancy, and about how my father and sort of myself as well had started this, and rumours were circling that not all the soldiers were happy about it. In fact, none of them were.

But strict orders from Stark had kept them from lashing out, so any mutinies were being kept in the cabins instead of on deck. I was grateful for that.

We both were.

Our baby; Mine and Chase’s. I was about 4 months gone now, but possibly not being a human baby, it could come at any time. I had fully accepted that it was mine. But Chase...

He didn’t like to talk about it. As far as it concerned him, it was a burden, and whenever I brought it up he changed the subject. He hadn’t accepted it like everyone else had, or like I had.

And I doubted even after it was born he would.

I call it ‘it’. We don’t know the gender (if it even has one) but I don’t want to know. I will fight until the death to protect my child, no matter what gender, and it does not bother me if Chase is not there to help me. If he doesn’t want any part in our child, that is his loss.

But if he thinks for a second this child will suffer at all to the hands of scientific experiments, I will take the freaking chainsaw from him and cut open all his organs and personally hand feed them to the zombies.

At least he’d suggested that I stop transferring blood to the zombies until after I’d given birth. I hoped my child would have my blood type, so I wouldn’t solely be reliable for converting the however many billions of zombies on planet earth back to humans.

On the bright side, we’d discovered that anyone I converted back would be have the same blood type as I would, but as I’d only converted Stark’s daughter, Mabel, so far,  it was still me and her left to save the world. And possibly my unborn child as well, when it was time.

Coco didn’t count, as she was a dog, and Chase didn’t want to risk adding anymore different blood into the already complicated mix.

Coco and Mabel were both adapting back really well. Mabel was already beginning to talk more normally again, and she was gaining more strength by the day.

Coco and Isu got along really well, considering that Coco was once a zombie and that Isu was over twice her size and still growing. My family was constantly growing.

“KAIN! ARE YOU HURT DARLIN’??!” A southern voice screeched, running up to Kain and throwing her arms around his neck.

“I’m fine Paulie” Kain told his girlfriend Paulie, and I smiled at them. Well, until their mouths found each others, and they began making slurpy noises. Ugh.

Something hit me emotionally. Was it...Envy? Chase hadn’t kissed me, told me he loved me, or said anything nice to me ever since he found out about the baby. It hurt to see everyone else in love, and to love someone who was being so distant.

“I think we should be heading back to camp” Chase announced, and he began to walk away, not waiting for anyone.

Not even me.

Back at camp, I took a shower, as my clothes had gotten stained with zombie blood. As the cool water rushed over my body, I thought about Chase, and I tried to remember anything that I had said to him that could have offended him.

In my stomach, the baby moved, sensing my agitation. I stroked my stomach soothingly, and the baby settled down again. Surely it couldn’t be mutant if it responded like this to me?

Without warning, I heard the door to my bedroom open and slam shut, and footsteps go towards the en suite I was currently in. Heavy fists thumped on the door, and I switched off the shower, stepping out and wrapping a towel around myself.

Quickly, I put on some panties, as I didn’t want to be totally indecent.

“Chase?” I called out. No response. I left my wet hair dripping onto my towel, and once my towel was secure around my body I stepped out of the bathroom, into my bedroom. Why is the light not on, I’m sure I left it turned on...?

Suddenly, I was knocked off my feet, and someone spun me around so my back was pressed against their chest, and their arm was wrapped around my neck. It was a guy, I could tell that much. They had no bumps if you catch my drift.

“Did you like my friend?” He asked voice low and gruff. It wasn’t natural; he was trying to disguise it. I paused for a moment, trying to work out what he meant. Friend...?

It hit me. The zombie in the street. It was there because of him!

“YOU!” I screamed, jabbing an incredibly forceful elbow into his stomach. He recoiled, but I didn’t stop there. I did a high kick, hitting him in the chest (thanking myself that I had pants on) and sending him backwards. He landed on the floor, and I pounced on top of him.

I hit his face, until it was a bloody mess. I grinned, and adjusted the top of my towel. This random guy had been trying to kill me for months, and he expects me to be okay with it?

Only he wasn’t so random, I knew him from somewhere.

Something pressed into my stomach, and I looked down to see a gun directed at my baby. It was him! The guy who I’d put a gun to his head, and he’d put one to my stomach.

“Brings back memories, right saviour?” He muttered, spitting blood out of his mouth

“Who put you up to this?” I snarled, wrapping my hands around his throat.

“No-one darling,  I just wanted to check you were as good as everyone says you are. I’ve never seen you in action.”

“And who might ‘I’ be?” I asked, adding quotation marks around the I. He chuckles, and I increase the death grip I’ve got going on his neck.

“Jesse Andrews and that baby is mine” My eyes widen, and I put an even tighter hold on his neck. Without warning, he slaps my hands to the side, and pounces on top of me.

“No...It’s Chase’s, you’re lying... How are you so strong, who are you, how old are you?” A million questions flood into mind about this stranger, and he places a finger to my lips.

“I am one of you; The Aveasa. Though considering it’s half mine, it should be Javeasa baby, but you’re just selfish aren’t you?”

“You’re wrong, that’s not possible...” I trail off, as I’m too shocked and nervous to continue. Sure he had super strength, but everyone knew the rest. He was making it up, he’s delusional...But what if he’s right?

But the baby had to be Chase’s, right? I’d never even had a proper conversation with this guy until now and there’s no way I could have slept with him. But maybe that’s not how I create life? Chase said I was infertile, so maybe it wasn’t his after all.

But that didn’t explain the start of my baby’s life.

I shouldn’t doubt that the man I love is not the father of my child. It has to be Chase. It’s got to be Chase. How dare this stranger make me doubt that?!

“Explain” I demand, and Jesse removes his fingers from my lips and traces the side of my face instead. My breathing accelerates, and the baby starts moving so much you’d think its life depended on it.

“Maybe I should, but that would be giving away the game wouldn’t it baby?” Jesse moves his hand down to my stomach, and the baby places a foot against his hand. I gasp, shocked. I don’t believe him though, I don’t, he has no proof, it’s all I coincidence.

Despite how many times I chant this in my head, it still doesn’t make the doubts that he could maybe, just possibly be right, leave my head.

I clamp my hand down over his, and I feel the baby’s other foot move so it’s pressing against our hands. “Please tell me” I whisper, frightened that he could be right.

“Baby now you sound scared” He mocks, and bringing his face close to mine so he can whisper into my ear.

“I am”

I felt something change in him as I whispered into his ear. He intertwined his fingers with mine, and he moved our hands away from my stomach to the side of his face. Speechless, I cup his face, and our eyes lock.

And for a brief moment, the world stops being so terrifying and scarring, and I am reminded of all the good things still left in this world.

“Meet me in the shed on courtyard when it gets dark”

Without another word, he climbs off me, and walks out of my room, leaving me alone in the dark. I stay on my back, on my bedroom floor, as I can’t find the strength in me to stand up. I swallow. Was he really the father of my child?

Was he the reason I give life to the dead?


HELLOOOOO AGAIN!!!!! First chapter of a gripping new part of dead world, so gripping in fact that even I don’t know what’s going to happen!

It’s been longer than a few weeks I know, and for that I apologise. But until I sat down and wrote this chapter, I’ve been consumed by writers block. But since I invented Jesse, that’s all gone away! YAY!

Thoughts on Jesse: Is he to be trusted? I mean, he set zombies on her, and held a gun to her head. But he’s insisting the child’s his, and saying that the Aveasa are not Aveasa at all, but Javeasa, meaning that they are combination of both of them. How will Chase react to all this if it turns out that the baby he didn’t really care about is not his after all?

You wanna know now don’t ya?

I don’t like putting limits on chapters (unless I’m reeeeeaally super busy or desperate) but I would like 8 votes for this chapter. I don’t know why I picked 8, but it seems like a nice number.  And comments on Jesse would also be appreciated, after my sexy little summary.

Thanxxx for reading and Thanxxx for sticking with me!! XXX

PS. For those of you who think paranormal is the bomb-diggity, I have another story that might be your cup of tea. It’s about a vampire girl and...Well, you’ll have to read to find out ;P Check my profile page for a little story called Soul: Black Blood. You never know, you might enjoy it.

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