Naruto The Chakra Sage

By kyuusora

12.6K 266 54

This fan fiction is diverged from another writer who is better than me in the arts of fan fiction so this is... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13

chapter 3

1.2K 21 8
By kyuusora

Hinata was in the Hyuuga Estate, in front of the Elders. "What do you want?"

"Listen girl..." One of the Elder said, before he was silenced by another.

"Hinata Hyuuga, you have gone outside the clan for help on our sacred Taijutsu."

"The Jyuuken is too rigid. It doesn't allow for any adaptation unless extensive work is done, and the form itself is altered." Hinata told them.

"We have seen that." One of the oldest Elders said. "In fact, we have decided to allow Naruto Uzumaki into our clan, as your husband."

Hinata was a little shocked, but kept her composure. "What makes you think he would want to be a part of this clan?"

"He has no clan to note, besides that Uzumaki Clan, apparently. But they have all died out." an Elder said.

"That's where you're wrong." Hinata said. "He is the heir of 2 clans. Both of which, have been recorded as eradicated. His mother was the heir of the Uzumaki Clan before Whirlpool Country was razed to the ground. If you take his looks, put it like he would at age 22, and got rid of the whisker marks, you have his father, who was the heir of his clan. No one knows who his father is due to a law that the Hokage himself passed, but I know due to the fact I've trained at his cottage. I've seen what he has inherited from his parents. The proof of parentage is there as well. Even managed to find his birth certificate there."

The Elders widened their eyes. "We need him to be a part of our clan."

"No. He's going to be running his own clan once he meets the requirements. The Byakugan may or may not pass down through my children, but even when I die, it will not get out. We have both made sure of that." Hinata told them. "He has no desire to join the Hyuuga Clan, but may wish to have an agreement. You'd need him for that, as I will not speak on those kinds of matters. There is little to no way you could trick him into doing something he doesn't want to, as he always has his guard up. I believe you know why, and I already do."

"And why should we believe this?"

"How many of you knew his father on a personal level? I'm not talking about the way he was in the office, but at home." Only 3 raised their hands, Hiashi included. "Do you think he'd ever have someone else give up their child for something that he himself wouldn't do for his own?"

At this, they all thought about it and shook their heads. "Then wouldn't it make sense if Naruto were his son, who happened to be born not even 2 hours before the attack, and he sealed the fox into him?" They all nodded.

"There is another thing about this that worries me." An Elder said. "You said that when you die, the Byakugan will not be revealed to anyone from your corpse. That would mean you are a Branch member, due to the Caged Bird seal. Yet, you don't have one."

"I never did." Hinata told them, before showing a seal on her left shoulder blade. "This seal will instantly block any and all information from any onlookers the moment death hits. It ranges from Bloodlines, to Jutsu, and memory reading Jutsu. They can still manage the physical aspects, such as Drug enhancements, and one can still find the cause of death, but nothing more. Can't even find Alcohol levels in the corpse, especially if they were drunk off their ass." She then covered it up.

"Is there a way for us to obtain this seal?"

"You'd have to ask him for that, as it belongs to the Uzumaki Clan. I have no say in who gets an application of the seal as long as I bear the name Hyuuga. Only he can decide that."

"We could use that seal ourselves." Hiashi said. "If you were his husband, you would have some jurisdiction over it, correct?"

"That I would, however I'd still ask him." she paused. "Did I mention that it will get rid of any Mind Altering seals that are placed after application? The Caged Bird seal wouldn't stay on me during the application of it. Curse marks, such as the one on Anko Mitarashi's neck, wouldn't get removed if they were already placed, but if placed beforehand, they wouldn't take effect. And only the one to apply the seal can take it off."

"You say you can't give us the seal, yet you give its abilities freely?"

"That's because I had already mentioned something that I wanted to him, and he agreed."

"Which is?"

"The unification of the Hyuuga Clan, and ban the use of the Caged Bird seal permanently." Hinata told them. "We are all family. It's time we started acting like it."

The elders were silent, then they started debating amongst themselves. Once done, they turned to her. One of the Elders spoke first, and surprised her with his words. "How would you like a marriage contract, and in return we gain the seal to replace the Caged Bird seal?"

"You would have to ask him that. I'm all for it, but no discrimination with it. All Hyuuga Clan members get it, regardless of status. Acceptance is for both parties, so you will need his approval as well." Hinata told them.

Hiashi then had a devilish smirk on his face. "I guess it's time for what was going on between myself and his father while both your mother and his mother were pregnant."

This caught everyone in the room off guard. "Aside from the seal, which can be added to it, you have just given the entire proposal. It would work only if you both agree to it, and if not there would still be an alliance between his clan and ours. It has yet to be terminated, and the contract is still valid until you turn 17 years of age, or one of you declines."

"I'd let him know about it, but not let the Village council know until a formal announcement of his heritage from the Hokage is given. The law says no one can talk about his parents, or even tell him. Well, he read about it, and I saw the birth certificate."

They all nodded, understanding the situation. Hiashi actually had a smile on his face. "Hinata Hyuuga, you are dismissed. Let him know what we have proposed as soon as you can."

Hinata nodded and walked out.

-Uchiha Estate-

Naruto had just entered, and found that Hinata was not there. Sasuke was, though.

"Glad you could make it." Sasuke said. "Hinata was called by her clan's council. Can't say things will end well for either her or those elders."

"Did she say she's had enough of those Stuck up bastards?" Naruto asked. After he nodded, Naruto then got out a pair of strangely colored glasses. The lenses were a Navy Blue tint, and there was the Uzumaki Insignia on it. "It would be easiest to head to the spot where she died, to see if her soul lingers in that area."

They both walked up to a door. "This is the room." They went in, and Naruto put on the glasses, and was shocked.

In front of him there were two somewhat pale figures. "Two of them?"

The figures turned to him. One looked like Sasuke might in his 30s or something. The other looked like a female version of the first, later 20s, early 30s. Naruto walked up to the female. "I take it you're Mikoto Uchiha?"

The female turned to him, and nodded. "Wow, I didn't think they'd work." Mikoto tried to form words, but Naruto couldn't understand them. "Well this stinks." Sasuke looked at him.


"I can see them, but I can't understand their speech. I'm gonna have to work on that." Naruto said, earning a look from the male in the room. "Is that Sasuke's father?" Mikoto nodded at that. "Figures. And Sasuke can't find out from anyone what was truly going on before the massacre. I was hoping to ask you, to be honest." Naruto then remembered something. "Guess the Omega 73 would come in handy after all. Glad I was also working on that one. At this rate, it should be done in a few days."

"And then I can talk to my parents." Sasuke said. Mikoto shook her head.

"Mikoto, you know he'd want someone to talk to. Someone who he actually cares about." she nodded. "it isn't because you don't want to talk to him, is it?" She shook her head. "Well... damn, this is getting complicated. It would be a lot easier to finish with the other one before going any further. Anyway, I already know who my father is, and that you were a friend of my mother." he then turned to Fugaku.

"Fugaku Uchiha, I believe there is something you should know. About 80 years ago, 20 years after the supposed death of Madara Uchiha, the Sharingan was cursed. Anyone who bared it would think revenge is all that mattered, and the majority of them would go mad with power, thinking they are superior to everyone else. There is a reason I know this, and my Tenant, which I'm sure you both know of," he paused seeing them both nod. "is the one that told me in the first place, as the one who both created it, and cursed it."

The ghosts were shocked, if their raised eyebrows and open mouths were any indication. Whether it was from what he said, or who told him, he wasn't sure. Then Naruto remembered something about ghosts. Naruto then made a Shadow Clone, and had it transform into Mikoto. "Mikoto why don't you try to possess the Clone? Maybe you can talk to your son like that."

Mikoto just nodded and entered the body. She looked around with it, and even tried feeling the pieces that should have been impossible. "A normal transformation is not what I use. It never was. It's more of a Shapeshift, than an illusion. The entire body is a Shadow Clone, and the pieces that I should never know about, even though I do, are real."

Mikoto looked at Naruto. "If you want to know what that idiot of a father Fugaku was thinking, it will take a long time to explain."

"I've got time." Naruto replied, before Sasuke hugged the Clone.


"Sasuke, remember this is only a Clone, and I am still dead. You should thank Naruto for letting this happen." Mikoto told him.

Sasuke then continued to cry into her shoulder. She put a hand on his head. "There, there... everything will be fine."

Naruto was a little Jealous, but he didn't act on it. He knew it was a tender moment. Sasuke then got up and dried his tears. "Thanks, Naruto. I owe you big time."

"Think about that later. That clone would normally last about 5 hours with the Chakra I put into it, but with the possession, I can't say for sure." Naruto told them, and they both nodded.

It was then Hinata got into the area, and Naruto noticed. "Looks like she made it."

"She?" Mikoto asked.

"Hinata Hyuuga. The only truly nice person in the Hyuuga Clan." Naruto said, earning a nod. "I'll get her, and then we should start. She'll need to know this." Naruto then disappeared in flames, only to reappear 20 seconds later, with Hinata there.

"Wow, you revived her?" Hinata asked.

"Not revived. She's using a Shadow Clone of mine, so her time is limited right now."

"Then let's not waste any time." Mikoto said, before explaining everything the Clan Elders were planning on doing, for an hour. "Out of everyone that knew of it, only Itachi and I never wanted it to happen. Your father was a fool to think it would work, and I told him that myself. He never listened, and now we're both dead because of it."

Sasuke just took in the knowledge, as did Naruto and Hinata. Naruto then turned to Fugaku, the glasses still on. "I'm going to have to agree with your mother, Sasuke. You father was a fool. Not for thinking of a Coup De tat, and I will admit some of the villagers need a wake up call, but for letting word slip to the Hokage a month beforehand."

Mikoto then thought about what she'd seen happen. "You're right, they probably should have done that, though for another reason, not for what he was planning. He wanted to rule the village itself. It should have been for disrespecting Minato's last wish. Then, I'd be all for it."

"Well, that won't be happening. I intend to prove what they think wrong. Then, and only then, will my task be complete."

"Sasuke, there is something else you should know. It's about Naruto's parents."

"Mikoto, you do realize that my heritage is supposed to be an S-class secret, right?"

"And you do realize that I'm already dead, so they can't touch me with that law."

"Touche." Naruto said. "Still, it would be hard to believe. It's not a bloodline that I know of, and I found out a lot."

"I can only imagine how much information Minato had." Mikoto replied. "Son, his father is the Fourth Hokage. They were both orphans, and a lot of people thought that he was crazy. The same applied to Naruto, as well, I'd wager."

"They didn't think I was crazy. They just stunted my growth at the academy, and they would have succeeded, had I not ran into my dad's old home."

"The one with the barrier?" a nod. "Why am I not surprised?"

"What do you mean?" Sasuke asked.

"That one had all the Clan information of the Namikaze Clan. Not to mention the Remaining evidence of the Uzumaki Clan, since it was eradicated in the last Ninja War. His parents met during that war, and Kushina, great woman yet highly stubborn, moved here to live with Minato. I swear, he was so dense though. He never noticed that every girl in the village wanted him. Even Kushina, to be honest."

"And you were just as dense." Sasuke added.

"At least I had a reason for not noticing. Few even bothered to take care of me. The birth of our little rivalry was because I was a little Jealous. Not the fangirls, no that is something I wouldn't want, and I'm pretty sure you don't either." Naruto retorted.

"You got a point there." Sasuke replied.

"The reason I never noticed is because I've never known anyone the actually cared for me because of me. They either see me as the Demon that attacked the day I was born, or just some rodent. And those are the nicer insults I've heard."

"The people of the village are not only corrupt, but also happen to be highly ignorant." Hinata added. "Even my own clan. Speaking of which, you might get a visit from my father soon, Naruto. That seal you put on both me and Sasuke has something to do with it."

"Well, let's talk about that later." Naruto replied, before turning to Mikoto again. "You were saying?"

"Well, I've said all I have to say about you, Naruto. Aside from the fact I wanted to adopt you myself. Fugaku was blocking every attempt I made."

"What can I say? Idiocy knows no bounds." Naruto replied.

"Neither does Ignorance." Sasuke added. "Mom, is there any advice you can give me for when I finally awaken my Sharingan? I figure that you'd have some kind of an idea on how to use it so I don't lose myself."

"Don't rely on it. You should train your body, mainly for speed and endurance. Never let your bloodline get to your head. It won't do you any good, and you're far more likely to die like that." Mikoto said. "And never copy one of your allies Jutsu with it unless they give permission for it."

"By the way, Naruto." He perked up. "Have you found out about your mother's bloodline?"

"You mean combining the Elements? Yeah, I know of that one." Naruto said.

"She did say something about that one that didn't seem right. A certain combination of Elements do that, and make the bloodline act differently. She had it written down, but she said it wasn't relevant to her."

"It wasn't. She was off on one Element, apparently. Wind, Water and Fire is needed. That's exactly what I have. She had Earth, not Fire."

"That she did." Mikoto replied. "Have you been able to use it?"

"No, I still need to get Water up high enough." Naruto replied. "Wind is easy as pie. Fire, fox gave me his control over it, so it's far higher than it needs to be. Water is where I need to improve."

Mikoto nodded. "I can feel the chakra running low. Sasuke, remember one thing. A name is only that. A name. It is not who you are, regardless of what others say. Don't let revenge cloud your mind. It will lead you down the same path as your father, and I don't want you to go down that road. It doesn't lead anywhere but a dead end cliff."

"Told you." Naruto said.

"I just had to hear it from my mother." Sasuke replied. "Now that I know the truth, I have a different reason to kill Itachi. To spare him from his guilt."

"That's my boy." Mikoto said. "Finish the projects as soon as you can, Naruto. I'd love to speak with my son a lot more."

"Will do." Naruto said, as Mikoto left the clone. A few seconds later it dispelled. "Okay, Possession hurts like hell."

Sasuke turned to him. "I think it's best to leave the Glasses to you, until you finish the other projects related to them."

"I was about to suggest the same thing." Naruto replied. "Glad to see we're finally seeing eye to eye."

"I never thought this would happen, but now I can make things right." Sasuke said. "Whatever the case, we should still play the part of rivals, but not as top of the class and dead last."

"But as equals?" Naruto raised an eyebrow.

"And Clan heirs." Sasuke added, before sticking out a hand. "Agreed?"

Naruto gripped the hand. "Agreed."

"And I'm in, as well." Hinata put a hand on theirs. "Someone's got to keep the peace."

They all chuckled at that. Sasuke then looked at Naruto. "Alright, let's get to the Clan Library. It has all the Jutsu the clan has copied, but could never use. Wind Jutsu being most notable, as no Uchiha has been able to use them." They all let go and left the room only to head into the next building.

"Everything is organized by Type and Ninjutsu goes further to include Element." He walked over to a shelf. "I'm not sure which ones you know already, though it can't really be much, as you would only be working at it for a month, 2 months at most."

"On training that usually takes 10 years to go through. 4 for each element. Add in working on projects my father left behind, learning things I couldn't due to the teachers, and of both of my clans. What does that say?" Naruto said. "I don't really want to brag about this, but who else do you think could pull off the impossible?"

"Can't argue with that." Hinata said.

"The fox you mentioned earlier?" Sasuke asked, earning a nod. "Then I won't intrude."

Naruto made 20 or so Shadow Clones, and had them read multiple Jutsu Scroll to memorize it all.

"What good will they do?" Sasuke asked. "I mean, it's not like you're going to learn anything from mere Clones."

"That's where you're wrong, Sasuke." Naruto said. "To an extent, at least. Most clones would be that way. Shadow Clones are another story. They transfer memories of the Clone to the original and other clones after dispelling. They really didn't see the gem they had when they started stunting my growth. In a mere hour while reading, I picked up everything they tried to teach in the academy my first year. Everything I should have learned. My parents put it in a way I can understand, and i didn't use any Shadow Clones until after I got to the Third year. Mainly Jutsu purposes. Along with Control. I needed far better control due to my insane Chakra reserves. I mean, what I had to go through for Control is about high Chuunin to Low Jounin level. Add the reserves into the equation, my Control would be about Mid Genin in proportion."

"Just how much Chakra do you have?"

"Honestly?" Naruto asked. "I've probably got twice as much as all 4 Hokage so far in their prime. Maybe even more. They stop just short of half the Kyuubi's chakra levels. That's far beyond Gobi, and bordering the Nanabi. You see where I'm going with this? I have too much Chakra to perform Genjutsu. For the time being, until I figure out how to get my Chakra Control even better, I'm not going to worry about it."

"Ouch." Hinata replied. "Didn't think you wouldn't be able to do any of that. Why can't you go any farther?"

"Are you familiar with the Water Walking exercise, Hinata?" a nod. "I've already mastered it. And my control still isn't good enough for Genjutsu. Well... I've got a few, but they aren't really considered Jutsu by their creators. When it comes to illusions, I don't go Genjutsu like anyone else. Kitsune Illusions is where I shine. Thing is, only I can use them."

Sasuke and Hinata shrugged. "By the way, Hinata. You're also going to learn a few of the Jutsu, none higher than B-rank, though. You don't have the reserves for a Third B-rank Jutsu in one fight. Not yet, at least. I only consider teaching an A-rank to you, if you'd be able to use a B-rank 8 times and still keep going."

Hinata was a little disappointed, but nodded. "It's only the reserves right?"

"That's the only reason right now... Okay, aside from the fact you haven't finished the first exercise for Wind Chakra, but that's not really needed for the Jutsu itself. When it comes to a Low B-rank Jutsu, the Training is not needed, but recommended. Anything higher than that, up to Mid A-rank there are considerable risks if you haven't completed the Second stage of Wind training. Anything higher, they are far too dangerous. Not only for Reserves, but bodily harm, as well. Those I'd never think to teach you, unless they were purely defensive, and even then I might not go there. Too dangerous." He sighed.

"The only reason I'd bother to learn them myself at all is because of my healing factor, and even then I'd be waiting for a few months before I go that far."

Hinata looked better after hearing that. She nodded again, but this time she smiled.

They continued like this for over an hour, before Naruto saw something on the Fire Shelves. "Sasuke, what are these?"

Sasuke looked at it. "I don't know. It's not Sharingan based, that much is certain. Those Jutsu aren't in here. Let's check it out."

Naruto opened it up and was surprised at what was in there. "Sasuke, do you have any idea what this Jutsu is?" He shook his head in response. "This Jutsu is not a regular Fire Jutsu, nor is it Inferno, which is a Combination of Fire and Wind. There's a reason that the Uchiha Clan, though they could figure it out, they would never be able to use it. It deals with a Bloodline."

Sasuke was surprised. "Apparently, they know of it, but they can't use it. The details here are far beyond what I would expect, so I believe it was multiple encounters with this that got this much information. It's obvious this Jutsu was found over 50 years ago. It's an Uzumaki Unique element. It requires Water, Fire, and Wind, along with insane levels of Control for each. Then comes the Uzumaki bloodline. Unlike most Elemental Chakra Bloodlines, this one does not discriminate between chosen Sub-elements. If an Uzumaki has Wind and Earth, they could use Dust element, which is normally found only in Iwagakure. Lava is usually in the island nations, but there are others that normally are found only in certain areas, but an Uzumaki can achieve them with the correct Elements."

"If there are more Jutsu of this Element, then they are rightfully yours. As such, I think you should take it with you when you leave." Sasuke replied. "This also begs the question of how many others of this Element are here."

"It's getting late, so we should probably head home." Naruto said, earning a nod from Hinata and Sasuke. It was at that moment, a Hyuuga came into the area. "Looks like the Hyuuga Clan has the same ideas. One of them just entered the compound."

They all left the room, and found that a Hyuuga was looking at Hinata. "Lady Hinata, Lord Hiashi has stated you should stay with Naruto Uzumaki for tonight. The Elders have approved of this action, and as such, we have given some of your things to one Kakashi Hatake, to bring to the place you will be staying, and he already knows where it is."

"I am aware of that, but I didn't think they'd do this that quickly." Hinata admitted.

"Do what? Let you stay with me overnight?" Naruto asked, resulting in a blush from Hinata. "I honestly don't mind, because we are pretty close, and the area is safe. If you have a problem with it, Hinata, you can stay at your own house, if you want to. I won't mind either way." He then tensed up.

"Kakashi-sensei just arrived at the place, and most of the other projects are complete. Damn." Naruto said.

"Naruto, I'd be honored to stay with you." Hinata said, bowing her head a bit, making Naruto feel a little awkward.

"Uh... Hinata?" Naruto said, his voice denoting confusion and... nervousness? "You do know that you don't have to be like that with me. Never was good at formalities."

"True." Hinata replied. "Well what are we waiting for? Let's go!" She was happy at this development.

Naruto then put an hand on her shoulder and they both disappeared in a swirl of Flames. Sasuke looked at them. "I got to get him to teach me that some day." The Hyuuga messenger could only agree.

"Farewell, Uchiha. May you rest well." The Hyuuga left, after bowing to Sasuke.

-Naruto's house-

Naruto and Hinata were eating dinner together again. Hinata was a little nervous, and Naruto picked up on it. "You don't have to be so nervous, Hinata. I mean, it's not the first time you stayed overnight, you know."

She nodded. "it's just that... My father and the Elders wanted you to become part of the Hyuuga clan."

"That's not going to happen. I'd have to get sucked into their customs. As such, there would be no point in it, as there is no way I'd be able to proceed with it. In fact, they'd probably limit my actions."

"That's what I told them. You wouldn't want to be a part of the Hyuuga Clan, but I didn't give any specific reasons. I did show them the Seal you put on all three of us. No one else will know you have one on you, as well... Okay, Sasuke might, but he knows of the Uzumaki Bloodline. No one else seems to."

"And for good reason." Naruto said. "This kind of bloodline, in conjunction with the Uchiha Clan's Sharingan would make the village that much more dangerous. You, me and Sasuke have it on us, but that's a secret of our team. Only Kakashi-sensei is supposed to know."

"The Elders do know of it, and that I have it. My father wanted to discuss a few things for a marriage, and the seal is one of the things that the Hyuuga Clan can use." Hinata put up her hand. "Before you say anything about me not following the rules of the seal, I told them that it is up to you whether or not to give it to them, as it's not my place to give."

"I did say that you could tell them of it, due to your goal to unite the Hyuuga Clan, didn't I?" Naruto asked.

"Oh yeah." Hinata was relieved. "Sorry, I forgot about that."

"Happens to all of us." Naruto admitted.

"Naruto, when the two of you go to bed, make sure you are sleeping together. And before you ask, no this isn't a ploy to get you together." The Kyuubi told him.

'What are you talking about? What other reason could there be?'

"It's only a theory on my end. If it doesn't work, you'll know when you reach the Mindscape."

'Fine, but no funny business, and teasing is a no go during all of this.'

"I happen to agree, Naruto." Hinata's voice sounded in his mind. "I take it there's a reason you want me to do this?"

"Damn. I forgot we taught you how to talk telepathically. Yes, there is a reason, but I don't want to get your hopes up right now. It's only a theory, and I can't say if it will work. If it does, then I'll explain it then. If not, we can forget about the entire thing. Deal?"

"Deal." They both responded simultaneously.

They went to bed early that night, and slept in Naruto's bed.


Hinata found herself in a field as she opened her eyes. "Where am I?"

"There you are, Hinata." An older looking Naruto came up to her. There was one difference though. 'No whisker marks... His father.'

"Sorry, but no." The man said, before dropping his transformation, thus revealing his whisker marks. "This is my mindscape. It's kind of my own world inside my mind. Kyuubi is here as well, and wanted to talk to us about something. He didn't say what, and I can't hear his thoughts like I can yours. Just a heads up."

Hinata nodded, got up, and followed him to a cave. When they got in, the cave seemed to turn into a sewer.

"Please tell me you don't have your mind in the gutter, Naruto." Hinata said.

"No, I don't. The water in here, the way I see it, is the sadness of my life. Tears I never shed. Anything along those lines work." Naruto replied. "I don't like coming in here, but this is where the Kyuubi is."

"And you don't like it here because?"

"It makes me feel like my mind is in the gutter. I don't like that feeling, as it's not true." They found themselves in front of a gate.

"About time you got here. I was beginning to think it didn't work properly." A giant fox behind the gate said.

"What are you talking about?" Naruto asked.

"A way to get her here." The fox replied. "This will come in good handy, as I'm about to let you both sign with the Kitsune. It's been a while since then, but I was the boss of the Kitsune. Then I was sealed into Mito Uzumaki. My son had to take over, and for that, I'm thankful. Last I checked, he was an 8 tailed Kitsune. I'm the only one that's gotten to 9 tails before I got sealed into you."

"You're going to let us sign?" Hinata asked. "I thought I wouldn't have the reserves for that for a while."

"Now that you're here, I can easily monitor your Chakra levels. You could handle a Class 2 Summon. Summoning a Boss is a Class 5 Summon. You may be able to Summon a Class 3, but you wouldn't be able to fight. With me in here, Naruto would easily be able to summon the Boss."

Naruto and Hinata nodded. A scroll appeared in front of them. "This scroll is different from most. Just rub your finger to sign your name. No blood required. The reason for this is because we're in a mindscape. That's the only place the Kitsune Contract can be signed. I wouldn't be able to go to her, so I had to find a way to get her to me."

Naruto put both surnames with his. Hinata put Hyuuga with hers. "The contract is complete. When you awaken use as little chakra as you can. The first five signs are the same as the Phoenix Summons, but the Sixth sign is Fox." An image appeared in front of them. "This is the symbol of the fox. End it off with this, and then slam your hand on the ground. No blood is required for this, as Kitsune tend to frown on blood. I'm a little different as I'm a Bijuu, so I'm actually a little of a Yoko at times, and a Kitsune at other times. This will only Summon Kitsune, so you don't have to worry about the crazy ones. Kitsune are playful, but not Blood crazy. I was born a Kitsune. Damn Juubi Corrupted me when it was sealed."

"Juubi?" Naruto asked.

"Another story for another time. All you need to know right now is that the Juubi is Wrath incarnate. It would make your father look like a joke, and even then that's only an understatement. I told you what I did the day you were born. That pales in comparison. Each of the Bijuu were contaminated by the Juubi. Out of all of them, you're probably the only one that can get rid of that taint."

"The Uzumaki Bloodline..." Naruto trailed off, his eyes wide. "That's why you want me to unlock it so fast, isn't it?"

"Bingo. Once you unlock it, it will start to purify me by destroying the Juubi's taint. By getting rid of the taint itself, I remove the Juubi's influence. What this means is, if someone is after the Bijuu, the true purpose lies in the Juubi. Remember that."

"We got you." Hinata replied, Naruto nodding in agreement.

"This kind of development should be known." Naruto said.

"Not yet. We need to find out if someone, or a group of people after the the Bijuu first. I'd imagine that if Jiraiya of the Sannin knew of them, you could tell him. But I'd suggest you wait. For now, the topic of the Juubi is a need to know basis."

"And if we run into another Jinchuuriki?"

"Be wary of them, but don't attack. If they go crazy, stop them at any cost. If not, at least try to befriend them. There's no telling what's going to happen, but if we run into a Jinchuuriki, I'll let you know."

"Good to know." Naruto said. "Now that we've signed, what do you think we should do?"

"Well, I've been researching a few seals that Kushina came across, and figured out a way for you to increase your Control. Ask your Hokage about a Five-Pronged Seal. If he applies it, it will screw up your Control. As long as you get it back up like that, your control should increase. I also know that Jiraiya and Orochimaru are capable of placing it."

"So, where would it be placed?"

"Over the seal containing me. It has to be placed there, or it won't work. Remember that I won't be able to talk to you telepathically while it is applied. You can still come in here, but I can't force you in here just to talk. You have to come willingly."

"I understand." Naruto replied. "But if this will help my control, then I'll do it."

"Remember, go for Tree walking like that first. Once you have that mastered, by our original terms, then go for Water Walking. Once you do that, it should be a lot higher than before."

"Original terms?" Hinata asked.

"He means being able to walk up and down for an hour, and then sit on a vertical surface for at least 10 minutes." Naruto explained.

"Also, once you're done with Water Walking like that, try walking up a Waterfall."

"That's impossible." Hinata said.

"Wait Hinata." Naruto said, holding out his arm. "Am I to assume that this is like a combination of Water Walking and Tree Climbing, just a lot harder?"

"That it is. Few know of this type of Control training, as few actually need to use it. I only just remembered it earlier today. Right now, the 3 of us are the only ones that know of it, and the Jinchuuriki are the only ones that can benefit from it now. They need all the control they can get."

"But that means..." Hinata trailed off.

"Getting that done will help out immensely with my fucked up control!" Naruto shouted.

"You really have come a long way, kit." The Fox gave an impression of a smile. "Just remember what we talked about before this all started."

"Avoid rage induced fights." Naruto replied. "I know, already."

"We can't be too careful. You know the village still hates me, and by proxy they hate you."

"I thought you were different beings." Hinata said.

"We are different beings, but those idiotic humans can't tell the difference. They don't even care about learning the facts. It sucks, if you ask me."

"Tell me about it." Naruto added.

"Alright. Now that I've gone through everything I need to, how about I tell you both a story from my past?"

Hinata cocked her head, while Naruto grinned. 3 chairs appeared, one on the inside of the gate, and two on the outside. "Come on, Hinata. Take a seat. These tend to be highly interesting."

Hinata did so. The Kyuubi glowed, and looked similar to a male version of Kushina Uzumaki. "You know I tend to like this form Naruto, so don't ask."

"Wasn't planning on it." Naruto replied. "Can't say the same for her though. Hinata, that's a male version of my mother. I've gotten used to it."

"Can't say I blame him." Hinata said.

-the next morning-

Naruto and Hinata woke up in each others arms. They both looked down to find themselves fully clothed. "That's a relief." Naruto said.

"Tell me about it." They got up, ate breakfast, and got ready for the day.

After Breakfast, Naruto made about 50 Shadow Clones, and had 10 of them work on the Waterfall Climbing Exercise. The rest were to work on the Projects relating to the Ghost Glasses, as he dubbed them. The other projects could wait. They left, and went to the Hokage's office.

No one knows why, but Naruto is somewhat accepted in the Tower. Hinata was wondering why that was.

"Not many people realize it, but I've been helping out in the Tower for years now. I've been able to organize things that have been said it was impossible to organize. It's strange how things work out."

"Well, you DO specialize in the impossible. I can't say I'm surprised." Hinata admitted, getting a true smile out of Naruto.

They entered the Hokage's Office. "Naruto? Not that I'm not happy to see you, but what are you doing here?" Sarutobi asked.

"As far as I've gotten on my Chakra control, it still sucks, but I found a way to improve it." Naruto said. "There's only one problem with it, though. I need to use a certain seal over my father's in order for it to work."

"What do you mean?" Sarutobi asked.

"It's the Five-Pronged Seal." Naruto said. "It's supposed to screw up my control. What I'd have to do after that is get it up with it on. And when the seal is released, my control will skyrocket. I might actually be able to perform regular Genjutsu."

Sarutobi was thinking on this. Then he noticed something. "Regular Genjutsu? You mean to say there are other types?"

"The only Genjutsu I know, and can use, happen to be Kitsune Illusions. Unlike Genjutsu, where pain can dispel it, the only way to get rid of a Kitsune Illusion is by overpowering the opponent's Chakra with your own. That's almost impossible to do against me. Another major difference is that a Kitsune Illusion can actually kill someone, if they're not careful. You can still revive them as long as it's still active, but that only allows a small window of opportunity for revival."

Sarutobi nodded. "You wish to learn how to Control your Chakra better, and this is supposed to help?" He nodded. "I see. It's too bad I can't do anything here. Your father would be able to place it, and so would Jiraiya. Orochimaru can also place it, but he's not a good idea. I can't use it, as I'm not good enough with seals. You're actually quite lucky that Jiraiya has to come back today for a report. I'll let him know of the trouble you have and the solution."

Naruto nodded. "Thank you, Jiji."

"No problem." He then noticed that Hinata was there. "Hinata? What are you doing here?"

"I've been here. Anyway, since we both know that Kakashi-sensei is going to be late, we figured we would come here and let you know what we both found out last night." was her answer.

"Jiji, I suggest you activate those privacy seals. You're gonna want them up for the information we managed to get." Naruto added, his face serious. Sarutobi knew that face. Naruto meant business. He activated the seals.

"Alright, what did you manage to find out?" Sarutobi said, his Hokage face on.

Naruto and Hinata went on to explain what they knew of the Juubi, and how it affected the 9 Bijuu. By the end of it all, Sarutobi was still listening intently. "This information is troubling." He then turned to Hinata. "How is that you know of this?"

"I was there when the Kyuubi told him." Hinata replied. "We found a way for me to talk to him in person. I'm not going to bother explaining it, as it is a little embarrassing."

"However, I know for a fact he wasn't lying. There are times he does lie, but I can tell when he does. There is no getting past me with a lie. After a while, he just stopped lying altogether. I even asked him why. He said there was no point, since I'd see through it anyway. I could even sense a bit of anger in him when he mentioned the Juubi."

"I found one other thing when he mentioned it." Hinata added. "It seemed like fear. Of what, I don't know. But if he fears something, then it's obvious the thing is a massive threat if unleashed."

Sarutobi paled at that. "Get to your team meeting. Naruto, let Kakashi know that you will be getting a visitor later on, and he will help by training you. Do not, under any circumstances, reveal any of this to anyone but Jiraiya or myself."

"Hey Old man." Someone came in through the window.

It was a male with Spiky white hair, a metal Headband with the Kanji for Oil on it, wearing wooden Sandals.

"Jiraiya, perfect timing." Sarutobi said.

"So you're the only other one that can enter my house." Naruto said. "Well, this is interesting."

Jiraiya turned to him. "You should get going. I have to talk to him about something that can't be heard by anyone else."

"If it has to do with the Bijuu, then we are both involved." Naruto retorted. Jiraiya got a closer look at him.

"What's your name?"

"Naruto Uzumaki. Once I become a Chuunin, Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze. Heir to the Uzumaki and Namikaze Clans." Naruto told him.

'I seriously hope he doesn't know that I was supposed to be his godfather. If he does, then it's not going to be pretty.' Jiraiya thought.

"I need some training in Chakra Control, and I hear you can help with the method required." Naruto replied.

"Oh? And why should I?"

"You owe it to my father." Naruto inwardly smirked at Jiraiya's reaction. "After all, you were supposed to be my Godfather. You were never there for me in my younger years. This could help you make up for that."

'Shit. He already knows. Oh well.'"Fine, I'll do it. But this is for Minato. Not you. However, I am curious as to why you need my help for this."

"I need someone that can use the Five-Pronged Seal. From my understanding, you are the only loyal Ninja that can both put it on, and take it off." Naruto replied.

"Where did you hear this?"

"The same person that's been helping me so far. Jiji already knows." Naruto said, pointing at Sarutobi.

"He calls you Jiji, huh?" Jiraiya asked.

"At least he's not making a joke, or insulting me. Also, at least he's not a pervert." Sarutobi said.

"You're one to talk, Jiji." Naruto added. "Remember, you've fallen for my Sexy Jutsu several times. I haven't even gone for the more powerful versions." Sarutobi instantly paled at that.

"You wouldn't..."

"I just might." Naruto replied, a devious grin on his face. Sarutobi's face then got a devious grin on his face. "I should let you know that Jiraiya is the writer of the Icha Icha Paradise series, and a self proclaimed Super Pervert."

Jiraiya chuckled. "Finally realizing my talent, Old man?"

"No, just finding a way for payback." Sarutobi's grin didn't fade. "I'm going to close my eyes for this."

Naruto actually saw what he was doing. 'Hinata, I'd suggest you close your eyes, and don't use your Byakugan. You won't like what I'm about to do, and I'm certain of that.'

"Why not?"

"I haven't shown you my Sexy Jutsu for a reason. A lot of girls would think it's demeaning, and that's not something that I want you to think. It may seem like a Perverted Ninjutsu, but in reality, it was made for self defense, and an Anti-Pervert Ninjutsu. This is the second level that I'm going for. The Third level... I'm not going there. Not in here, anyways."

"Got it." Naruto took that moment to make 10 Shadow Clones.

Jiraiya looked at him. 'Shadow Clones? Seriously?'

"Transform!" They all transformed, and Hinata was doing her best not to look. There were 10 girls, all naked, and flirting with Jiraiya. He ended up with a nosebleed, not expecting it. There was a bunch of smoke, and Naruto was left in his usual form. Jiraiya was out of it, with a humongous Nosebleed. "Hinata..."

Hinata removed her hands from her eyes, and showed she did have the Byakugan active. "You seriously got to teach me that."

Naruto and Sarutobi's jaw dropped. "You're serious?"

"There are far too many perverts in the area, and that looks really effective." Hinata replied. "and you even said that was not the best one you've got in the Anti-Pervert Category."

"You mean to tell me, you got him out like that?" Sarutobi asked.

"The reason I didn't go Level 3, is because there would be collateral damage. No way I'm doing that in here." Naruto replied. "Level one is used somewhat frequently against you, and happens to be my Sexy Jutsu. Level 2, I just used, and I call it the Harem Jutsu. It combines Shadow Clones with the Sexy Jutsu. Level 3 is an improved version of the Harem Jutsu. The results are... explosive, to say the least."

"Okay, you really have to teach me that." Hinata said.

"I figure it should wait, though." Naruto replied. Jiraiya then got up, and got rid of his nosebleed.

"Kid, that Jutsu is dangerous." Jiraiya told him. "Remind me never to be a pervert in front of you."

"That, I can live with." Naruto said. "Oh, and if I find that you've been peeking on Hinata, you're getting a double dose of Level 3. That was level 2."

"Noted." Jiraiya said. "Old man, I recently found out about a group out there. I don't have information on members yet, but apparently they seem to be after something of great power. I'm not sure if it's the Bijuu, but if it is, then we better be careful."

"If they're after the Bijuu, then they have a much larger target." Naruto told him, his face serious. "Jiji, I believe you should let him in on it. I'll be at my father's place after I'm done with my team. We should probably get going." Hinata nodded, as did Sarutobi.

Team 7, meaning Sasuke, Naruto, Hinata and Kakashi just got done with a few D-ranks. "Alright, it's time for a bit of training." It was at this point someone came up to them.

Everyone but Kakashi immediately knew who he was, but Kakashi was confused as to why he was here. "Jiraiya? What does a Sannin want with my team?"

"I'm not here for the entire team. Just Naruto. The Hokage has asked me to help him out with a problem he's got. For now, don't bother with team exercises. Instead, get their Control up. Especially Sasuke's. From what I hear, Hinata will also need to get her reserves up, so it should help them both out." Jiraiya said.

"If that's the case, then why don't I help Naruto out?"

"Because right now, I'm the only one that can help him progress." He turned to Hinata. "You already know why." Hinata nodded at that. "In any case, I'll be helping him in individual training. I owe it to you know who." Kakashi nodded.

Sasuke spoke up, though. "We all know of his parents, apparently. I found out from my dead mother, thanks to Naruto himself. That's why I know."

"I know because I've seen the records inside his place. With permission, of course." Hinata added.

"I know you know of them because you were my father's student." Naruto told Kakashi. He then turned to Jiraiya. "You know of them for being my father's Sensei, along with my Godfather."

Kakashi was stunned. "Well, since no one seems to have broken any laws, that kind of information cannot be let you, as you all know."

"And neither can his burden." Sasuke added. "And I believe we all know of that secret as well." Everyone nodded.

"Well then, at least I know we are all in the loop." Jiraiya said. "Naruto, let's go."

"Actually, I believe we should make this a bit of team training as well. You can help regarding Naruto, but I'll be working with Hinata and Sasuke."

"Actually, I've already mastered Water Walking." Hinata said. "I just recently found out about the next step, which Naruto only started this morning at the Waterfall at his place."

"What good will that do?" Kakashi asked.

"I'm curious as well." Jiraiya added.

"Combining Tree Climbing with Water Walking." Naruto said. "A friend of mine came up with it, and should be done after the Water walking is mastered, to an extreme extent, I might add."

"That would be helpful." Jiraiya said. "Maybe we can get a few Jounin to work on that. It could obviously help out in the Chakra Control. Which one are you using?"

"My parent's personal waterfall." Naruto replied. "I've got 10 Shadow Clones working on trying it, and another to make more once they all dispel. Then I've got another 40 or so to work on projects. Certain ones that would seem useful when used properly. They're mainly for helping Sasuke with his little mother problem. We've already got part of it fixed. I'm trying to get it done before he awakens his Sharingan. That way he can learn properly. We know his mother is still around, though she is a ghost. She can't leave the Uchiha Estate, though."

Kakashi was a little surprised, as was Jiraiya, but they both nodded. "I wouldn't put it past Minato to work on stuff like the supernatural. He always was a little unpredictable." Jiraiya said.

"Not even I know of those." Kakashi added. "Just how many has he come up with?"

"Thousands, actually." Naruto said. "I've found more and more every day. Although, I mainly stick to a select few, I know there's more than I can handle at once."

"He truly is a Genius." Hinata added. "I'll admit I don't even understand half of what he came up with."

"Really?" Naruto asked. "I thought you'd understand most, if not all of it. I mean, sure I wasn't that smart, and I have improved a bit, but I can actually understand it all... Okay, aside from maybe 5 of them, but still, I figured you'd get more than I did."

"Damn. He put it in the Phoenixian Language." Jiraiya said. "Naruto can read it easily, while no one else can with such ease. The reason being, Minato knew it without trying to learn any of it. I'm not sure how he got it. After all, he did sign with the toads, not the Phoenix Clan. They would've canceled each other out."

"Care to test that out?" Naruto asked.

"What do you mean?" Jiraiya asked.

"Once I'm done with the Control Training, I'd probably try to sign with the Toads. See if it affects the other 2 contracts I have." Naruto told him.

"Wait, 2 contracts?" Jiraiya asked. "That's impossible."

Naruto went through 6 handsigns. "Summoning Jutsu!" He slammed his hand down, and summoned Kon."Naruto? What's up?"

"Jiraiya thinks that no one can sign 2 contracts. I signed with the Kitsune last night, as did Hinata." Naruto replied. "I'm just making sure that the Phoenix summoning still works."

"Oh, he finally let you both sign, did he? Why am I not surprised." Kon said, before turning to Jiraiya. "You should know something about the Summons. Most summoning clans use the same handsign chain. If the chain itself is different, then you can sign with it, without having to release your current Contract. Phoenix, Dragon, and Kitsune are a few that I could name. We all happen to have an alliance between us. There are others in the alliance, but these 3 are currently only known in Konohagakure. Not only that, but they will allow the descendants to summon them. Naruto and Minato have both summoned from the Phoenix Clan."

"Alright then, time to bring out the next one." Naruto went through 6 handsigns ending off on the sign Kyuubi showed them. "Summoning Jutsu!" A small 2 tailed fox appeared before them.

"Who are you?"

"Naruto Uzumaki. I'm a Jinchuuriki of a Kitsune."

"Lord Kyuubi?" The fox nearly shouted. "We haven't seen him in years! His son is still the boss, and is starting to lose hope with him."

"Naruto, say what I say."

"First, what's your name?" Naruto asked.


"We've got a few questions, Kituno. How bad are things with the Kitsune?"

"They could be a lot better. Ever since Lord Kyuubi disappeared, the Kitsune have lost a lot of morale. Do you know where he is?"

"He was sealed in me. From what I understand, after he was tainted by the Juubi, he was forced to cross between a Yoko and a Kitsune. He's hoping that I can help get rid of that taint." Naruto replied. "Until then, he decided to stick with me."

"Is that so?"

"The people around here are not fond of foxes due to the fact the he was basically forced to attack our village."

"If he was forced... Oh no. He's back." Kituno looked at the Phoenix."You are of the Phoenix Clan. Tell Lady Suzaku, that the scourge of the Bijuu has returned, and Lord Kyuubi is in extreme danger. We also need to let the Clans regarding the Others in the Alliance know."

Kon nodded, before looking at Jiraiya. "Jiraiya of the Sannin. I suggest you let the toads know of the unspoken alliance they have with the Phoenixian Alliance."

"What do you mean?" Jiraiya asked.

"The reason we have an unspoken alliance is due to having one person that can summon from both the Phoenix Clan and the Toad Clan. That man is Minato Namikaze."

"Minato was able to summon from the Phoenix Clan?" Jiraiya asked. "When was this?"

"The Phoenix Clan only needs one to sign from a single family. All of their descendants only need to learn of the chain, and then they can summon them. Minato is one such descendant. That also means that Naruto is a summoner."

Naruto nodded. "This right here is proof of multiple summons working together with a single summoner."

"That it is." Kakashi said. "Alright, we should begin the training we already agreed on."

Naruto nodded. "You guys should let your respective bosses know." Kon and Kituno nodded and dispelled.

Sasuke summoned a small Dragon. It was purple, with golden horns."Spyro here. What's up?"

"Apparently the bane of the Bijuu is back. I'm not sure of the details, but I figure you should let the others know of this, because the Kitsune Clan seems a little desperate." Sasuke told him.

"Oh shit. Screw the chain of command. This goes directly to the top. Sasuke, I'm glad you let us know." Sasuke nodded, and the Dragon left.

"Summoning Jutsu!" A small toad appeared in front of Jiraiya.

"Jiraiya? I thought you'd summon Gama."

"Gamakichi, are you aware of the Phoenix Clan?" Jiraiya asked.

"Vaguely aware. Pops would know more than I do, though. Why?"

"Due to Minato being able to summon both the Toads and Phoenixes, they have an unspoken alliance, or so I'm told." Jiraiya said. "I'm not sure of the credibility of this, but the information comes from a Phoenix themselves."

"Bring in the old man. I don't mean mine, but the Elders. They would know more than I do about this."

Jiraiya nodded. "I'll do that later. For now, just let them know of this, and see if it has any credibility towards it. I can't stress this enough. If this is the case, then it would do us some good to make contact with them."

"Damn. Pops is not gonna like this."The toad, Gamakichi, left in smoke.

Jiraiya looked at them all, but his gaze rested on Naruto. "Kid, you are on a thin line already. I advise you not to make it thinner."

"Don't blame me for what I didn't know much about in the first place." Naruto waved his hand. "Anyway, let's go to another one of the waterfalls. There should be trees, and a river there as well."

"I know just the place." Jiraiya then led them all to a waterfall. "This is where I taught Minato most of the time. Kakashi you work with Sasuke on his control. Naruto, you already know what to do, so I'm going to add in the seal. Also, know that it will dispel any Shadow Clones that are still around. You'll still get their memories like you usually do."

Naruto nodded. "I'll need to see the seal itself." Naruto took off his shirt, while Hinata blushed, but she didn't faint. She was long past that. Naruto showed the seal, and Sasuke was impressed. The tips of Jiraiya's fingers were set ablaze. "Hands up."

"Just put it on." Naruto said, annoyed.

"Five Pronged Seal!" Jiraiya's hand hit his stomach. Hard. "Get to the Tree Climbing Exercise. That's first on the list."

Naruto suddenly got a headache. "Damn. When you said it would dispel my Shadow Clones you weren't kidding." He sat up against a tree. "Give me a minute to sort out my thoughts. Then I'll start." Hinata started working on the Waterfall Climbing exercise, while Sasuke was working on the Tree Climbing.

After 1 minute exact, Naruto got up, pulled out a Kunai, and started running at the tree. He didn't get that far. Only about 5 steps, before he lost grip. "When Kyuubi told me this would fuck up my control, he wasn't kidding." Naruto mused. They went at this until sundown. Naruto managed to get halfway up the tree, Sasuke, not much farther than that. Hinata didn't even go 6 feet up the Waterfall. It was 50 feet at least. She had a ways to go before she was done.

Kakashi and Jiraiya were a little impressed at their progress. "Alright, that's enough for today. Naruto, that seal will stay on you for the time being. You should all stick with D-ranks until you can walk on Water with ease. No sense going any higher with that seal on Naruto."

They all nodded. They decided to call it a day. "Also, I'll be staying in the village for a few weeks. Mainly to oversee your progress." Jiraiya added. "Get some rest. Kakashi, only 2 D-ranks a day, and if Tora comes up, don't bother taking it. That one would take too much time. You all need to keep working on control. Naruto needs it most, and he knows it."

They all walked off to their respective homes.

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