I Knew It Was You (Kellic) (b...

By WinsorMoon

103K 4.1K 741

Sixteen years old, Kellin Bostwick starts a new life after his mom, sister, and him escapes his father. After... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37 [Final]
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2022 Announcement!
Its posted!

Chapter 1

7.3K 220 26
By WinsorMoon


I'm starting this book back up!!! I'm super excited to write this again. Something's will be changed but not all. Last time I tried writing this Wattpad decided to delete lots of parts to some of my chapters :cc. Lets hope that it doesn't happen again with this, or any of my new books on the way, or I'm currently writing. If it does happen please tell me!! okay that's all enjoy the first chapter!! ❤ c: and yet again in this book and maybe even a squeal. I'm going to try to update this at least once a week.
Note: Vic is taller.


Kellin's POV:

It's night time, the tension is thick. Dad, well he's currently knocked out on the floor. "Hurry go get packed up we're leaving," Mom tells Jenna and I quickly. The three of us quickly head up the stairs, and into our rooms to pack. Mom and Dad just had gotten into another fight. Instead of Mom, Jenna, or I getting hit, Mom threw the first punch and knocked him out with a vase.

I grabbed every possible thing I could to fit in a suit case and a backpack and packed it. Everything I needed was packed in these two things. The only thing that couldn't fit in anything was my guitar Mom got me when I was nine. I wouldn't leave my guitar behind though, it's one of the only things that is very important to me Dad hasn't broken.

I always kept it hidden behind the clothes in my closet, because that was one of the places he never looked to destroy my things. I swung my closet door open, and grabbed it. I hurriedly went downstairs, and outside where the car was. I put my suitcases in the trunk and my backpack in the back where I'd be sitting. "Come on let's go!" I got into the car.

Mom and Jenna, (after putting the rest of their things in the trunk) got into the car as well. Jenna, kept a bag with her like I did.

"Okay do we have everything?" Mom asked looking between the both of us. We both nodded. Fear struck the three of us as the front door of the house swung open, and Dad ran out. Mom locked the doors quickly. His lips moved but i could barely hear a thing due to the loud thumping of my heart. Mom put the car in reverse, and Dad ran after the car banging on the hood. After pulling out into the street, we drove off. My father still yelling at us as we drove off.

I wonder where we're going. This is all so sudden, I don't think we'd have a place for the night. Maybe I should ask? "Where are we going?"
"You'll see, I hope you guys will like it there." Mom sighed, keeping a hand on the wheel as she ran her fingers through her faded brunette hair. "I'm just glad we're finally getting out of there." Jenna said, relaxing in her seat. "Me too." I agreed, doing just the same. I took a breath, and let it out in a sigh. My first breath of free air.

"I was just tired of all of us getting hurt. If we would have stayed there, I could have gotten you two taken from me..." Mom shook her head, "I can't live without my babies. You guys would have continued to get hurt, and that hurt me to see, so we had to leave. I have been planning this for quite some time, I just didn't think it'd happen like this." Mom admitted.

God, I'm so glad we're leaving! Mom would get hurt trying to protect Jenna and I, or I would get hurt trying to protect Mom and Jenna even though she's older; or Jenna would get hurt trying to protect Mom and I. It was like a repeating cycle. One of us would get hurt either way, or all of us would.

It made me feel shitty when I couldn't prevent Mom or Jenna from getting hurt. I just hope I won't ever have to return to that life. Ever. We stopped by the gas station to get gas, and a few other things. After that we were on our way to wherever we were going.

After staring out the window looking into darkness, and the stars up above, listening to silence, I drifted off into a comfortable yet uncomfortable sleep.


"You know I love you right?" The mysterious guy asked. "I love you too." I smiled, and blushed. I could hear the beat of my heart, slowly get a little quicker. "Your so beautiful." I giggled lightly, and looked down. "And my Princess." he put his index finger underneath my chin, and brought my head up slowly. I looked up, but only could see his smile, and the cute small tooth I've seen all these years. His lips inched closer to mine until...


I woke up to the sun shining brightly in my eyes. I sat up straight, and looked around to take in my surroundings. I looked confused as I realized we were in the car. Then the events that took place the night before flashed through my mind. So it wasn't a dream... At least we're getting out of that hell hole. I couldn't even call that place home.

It wasn't a home in any way. It wasn't happy, and if so it was quickly wiped away. "Where are we?" I asked, my voice still groggy since I had just woken up. "We're about two or three days away now I think." Mom informs me, giving me a small smile in her rear view mirror. "Did you get any sleep?" I asked wondering if we had gotten the chance to stop. I wouldn't have noticed, I was as stiff as a doornail last night. "No, I haven't," she sighed, "I wanted to keep going. The faster we get there, the faster we can all just rest, and relax without the worry of being hit, yelled at or anything of the sort."
"Want me to drive?" I asked sitting up in my seat properly.

"Everything's okay up here Kell." she told me calmly, and flashed a tired smile at me. "I want you to sleep. Plus, you being tired could put us in danger let me drive for awhile." I told her. That was all it took for her to pull the car over and allow us to switch spots. "Fine," She pulled over. She handed me a map, a red circle around our destination and the rout we needed to take. San Diego????? Thats where we're going. My, isn't this going to be a long drive. I hope its as pretty there as everyone says it is. "We need to stop to get something to eat when you reach a city okay?" She said. "Alright."


Three days later we hit California, almost another day passes, when we get into San Diego. We park in the drive way of a two story house. "We're here!" Mom exclaims happily. "Lets get out, and go say hi, then we'll come back out to get our stuff." Mom told us. Jenna and I both said okay and got out following Mom.

She knocked on the white door, and a lady that looked similar to Mom opened the door. "Oh my god!!" She hugged Mom, and let out a sigh of relief. Her eyes widened when she saw Jenna, and I. "Look at how big you two have gotten!!" She the hugged the both of us and we hugged back awkwardly. I had no clue about who this lady was, she seems to be my moms sister though? "Come in! You guys must be so tired." We all walked in. The house had a homey feel to it, very warm and inviting. Jen and I stood at the front door waiting for someone to tell us what to do next.

I took in my surroundings. There was wooden floors, a stairway and a kitchen to the left. "I haven't seen you in forever," The woman hugged my mom again. "I know." Mom hugged her back, and I could see the both of them tearing up. "I'm glad you've finally gotten away," The woman smiled, and wiped away tears.

"Kids this is your Aunt Jennifer," Mom introduced us. "I know you guys probably don't remember me because you both we're in diapers. Me and your mom were cut off from each other, your dad wouldn't let her talk to me, I couldn't talk to her," Jennifer explained with a long face.

"Anyways, lets get you two settled into your rooms huh?" We went back outside to get our stuff, and after we brought our things inside and waited for what to do next. "Justin!" Aunt Jennifer yelled, "come show everyone to their rooms!" Moments later a guy about my age came down stairs. He had dirty blond spiked up hair, and greenish grayish eyes.

If he wasn't my cousin, i'd think he's hot in a heartbeat. "Oh my god look at how big he is now! I feel old," Mom laughed putting her hands on her hips. "Justin this is your cousins Jenna and Kellin, and your aunt Mary. Guys this is Justin."
"Hi," Justin waved, a happy smile on his face. While everyone else said a clear audible, "Hi" I muttered a barley noticeable "hi." I'm a shy person at times.

I'm not too good around new people at all. "Come on follow me," Justin said turning around ready to walk. We followed him up the stairs. "Okay um..." he looked at me, trying to remember my name. "Kellin," I answered for him. "Kellin, you'll be staying with me in my room and... Carey-" He paused again trying to search for their names. I couldn't help but stifle a giggle, he butchered my moms name. "Aunt Mary, and Jenna," Mom answered for him. "Yeah, you guys are in that room." he pointed to a room across from the room I was staying in.

"Alright go get settled in, and we'll discuss everything about school, and anything else later." Mom said, giving us both kisses on the head. I went inside the room with my stuff and Justin told me which bed I would be sleeping in then I put my stuff next to it. "So, um... Kellin I have a few questions."

"Sure..." I say shyly. "So homophobic or nah?" He asked. "I'm gay..." I tell him shyly. "Oh okay, same!!" He smiled. "Does your mom and everyone else know?" he asked. "I'm open about it. Everyone can know I don't care. My last school didn't have a problem with it will this one?" Worry was laced in my voice. I don't want to go to a school where I can't be myself.

"Nah, there's more gays than you think there is, and if someone were to ever try and beat us up for it, they themselves will surely be beaten. There's this guy Austin Carlile, total hottie but not the one I'm looking for, anyways, he's one out of lots of tough guys that'll beat the shit out of people for being homophobic."
"So we're pretty much protected?" I asked. "Yeah." He nodded, moving back on his bed. "Good," I smiled awkwardly.

After more questions, I found out that Justin like just about the same bands I do, and he's pretty much like me... except for the shy part. He's way more outgoing than I am. Justin says he's going to get me out of that though. I guess we'll see how that goes.

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