orphic » jacob black

By --blaine

643K 15.8K 4.5K

"I love you not because you sing with my angels.. but because you dance with my demons." disclaimer- I don't... More



10.9K 285 151
By --blaine

I have died everyday waiting for you,
darling don't be afraid,
I have loved you for a thousand years,
I'll love you for a thousand more


Bella's wedding is today.
If it weren't for JJ, I would be pissed about the whole thing.

Before her, I wanted to kill Edward for being with Bella, but now, I couldn't really care less.
I still don't like the fact that he's a vampire and I'll always care about Bella, but not the way I care about JJ.

The pack is getting ready to fight the Cullens if Bella gets turned. Embry is still mad about that but he calmed down eventually and went dress shopping for the wedding with the rest of us. He wouldn't talk to me and Jared the whole time because his ego is bruised but he'll get over it.

JJ is doing better. I'm proud of her. She's still self-conscious around the pack but she'll get better. We've almost lost hope on finding the leech who hurt her but I don't think she really cares. I want to find him and rip his fucking throat out with my teeth.
(A/N you're welcome @ the people who watch teen wolf)

"How do I look?" JJ asks, snapping me out of my thoughts.

Ever get that feeling where time stands still?
That's what happen when my imprint walked down the stairs.

She's stunning.
She's always beautiful but wow.

"You.. You look incredible." I stutter.

Her long brown hair is curled down her back and she's wearing that dress we got a few days ago.

"Thanks." She blushes, looking down at the ground and walking toward me, "You don't look so bad yourself."

"Well thank you." I smile, grabbing her small hand in my larger one.

"Are you okay?" She asks. 

I raise my eyebrow, "Why wouldn't I be okay?"

"You invested a lot of time and emotions in Bella. I just wanted to check up on you, make sure you're okay with her getting married to a leech and possibly coming one." She shrugs.

I pull her close, "I. Am. Great." I say kissing her lips in between every word.

"That's good." She smiles, kissing me lightly.

"But I'm going to have to fight the Cullens' if they turn her because that would be breaking the treaty." I say.

"What would happen then?" She asks quietly.
I feel bad because she's become friends with Rosalie. Not just the learning how to defend herself stuff. Rose came over and got ready with Jay.

"We would, um," I pause, trying to find the nicest possible way to say this," We would do whatever is necessary to protect the people of Forks and La Push."

"Oh." She says quietly.

"But don't worry about that. Let's just go have a fun time, yeah?" I smile, kissing her head.

"Yeah." She smiles and we head to my car.


When we get to the wedding, the rest of the pack is already there.

To say it's beautiful is an understatement.
I don't think Bella decorated.
I'm not even sure she wanted to get married in the first place.....

"Hi Kim!" I say happily when I see my friend.

"Jay!" She squeals and hugs me, "Let me show you around! This whole place is amazing!"

The last time I was at the Cullen's house was when I was in a coma and I wouldn't let Carlisle anywhere near me...
This isn't going to be awkward at all...

"Okay." I smile.

Kim grabs my hand and drags me to the house.

Then I see Rose when we get inside.
She's actually become a friend.
Jake thinks she's sketchy but oh well, he'll have to get over it.

As I expected, Rose is a bitch, she hates Bella, she's moody, and I'm pretty sure she would feel no remorse killing me.

But she cares. Cares more than anyone else realizes. She hates what she is and wouldn't wish it on anyone. She also has a great sense of style and loves Emmet more than anything in the world. She's a great person and I'm glad that we've gotten past most of our many differences and become friends.

"Hello Rosie." I smirk.

"You call me that one more time, I'll break your fucking neck." She snarls; typical.

"Love you too." I smirk, blowing her a kiss.

"Look at this kitchen!" Kim yells.

Everything is set up to perfection.
This had to be Edward's adopted sister.
I refuse to believe that Bella did this.

"When Jared and I are rich and married, we're getting a house like this!" She yells again.

Rose and I laugh.

"It's time!" The small, annoying leech squeals.

Rose is a bridesmaid so she heads up to Bella's room. Kim and I head to our seats with the pack. I sit in between Seth and Jake.
Paul and Sam aren't here.
I'm not surprised.

The music starts and Cullen takes his place at the alter.

The wedding was beautiful.
Bella's dad, Charlie, didn't seem happy about the whole thing.
The friend speeches were also awkward; but other than that, it was beautiful.
I really don't like Bella so that takes a lot for me to say.

Jake and I were dancing to the music.
I think he's a little down in the dumps because this is Bella's last night as a human with a heartbeat.

"You should go dance with her." I say softly.

"Are you sure?" He asks.

"Of course. You loved her." I smile.

He tilts his head, looking at me and smiling.

"What?" I ask

"You're just so perfect." He smiles, kissing my forehead, "You know I don't feel about her that way anymore, right?"

"That's good because I love you a lot." I smile softly, "I'll go dance with Seth."


She's so perfect.
She pulls away from me and bounces off to Seth.

I watch as Seth bends down to hear what JJ has to say over the loud music.

He smiles and grabs her hands as they start to dance.

I smile and head over to Cullen.

"You wouldn't mind if I danced with your bride, would you?" I ask him

"Don't try anything." He smiles.

"Why would I?" I smirk, "I have my imprint."

"Let me go find her." He smiles.

I head over to the side of the house, where there's not as many people and the music isn't as loud.

"Jacob!" Bella smiles.

I smile back at her as she runs towards me, engulfing me in a hug, laughing.

"Hey." She smiles.

"This is kind of you." Cullen states.

"Kind is my middle name." I smirk.

He just smiles at his bride, "I'll see if Rosalie wants to dance." and walks away.

"I'm sorry I haven't seen you." I smile, she may not be my imprint but I'll always care about her, in a weird little brother way.

"Doesn't matter." She smiles back, "Everything's perfect right now.
Dance with me?"

I oblige, twirling her off her feet and spinning her around. We both laugh. I forgot how good of a friend she was before all the supernatural drama.

"How've you been?" She asks.

"Great." I smile, thinking of my imprint and pack.

"Well are you okay? Being here?" She asks.
(A/N Bella is a bitch. Always fishing for drama)

"Why?" I ask, smirking, "Afraid I'll trash the party?"

She looks up at me and smiles. I can here someone in the pack in the forest but I try to ignore it. It's probably Sam.

Bella starts crying, knowing it's the last time we'll be able to be like this, friends.

"C'mon Bella. You're not the one supposed to be crying." I say softly.

We hug tightly.

"Everyone cries at weddings." She cries.

"This is how I'm going to remember you, pink cheeks, two left feet," I twirl her again, "heartbeat."

Bella tears up more, "So what, I'm going to be dead to you?"

"No." I lie, hugging her. Little does she know that we're going to fight her husband and his family, "I'm sorry. I'm just trying to appreciate your last night as a human."

Bella breathes out, "Well it's not my last night."

I frown, "I-I thought you?"

"Didn't really want to spend my honeymoon thriving in pain." She shrugs.

"Well what's the point? It's not like you're going to have a real honeymoon with him anyway." I shrug.

Bella frowns, "Its going to be as real as anyone else's."

"That's a sick joke." I snap, "Are you joking?"

She looks confused. I can feel the anger building up inside of me, "What? While you're still human? You can't be serious? Tell me you're not that stupid!"

"I mean, it's not really any of your business." She snaps back.

"No you can't do this!" I snap, grabbing her shoulders. Is she insane? He's fucking dead! He's going to kill her!, "Listen to me Bella!"

"Let me go!" She screams.

JJ looks at me and starts to make her way over, noticing something was clearly wrong.

Cullen races over and stands behind Bella, "Jacob! Calm down."

"Are you out of your mind?" I yell, starting to shake, "Huh? You'll kill her!"

Seth runs up behind me, "Walk away Jake!" He yells grabbing me.

I throw Seth off of me and Quil and Embry grab me.

I look around for JJ, I don't want her to see me like this but I can't believe how stupid Bella and Edward are being.

"Enough Jacob!" Sam roars.

I turn around and finally see JJ.
She's standing with Seth.
She looks scared.

"Stay out of this Sam!" I beg.

"You're not going to start something that we'll have to finish." He says calmly.

"She'll die!" I beg.

Seth gently puts his arm around JJ.
I never wanted her to see me like this.

"It's not our concern anymore." Sam calmly says.

"Come on JJ." I snap, grabbing her wrist and pushing Sam as we walk by.


Jake walks quickly, still latched on to my wrist. It's really starting to hurt.
I try to keep up but it's hard considering how much taller he is and I'm in a dress.

Jake pulls me to his car, my wrist is really starting to hurt.

"Jake." I say quietly.

"What?" He snaps, turning towards me.
This isn't the Jake I know and love.
He's scaring me.

"You're hurting me." I whisper.

His whole demeanor changes, "Oh fuck baby I'm so so sorry." He says, letting go of my wrist and bending down to my level.

"It's okay." I say quietly, slightly pulling away from him and holding my wrist.

"Let me see." He says gently, holding my wrist.

I let him look at it.
There's a few little bruises littering the area but it's not that bad.

"Fuck I'm so sorry." He says, kissing the bruises.

"It's okay. Can we just want to go home?" I whisper, pulling away from Jake.

He looks at me, so upset, "Of course."

I walk to the passenger side and climb in.

Jake gets in and pulls out of the Cullen's driveway.

I rest my head on the seatbelt and bring my knees up to my chest.

"My house or your house?" Jake asks.

"My house please." I say quietly. I want to see my mom and be in my bed. I also want to be alone but I highly doubt that.

"I'm sorry about Bella." I say.

Jake looks at me and sends me a sad smile, "It's okay. Sam's right, it's not our problem anymore."

When we get to my house, Jake opens my door and walks me to my house, holding my hand.

Jake stops in his tracks and pushes me behind him, "Someone's in your house."

"Yeah, my mom." I deadpan.

"No. It's a scent I don't recognize." He almost growls.

He walks in front of me and cautiously opens the front door. I stay back, just in case he has to phase.

He was right, it's not my mom. It's a man banging around in the kitchen.

Jake turns on the kitchen light to see who it is.

The figure turns around and I can't believe who it is.

"Dad?" I say, my heart stopping.


Hola beautiful readers.

I had long blonde hair and I cut it off and dyed it almost black.
I hate it😭

I wrote this in one night and I'm high key so proud of myself.



question of the chapter
Play any sports?
I ride horses!

and don't forget to
(I follow back, just ask)

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