The One (Dallas Winston/The O...

By theoutsidersxx

68.6K 1.5K 465

"You're just lucky you're cute sweetheart, otherwise you'd be six feet under regretting you even said hi to m... More

The One (Dallas Winston/The Outsiders)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 1

7.5K 141 30
By theoutsidersxx

Sometimes things can be hard.

It can be hard having a little brother who's too energetic for his own good.

It can be hard when your mother leaves town for the weekend leaving you with 3, hyperactive, curious 9 year old boys.

It can be hard when you loose them while you're out for lunch.

Sometimes it's hard when it's nearly 7:30 at night, the suns going down and you still haven't found the 3 little worms who locked you in the public bathroom. 

"Connor!?" I yelled, trudging through the burnt grass, occasionally crunching beneath my feet.

The smell of smoke was becoming more distinct. I wasn't sure wether it was people smoking, or the houses through the other side of the trees. I just hoped it wasn't something dangerous.

"Ivan!?" I yelled, pulling some of my hair that had come loose from my ponytail out of my face.

I could feel myself become frustrated. Mom was going to kill me for letting Connor and his friends get away with something like that. I was already mentally planning my escape.

"Blake!?" I yelled once again coming to the edge of the forest.

I looked out into the clearing, I couldn't see anyone from where I was. I groaned and turned back around, making my way back into town.

I had walked about 30 feet before I heard yelling from back in the clearing where I just was. I quickly made my way back over to the edge of the forest to see 3 small figures running in my direction. I looked further up the hill to see 3 more figures, this time they were definitely larger, and all male.

As the smaller 3 figures got closer I realized that I knew who they were. I immediately ran forward, letting my anger take control of me.

"Connor James Harrison!" The three of them stopped running and looked at me.

"Sidnee?" Asked the small boy who I knew was my brother.

"Where on earth have you three been?" I asked walking closer to them. I took no notice of the other 3 boys who had stopped a few feet away and were staring at me.

Blake, one of Connor's friends, was about to reply but I cut him off before a breath could even leave his mouth.

"You lock me in a public toilet, run away, and I have to spend hours looking for you 3!" I yelled.

The three boys stared down at their feet looking ashamed, but I knew it was all an act.

"We're sorry Sidnee." Muttered Connor, who was nervously glancing behind him.

I looked up and saw the three boys. They were all looking at me, though the tall, mean looking one with the dark hair, looked angry and his eyes kept glancing from me to my brother and his friends.

I stepped towards the three boys, my brother and his friends now standing behind me. I glared them and folded my arms.

"And who are you?" I spat at them.

The taller, obviously older, one who was standing in the middle, smirked at me and stepped closer.

"Who do you want me to be?" He asked with a cocky look. I noticed the guy had a New York accent, and he had a ring on his finger, but I wasn't close enough to see the details on the the silver metal.

I rolled my eyes and looked over at the other 2 boys behind him.

"What about you guys, what are your names?" I asked them.

They looked at each other cautiously before looking back at me.

"Well, I'm Ponyboy Curtis, and this is Johnny Cade." Said the one with dark hair and pale skin. I smiled and nodded at them.

Those 2 boys seem different from the idiot in front of me. They don't seem as violent and cocky, and definitely more trustworthy. It looked to me like they were just along for the ride.

"Sidnee, can we go now." I heard my brother ask from behind me.

I turned to look at him and nodded. I turned back to look at the 3 older boys.

"Bye Ponyboy, bye Johnny." I said smiling at them.

I looked over at the other guy, who's name I still didn't know. I noticed his eyes were no longer looking at my face, but down at my legs, which unfortunately were basically on full view with the high waisted shorts I was wearing.

I gave him a disgusted look before turning back around and walking back towards town, Connor and his friends in tow.

"Hey, what about me, how come I don't get a goodbye?" Yelled the other guy.

"Because I don't think you deserve one." I yelled over my shoulder before flipping him off.

"Oh yeah? How come?" He yelled after me, but I didn't reply, I carried on walking without taking notice of the guy, who still happened to be yelling behind me.

We made our way through the forest, walking along the track. I could hear the 3 small boys walking along behind me. They knew I was getting ready to yell at them, they knew well enough to prepare for the wrath of Sidnee Harrison.

"What were you guys thinking?" I half yelled at them.

I heard small, incoherent replies as I carried on walking.

"You could've gotten lost! You would've gotten hurt! I can't believe you idiots locked me in a fucking toilet!" I yelled, turning around and stopping in my tracks.

All three of them didn't dare look up at me, they carried on looking down at the ground and pushing the small amount of dirt around with their foot. I sighed and turned back around and carried on walking.

"I can't believe you guys." 

"Wait so, let me get this straight, your brother, who is nearly 6 years younger than you, locked you in a public bathroom and left you there?" My friend Stella asked, I could tell she was holding in her laugh.

I sighed and nodded. She immediately burst out laughing, as did my other 2 friends Mary-Anne and Cammy.

"Guy it's not funny, I spent my whole weekend babysitting that little worm and his friends, it's practically torture." I whined resting my head in my hands.

"We're sorry Sid, carry on with your story." Said Mary-Anne once she had calmed down from her laughing fit.

Just as I was about to carry on, my other friend Kelly walked over and sat down opposite me.

"Did you guys hear? He's been arrested again." She said as soon as she sat down.

We all looked at her confused.

"Who's been arrested?" Asked Cammy.

"Dallas Winston, I have no idea what for, but people saw him being handcuffed last night." She replied, taking a bite out of her sandwich.

I rolled my eyes. That idiot of a guy was always getting in trouble for something no matter where he went. I've never met him nor seen him before so I have no idea what he looks like and I intend to keep it that way.

"When's he not in the cooler?" Stella scoffed.

I nodded a long with Mary-Anne in agreement.

"I mean, has the guy ever spent a week outside of jail recently? I think he'll find it's better than being in that shit hole." Stella carried on.

Stella was a girl who didn't care what people thought of her, she said what she wanted and did what she wanted. She was a greaser but didn't judge any one before she got to know them.

Cammy was her twin sister. Her full name was actually Camille, but for some unknown reason she absolutely hated the name. She was the quieter of the 2, but wasn't afraid to voice her own opinion every once in a while when it was needed. Apart from that she looked, and acted exactly like Stella.

Kelly and Mary-Anne on the other hand were Socs, but they didn't care who they were friends with, and I admired them for that. They were both pretty well off and guaranteed to go to college.

I on the other hand, have no idea where I stand on this social ladder. My family aren't rich, we are nothing like a Soc family, but we aren't greasers. I guess you could say we were middle class, but in this town there is no in-between. The people at my school think I'm a Soc, but the kids at my brothers school think he's a greaser.

"Hey guys, have either of you noticed that kid before?" Asked Kelly, nudging Mary-Anne's side.

We all followed her gaze over to a table in the corner where a boy sat on his own. He was reading a book and slowly eating his lunch. I could see he had dark hair that was greased back, and I couldn't help but think that he looked familiar.

"Oh yeah, that's umm... Oh crap what's his name again Cammy?" Stella asked.

"Isn't it Ponyboy? Or something like that." Cammy replied looking at her twin.

"Hey I know him, I met him the other night when I was looking for Connor." I said looking away from Ponyboy and towards the twins.

"Are you serious? He's cute." Said Stella. I gave her a blank look in reply.

"Yes Stella, and he's like 14, you're 16, please don't." Cammy said in reply. Stella just rolled her eyes in response.

"Yeah, he knows Dallas Winston doesn't he?" Kelly asked, she paused to look back over at the boy who was still reading the book. "Because I know the name seems familiar."

"Yeah something like that." Stella replied just as the bell rang signaling 5th period.  

The front door slammed behind me. I dumped my bag on the ground and made my way into the kitchen.

"Mom! Are you home!?" I yelled as I pushed open the door.

"Yes, I'm right here, there's no need to yell." She said closing the oven and checking the temperature.

I smiled at her and sat down on one of the bar stools.

"How was school?" She asked, sitting down next to me.

"It was alright, nothing special happened." I shrugged.

She smiled at me in response and stood back up from her seat. She walked over to the other side of the counter and pulled out a piece of paper from a small pile and handed it to me.

"Can you go to the store for me and get these things?" She asked me.

I nodded and looked up at her from the list of food.

"All of this stuff is party food though?" I said questionably.

She just smiled and nodded before making her way out of the kitchen and up the stairs.

I sighed and grabbed my jacket, shrugging it over my shoulders, and stuffing the list in my pocket. I made my way out the front door, locking it behind me.

The air was noticeably colder as I walked in the direction of town and I was happy I had made the decision of bringing my jacket. Along with that I was also wearing jeans so my legs weren't cold.

I've always hated walking into town from my home at his time of the day. The sun was just starting to go down, but it was still light enough so the street lights weren't on. There's something about the stillness of the area that made me feel creepily alone, and I didn't like it.

I finally reached the small corner store that was just on the outside of the busier town area. I pushed open the door, that annoying bell jingling as I did so. I smiled at the man at the counter before walking to the back of the store to get the first thing on the list, marshmallows.

My eyes scanned over the various brands of marshmallows before picking a bag that was a reasonable size and had a mixture of pink and white.

As I was walking over to the ice creams, which were further back in the store, I heard yelling from the front. I cautiously walked through the isles and out to the front where I could see what was going on.

I know this doesn't sound like the smartest idea on earth, but I guess it's just unfortunate that I'm extremely curious at times, and this just happened to be one of those times.

When I saw what was going on, my heart began to race and I'm pretty sure all of the color had drained from my face. There was a guy standing by the counter, in his hand was a gun which was pointed to the store-clerk's head. I couldn't see the guys face, I didn't know if that was a good thing or not though.

"Give me your money." The guy growled at him. The man shook his head, he tried to act tough but I could tell he was terrified. Just like I was.

"I'll give you one more chance, give me the money." He said in a lower voice.

My whole body was frozen, I couldn't even feel myself breathe. I couldn't comprehend what was happening in my head. In my mind I tried to convince myself that it wasn't real, but I knew it was and this feeling wasn't going away.

"You're not so lucky that you're the only one in this store." He said, pressing the gun harder against the clerks head.

The clerks attention then drifted over to me, the guy followed his gaze, That's when I saw who it was. It was that cocky idiot that had chased Connor, Ivan and Blake the other day. I felt the bag of marshmallows drop to the floor, along with my purse and everything else I just so happened to be holding in my hands.

The guy made his way over to me, still aiming his gun at the other mans head. He smirked and stopped when he was only a matter of feet away from me. I tried to move but I couldn't, my feet were glued to the floor and I couldn't seem to make them move.

"Hello again." He smirked.

I didn't say anything in reply, all I could do was stare at him and hope he didn't pull the trigger.

Just as he was about to step closer, there was another jingle of the bell as the door opened and someone walked in. The guy turned to look at whoever it was. I slightly leaned so I could see behind him.

Stella. That's who stood in the door way completely gobsmacked at what she was witnessing.

"Sidnee?" She asked when she saw me. "Sidnee, what's going on?"

The guy smirked and turned to look back at me.

"Yeah Sidnee, why don't you tell your little friend here what's going on?" He asked.

I opened my mouth to reply, but I was cut off.

"Who the hell are you calling little ass hole!? I'll have you know that I'm not little, I'm just smaller in height than you." She yelled storming over to him. "And don't think I don't know who you are, because I know all about you." She growled, she seemed to have forgotten the fact that he still had a gun in his hands aimed at somebody's head.

"Oh yeah, you do?" He asked her with that usual smirk.

"Yeah I know you, you're Dallas Winston." She growled back.

He looked at her with fury and pointed the gun at her head.

"Shut it you bitch, or otherwise you'll be on the ground, and so will your friend." He growled in her face.

Stella immediately shut her mouth and her whole body tensed up. The guy, Dallas, laughed.

"Not so tough now, are you?" He smirked.

I suddenly felt adrenaline rush through me and I kept forward and jumped on the idiots back. He lost his footing and we both went tumbling forward.

"What th-" He said flipping his body over from underneath me. He smirked when he saw me.

"No one calls my friend a bitch and gets away with it ass hole." I said raising my fist and hitting him straight in the nose.

He flipped over so that he was now over top of me, some blood from his nose was dripping onto my shirt, his face was the look of pure anger. It was the kind of look that made me shrink back and regret my actions completely.  He pushed the gun into the side of my head hard enough to most likely leave a bruise.  My eyes widened as he looked down at me and leaned forward, his face was only inches away from mine.

"That was a big mistake." He smirked, but that smirk was soon gone when the sound of sirens appeared outside. He pushed himself off of me and stood back up.

"You're going to regret that Sidnee." He growled at me.

Three cops pushed their way in through the door and made their way over to Dallas. I was surprised at how willingly he actually went with them.

He left the store with one last look back at me before he was lead to one of the cars and shoved in the back.

"Are you okay Sidnee?" Stella asked, rushing over to my side. I nodded.

"Yeah I'm fine." I muttered sitting up.

The only thought going through my head was that my plan of never seeing Dallas Winston was foiled.  

There's chapter 1 of my new story! I hope anyone who read it liked it :) if you did please vote and/or comment because that would mean a lot :)

I will definitely be updating my other stories really soon, so keep an eye out :) 

Bye xx 


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