City of Crimson Desires

By Ashgrey3

666 76 38

Seven deadly sins inserted in the nephews of Lucifer started waking up, stretching arms of hunger in the sile... More

Part 1 City of Crimson Desires
Part 2 Prologue
Part 3 Sapphire in the wine
Part 4 Sinful tongue of pain
Part 5 Tender touch of Sadism
Part 6 Strigoi- Frozen Saga
Part 7 Strigoi-Tears of Desire
Part 8 Citadels- Different rules of Chess
Part 9 Petals that drip Sore
Part 10 Rhapsody in Red
Part 11 Stolen glances and Jealousy
Part 13 Apparition in Night
Part 14 Numbed
Part 15 Pleasurable Intents
Part 16 Babydoll House
Part 17 Masquerade
Part 18 Howling
Part 19 Missing piece of puzzle
Part 20 Do not go gentle into that good night
Part 21 Goodnight Dream
Part 22 Her Consort
Part 23 Palindrome
Part 24 Endgame
Part 25 Game of Cards: Queen, Jack and Ace of spades
Part 26 Epilogue - Aubade
Part 27 The Ball Part -I
Part 28 Ball Part-II

Part 12 Check and Mate

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By Ashgrey3

Xiang was standing there enjoying his drink. He knew Regina would come and he also knew she would have something up in her sleeve. She wasn't the kind of woman who would sit back and diplomatically choose the safe way. But rather take control of the situation like a puppeteer, threads of every person tied around her fingers. Some puppet master she was, she liked to put show for panic shock, earning clapping of audience in the end. His eyes found her next to Derward, her lady in waiting and her sex-slave to his amusement. She was predictably unpredictable, embodiment of paradox, irony and sarcasm. He sighed and scoffed at the English literature that always came pouring down on him whenever he saw her and he hated it. Adjusting himself and being impatient for the curtain of tonight's play to rise, he walked towards the medusa-if he used it right- to greet her. After all he was supposed to be a good welcoming host, wasn't he?

"Good evening. I hope you are enjoying the banquet". He spoke clasping hands behind his back slightly bowing to give Chinese touch.
"Nice to meet you". Regina spat tilting her drink slightly in his direction for what seemed like her greeting style. Xiang scoffed stuffing  hand in his pocket.
"A simple statement about my poor hosting would have sufficed".
"Truth be told, it's poor". She smirked glancing up at him while having shot of her drink. "I thought it would be a epic theatre here".
"If I had known you're Shakespeare, I would have invited you to roman amphitheatre". He chuckled at her.

Anne who was silently watching the verbal Deux ex Machina, placed a hand to the side of her mouth and whispered to Derward ; "They are playing what? Gladiator or Hercules"?
"They are being Hades and Poseidon". He snickered eyeing Xiang. Xiang might have caught him watching him,as his eyes zeroed on Derward.
"I know I'm Aides..." He came to stand nose to nose with Derward. "...and I will have my Persephone at any cost".
"He called you lady" . Anne giggled at the mere thought of Derward being a Persephone in the caption of Xiang.
"Don't you have guests to attend"? Derward sneered at Xiang, hand clenching shut in a tight fist that made his veins popped out as if ready to burst. Xiang smiled at the feisty fiery attitude of Derward. He always tried to act cool under collar but ended up blowing his top. Xiang's butler tapped his shoulder, whispering something in his ear. Xiang nodded his head and turned to Regina.

"If you will excuse me...".
"You are accused". She said bluntly placing lock behind her ear. Xiang glared her before departing form there.

"Derward"! She called him, motioning her head towards Xiang direction.Derward looked at her and nodded before leaving.

"Edmond". She placed her hand on his shoulder while snaking arm around his waist and leaned in, lips brushing his ear. "Duke Ralph Lauren is here". She whispered while eyeing the Duke.
"Do not disappoint me".
"All the odds will be in your favor". He spoke in cold tone. She waited watching every move of the Ralph, the black smuggler and big fish of underworld. Ralph put his drink away and excused himself from the guests.

"Can I have tea for my headache"? She asked  a waiter.
"Sure Ma'am if you wait...".
"Can my maid make it? I am not accustomed to the taste of someone else brewed tea and I am afraid I'll be leaving earlier". She sighed and massaged her temple to soothe headache.
"I will show her the way to Kitchen". Waiter told her knowing that Master Xiang would have been angry if she left for home.
"Edmond! Go with her since I can't trust her alone here".
He nodded to Regina gesturing Anne to follow him. They walked past the Duke Ralph and Anne ran into him.
"I-I am sorry sir...I didn't". She stammered while apologizing and reasoning.
"It's okay dear". He flashed her a smile molestating her with drunken eyes. She brushed past him, hand sliding away from his cuff of sleeve. They both made out of the banquet hall to the hallway. She glanced at Edmond from the corner of her eyes that didn't go unnoticed in the peripheral of Edmond.
"What's you deal with me"?
"What do I have to do with you"? She grimaced at him taking turn to the left.
"You're seething whenever you encounter me"? She stopped in her tracks and turned to face him.
"Let's be clear, I abhor you".
Edmond started at her not knowing how to respond but her disgust and hatred were legitimate as he was a sex toy.
"It isn't my fault that I ended up here".
"Then what are you doing here. Just run away somewhere else"! She uncrossed her arms and moved forward.
"If that was any easier..." He remembered his escape at one night. He was almost successful in sneaking out of the mansion but just as he reached the secret door of the house, that he found during his stay, he saw Regina standing there with crossed arms and a frown. She led him back to her room and lashed him with hunter. Later applying ointment on his swollen skin and welts.
They  halted before the door of kitchen.Anne thrusted a watch in his hand and followed the waiter inside the kitchen.


Derward sneaked around the rooms, making sure no one notice him. He made his way through the corridor and caught a look of servant passing by to Xiang room.  He hid behind the wall at the corner letting him go first then he chased him like a shadow. The servant went inside the Xiang's room. Derward stepped inside the room, locking the door behind him and sneaked behind him. He drew out a thin cord out of his watch winding it abruptly around the throat of the servant and pulled it out with his hands making him choke to death. Derward removed the wire, snapping it back inside the watch and threw the cold body on the floor with a thud. He unlocked the door and rushed towards the window that was already open thanks to Xiang. He threw his leg over the windowsill; climbing down the ledge and jumped down to the balcony of down floor, slowing down his fall with his hands as he landed on his feet. He grinned looking back and stood on his feet. He hurriedly made his way inside the house through the balcony to find Edmond.


Anne entered the hall carrying a tray with tea followed by Edmond. Duke Ralph caught a glimpse of the younger boy and stalked up to him stumbling upon his feet.
"Haven't seen a beauty like you". He slurred in his drunken voice.
 "The velvety silky skin of yours..." He purred sliding his hand down his arm.
"If you control your hand Mr. Ralph". Regina sneered removing his hand off Edmond shoulder.
"Lady Regina..." He hiccupped while watching her form with glazing eyes. She shook her head grimacing and led Edmond away.


 Derward put the needle inside the latch of the knob opening the door and moved inside, closing the door. He removed his white transparent gloves from hands then removed the skin off his shoes too. He burned them with his letter turning them to ashes and flushed them out. He loosened his tie a bit, washed his hands and opened the door only to find Xiang outside.
"What were you doing inside for so long. I came earlier and the door was locked"? He asked more like he demanded.
"What do people do in the washroom"? Derward huffed at him brushing past his shoulder.
"Don't be sourpuss, Milady", he joked throwing an arm around Derward shoulder and rested his head on it.
"Why are you always rude to me? It hurts". He sniffed feigning an act of being hurt and crying. Derward stared down at him and huffed at his drama. Xiang placed a hand over Derward chest and grinned. "It rumbled! You laughed....awwww"!
Derward removed  his arm and walked inside the hall where Regina and Edmond were dancing and Anne was sitting in one corner facing the wall length window.He sat next to her . He heard a commotion upstairs and noticed the contorted face of Xiang when his butler informed him something.
'Well the show is about to begin'.


Scotland yard forces arrived and started the investigation. Corpse was being carried away. He had been choked to death, they concurred. No one was allowed to leave till their alibis were clear.

"I don't know why, but I presume Regina has a hand in this murder", Xiang spoke.
"Why would I do this in your house"? She marched up to him seething.
 "Besides, you're the one who has invited me...", she jabbed her fingers in his chest."...what if it's your plan to frame me". She reasoned.
"Why would I do framing"? He defended himself lifting his hands in the air.
"Let us check alibis". Inspector stated and Regina nodded stepping back from Xiang.
"Where were you all the time"? Inspector asked her.
"I had been here all the time. Didn't nudge a bit". She stated.
"Where were you"? Anne was inquired.
"I went to make tea in the kitchen for mistress and Edmond was with me". She cast a glance towards Edmond who nodded in acknowledgment.
"I led them to the kitchen". Waiter added and testified for both of them.
"Very well then". Inspector clasped his hands.
"Ask Derward where was he"? Xiang spoke eyeing Derward in suspicion.
"You and I both know we were in the bathroom". Derward told the inspector who gawked at Xiang with agape mouth.
"What he meant to say that he was in the washroom and I happened to be there when he came out".
"Then his alibi is clear".
A constable excused the inspector and told him about the murder weapon. "Victim was killed with a thin wire". He informed them.
"Cord"? Xiang asked and abruptly looked towards Ralph direction.
"Why are you looking at me"? He questioned being confused.
"You the only one who has a wire inside his watch".
"What"? He choked at him in shock.
"Guards search him".Inspector barked to have him searched thoroughly.
"Don't come near...". He took a step back threatening them. Guards checked and removed his watch that was dangling off his wrist. Inspector took it in his hand, examining him drawing a metal cord out of it's side.
"Duke Ralph, you are the guilty of murder".
"I didn't do anything". He shouted at them face flushed red with alcohol and rage.
"Evidence is against ...",he stopped as he opened the lid of the watch retrieving a black diamond. Xiang eyes zeroed on it in shock. 'That was the same diamond he showed Regina the other day'.
"Is it your stolen jewel"? He asked Xiang showing him the diamond. Xiang knew Regina had trapped him, that he cannot say it's his as he illegally imported it.
"No". He told him clearly.
"Is it yours"? Ralph was being inquired again.
"Could it have been the diamonds from Africa"? Another constable asked. "There are latest reports of  illegal shipment from Africa" .
"Hmmm"."Duke Ralph you are also being charged with smuggling".
"How did it explain my servant murder"?
"He is drunk". Regina interrupted.
"He already laid his filthy hands on my servant". She told them gesturing towards  Edmond.
"I cannot see why". Xiang spat who was fumming up with anger at Regina.
"He could have mistook him for you". Inspector told him. "Besides according to your butler Ralph had been seen coming out of your room".
"Duke Ralph Lauren you're  arrested for murder".
" cannot do this to me". He pulled out a revolver shooting at the constables. Derward and Xiang drew out their own guns to defend themselves. Inspector shot Ralph in his leg who yelped and groaned in pain pulling the trigger and shot blindly in Regina's direction. Derward jumped in front of the Regina pushing her out of the way as bullet moved towards his direction. But something else made contact with his body as he was being pushed aside by  Xiang who shielded Derward. Derward stared up at Xiang who was holding him down in dipping style and was panting heavily. His shoulder was bleeding, blood seeping out from a hole where bullet pierced into his flesh. Regina and Anne stood there staring at them with dropped jaws. Xiang winced but leaned down and whispered in Derward's ear, "I know you have murdered my man but I can't stand the idea of you being hurt".


They reached home by around 2 O' clock and dropped on the settee in the living room. "It went according to Lee's plan". Anne broke the pregnant silence.
"It did. Lee has its credit".Regina spoke massaging her neck. "You worked well Anne". She remarked.
"I-I am sorry sir...I didn't". Anne stammered while apologizing and reasoning. She sneaked her fingers inside his sleeve unclasping the watch.
"It's okay dear". He flashed her a smile molestating her with drunken eyes. She brushed past him, hand sliding away from his cuff of sleeve.

"Yeah". She sighed throwing her pumps away and rubbed her aching feet.

Derward latched the washroom door from inside using needle and thread.
"Where is the watch"? Derward asked Edmond. Edmond handed him the watch and Derward rushed towards Xiang room.

"Great job Edmond". Regina spoke flashing smile to Edmond.
 Regina nodded to Edmond who changed his gait and threw a sultry glance towards Ralph and licked his lower lip eyeing his manhood.Duke Ralph caught a glimpse of the younger boy and stalked up to him stumbling upon his feet.
"Haven't seen a beauty like you". He slurred in his drunken voice.
 "The velvety silky skin of yours..." He purred sliding his hand down his arm.
"If you control your hand Mr. Ralph". Edmond slipped his hand in his pocket retrieving watch and sneakily clasped it around his cuff when he was busy arguing with Regina.

" least slut knows his work". Anne taunted him. Edmond flinched at the word" "Slut"". Derward was sitting being slouched, elbows resting on his knees staring into the fire in hearth.
"Whats the matter Derward"?
No answer.
"Huh...H-He knows it was me". He told her.
"Very well. Good for him.Don't overthink it". But he couldn't stop replaying how he took the bullet for him.
'Why did he save him'?

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