Infatuation (Yandere Boys x R...

By MaskCover

8.2M 275K 518K

After six new boys meet (Y/n), they begin an unhealthy obsession over the female and soon take it too far. Th... More

Chapter 1: The New Boy
Chapter 2: New Encounters
Chapter 3: Interaction
Chapter 4: A Favour
Chapter 5: Coming Out Of A Shell
Chapter 6: Cruel Accident
Chapter 7: Getting To Know You
Chapter 8: The Sound Of Music
Chapter 9: A New Friend
Chapter 10: The Cracks Appear
Chapter 11: An Unpleasant Surprise
Chapter 12: Breaking Boundries
Chapter 13: Sweet Muse
Chapter 14: "My Hero"
Chapter 15: Secret Drama
Chapter 16: Ignorance and Arrogance
Chapter 17: A New Side
Chapter 18: Cracks Appear
Chapter 19: Invitation
Chapter 20: Falling Facade
Chapter 21: Not Sorry Enough
Chapter 22: A Visit
Chapter 23: Study Session
Chapter 24: A Plan
Chapter 25: Resturant
Chapter 26: The Tour
Chapter 28: Welcome
Chapter 29: A Plan
Chapter 30: Protect
Chapter 31: Confusion
Chapter 32: The Start
Chapter 33: Rival
Chapter 34: Grief
Chapter 35: Next Day
Chapter 36: An Apology
Chapter 37: A Promise
Chapter 38: Truth
Chapter 39: To Hide
Chapter 40: Phone Call
Chapter 41: Another Day
Chapter 42: An Accident
Chapter 43: Talks
Chapter 44: Decisions
Chapter 45: Panic
Chapter 46: Cornered
Chapter 47: Rest
Chapter 48: Quality Time
Chapter 49: A Long Day
Chapter 50: A Little Pain
Chapter 51: Concerns
Chapter 52: Discoveries
Chapter 53: The Visitor
Chapter 54: A Few Memories
Chapter 55: Departure
Chapter 56: Sufferings
Chapter 57: Acceptance
Chapter 58: Past Scars
Chapter 59: A Loving Touch
Chapter 60: Comfort
Chapter 61: Realisations
Chapter 62: Changing Views
Chapter 63: Conflicting Emotions
Chapter 64: Concerns And Terror
Chapter 65: More Inquiries
Chapter 66: Fearful Danger
Chapter 67: Confused Tensions
Chapter 68: Disturbed Peace
Chapter 69: Deceitful Choices
Chapter 70: Explanations
Chapter 71: Last Resort
Chapter 72: Captivity
Chapter 73: Consequences
Chapter 74: Leadings
Chapter 75: The Bright And The Dark
Chapter 76: Conflict
Chapter 77: Wishful Thinking
Chapter 78: Temptations
Chapter 79: Confusing Theorem
Chapter 80: Relieving Tensions
Chapter 81: Shared Feelings
Chapter 82: Trust
Kaito Ending
Jin Ending
Bako Ending
Ryo Ending
Alex Ending
Ren Ending
True Ending
A/N + Q&A
Q&A Directed To The Author
Q&A About The Characters Or Story

Chapter 27: New Face From The Past

69.2K 3K 3.4K
By MaskCover

Monday September 21st

(Y/n) made begrudging strides on her way to school, still exhausted at the trouble she got herself into when her excuse for staying out so late without an explanation, didn't fly with her grandmother. She could still feel the disapproving and angry stare, that only a grandmother could make, still lingering on her. 'I'll really get it when I come back home.' Thankfully, the elderly woman had allowed her granddaughter to go to her room with the expectation of giving her time to think on how to word her explanation. 'I can't just tell her I've been hanging around with six guy classmates, she'll get the wrong idea, and then I'll really be in for it...and how am I going to explain the alpacas...' She sighed and tried to push the worries aside and focus on the last few feet left of her journey to school. 'And then I'm going to have to try and find my phone later...damn it, it's only the start of a new week and it's already stressful.' She rubbed her temple, easing the muscles in her brain, and just as she was about to continue walking nonchalantly, she got shoved from behind. The impact forced her to the ground, with the weight of a large form on top of her back. She was about to scream and begin flailing pathetically to knock off her attacker when she heard the frantic giggles and laughter of two people. (Y/n) rolled over to look up into the bright green eyes of her absent friends.

"I think we finally scared her." Lala triumphantly gave her sister a high five and they both stuck their tongues out at the ambushed girl. (Y/n) sat up and crushed the two girls into a welcoming -and slightly vengeful- bear hug.

"Finally! You girls left me on my own last week, well...almost." She stood up with the twins and became hyped up at the prospect of showing her friends the progress she had made with the new group of boys.

"US?! You were the one who wouldn't answer her phone! We thought you were dead!" Saki got extremely close to the girl's face and continued to poke her in the forehead.

"That's the thing, I lost my phone on Saturday, so I didn't know you contacted me." (Y/n) swatted the girl's hand away and defensively crossed her arms, which only further confused the pair of girls.

"What do you mean?" Lala looked closely into the girl's face to check for any clue of the context.

"Well..." (Y/n) slyly smirked at the two sisters, ready to reveal her surprise to them, when the revelation appeared in physical form.

"(Y/n)! Hey!" (Y/n) turned around to see Ryo waving frantically at her and then spotted the rest of the group behind him. (Y/n) waved back at the cheerful boy and then turned humorously toward her dumbfounded friends.

They continued to divert their gazes from their friend to the group males heading their way, the pieces clicking into place, "Ooohhh mmmyyyy Gggoooodd..." The twins grabbed their friend and began to shake the sense out of her.

"What did you do?!"

"What did we miss?!"

"It was only 3 days!"

"Please teach me!"

The girls straightened up their appearance as the guys were now a few feet away from them. They both fixated their gaze on the silent male, who had every muscle in his body prepared to bolt for the hills if either of them came even an inch closer.

"Come on, let's go inside before the bell rings." She led her distracted friends towards the school building while the boys stayed a few paces back in fear of their fans.

After a few minutes of awkward, one-sided conversations between the twins and the boys -most specifically, Alex- they got hit by a realisation and turned to their (h/c) haired friend. "Oh (Y/n), we almost forgot! Come on Lala, tell the girl!" Saki kept on nudging her twin with great excitement.

Lala came closer to her friend, trying to mask the obvious exhilaration bubbling up inside her, "(Y/n), guess who is coming to visit us." She smirked playfully, trying to contain the furore inside her.

"Who?" (Y/n) watched her ebullient friend's smile widen.

"Kenzan is here!" At first (Y/n) took a moment to process the words, as if what she had heard was not a figment of her imagination. But as the voice started to sink slowly in, an evident hue of red began suffusing throughout her face.

"O-oh..." (Y/n) attempted to sound as unaffected as possible but the smile that was forcing itself on her lips was giving away her true emotions. She felt her cheeks flaring up and turned away from the eyes of the group, trying to cool her enflamed skin. This left the boys speechless and in the dark at the reasoning for the girl's reaction. "R-really? When can I see him- I-I mean, welcome him back." Despite there being no progression in composing her appearance, (Y/n) expectantly began fidgeting.

"Aaaww, look at her Lala! She looks like a tomato!" Saki began laughing at the girl's dilemma when her sister hit her over the head.

"Don't laugh at her feelings you sadist!" She began scolding her sister while the flustered (Y/n), tried to breathe out more questions but her words always seemed to hitch in her lungs with every heart beat.

"What's going on here?" Bako finally decided to incline on answers himself, which caught the twins' attention.

"Hahaha, well dear, our sweet and unromantic (Y/n) here, has a small crush on a certain boy~" Saki mockingly patted the breathless girl's head, only adding to her crimson features.

However, in contrast to the females' bubbling excitement, there seemed to be a darker cloud of negative emotions looming around them, engulfing the very air their breathe, with the toxic and poisonous aura. For a moment, the boys seemed completely detached from the world around them and inside their own roller-coaster.

The first one to get brought back to reality was Kaito, who watched the girl's flushed face with disgusted disapproval. 'This is getting complicated, where did this come from?' He was prepared to punch a wall -or better yet, the boy that had gotten (Y/n) blushing at the mere thought of him- so he took a full few seconds to compose himself from his cantankerous state. "Who is this...Kenzan?" The intellectually bitterly spit out the name as if saying it would cause a natural disaster somewhere in the world.

Lala decided to take the duty of explaining, "Kenzen is our older brother. He's come back from studying in Australia and..." The blond girl turned back towards her friend with a grin, "He might actually be staying here, permanently."

At this, (Y/n) stopped her laboured attempts in speaking out and stared at her friend. And in the span of a few seconds, the world began to spin in a circle inside her vision and a wave of nausea hit her. "(Y-Y/n)!" Bako lunged towards the girl, to stabilise her as her brain seemed to melt out of her ears.

"(Y-Y/n)! Breath! See what happens when you don't ease her into this kind of thing!" Saki began frantically fanning her friend to bring some chilling sensation to her senses.

"K-Kenzan is staying...?"

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