My Gay Mate (boyXboy) complet...

By Genna3

199K 7.4K 780

Mathew was a normalish teen with a strange past. His mother was raped at age eight giving her him and his fat... More

chapter one: (rewrote a few things)
chapter two: (added too)
Chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-one
Not an update
Not unupdate
Chapter Twenty-three
Chapter Twenty-four
Chapter Twenty-five
Chapter Twenty-six
Authors Note:

Chapter twenty-two

4.6K 232 28
By Genna3

Matt's P.O.V.

My mom just looked at me and smiled. I'm having a mental break down about the fact I could be pregnant and she is smiling at me!

"Of course I'm smiling. I figured since you were  into boys I would have to rely on Sam or Angel or even your new sibling to give me grand-kids. You should really learn not to talk out loud. That's a very bad habit. Now get up and put your shoes on, I'm taking you to the pack doctor."

I sighed but did what she said. I grabbed my jacket and ran down stairs behind her, since I had my shoes on still, I never took them off. We got into my moms car and headed down to the pack doctor. My stomach wouldn't stop doing flips.

We got to the doctors office after a few minutes. My mom pulled me out of the car and dragged me in. I'm not joking about that either. She had to literally drag me in by the hand because I refused to go in. This isn't a family doctor. This isn't the dentist (which I hate). This, this is the female doctor. The gynecologist. The doctor that makes sure a women's parts work right and help her with being pregnant and stuff. It was that doctor.

We walked in, well I was dragged in, and went up to the front counter. There was an older women sitting there doing paper work. She had to have been at least fifty if not older. Her hair was almost all white but some was a really light blonde and it was up in a bun. She had brown eyes that told her age.

"Hello, Rosalie. What are you doing here? You don't have an appointment for another few weeks."

"Hello, Nancy. I'm not here for myself today." she then pointed to me. Nancy just looked at my mom like she had three heads then turned towards me. She just kept looking at me trying to figure out why I was the one that needed to be here. "Half-blood." Is all my mom had to say before Nancy just nodded.

"Ah. Well Doctor Martin is with someone right now but I'm sure we can squeeze you in." She smiled and started to type stuff onto her computer. 

"Thank you Nancy." My mom said before walking over to a chair and leaving me to stand thereby my self. I was about to walk away when Nancy looked up at me and gave me the 'don't move, you have papers to get' look. 

I was right about the look. She handed me a clipboard with papers and a pen. Sigh just what I need, more work. I went and sat next to my mom. I looked at the paper and realized how ridiculous this thing is. It had questions like 'When are you due, whose the father' I sighed and handed the clipboard to my mom.

"I can't fill this out. I don't know when you did it last or when you."

"MOM! Okay, okay. Fine."I took the clipboard and started to try and figure out what everything meant. I filled it out to the best I could understand and than gave it back to Nancy. I went and sat next to my mom again hoping that they didn't call my name but hers. There were a lot of women in here looking at me like I was the father to my mothers baby she was carrying. They gave me a look of disgust. You have to remember my mom is all of twenty-eight. Shes only ten years older than I am. Long story short she was raped as a kid had me and when I was ten I found her and started to live with her and her now husband. Which has been told before but yea I'm eighteen now so it looks bad. I sank down into my chair and covered my face. 

"Matt, don't slouch like that it's not good for your back." My mom said. I huffed but sat up. A few of the women were giggling but the rest were still giving me dirty looks. 

"Mathew and Rosalie, the doctor will see you now." A nurse said. I looked up at the girl. She was pretty. she had short red hair, green eyes, freckles on her noise and was about average size. If I wasn't gay and possibly pregnant with another dudes baby, I would so totally hit on her. "This way please."

She took us into a room that had a scale and the type measure on the wall. She looked at the chart and gave a odd look before shaking it off and asking me to step on the scale. "Alright, don't move." The scale made a beeping noise than she looked down at it nodding her head. I looked down at it and saw it said one thirty two. Sh*t, I've gained like seven pounds! "Okay, can I get you to stand next to the wall please." I did as she said. She measured me and than took us into another room. She took my blood pressure and temperature. "The doctor will be with you in a few minutes." She left the room. 

"Why, are you looking at me like that?" My mom asked. 

"Like what?" 

"Like I was the one who got you pregnant. You're lucky I didn't call Eric and have him come here with you. Oh, the looks you would have gotten than. Hmm. Maybe I will call him. He should know that his mate is stressed and possibly pregnant." My mom pulled out her phone and started to act like she was texting. 

"Mom, don't you dear!"

" You'll have to tell him at some point. He'll notice you getting sick and fat. Besides I bet he'll be happy to hear that you will be giving him pups." 

"I'll tell him my self. I don't need him leaving school and worrying over nothing. So don't."

"Fine." We sat in silence for what felt like forever but was only really five minutes before the doctor walked in. 

"Rosalie, you aren't due back for a few more weeks. Is everything alright?" 

"Doctor Martin, I would look at the chart again. I'm not the one you'll be seeing today." My mom said pointing to me. Doctor Martin looked over at me then gave my mom a weird look. "Half-blood."

"Ah. Well," She looked at the chart and then back at me. "Mathew. Why did you come in today?"

"I've been feeling sick." I say looking down. "I've also gained like seven pounds."

"Well, if you would lay down on your back on the bed over there well get a look at whats going on in there."

I did as I was told and sat on the bed. She pulled out this weird bottle before opening it and pouring cold gel on my stomach. She had the monitor out and started to roll the weird scanner thing over my stomach. I refused to look at the monitor. This can't be happening. I'm not at the girl doctor seeing if I'm pregnant. It's not happening. I was covering my  face wishing this wasn't real. All of a sudden my attention was back on what was happening. 

In the quiet of the room there it was. The sound that I was hoping I wouldn't hear. It was soft but it was there. The sound that made me cry. With my arms covering my face I started to cry. There somewhere in the back of my mind I knew but I didn't want to believe it. Now I have no choice but to believe it. It's there as plan as day. The heart beat of a child. It was ringing in my ears. It was there. There was no trying to ignore it now. Because it was there. I'm pregnant, and I have to tell Eric. 

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