I will always love you

By Rider_007

53.1K 1.1K 106

Alex found out. He found out his parents were alive, Ian is alive... They're alive, with a family. They aband... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 28

1.6K 38 8
By Rider_007

Alex looked at Yassen as he was backed into the wall. Why does he always do that? Alex whined to himself when he felt his back hit the wall, the sheaths of the two katanas digging into his back. Yassen pinned him to the wall and the older assassin's hands reached for the strap that secured the swords, loosening it before gently easing it off and setting it aside carefully - knowing how much Alex loves his weapons. Injure any of his private collection of weaponry, he will make you pay - not money wise of course, some of his weaponry are the finest and all handmade, very hard to find and get your hands on.
Yassen waited for Alex to say or anything before he closed the distance between them. He was thinking that the teen would act on his teenage thinking and start screaming profanities at him but the child in front of him was no joke. The teen is a trained assassin, the best besides himself. He just isn't labelled as a bad guy by most because he is helping the majority of the world by keeping them safe, not that any of those people would know how much a 16 year old teen risked his own life. The child has his emotions under perfect control, the only time he would lose the control is if his friends were in serious danger that he would have to wait for a miracle that would allow them to survive. Alex was in no mood to be waiting when his friends lives are on the line, he would find a way to save them even if it meant losing his own life.
Yassen broke the kiss when he felt Alex struggling to keep the kiss going. Snake had warned him to be careful with anything he does, Alex just suffered from pneumonia, got released from the hospital two days ago, got his throat slit before pneumonia, took lots of mission and not a single break, his heart is very weak now and could suffer from a heart failure... No pressure, right?
"I've a mission, Yassen." Alex said as he tried to get his breath back.
"How many more have you accepted?" Yassen asked, his eyes narrowing. He hadn't expect the boy's release to be running himself ragged. Alex paused, looking as if he was doing a mental count of the amount, before he shrugged nonchalantly. "4-5 more minor ones and a major one."
"Minor ones as in?"
"And the major one?" Yassen asked.
"Info gathering." Yassen thought about it before asking the boy what information he was gathering. There was another apparent mole in MI6 and Alex has to be bait, again. They seem to all be targeting Alex more now. Yassen gritted his teeth as he thought about the list of possible contacts he had. He would help Alex one way or the other. If only there was a way to get rid of MI6 for good. Another option would be...
Alex watched as Yassen brooded before a look dawned his face, as if an idea hit him. The older man seem to be hitting himself mentally for not thinking about it sooner. "What is it?"
"I should have thought of this sooner... You could fake your death easily you know. Why didn't you?"
"I did actually pretended I was killed but MI6 found me pretty quickly. They are very fast when they need to find a presumed dead agent but when the agent actually sends a distress signal they don't bloody help." Alex muttered. Yassen gently grasped his head, making the boy look at him.
"Well, we gotta find some time to sit down and plan this now don't we?" Yassen asked with a small smirk. Alex blinked, pondering over the statement before a smile graced his features. "Soon."

"Keep it down wolf!" Alex hissed, smacking his arm. The Hispanic man glared. "You gotta be kidding me." Ben muttered.
"Keep it down?! You're trying to get yourself killed!"
"That's the plan." Alex shot back calmly. The remaining members of k-unit looked between their cub and their leader, watching the interact in worry. They don't know who they are worried for but they are worried. They think the two would start fighting, physically. "What?! You're not gonna tell us what in seven f*ing hell you are planning?" Wolf asked, gritting his teeth at the young man. Alex eyed them all wearily, he rubbed his face tiredly with a sigh. The four soldiers frowned in worry for the kid's health. "Are you okay?" Snake asked, about to stand up to check on Alex. He held up a hand to stop the medic and said he was fine. "Fine my ass." Wolf muttered under his breath.
"Just listen. Our plan is simple. I go on a mission, get captured and Yassen comes and blows up the place. I will make sure there is a body with enough of an evidence to make MI6 think that it is actually my body."
"But what about us? How will we contact you if you are going to fake your death?" Eagle asked, his first input since they entered the house.
"That's where the next part of the plan could come in handy." Yassen said as he walked into the living room where they are all gathered.
"Which is?" Snake asked, eying the older assassin suspiciously. Yassen smirked and sat down next to Alex. K-unit's eyes followed the assassin's every movement, waiting for him to speak. "You guys could fake your deaths too. But the problem would be your families. What are you gonna do about that? Your families would hurt." Yassen said, hoping to sway their thinking. It wasn't that he didn't want them to tag along but it was just that he didn't want so many people to get hurt in the process of him trying to help Alex.
"Is there no other way?" Eagle asked, still wanting to keep in contact with Alex but he doesn't want to hurt his family.
"There is actually another. We could only keep in contact when I contact you guys. You cannot look for me or MI6 would be on your tails." Alex said, making them promise they wouldn't go look for him.
"This isn't a goodbye Alex Rider." Wolf whispered. Alex smiled slightly. "No it isn't. I'll see you soon."

That was the last time they had heard anything about Alex. The next thing they knew, they were attending his funeral. K-unit tried not to cry even though they knew that it probably wasn't Alex. It was hard not to cry when they imagined it could have easily been Alex. "I don't know what to feel." Eagle muttered, kicking a stone from under his foot. If they had counted correctly today would be the sixth month since his supposed funeral - even they are unsure if their cub was still alive or not. Wolf was about to respond when a small figure bumped into him.  "Hey watch it!" Wolf snarled and the figure muttered an apology before rushing away.
"Hmm? What's this?" Wolf asked when he felt something in his jacket's pocket after he reached his hands in to his pockets to keep warm. The rest of k-unit crowded around him to see what it was. "That little b*stard." Wolf laughed when he pulled out the item. A black elegant envelope in hand, with the letters 'k-unit' calligraph onto it in gold ink.  The envelop contained a black card.
"Stupid kid... Making us worry so much."
You are invited to our wedding.
Cub & Cossack

The end. Alright my wonderful readers! Thank you for sticking to me and reading this. I feel like I disappointed you guys, I apologise to anyone that was disappointed. Thank you anyways for reading.

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