Falling For Mr.Parker!

By EmMcGuinessParker

82.4K 2.6K 310

First day back at school after the Summer, and the truth all comes out. Rachel Jones was in Year 13, hoping t... More

Falling For Mr.Parker!
One -
Two -
Three -
Four -
Five -
Six -
Seven -
Eight -
Nine -
Ten -
Eleven -
Twelve -
Thirteen -
Fourteen -
Fifteen -
Sixteen -
Seventeen -
Eighteen -
Nineteen -
Twenty -
Twenty-One -
Twenty-Three -
Twenty-Four -
Twenty-Five -
Twenty-Six -
Twenty-Seven -
Twenty-Eight -

Twenty-Two -

1.5K 62 6
By EmMcGuinessParker

Nathan's POV -

Rachel had spent the entire day hiding from people, she didn't even want to talk to people that were concerned about her and wanted to make sure she was actually fine with being back at school now.

Even when Max attempted to talk to her, she just turned and walked away from him. She hasn't really spoken to me either, she's just kept herself to herself and avoided making contact with pretty much everyone.

I think she was dreading going to our History lesson since she had done everything she could to try and go home. I'd managed to convince her to stay though. I don't think Mrs.Collins would be too impressed if she didn't turn up to another lesson without a good enough reason.

"Nathan, I don't think I can this. The thought of going to History is actually making me feel sick." Rachel said as she looked up from the ground long enough to make eye contact with me.

"You've got to do it at some point, you can't keep avoiding the lesson. I'll be with you, nothing is going to happen." I smiled at her as a rubbed her arm is a reassuring manner.

"But this is all too much. Everyone is going to be there and they're all going to make comments, I can't do it Nathan." Rachel replied, I could hear the panic in her voice and the worry which she was feeling was evident from the way in which her muscles tensed as I touched her.

"Rachel, you need to go, you can't keep skipping lessons because of other people or you're never going to pass." I pointed out.

"There's no point in me even trying to pass anymore. I'm going to spend the rest of my life tied down with a child, I'm never going to be anything other than a disappointment and a failure." she sighed, looking at the ground and avoiding looking at me because of what she was saying; when she was in this mood, there was no convincing her that she wrong and was just being stupid about everything.

"I can't force you to go, but if you don't go then you're going to let people know they've won and they've got to you." I said, before I walked off and started packing everything into my bag ready for lesson.

"I'm going home. I'm sorry Nathan, I really can't do this." Rachel said as she picked her bag up and threw it over her shoulder, walking out of the room, wiping the tears from her face.

I guess there is only so much you can do for someone, if they don't want the help, then you can't give it to them and you can't make them change the way that they behave. If they want to push you away, then you've just got to accept that and get on with life.

Rachel needs help, she just won't admit that she does and she won't let anyone help her either because she's too proud to do that. She would rather go through this all on her own and have no one know what she's feeling or thinking.

But, if that's the way that she's going to act, then there's nothing I can do about that.

All I can do is be there for her and see what happens. Even if things turn out for the worst and I end up losing my best friend.


All through History, everyone had questioned me on the whereabouts of Rachel since they had all seen her in school this morning. I just told them that there was someone she had to see as it was part of the plan to 'repair the damage' caused by Tom.

Somehow, I don't think talking to someone and telling them the same thing she's told every other person is going to make her feel any better at all. It's also not going to fix her broken heart, change the fact she's pregnant or make her life any easier to manage.

Mrs.Collins gave me the work for Rachel to complete, she told me that she expected to see Rachel next lesson or she was going to write a formal compliant to the head of sixth form in which she would request that Rachel is removed from the lesson and made to pay for the exam she would have been sitting.

"Nathan." I heard someone shouting behind me, I could only just hear them as I had my earphones in. It was only when I turned around I saw who it was that was running down the street after me.

"Come to have another snipe at Rachel?" I replied, removing one earphone from my ear as I did so.

"No, look, I actually want to make sure she's alright..."

"No really, she's probably as far from 'alright' as she's ever going to get. She lost both the man that she loved and the father of her baby, she puts on smile but at night she cries herself to sleep knowing she'll never get to see Tom again and, with everyone putting her down, she keeps telling herself that she's a failure and is always going to be the single parent that no one is proud of." I snapped, there was a long list of people that could be blamed for Rachel's poor emotional state, Tom being top of the list right now; the rest being people from school who don't know the full story, but are still intent upon ruining someone's life.

"He was just a teacher, there's plenty of other guys out there."

"Yes, to you he was just a teacher that you could have a flirt with and try your luck with, knowing you were never going to get anything from it. But to Rachel, he was more than that because he was the only one that truly cared about her, he was the only one who bothered to pull her back up when she was at her lowest point, he was the only one to make her happy and opened emotions she had never felt before. He loved her more than anything in the world and she loved him just as much. Right now, without Tom in her life, I worry about what she's going to do..." I sighed as Lauren looked at the ground because she knew I was right, she was never going to get anything from Tom because he only ever loved one girl and he saved his heart for her, I'm sure that was never going to change, despite everything that's happened between the two of them.

"She didn't really have to see anyone today, did she?" Lauren asked.

"No, she just couldn't face you knowing everything you've told people about her. She doesn't want to be known as 'the student who slept with a teacher.' She actually wants to finish school and make someone proud by doing but, right now, her confidence is so low, that I honestly can't see that happening." I replied.

"Let me come with you and I'll try talking to her. I know I'm her least favourite person in the world, but I can at least try and make amends for my mistakes?" Lauren questioned and I thought for a moment if it was really a good idea or if it would be the worst thing I've ever done, but decided it was worth a shot if it was going to keep Rachel at school and encourage her to actually turn up to the lessons.

"Fine, but I swear Lauren, if this is another one of your games to make Rachel feel like nothing, then I'll make you pay and it'll be the last thing you ever do. Understand?" I stated.

"I might be a bitch and I might not necessarily like Rachel, but if the reason she's going to removed from History is me, then I've at least got to attempt to sort it out and make things right." Lauren said, and she even managed to smile at me as well. I still had no idea if this was a game, or if she did genuinely care about Rachel and what she was feeling right now.

I guess I'll just have to wait and see what happens now and where it goes from here.


"Mum, Jess, I'm home..." I shouted through the house, but there was no answer, so I just assumed they must have gone out somewhere.

"Nice house. How did Rachel end up staying here then?" Lauren asked as she followed me into the kitchen.

"I convinced her to stay with me until the end of the school year then, if she still wanted to, she could leave and never come back." I replied, picking up the note that lay on the table, Jess' handwriting was noticeable from anywhere.


We've tried phoning you but your phone doesn't seem to be connecting. You need to get to the hospital, it's Rachel.

Love Jess and mum x

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