Forever an Apprentice

By Cutecookie7

160K 4.3K 3K

Slade has his eye set on Robin, but this time, how far will he go to have Robin by his side? "Robin!" Starfi... More

Titans Tower
Pranks and plans
Time to say goodbye
Shopping and a horrible Surprise
Suspicions and Slade
What really matters
Flashbacks and a remembrance
A fantasy and realities
Goodbye Jason. For Now.
A little push
Intruder Alert
Disapproving Butlers
The Search
Mind Shattering
Training Begins
New uniforms
Rouge Robin
Welcome to Gotham
Robin V.S The Teen Titans
The Final Battle
A Little detour
Batman needs a Robin
Only a Matter of time
Slade Returns
Just the way things are


2.3K 75 43
By Cutecookie7

"Is it done?" Bruce asked as he scanned the papers.

"Yes Mr Wayne. It has been finalized." The woman behind the desk replied as she sighed the papers.

"Thank you so much." Bruce picked up the papers and stacked them.

"My pleasure Mr Wayne. Good luck by the way." The woman smiled.

"Thanks again." Bruce nodded as he stepped out the door and walked back to the car.

"Did it go well?" Alfred asked as Bruce got in the car.

"Yeah. Everything is finalized. I just have to tell Jason now." Bruce stuffed the adoption papers into his briefcase as Alfred started up the car.

"Excellent." Alfred pulled out of the parking lot.

"I just hope Jason is okay with this." Bruce sighed.

"Don't worry Master Bruce, it'll be fine." Alfred reassured as they made their way back to the manor.


"Jason? Were are you?" Bruce called out.

"Over here!" Jason waved a hand from the couch.

"I have something important to tell you." Bruce took a seat next to him as Jason shut of the TV.

"What is it?" Jason looked at him seriously.

"It's not bad news I promise." Bruce pulled out the papers and handed them to him.

"What's this?..." Jason scanned the papers, and then saw it all. "Are these...are you serious?" Jason looked up at him.

"Yes. I've adopted you Jason." Bruce smiled.

"Really?" Jason smiled the biggest he ever had.

"Yes really." Bruce replied softy.

Not knowing what to say, Jason suddenly reached up and hugged him.

Bruce, a little surprised hugged him back.

"So when can I start?" Jason let go.

"Start what?" Bruce asked confused.

"Being Robin, duh." Jason answered smugly.

Bruce's eyes widened slightly. That was unexpected. " never said..."

"Please?! I'll train with you and everything I promise! After all, I did save your life how many times?" Jason begged.

Jason wasn't going to give up. Alfred was going to Put him in the ground for this.

Bruce sighed.

"Promise?" Bruce gave in.

"I promise!" Jason smiled.

"You start in 6 months." Bruce smirked.

"Wait, What?!"


"Dude I can't believe we bought two pizzas just because you can't eat the yumminess of pepperoni." Cyborg set them down on the table.

"Well excuse me for not being a cannibal!" BeastBoy glared at Cyborg.

"Wonderful news friends! Robin has said he will accompany us for the lunch!" Starfire exclaimed as she burst into the room.

"I shall whip up some of his favorite dishes! Like mustard milkshakes! And glorkaberrie pancakes!" Starfire exclaimed as she hurried to the kitchen.

Beastboy stuffed in a laugh. Robin had only said he liked those dishes to please Starfire. He actually gaged when she wasn't looking.

"That won't be necessary." He strolled into the room. "Pizza is fine."

"Oh! Rob-I mean The Nightwing, you have arrived!" Starfire inwardly smacked herself on the head for forgetting.

"Oh Hey Nightwing." Cyborg shrugged. "You want some of this or not?"

"Of course I do, gimme a sec." Nightwing pulled out his beeping communicator.

"Trouble!" Nightwing announced as the Titans dropped what they were doing.

"The H.I.V.E is causing major chaos downtown!" Nightwing stuffed his communicator back in his sliver utility belt. "TITANS GO!"


A few weeks ago, after Nightwing gave Robin to Jason, He took the advice of Superman, and became Nightwing.

It had been A few weeks since Slade disappeared, and he hadn't made a move. Nightwing thought maybe Slade didn't know he was Nightwing.

Nightwing was still in shock, and a bit of depression, but hid it and always put on a forced smile. Raven could see him for what he was really feeling, but she hadn't said anything.

Nightwing could only hope for so long that Slade wouldn't put two and two together and realize The former Robin was actually Nightwing.


"In the world daily news today, Robin hasn't been seen in Jump City since he visited Gotham. The Teen Titans have retuned, under a new leader. Nightwing. We don't know what happened to Robin, or who Nightwing is, but we'll keep you updated."

Jason and Bruce sat on the couch and listened to the news. Bruce raised and eyebrow, while Jason smiled knowingly.

"In other news, The most eligible bachelor of Gotham city has adopted a young boy. Jason Todd. An orphan, that he found on the streets. We have yet to see Dick Grayson's reaction to this, but unfortunately, as everyone knows, he went away to a boarding school in Jump City and hasn't been heard from since." The woman nodded to the man sitting next to her.

"Don't forget, Wayne enterprises has went up in popularity since Bruce Wayne adopted Jason." The man smiled back at the woman.

"The adoption as shown everyone that Bruce isn't just a playboy and can still be mature at times, and run a company smoothly." The woman finished.

Bruce sighed and switched the TV off. "At least Fox will be happy."

Jason shrugged and slumped in his seat.

"You ready to continue training?" Bruce sat up.

"Yeah I guess." Jason stood up and made his way to the kitchen to pick up a snack before they started.


"Kitten! Look at these!" Jinx pointed to the jewels in the window.

"Oooohhh!" Kitten squealed.

Jinx smirked as she smashed the window with her hexes and grabbed the jewels and stuffed them into a bag Kitten was holding.

"Mammoth!" Gizmo complained as Mammoth smashed the ATM Into pieces.

"What?" Mammoth stopped smashing.

"Your ruining the money, you pea brain!" Gizmo complained.

"Oh. Sorry." Mammoth simply shrugged as Gizmo highjacked the machine and soon it started to spit out money.

"Now bag it up and load it into the car." Gizmo commanded as he sped off.

"Come on Jinx! Hurry up so we can go shopping!" Kitten squeaked as the bag she was holding grew heavy.

"Okay okay just a sec." Jinx loaded the last of the jewels inside but one. "This is an solid gold ring!" She slipped it on her finger. "Perfect."

"Not as perfect as seeing you in jail!"

Jinx and Kitten wiped around to see the Teen Titans standing behind them.

"I'm never letting you do the one-liners again." Nightwing shook his head at BeastBoy who simply shrugged.

"Ah, hello Titans. I heard you replaced Robbie." Jinx eyed Nightwing.

"I think you better anyway. And Nightwing, what a mysterious name!" Kitten teased.

"Titans, go!" Nightwing commanded as they sprang into action along with Mammoth and Gizmo joining in.

"Wraaaa!" Mammoth lunged for Nightwing. Nigthwing dogged easily. While Nightwing was busy taking down Mammoth, Cyborg and BeastBoy took on Gizmo while the girls battled Kitten and Jinx. Starfire lunged for Kitten, because Of personal reasons.

"Raven, look out!" BeastBoy warned as hexes were coming her way. Raven nodded and put up a force field, protecting herself from the hexes.

Raven grabbed Jinx with her magic and slammed her against the wall. She blacked out instantly.

Starfire had Kitten with a star bolt to her back, Gimzo was taken pretty easy and Nightwing was just finishing up with mammoth.

Nightwing dodged a kick from mammoth, and tripped mammoth so he fell on his face. "It's over."

"Not...Yet!" Mammoth grabbed a hidden knife from his pocket and aimed it at Nightwing.

"Aguugh!" Nightwing couldn't dodge in Time. Nightwing punched Mammoth back and pulled the knife out of his leg.

Raven caught this, the rest of the Titans didn't. She narrowed her eyes in worry when Nightwing ignored his bleeding leg. The police showed up a few minutes later and took the H.I.V.E away.

Before anyone could say anything, Raven teleported them back instantly.

"Uh, Thanks Raven." Nightwing almost lost his footing as he stepped out off the portal.

"Your welcome." Raven really didn't want Nightwing motorcycling home with his leg injured like that. He had been through much worse, still Raven worried about him. This was the first time they had a crime alert in awhile. The first one Nightwing had been on since he got back.

Instead of fixing up his leg, Nightwing went for coffee. Raven sighed as she watched him pour steaming coffee.

"Nightwing?" Raven asked politely.

"Yeah Rae?" Nightwing set his cup down.

"Is your leg okay? You haven't given it any medical attention and you got stabbed." Raven eyed his legs. Blood started to drip on the floor.

"Oh, I uh didn't notice. Forgot I guess." Nightwing shrugged as he reached in his belt for gauze.

He set the gauze on the table and sipped at his coffee. He didn't stop sipping at it to fix his leg.

Raven sighed and got up. "What are yo-" Nightwing cut off when Raven lifted her hand to his wound and healed it.

"Oh! Uh. Thanks Rae, I owe ya one." Nightwing glanced down at his healed leg.

"Your welcome." Raven smiled. It quickly faded when she looked up at the whites off his mask.

"Nightwing." Raven asked gently.

"Yes Raven?" Nightwing knew what was coming.

"I'm not going to ask if your okay. Because I know the answer to that already. Your not. You can't hide it from me." Raven looked up at him seriously.

Okay that was unexpected. "What are you talking about?"

"I know what you went through must of been hard. And I know it's seems like you can't get over what happened. But it's been more than Two weeks. You need to let it go. Slade has been defeated. I doubt he'll come back." Raven said softly but seriously.

"I can't let it go! Don't you understand? You don't know what is was like, to be controlled, and you can't do a thing from stopping yourself attacking, hurting your friends, almost committing Murder!" Nightwing yelled in her face. He couldn't hold it back anymore.

Raven simply smiled at him. "Admitting what's wrong is the first step to recovery."

Nightwing sighed. "You, you can't tell anyone about this Raven."

"Nothing leaves this room." Raven replied sounding much like someone he used to know. "On one condition."

"What?" What could she possibly want in return?

"You have to take a seat, and tell me everything that's bothering you." Raven crossed her arms.

"What? But-" Nightwing cut off. He wasn't getting out of this one. "Ugggh. Fine."

"Good, now let's sit down, and you can tell me everything." Raven guided him to a chair.



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