Naruto The Chakra Sage

By kyuusora

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This fan fiction is diverged from another writer who is better than me in the arts of fan fiction so this is... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13

chapter 10

465 22 1
By kyuusora

Naruto, Hinata and Sasuke were walking through the academy. Naruto looked miffed that Sasuke was there, Sasuke put up the aura of arrogance again, and Hinata, well, she was just being a little more confident than before. They have a permanent mental link for this, in case something came up, and no one else should hear it.

They up on a door that clearly stated Room 332, however, all 3 recognized it as a Genjutsu. Naruto spoke over the link first. "Sasuke, time for your stupidly arrogant side to make an appearance. Tell them that even a dead last, such as myself, can tell the difference."

"Naru, you know I don't like it when people insult you."

"Actually, Hinata, he has a point. The old me would make constant barbs at him for lack of ineptitude. And then he'd get defensive about it and yell at me." Sasuke told her.

"He's right. This is just playing the part to the maximum." Naruto added. "You may not like it, Hina, but it's necessary right now. When we reach the Second Portion, that's when the masks come off."

"Fine, I'll hold myself back."

"You can hit him, but use a fist, and not Jyuuken influenced. Make sure it hits the head." Naruto stated.

"You trying to cause me brain damage?" Sasuke asked.

"If I was, I would've said add in the Jyuuken. Which I just told her not to use on you. We'd need you for the Exams anyway, and doing that now would counteract what we need." They were all silent after that, before Sasuke made his presence known. "Get out of my way. And drop the Genjutsu while you're at it. Even the dead last of my class can tell that it's only a Genjutsu."

"HEY!" Naruto shouted. 'God, I feel like an idiot.'Hinata then bonked Sasuke on the head.

"Insult him like that again, and I might Jyuuken your nuts off." She told him. "And now we have more weaklings to fight. I thought that's something you wouldn't want, as you detest fighting weaklings."

Sasuke glared at her before hearing something."Sasuke, I'm about to hit you, dodge to the right." He did so, and Naruto purposely lost balance, though it looked like an accident. "See what I mean? You're still a dead..." He saw the look on Hinata's face, and remembered her threat earlier, gulped, and shut up.

The others saw this and was wondering what the hell happened. There was only one person that saw through the facade, and he glared intensely at Hinata. 'So that's your game, huh? I will not be made a fool of by you again. And that blonde... He should have been the dead last of his class, yet he brought her to a point no one would ever be able to reach. Fate easily puts them at the bottom, yet they have both made it to the top...' He stopped for a second and realized something. 'What if they were hiding everything beforehand, and then... NO THAT CAN'T BE POSSIBLE!'

"Neji, you okay?" A girl asked him.

"Hn." was his response. Team 7 was walking off, and he looked at a Genin in Green Spandex. "Let's go Lee."

Lee looked at Team 7 as they walked off. 'He went off balance on purpose. If I weren't a Taijutsu specialist, I would've thought he was just some dead last like... Myself. Of course! That was all an act!' Lee got up, and followed them to the room.

-Room 332-

Naruto, Hinata, and Sasuke entered the room after listening to Kakashi's protocol speech. They went in, knowing that Kakashi was putting on an act to appease the other Jounin and the Hokage.

They immediately found Kiba... actually, Kiba found them, and made it known as his rash self came up to them. Sakura came up to them as well, acting like a bit of a fangirl for Sasuke, who she went through Sasuke, who simply smirked as she phased through him in surprise. "And that's why I love the Izanagi."

"Don't overuse it though. The fact that you did that now is not a good thing." Naruto warned him.

"I know, I know. But you should see the look on Shikamaru's face." Sasuke pointed out, causing Naruto to turn to Shikamaru.

"Troublesome. Looks like he got some kind of new Jutsu to do that." Shikamaru stated.

"Shut up!" Ino shouted. "Sasuke-kun, I'm glad you could make it."

"Hn. Whatever."

"You guys should quiet down, you know?" A male stated, as he walked up to them, Naruto made a retort that his old self make. "Oh yeah? And what do you know?"

"Oh, I know a lot. This isn't the first time I've taken the exams you know?" he replied. "Kabuto Yakushi."

"Shit! Spy for Orochimaru, as pointed out by the Kitsune and Phoenix Clans. Play along as if we don't know." Naruto told his teammates who nodded mentally. Kabuto showed off his Ninfo cards, and then he brought up participants, which Sasuke immediately took advantage.

"Sabaku no Gaara from Sunagakure, and Rock Lee from Konohagakure."

Kabuto gave the information, which is the same as usual. Then Shikamaru got a little bold, which was unlike him. "How about Naruto Uzumaki?" He asked. Kabuto looked at him, and nodded before pulling another card.

"Do you think he found out about us?" Hinata asked.

"No, but he obviously suspects something."Sasuke replied.

Kabuto then revealed the information. "It appears that he's done several classified missions, but other than that, nothing out of the ordinary. His Taijutsu is downright horrible, his Genjutsu is Non-existent, but shows some aptitude for Ninjutsu, especially with... Shadow Clone Jutsu?" He looked at Naruto. "You do realize that's actually a Kinjutsu, right?"

"Just because it's labeled forbidden, doesn't mean illegal, right?" Naruto shouted at him. Kabuto blinked, and shrugged. "I suppose not. His team is Hinata Hyuuga and Sasuke Uchiha. Aside from his Reserves, which are insane at best, and non-classified mission count, I have nothing else on him." he looked at Naruto. "Someone seems to be going to great length to hide potential abilities such as yours."

Naruto glared at him, but was interrupted by a group of Sound Genin, which Naruto, Sasuke and Hinata placed a Reverse Sound barrier around their heads to get rid of any side affects. Naruto made a complaint, but Shikamaru was eying Naruto for some reason, and it unnerved him.

There was an explosion that stopped them, in which several Chuunin, along with one Jounin that Naruto recognized instantly, appeared. "Alright you mother fuckers! I am Ibiki Morino, your proctor for this Exam! No more fighting or instant disqualification! Now turn in your registrations and get your seat number! I want this done in 5 minutes. Anyone not done fails immediately!"

Everyone was seated, and 5 teams were failed by then. Ibiki then explained rules, Sakura questioned them once, but shut up immediately at his retort. After the test started, everyone got through test. Naruto, Sasuke and Hinata were checking the answers with each other, though Naruto gave a few answers, that Sasuke and Hinata both found were right when they solved it themselves. They all finished the First 9 questions, and sighed. Naruto felt a Chakra pulse from Ino, meaning she used her family's Jutsu, which Sakura beat her out of soon afterwards.

After 45 minutes passed, Ibiki signaled a Pencils down. "Alright, time for the Tenth question! There are extra rules for this one." he gave rules that would make it pointless, but Naruto saw right through them.

"Trying to make us give up, is he?" Naruto stated over the link.

"What do you mean?"

"Ibiki Morino is the head of Torture and Interrogation. His specialty happens to be Psychological Torture, meaning he works on the mind." Naruto explained.

"So, don't give in to his rules?" Hinata asked, thinking that was the answer.

"He's mainly trying to decrease those that pass. I'm going let it drop first, then do something that even you would expect from me now, and everyone else would as well." Naruto told them, as they both nodded. Timed perfectly, since he was finished explaining.

He sent bursts of KI towards some of the others, and several of them. The numbers were down to just below 80, and figured this was enough to piss off Anko. He slowly raised his hand, which wa shaking a bit. Sakura, who saw this was about to shout at him, but he slammed it on the desk in front.

"Never underestimate me! I don't quit, and I won't run! Even if I am stuck as a Genin for life, I'm still going to be Hokage some day! So just give up on making me GIVE UP!" Naruto yelled, amplifying his voice at the end.

Everyone else was shaken from their fear when he finished. "Are you sure? You can quit now, and save your team the effort or your failure."

"Did you not just hear me?" Naruto crossed his arms. "I just fucking said to GIVE UP ON MAKING ME GIVE UP! WHAT PART OF THAT DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND?" He took a deep breath. "Just give us the God damned Tenth question!"

Anyone that still had any doubt looked at him in inspiration. "and that's how you rally the masses." He said over the link, earning a smirk from both Hinata and Sasuke, even though they were unnoticed.

"And that's why your the leader of our squad."Sasuke told him. "Kakashi's outmatched by you there."

-Jounin Lounge-

Kakashi, Kurenai and Asuma were sitting in a corner booth. "You know, It's a little quiet without the Genin around." Kurenai stated.

"Yeah, well, they'll be coming back pretty soon. Especially with the first proctor." Asuma stated.

"Oh? And who is it?" Kakashi asked, feigning interest.

"Ibiki Morino."

"Ibiki, huh?" Kakashi stated. "I'm not worried about my team's chances. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if he comes out of it pissed off."

"Oh?" Asuma asked. "And why not?"

"Wait, why is that a problem?" Kurenai asked.

"Oh, you're new to the Jounin levels, aren't you, Kurenai? Well, I'll enlighten you." Kakashi stated. "Ibiki Morino is the Head of the TI division. The only one to ever scare him is on my team."

"I wouldn't think Sasuke was that good." Asuma commented. "And Naruto is supposedly a dead last, but some are questioning the capability of our Academy recently."

"And he's why." Kakashi stated. "Would you believe me if I said Naruto leads my team better than I do?"

"That would be impossible." Asuma stated.

"I wouldn't put it past him, to be honest." Kurenai added, causing Asuma to nearly whiplash. "I've been hearing a few things among the Genin. Recently, Ino's been finding out a lot of things that put Naruto's true abilities into question, and most of them are unreal."

"Which part? The rumors, or the abilities?" Kakashi asked.

"Both." was her answer. "And it confuses me to no end."

"Well, Naruto does in fact come up with things that interest me, and helped Sasuke, Hinata and myself take out Zabuza Momochi. He wasn't even present for it, either." Kakashi stated. "He's got some kind of quality about him. The natural feel of a leader. And his teammates follow him easily, knowing he's got something to beat out anything."

"Heh, he's got nothing on Shikamaru when it comes to strategy." Asuma stated. "I swear, that kid is more of a strategist than most Nara."

"Well, that's up for debate." Kakashi retorted lazily. "I mean, Naruto's the only one that has ever gotten in and out of the Hyuuga Estate, while pranking them, and didn't get caught. But his biggest one, or so he says, happens to have made a diversion so the Hokage can get information for an Execution that has been warranted for a while. Said execution was carried out a few weeks back. If he turned his pranking experience into a strategic mind, he would probably beat Shikamaru out easily."

"And he hasn't yet, has he?"

"No, he has." Kakashi replied offhandedly. "He just doesn't show it. Most of the unusual D-ranks these days came at his idea from two Council members and himself."

"The pranking ones?" Kurenai asked. "Wouldn't put it past him."

"They are eerily similar to Search and Destroy missions during war. Get in, set a trap, get out, activate it." Kakashi stated. "Then they have to outrun the ones that pursue them, or evade them long enough for the time limit. My team is not allowed to take these missions, as that is just easy pickings for it. They'd do so, and they'd get out of range for any suspicion and then activate it. With Naruto, anything is possible. His potential, nearly limitless, if not Limitless."

Asuma sighed. "I highly doubt that."

"I've seen some of his exploits, Asuma. He took on a demon single handedly, and won." Kurenai stated. "I thought an exorcist was needed, but all we needed was him. Turns out Demonic Chicken tastes better fried than grilled."

Kakashi nodded. "I can attest to that. He was the dead last, but with his potential, I'd easily place him as further along than Sasuke when the team was formed. I'm one of those that question the ability of the Academy."

A random Jounin appeared in front of them, and he was panting. "Kakashi...Iruka...Anko... kiss..."

Asuma and Kurenai looked puzzled, but Kakashi's visible eye widened. "You mean to tell me, Iruka and Anko kissed?" The Jounin nodded. "And why are you telling me this?"

"Naruto is involved." He said. "Iruka threw a Kunai without looking, and did this!" He pointed to a cut on his cheek.

"What do you know? He actually did it." Kakashi stated, earning surprise from the others in the area. "Once I found out that Naruto was close to Anko, I told him she really needs to find a boyfriend. He said he could get her one easily, but I doubted him... OH shit! Now I owe him 1,000 Ryou!" Kakashi was frustrated, much to Asuma's surprise.

"Who knew?" Kurenai asked.

-Examination room-

Anko had just entered, Iruka right outside. "Alright maggots listen up!"

"Anko, you're early." Ibiki stated, extremely pissed.

"What got your panties in a jumble?" She retorted, before looking into the crowd, spotting to a smirking Naruto. "What's so funny, gaki?"

"Oh nothing. Hey why don't you ask him what made him so pissed?" Naruto replied. Anko then looked at Ibiki, and noticed he was pissed.

"Let me guess, you did this?" Anko thumbed at Ibiki, earning a nod. "Well, shit. Looks like you win again, Gaki."

"I always do." Naruto replied leaning back. "And if you have anyone to blame for the numbers, it's me. Team 7 is out!" He then left in a Flame Teleport. Sasuke then did the same, and Hinata sighed taking a page out of Shikamaru's book.

"Troublesome." She looked at Shikamaru, who had a raised eyebrow. "I take it the next portion is the Forest of Death?" Anko nodded. "Okay, now I'm out." She left in a whirlwind.

"Those 3 are just plain fun. And by the way, Ibiki." She turned to him with a sadistic smile. "I told ya, didn't I? You owe me 2,500 Ryou now."

"Fuck you!" He replied.

"I'm sure you'd like to, but I'm happily taken." Anko winked. "Training Ground 44. Tomorrow. 1000 hours. Be there, and don't be late." She left in a Shunshin. Ibiki blinked, but then left in a Shunshin.

-Jounin Lounge-

Ibiki entered immediately, and looked at Kakashi. He looked back, and noticed he was pissed the fuck off. "Kakashi..."

"Whatever my students did was their own idea. Quite frankly, they're better off on their own ideas than mine." He replied. "And I have a feeling that it was Naruto that pissed you off, right?"

Ibiki growled, but nodded. Kakashi looked at Kurenai and Asuma. "Pay up."

Kurenai and Asuma pulled out 600 and 1,000 ryou respectively and handed it to him. "You really enjoyed that, didn't you?" Asuma asked.

"Hey, I can't deny that Naruto does the impossible nearly every day. I just make the best of it." Kakashi replied, before turning to Ibiki. "Alright, now I want details on what he did." Ibiki sat down, and explained it. When he was done, Kakashi whistled. "That's a downgrade from the usual."

"A downgrade?" Asuma asked, thoroughly surprised. "That kind of manipulation is easily Kage level!"

"Yes, I know. And I'm not changing my words." Kakashi retorted. "I mean, he's even conned the Kyuubi not once, but twice. I think Kage level manipulation is, in fact, a downgrade from that. I heard that via telepathy from the Kyuubi himself, not Naruto."

"How can you trust it?" Ibiki growled.

"Would you believe it if he gave an exercise for Chakra Control that I had trouble with at first?" Kakashi asked. "It was originally for Naruto, since his control was so fucked up, but now that he went through it, as did the rest of the team, They can basically pull of A-rank Jutsu with C-rank difficulty. Naruto pulls his Wind Element Jutsu without handsigns, even A-rank Wind Jutsu, and within seconds. I'll be honest, I took a back-seat when it came to training and the like. He's got me beat."

"Why do you think I like the damn gaki?" Anko asked, signaling she was there.

"I thought you'd be with Iruka." Kakashi stated.

"He's got kids to deal with." She replied as she sat down. "How did you know anyway?"

Asuma pointed at a Jounin who had a scratch on his cheek. "He said it, not us."


"Eh, that's fine. It was him that threw it, anyway." Anko waved it off. "Kakashi, if you see Naruto before the next exam, tell him I said thanks, and he was right. Oh, yeah." She pulled out a scroll. "And give him this, if you can. Scar nose and I got it for him." Kakashi took it and nodded, before leaving.

-Naruto Residence-

There comes a time in every man's life that he wished he learned how to cook. Naruto didn't have to worry about this, as he could cook anything Fu wanted, and still stomach it. Hinata, on the other hand, not so much. She got used to the morning sickness (A/N: I'm not sure if it's supposed to be there during the first week, to be honest.) but she still can't get used to the insane food.

Naruto even made separate dishes after a while, which Naruto and Hinata ate regular food, and she ate what she wanted. It was a compromise that was made, and all 3 were happy.

"Sweetie, do you really have to go in that forest?" Fu asked.

"I kind of do." Naruto replied, before shaking his head. "If I don't I can't be promoted, and since I already made preparations a week ago, I guess you can say I'm good, as is my team. I also noticed that Neji still holds a grudge against you, Hinata."

"Well, let me tell you what I think the cause is." Hinata then went into the story of the Kumo Ninja that kidnapped her, and the subsequent death of Hizashi Hyuuga, Neji's father. "If I had to say anything, that and the fact he was branded are the two main reasons."

Naruto sighed and nodded. "Looks like I'll have even more fun with this. Because now, I've got another reason to get rid of that stick up his ass. Seriously, if he coughs I'd blame it on his Fate Stick. He still can't believe I did more than most would ever think is possible."

"When you're around often enough, people get used to crazy, bat-shit insane, or impossible events happening." Hinata admitted. "And I actually like it, because it keeps me on my toes, and... well, there's never really a dull moment around you."

"Tell me about it." Fu added. "I mean, sure you're different, but that doesn't really mean much to most."

Naruto nodded, when he noticed that Kakashi entered the area. "Why's Kakashi here?" Hinata and Fu looked at him.

"I'll see what it is." Hinata said getting up and walking out.

She met him in the cave as he entered. "What's up, sensei?"

"Naruto here?" He asked, earning a nod. "Message from Anko." He pulled out a scroll. "And give him this." He also pulled out a bag and handed them to her. "That one is from me, and if he asks why, tell him I found out about Iruka."

She raised an eyebrow. "Anything I should know?"

"I think you should ask him that question." Kakashi replied. "If he says you do or don't need to, I'm not going to complain either way. But in the end, it's his call." He left in a puff of smoke.

"Naruto, what happened concerning Iruka and Kakashi?"

"Did he hand you a bag filled with a bit of money?"

"Something I should know about?" Hinata asked him.

"I got Iruka-sensei and Anko to go out on a date. He said I couldn't get Anko to date someone. Apparently, I did and he just found out."

Hinata sighed mentally as she walked back in and tossed the scroll and bag to him. "You'd be surprised how much of my money is from Gambling."

"I'm aware." Hinata stated. "What about the message from Anko?" Naruto had just started reading it, and his eyes widened. "What is it?"

"Well, shit." He said. "A few Kitsune have gone in there, and she's the only one that knows. Apparently, they're waiting for me to get there, so they can help out if necessary."

"Shouldn't they be a bit more careful?" Fu asked. "I mean, that isn't really a good thing to go through, you know? The village hates Kitsune."

"True as that is, this is bound to help out quite a bit." Naruto admitted. "I'll be surprised if they take out a team from Konohagakure. However, if we get placed in the Northeast Sector, We could use all the Wildlife to our advantage. They already have a list of who not to attack. Other than that, anyone is free game for them. They know to avoid our class entirely, they're going to avoid Neji's team, and they're going to avoid Gaara's team. Kabuto's team, if they see him, they kill him. That's a no questions asked point."

They both nodded at that. "We'll need to come up with a password of some sort. One that only our team would know." Hinata replied, earning a nod from Naruto.

"Sasuke's got his Sharingan, but only we know of it's Eternal Mangekyo form. Not even Kakashi is completely aware of it." He told her. "I think this should continue in the Mental Chatroom." Seeing her nod they begin talking amongst minds.

"Sasuke, can you hear me?" Naruto asked.

"Yeah, what's up? Another annoying contestant?"

"No, we're planning for the next exam. It's in the Forest of Death, and we have an advantage, but we need a way to know a real from a fake."Hinata stated.

"Hey, I think I can help with that." Kyuubi stated.

"What you got in mind?" Fu asked.

"Fu's in here too?" Sasuke asked.

"Got a problem with that?"

"No, just wondering. What's the idea?"

"Ask a random question that only they would know. For example, who is your team leader. From what I've seen, you say it's Naruto. In reality there is no true leader." Kyuubi stated.

"That would really confuse people. Naruto's supposed to be the dead last, but he's a much better leader than both of us." Hinata stated.

"When you think about it, it makes sense. You two and Sakura are the only ones that I've opened up to, minus Haku, but she won't be in the forest. My greatest fear is one thing for me."

"My first original Jutsu, which I have yet to showcase, by the way. That's another good one."

"As for me, asking about my childhood, I'd only say this. Hell would be an understatement. Of course, some of this isn't exactly uncommon knowledge. How about our best role, or our worst role, and we only answer with one."

"Specialties?" Sasuke asked.

"The Impossible."

"Kitsune Illusions."

"Swordplay." Everyone was a little shocked at Sasuke's answer. "What?"

"You use other swords?" Naruto asked.

"I've been training with a few types, but yeah, I'm pretty good. Mom says it's my best skill in combat. I still need development in the relationship department."

"You and me both, man." Naruto stated.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Hinata asked, though only Naruto and Fu saw the smile and instantly shuddered.

"Uh... I've got a ways to go to be good? I mean, before I let you in my house, I had never known love, or had any true friends but still..."

"Don't worry, I understand. Still, avoid using the Tag out."

"Tag out?" Fu asked.

"It's a Jinchuuriki specific move that we kind of came up with. However, there is a theory that I don't really want to test out at this juncture, but would be highly valuable to know if its possible."

"I'm listening." Naruto said.

"If we're performing the Tag out, what would happen if the connection between us is disrupted, or cut off? And here's the Theory. It may be impossible to reverse it until the connection is reestablished somehow. Orochimaru has been reported to know how to perform the Five Pronged Seal."

"You're choosing now to tell us this?" Naruto asked, incredulously.

"The thought just occurred to me right before I said it. Anyway, I thought you should know, so if you perform the Tag-out against Orochimaru, be prepared for the Five Pronged seal. I can't use the damn thing, meaning I can't release it."

"That's gonna be a problem." Naruto stated.

"What about your armor? Wouldn't you be able to use it to stop the seal before it's placed?" Sasuke asked.

"Well, the seal I use allows it to come out while I'm surrounding myself with flames." Naruto replied. "Wait, I get what you're saying. If he's got me in a grip, and about to place it, I release the armor, thus making him let go of me..."

"And you'd be safe from it." Sasuke stated.


"We show the core of the armor for another." Hinata suggested.

"Remember, Sasuke. Cloak is needed tomorrow." Naruto stated.

"I know. We can't let the Armor be let out. Among everyone else, Sakura is the only one I know is aware of the armor, and I know for a fact she didn't tell anyone."

"Ino might know. She's the gossip queen, after all." Hinata stated. "However, there are only rumors about them if anything."

"There's only one rumor regarding Sasuke. The majority of them are about me." Naruto admitted. "I've garnered a little too much attention to myself, and kept too many abilities secret. Several people have gotten suspicious. Even a few councilors have. Without Danzou, though, things are going to be pretty damn good."

"So, the test?"

"Just ask a random question about the person, and listen to their answer closely." Kyuubi stated. "That should be enough. Some don't complete the illusion and have to alter their voice for it. Keep in mind mannerisms, speech patterns, and even the way things are worded. If it even remotely seems like they are forcing their speech, then it's not them."


"Got it."

"Did I ever mention that I love you, Kyuubi?" Sasuke stated.

"What am I? Chopped liver?" Fu asked.

"come again?" Sasuke asked.

"Sorry, Sasuke. But I'm male, and though I'm somewhat Bisexual, I still prefer Females."

"Where did that come from?" Nanabi asked.

"I have no idea." Kyuubi admitted. "Still, I'm liking this team."

"Alright. If that's all, I have to get some shut eye. Mom's making sure I have everything I need. My sword is sealed on my body, so I can use it."

"Right. We should too." Fu replied. "That means you two as well." Groaning can be heard from Naruto and Hinata. "Do you want me to get out the frying pan?" Naruto shot up and ran to his bed.

"I got to remember that one." Hinata said out loud.

"It always works on him. If not, get a squirrel. Either one works." Fu admitted.

"Good to know."

-the next day-

Anko had just finished explaining the test, and Team 7 went to their gate.

The test begins, now!

Team 7 entered the forest with gusto, Sasuke and Hinata following behind Naruto and to each side. Then something came to him. "Beast out!" Sasuke and Hinata nodded, and transformed into one of their summons. Hinata went into a Kitsune, Sasuke into a Black Dragon the size of Spyro, and Naruto into a small Phoenix. Sasuke and Hinata went on the ground, while Naruto was in the air above the trees, keeping the other two in sight.

"Guys! Incoming Rain, 2:00!" Naruto said, causing them to send a few blasts of fire towards them, earning a few screams. Naruto went in and took them out easily, before finding the scroll. "Sweet. It's the scroll we need!"

"Head to the tower. Same thing as before."Sasuke stated.


They continued, but Naruto saw a lone Grass Ninja. "Grass, 8:30! This one... SHIT! Orochimaru!"

Naruto then got right with them and lead them as a Kitsune. "One tail, Hinata. We need to make it seem like we're just animals in the forest! There's a foxhole nearby. We go in there!"

They followed him on the ground and went into a hole. The Grass Ninja landed outside the hole. "Kukuku... Seems like those little animals know a threat when they sense one." 'Or is it because they know who I am? Nah, they aren't that smart. I also thought I smelled Uchiha around here. I lost all scent of him a while back, and those Animals may have stopped them, or covered their scents. Either way, he's gone, and I'll have to sense him by Chakra. Ah well. The best prey is always the hardest to catch.'

The Grass Ninja jumped off. A nearby wolf saw this, and tailed her.

One of the Kitsune popped its head out. "Is he gone?"

"Yes, Naruto. The man went West." Another wolf in the area replied. "It appears as though he was after the Uchiha. Are you ready to pass?"

"Yeah. We are. Take a 6 Point Shuriken to a door on the door, and jab it into the ground right outside." The Kitsune replied.

"Understood." The wolf went out and Naruto stayed in the foxhole.

-inside the Foxhole-

Naruto, Hinata and Sasuke were in normal state, they scent masked by the Foxhole. "Dude, you're a life saver." Sasuke stated.

"I told you, didn't I? I know this forest far better than most." Naruto replied. "We already got a set, and now that we know who Orochimaru is posing as, we can let the others know." Naruto made a Bright Green fireball in his hand. "Anko, you there?"

Gaki? What's up?

"We found Orochimaru. We lost him by going into a foxhole, but he's posing as a Grass Kunoichi. I was right. He's after Sasuke." Naruto stated.

Is he marked?

"We avoided battle entirely." Hinata said. "Sasuke isn't marked, and we're not letting him get the chance."

"I already asked a wolf to bring one of the 6 point Shuriken to the front door of the tower." Naruto admitted. "We'll be there as soon as we've got a point to get to."

Alright, I'll see you there. Let us know what's going on.

"Alright. We're already ready, as we took out a Rain Team, thereby allowing us to head into the tower already."

Good to know.

"Phoenix out."

Snake out. The flame disappeared. "Alright, for now, we rest up." Naruto stated. "We can't let Orochimaru find us but..." his head snapped to the entrance, from which a 2 tailed Kitsune appeared. "Kituno?" Hinata asked. "What are you doing here?"

"Thought you could use some help. There are currently 24 Kitsune ranging from 2 to 5 tails in the forest. Now that I found you, we're going to escort you to the tower, if you're ready."

"Sorry, Kituno." Naruto stated. "Let the others know they're on straggler duty. We don't need an escort, as we're using the Shuriken Travel, thanks to a wolf I sent to the tower. We'll be there in an instant. All we need you guys to do is work with the Natural Wildlife to eliminate teams. They're already in the know as to who to avoid, and who not to avoid. A wolf has been tailing Orochimaru. Don't attack him, or if they are avoiding someone, follow their lead."

"I understand. Still..."

"No. No pranks." Naruto said. "Unless it's on Neji Hyuuga. Then get him with a small prank. He needs to loosen up."

"Oooh. Goodie." Kituno replied before jumping out. Naruto turned back to the others. "Alright. Let's get ready to move out." Naruto then tensed. "It's in place. Sasuke grab on." He nodded, and grabbed a shoulder. Naruto then left in an Orange flash.

Hinata sighed, and left in a purple flash.


Team 7 was now inside the tower, both scrolls in hand. They saw the message, and deciphered it with ease. They opened the scrolls, and Kakashi appeared. "I must say, I'm impressed you made it so quickly. Then again, with what you did to Ibiki, I really shouldn't be." He said.

"Did you really doubt we'd make it?" Hinata asked.

"Hell no." Kakashi replied. "I know for a fact you would. I just didn't think it'd be this quick."

They shrugged. "I assume you already figured out the meaning behind the quote?" they all nodded. "That's the Chuunin Motto. Remember it for the next part. You're likely to need it."

They all nodded again. "Anyway, Congratulations." Just then Team 8 entered right behind them.

"Hey Kiba. What's up?" Naruto asked, happy mask back in place.

"How'd you get here before us?" Kiba shouted.

"Burned a team, got the scroll, raced here." Naruto shrugged. "The usual."

"That's the usual?" Shino asked.

"Remember, this is Naruto we're talking about." Sakura interrupted. "Things are never normal around him."

"If there's one thing we can agree on, it's that." Hinata admitted. "I'm glad to see you kept your act in place."

"I know. We should probably drop it now, though. Can't help that, am I right?" Sakura asked.

Everyone in the area nodded. Shino then threw both scrolls, causing Kiba and Sakura to look at him. "What'd you do that for?" Sakura asked. Shino simply pointed at the Scrolls Kakashi was on. "Oh." Kurenai appeared.

"Kakashi? Your kids made it too?"

"I told you, didn't I? Oh, and I didn't even have to explain the motto." Kurenai blanched at that. "Pay up." Kurenai gave him 500 Ryou.

"Using your students for bets?"

"Yes. And I've got another bet going with Gai. He bet me 3,000 Ryou that his team would beat you guys." Kakashi stated.

"I just saw him. He was in Training Ground 9. He was Shadow Boxing, so I can assume he hasn't been summoned yet."

Naruto sighed. "Gai hasn't entered the forest. Either by summon, or on foot. Although... Kurenai, I was right. He did appear."

She froze where she stood. "He didn't get any of us, though. One of the reasons we hightailed it over here once we got to a safe location."

"How did you do it?"

Naruto pulled out a Shuriken with 6 points. Kiba's eyes went wide. "I've seen 2 of them in the forest... They are yours?"

"What you found are markers." Naruto explained. "They allow me and Hinata to get around the forest pretty damn fast. Sasuke doesn't know how to transport to them yet, to be honest."

"Yeah, I can't get it down. Could be a Wind Affinity thing, but I'm not sure." Sasuke admitted.

Everyone either nodded or shrugged, because they understood, or didn't care. "Anyway, you've got a while to go. Rest up. For the time being, you could use it." Kurenai stated. "Kakashi, I'll let the Hokage know of what happened."

"No need." Naruto stated. "I already let Anko know, and she should've told the Hokage about it first, and then gone in with ANBU."

"What?" Kurenai shouted.

"Hang on for second." Naruto held out his hand.'Sacred Flame Telepath.' A Green flame, the likes of which Sasuke and Hinata recognized as what he used to talk to Anko last time. "Anko, can you hear me?"

Yeah, I can hear you Gaki. Damn bastard got away. He even tried activating the Curse.

Kakashi paled. "Naruto, can she hear everyone in the area?"

Is Kakashi with you?

"My team, Team 8, Kakashi-sensei, and Kurenai-sensei are all in the tower already." Naruto stated. "And yes, we're all present."

Damn. Is it like an area of effect, that I can hear them? Or is it something else?

"Not sure, haven't tried focusing that much on this one, to be honest." Naruto admitted.

Well, Kakashi, if you can hear me, then I'll tell you right here and now. He was surprised when I used it myself, and he had no control over it. You have a Blonde Gaki to thank for that.

Everyone looked at Naruto in shock and awe, aside from Kurenai who just stared. "What about side effects? You know the original one had them."

I felt nothing. Before, it would only react to emotions like Hatred, and revenge. This time, it didn't. Then I remember you, and that he might go after you. That's when it started to spread. That's when I started kicking his ass. Before long, he was forced to retreat. I was about to go after him, but before I could, I collapsed.

"Dammit!" Naruto shouted. "What made you collapse?"

I think it was using it for so long. It was a good 25 minutes. The Hokage said he'd be going to the Tower when I told him about this. I should be there within 3 minutes.

"I understand. You'll have to get used to the excess Chakra from it. It's either that, or it's regular foreign chakra, and the standard rules apply. Your Chakra will fight it off, but only if you use it." Naruto stated, full business mode.

The others had backed away, aside from Kurenai and Kakashi.

"The thing can be the difference between life and death, and not just yours. If you loose yourself to it..." Kakashi stated.

Kakashi, stop. I'm only feeling the effects of Mild Chakra Exhaustion right now. The amount of reasons that could be possible are too much to discuss.

"We need to discuss this the moment you are able to." Naruto stated. "How many others are with you?"

It's a team from Sunagakure. Gaara, Temari, and the cat dude.

IT'S KANKURO! A distinctly male voice shouted.

"Alright. Gaara, is your team ready to enter?"

Yes, we are. We came across her on our way to the Tower.

"Who did you take out? And to what extent?" Naruto asked.

Team from Iwa. Got the scroll. Death. Rain ambushed us, death. Tanuki to Tenten with it.

"Okay, Iwa, I can understand. I'm not exactly fond of them or their hatred of my father, so I'm not going to complain." Naruto stated. "Rain, you probably could've been a little more merciful. Or is it because..." Naruto trailed off.

Yes. That's why. You'd be surprised at how much I've found out, and she hates rain. Probably why he stuck to the Desert.

"No kidding. Remember what we agreed upon." Naruto stated.

You really think I'm stupid enough to forget about that? After all, I only hold Lady Shukaku.

"And you know what I hold." Naruto continued for him. "Good. As long as you remember that, you'll be fine."

Gaki, what the hell are you talking about?

"Sis, you remember what I told you before the Exams began, but after meeting with the Ichiraku Family?" Naruto asked.

We've got them here, you know?

What are you talking about? Temari said.

"Gaara's in the know already. His team? I can't say for sure."

Huh. Didn't think you'd let them in on it.

"I only told Gaara, mainly because of what he is. He has been briefed on the plan, and is ready to act when needed." Naruto stated.

You're not really going against the Kazekage, are you? Kankuro questioned.

You're lucky that right now, we need all 3 of us to pass, or I'd kill you where you stand. Gaara stated, malice in his voice.

"Gaara, what did I say..."

Before you finish that, allow me to explain why I would. Kankuro, you pride yourself on concentration, yet you never noticed that he was acting extremely strange recently. And Temari...

Don't bother saying anything, Gaara. I did notice, but I didn't question it for fear of treason. But if he's right...

Then it's not treason, because I'm not disobeying the Kazekage, but a fake. Gaara stated.

What are you talking about? Kankuro shouted, clearly surprised.

First off, what is the status of the proof? Gaara asked.

"Found, sealed, and ready to go." Naruto stated. "Also, you told me of the faulty seal. I'll be able to fix it up after the Second Exam."


Alright Gaki, now that this is explained... Wait, I'm at the entrance to the tower. Anko said, before the door opened, a Green flame matching the one in Naruto's hand right in front of her. They both disappeared. "Anko, get yourself to the medical wing." Naruto said. "Even if the Chakra Exhaustion is only mild, if you're not careful, it will only get worse. And what happened to the ANBU that should've been following you as per protocol?"

"They didn't make it in time. I went ahead, but they still didn't make it before these guys found me." Anko replied.

Naruto nodded. "Get going. You'll need to be at your best for the next point." She nodded and walked off. "Gaara, you didn't let your team know, and now that they do, they are not allowed to tell anyone. Even your sensei, and definitely not your Kage. The Yondaime Kazekage is, in fact, dead. I have gotten a message from someone on the other side. It has been confirmed, and his soul is no longer in the world."

"Who do you mean?" Gaara asked.

"Suzaku." Naruto replied, earning a nod from his team, and Gaara, but a confused look from everyone else.

"Who is Suzaku? You're not seriously cheating on her, again are you?" Sakura said, dangerously.

"No, he's not. Suzaku is like a friend to his father's family. As such, she is friends with him as well." Hinata replied. "I've already met her, to be honest."

Sakura looked at her and nodded before backing off. Sasuke looked at Naruto. "You think we should tell them?"

"Not yet. Gaara, remember the rules I told you about this. They are to abide by them with the same penalties." Naruto stated, earning a nod.

Kakashi then looked around. "Where did Anko go?"

"You didn't see her leave earlier?" Naruto asked.

"I don't think any of us did." Kurenai stated.

"She's... 5 stories above us." Naruto said, after pausing. "heh. The Old man's here already as well. That saves me the trouble. See ya, sensei." Naruto left in a Flame Teleport.

Hinata sighed. "I should go after him, and make sure he doesn't make a fool of himself."

"He'll do that weather you're there or not." Sasuke stated. "And if you're worried about him disrespecting the Hokage, then you shouldn't worry too much. The two are closer than they'd admit."

"What do you mean?" Kiba asked.

"You never saw him outside of classes, except when he was running from pranks, right?" Sasuke stated. "Well, there were a few times he was at my place talking with Haku, and the Sandaime came in to talk with him, knowing he was there. Especially since he can't get to Naruto's own home. I'm actually glad he left his old apartment."

"Me too. His house... Oh god, the first time I saw I thought I had died and gone to heaven. This was before I even saw the house. Then he led me to where it was in the area, and... I just can't do it justice. I was almost ready to punch myself thinking that I was either dead, so I would feel nothing, or it was just an extremely lucky dream. Then he told me that there was a major difference between the two, and that calling the inside heaven just wouldn't do it justice. I happen to agree."

"Where is it?" Kiba asked. "I want to pay him a visit."

'You wouldn't be able to." Hinata stated. "The place is it's own pocket dimension. You can't find it without following someone that can enter, and even if you do, you can't enter unless he makes the exception. I can't, neither can Kakashi-sensei, or Jiraiya of the Sannin. Only 5 people alive can enter, and 3 of them are in this tower."

Everyone shut up right then and there. Hinata walked out in the silence, Sasuke doing the same soon after.

Kakashi looked at Kurenai. "I'll be going soon. I've got some gloating to do." he left in smoke.

Kurenai looked at her team. "Do you get the quote?" She thumbed at the scroll on the wall. They all nodded. "Even you Kiba?"

"Hey, with these two around, I can't not learn anything! I mean think about it, I've got a Walking Dictionary and Social Recluse on my team! No offense, Shino." Kiba shouted, toning it down when addressing Shino.

"None taken. After all it is true." Shino replied.

Kurenai nodded. "Alright then. I'm out." She left in smoke. Team 8 left the room to look for Sasuke and Hinata.

-with Naruto-

Naruto had just finishing the explanation. "And that's about it."

Sarutobi simply rubbed his temples. "Why is it that you cause trouble more often than you do good?"

"Don't hate on me." Naruto stated. "Some people actually want to be like me. Namely, your grandson."

"He's too impressionable."

"Several Civilians in Wave Country." Naruto pointed out. "Especially the orphans."

Sarutobi was stumped there. "Alright, you got that one."

"Now, as to what's going on..."

"It's too vague to be considered a strategy." Sarutobi stated.

"Even when Kakashi-sensei also like the vaguer ones I've come up with, with one of them being able to defeat Zabuza Momochi, with no casualties, and nothing more serious than a few cuts and exhaustion? Because if that isn't good enough proof, I don't know what is. My team operates out of my Textbook. Not the standard textbook. Our team strategies are never clear cut or precise. And currently, there is nothing that has failed with them in play." Naruto countered.

"Oh? And how are you so sure that's what beat him?" Sarutobi stated.

"Simple. The plans I come up with aren't Clear cut or precise for a reason. If someone messes up with a pin-point precision plan, then the entire thing goes down the drain. If you don't go that far with precision, hell, even go into a generalized plan only, you have more room for error, yet you can fix it easily by adapting the strategy to us, not us to the strategy. I have heard that we've garnered some attention in several of the Minor Countries. They're calling us Team Outcast."

"I've heard about Team Outcast, but I doubt it's you."

"You heard about it from Jiraiya, I'd wager." Naruto stated.

"Yeah, he heard it from me." Jiraiya entered the room from the window. "And there's no way, you're part of Team Outcast. They are far too powerful, even if you were among them. And if what you say is true, then with the precision shown in each task they intervene in, there's no way you can be there."

Naruto smirked. "That's where you're wrong." This caught their attention. "It's because the plan itself isn't so precise that we have less pressure when it comes to messing up, allowing for more precision in individual abilities. That's how we can be precise, and at the same time, use a plan that isn't precise."

Jiraiya blinked at that. "You got any way to prove that?"

Naruto unsealed a book, and tossed it towards Jiraiya. "Check that out. It's not porn, hell it's not even a story. It's my strategy booklet. It's also what we operate out of."

Jiraiya went through the first 50 pages. "This is insane..." He whispered.

"How many pages before you came to that conclusion?" Naruto asked.

"50 pages."

"Huh. Usually it's 25 or 30." Naruto stated.

"See what I mean?" Sarutobi stated.

"I didn't mean Insane in a bad way, sensei." Jiraiya stated, earning confusion. "These things are far beyond anything Shikaku has cooked up in a pinch. They are so insane they actually work wonders." he looked at Naruto. "How the hell did you come up with this kind of shit?"

"Pranking Experience." Naruto shrugged. "I basically took several situations and changed it from non-lethal pranking, to battle strategy. How dangerous would you rate it for the opponent?"

"What's the scale?" Jiraiya asked.

"1 to 10, 10 being deadly beyond comprehension."

"I'd give it about a 15." Jiraiya stated. "If you want them dead, they will die. No question about it. Especially with your team."

"Really? I'd put that more at an 8, to be honest." Naruto stated.

Jiraiya paled. "Oh yeah. Check out page 203." Naruto stated. Jiraiya went to said page, and his jaw dropped. "Crazy as hell in theory right?" A nod was his answer. "And that's why they work."

"Let me see." Sarutobi got the book and checked it out. "You're right, this is crazy as hell."

"On paper, but put us on the team of 3, Kakashi is not in the picture. Picture how it would play out for a second." Naruto stated. Jiraiya and Sarutobi did just that and then paled.

"Naruto, how is it that you can come up with strategies like this? No one, not even the best strategists in the village would be able to compare."

"Did you forget who you're talking to? Demon King of Pranks here. The only one to go into the Hyuuga Estate 10 times and not get caught." Naruto stated. "Or was it 11? I forget which."

"Damn. That's how he did it." Sarutobi stated. "Naruto, keep these strategies in a safe location."

"Not many can use them without knowing what to do with them. In fact, they'd probably write them off as Junk." Naruto admitted. "But then again, to take your words, they are too vague to be strategies. Those are the best strategies to use, because they can vary each time to better suit a situation." He then sealed the book. "Before I go..." he pulled out a scroll and tossed it to Jiraiya. "I told you your original part. That is all you'll need for it except weaponry, and the clothes on your back."

Jiraiya nodded. "Got it."

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