Congratulations (A Sleeping w...

By 13twistedsmiles

356K 8.9K 2.5K

Memories from earlier this year flashed into my mind. My mom screaming at me from the ground and me in the tr... More

The Media
Twenty-one at Seventeen
A Day in Town
Sleepless in Seattle
Blood Stained Sheets
Caskets and Rainy Days
Just Cold
Calls To Family
I Don't Care
Turtles Can Kiss!
BBMF (Best Band Member Friends)
Between The Buses
On The Road Again
The Last Straw
A Ghost In The Wall
Last Breath
Whatever It Is
I Said I'd Never Let You Go
The Gift
The Party
Home Sweet Home

Congratulations (A Sleeping with Sirens/Pierce the Veil fanfic)

37.2K 403 207
By 13twistedsmiles

**A/N- This chapter is nothing compared to the rest of the book. I wrote this chapter a long time ago, back when I didn't have any followers, and didn't have any idea that this book would reach the level that its at now. If you can push through this boring chapter, I promise the later chapters wont disappoint you. and if they do.. I give you permission to completely chew me out for being a terrible writer. Deal? (this authors note was written right after I uploaded chapter 24.)

*Rozzalynn's point of view*

I lay on my bed watching interviews of Sleeping With Sirens on Youtube. I've probably watched these videos a million times, but I just can't stop.

I can't believe Kellin is my cousin. I've known for a little over a year now and I'm still stunned. Ever since I found out I've watched videos. I've listened to every song. I've learned everything about them.

My mom says I've changed since I found out, but of course I couldn't tell.

I get up and walk downstairs to get something for breakfast, and I see my mom sitting on the couch.

"Hey, come here for a second," she calls.

I walk over to the couch and look at her.

"Dad's job is sending him to Africa for 3 months, and I'm going with him, but we can't afford to buy you a ticket," she says, her voice scratchy from being sick.

"Well... where am I going?!" I ask worried.

"I called your aunt and she's in Hawaii. And most of your cousins are in jail. So I called I called Katelynn..."


"So I called Katelynn QUINN and she said that they can keep you, but Kellin is going on the road for warped in 2 weeks so get ready," she continued," BUT you HAVE to keep up your school. You have a week left so don't forget to do your work."

I jump up and down screaming "THANK GOD FOR ONLINE SCHOOOLLLLLLLLLS"

"I sure do hope you don't act like this when you get there..." She says, her voice trailing off at the end.

"I won't! So when am I leaving?" I ask.

"Two days," she replies simply.

I run and eat breakfast. Then I run upstairs to my room.

I grab the suitcase from under my bed and open it. I open my dresser and grab all my shirts (all band shirts except one.) and shove them in my suitcase. Then I grab a few pairs of skinny jeans, and all of my jean shorts and shove them in the suitcase. I shove all my shoes into my other suitcase (2 pairs of Converse, 1 pair of Vans, 1 pair of TOMS, and my flip flops). I pack cds, makeup, everything but my bed pretty much. (which wasn't hard, I don't own much)

The next two days seemed to take forever!

That second night I had problems sleeping. Just the thought of seeing my famous cousin made me jumpy, but I still got four hours of sleep.

*BEEP BEEP BEEEP* My alarm clock shrieks.

"UGH, go die in a hole!" I scream before I turn it off.

I get out of bed and pull my luggage downstairs. I make some breakfast and wait on Mom to come down.

Finally, she appears at the bottom of the stairs.

Fully ready and holding the keys she asked me if I was ready.

We got my luggage in the car and drove to the airport. She helped me get my ticket and everything and then we wait for them to call my flight.

They finally did and she hugged me goodbye as I started walking out to where I would board my plane.

I found my seat and sat down. The person sitting next to me was a girl around my age and she looked worried.

"what's wrong?" I ask as I tap her shoulder.

She looks around nervous then looks back at me, "Do you realize we are on A PLANE?!"

"Ummm, yes I do. Why?"

"Planes can crash. And they do a lot. and DO YOU REALIZE HOW DANGEROUS THIS IS?!" She practically shouts, while shaking me.

Ohhhh nooo. I'm stuck next to one of THOSE people.

As the plane went up she held my arm for dear life and I swear my hand turned blue.

I eventually pried her off of me and fell asleep.

I heard the intercom annouce that we were going to land in Michigan in five minutes. I buckle my seat belt and wait to land.

I walk into the airport and start to look for my luggage. I finally see it and get it.

I walk out to the middle to look for Kellin or Katelynn. I finally see a woman sitting in a corner all alone, with a baby and sunglasses on.

I walk towards her and she stands up. She walks towards me and pushes me out the doors towards the cars.

We get in her car and she smiles at me.

"So you're Rozzalynn," she says, "well I'm pretty sure you know who I am."

I smile back at her and nod.

She starts the car and turns on the radio. I hear the familiar voice of Vic Fuentes and smile.

The car ride wasn't near as long as I thought it would be, but it was very quiet.

She stops in front of a big house and we get out. She grabs Copeland and I grab my luggage.

As soon as I walk in Kellin attacks me.

"Rawr!" he says jumping out in front of me with his hands out.

I sit my luggage down and hug him.

"Hi Rozz," he says still in my hug, "so your Mom said you are a fan?"

I had to try so hard to keep from fangirling at that moment.

"YES!" I exclaim as I let him go.

I hear a chuckle from the other side of the room and see Katelynn watching us.

"Babe, why don't you go sing for her?" Katelynn asked.

Kellin grabs my hand and leads me down to the basement. It was a practice room. A huge room with chairs and instruments.

He walks over and grabs his guitar and sits down on the couch. He points at the chair in front of him and I sit down.

"True friends lie underneath," he starts.

"The witty words I don't believe. I can't believe a damn thing they say anymore," I join in.

He stops and stares at me for a second.

I throw my hands over my mouth, "I know I'm bad. sorry..." I say.

"No! actually I want you to continue. by yourself!"

He starts playing again and I sing the song all the way through.

He smiles a huge smile at the end. "I never knew I had a little cousin with talent. We gotta make a video for YouTube!" he exclaims as he walks to a table and grabs a video camera.

He sets it up pointed at the couch and has me come sit by him.

He presses record and starts off "Hi I'm Kellin, and this is Rozz. We are going to sing With Ears to See and Eyes to Hear acoustic for you guys!"

He starts strumming and we sing. I felt so amazing for a few minutes.

He went and immediately uploaded it to YouTube and we went upstairs.

I grab my luggage and head upstairs to where they said my room was. They sat down there talking.

I unpacked everything and put my dead laptop on the charger.

I walked downstairs again and asked Kellin if I could use his computer to check Facebook.

I log in and post a quick status "Hanging with my cousin." I typed. I logged out then went to youtube and watched the video.

I still couldn't believe it. I looked at the views and it already had 80,000. I scroll down to the comments and start laughing.

I was greeted with comments such as "WHO IS ROZZ? KELLIN BABY LET ME SING!"

I type out a comment saying Rozz is his cousin and post it. instantly I remember I was on Kellins account and try to delete ths comment, but it wouldn't delete.

"My life is over..." I say as I turn off the computer and head to bed.


Keep Reading! it gets a lot better! a lot!

All of this is made up. And sorry its terrible. I wrote this at 4am, so a lot of spelling and grammar mistakes probably.

Continue Reading

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